Regulus Loves James - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

James Potter to Regulus at some point: “My star, you are ever burning, ever shining, and ever mine. I love you.”

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10 months ago

Ok but like what if what if…

Broadway actors jegulus

LIKE the slow burn, the stage tension, THE DRAMA

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10 months ago

I need American High School jegulus with letterman jacket shenanigans

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10 months ago

OK choir AU! Jegulus

Regulus having a solo and James just heart eyes while watching


The tension they would have on stage!!!!!

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10 months ago

Wolfstar parents but there child is regulus

Sirius- and when when you have him home by

James- (scared shitless) eleven

Remus- good now stay safe

Sirius - and use protection!!!

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9 months ago

Jegulus with Harry on Sunday mornings and they all get up and watch silly cartoons while eating surgery cereal and there all happy and no one is dead 😍

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9 months ago

STFU Sirius making the bookshelf from James and regulus’s other life IM GONNA DIEEEE “He’s made it in this one for them to have whenever they're ready.” Sirius I love you so so much

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9 months ago

Ok ok I know that James would most likely say I love you first but WHAT IF regulus said it first it would be so like cute and adorable like picture it:

Regulus and James are stargazing and James is pointing out regulus’ star like no problem and Reggie just goes “I’m in love with you” LIKE PLESEEE

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Regulus and Harry first meet

Regulus: *has never had a conversation with a child before* so…

Harry: you’re short

Regulus: no you’re short

Harry: I’m a kid I’m supposed to be short

Regulus: I’m an adult I can be whatever the fuck I want to be

Harry: so you chose to be short

Regulus: I’m fucking your dad

Harry: I don’t know what that means

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1 year ago

i love the ship names sunseeker and starchaser for jegulus because it goes deeper than just quidditch positions.

starchaser implies that james will chase regulus to the ends of the earth when he tries to close off from james, because of course he does. regulus will spend the first year (at least) of the relationship torn between not feeling good enough for the literal sunshine that is james and yet selfishly not being able to let him go. so regulus will bounce back and forth indecisively between what he wants and what he thinks james deserves, while james will always be a step behind him because he won't give up on regulus for anything.

sunseeker indicates the same. regulus doesn't feel that he, the slytherin from a broken home with an even more broken heart, is inherently good enough for james, who, by all accounts, shits rainbows. he is expected to follow voldemort and uphold the family name and be everything sirius can't be because he knows his brother isn't what he was born to be. because sirius, at his core, is the same as james. looser morals, maybe, a craze in his eye when the family madness catches up to him, perhaps, and the same broken heart that regulus carries with him, of course, but sirius is good. the black brothers are made from the same materials, but they were molded, contorted into different shapes. sirius knows he is good and he sleeps next to his wolf with a smile knowing this, knowing he is above their mother and beyond their family and more than he was meant to be. regulus feels too shattered by the world to be enough for james, but can't stop seeking him out because his sunrays are healing and salazar, if he isn't the centre of regulus' world. he is the light in the constant darkness of regulus' life.

regulus doesn't want to let him go, but luckily for him, james won't let him run.

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8 months ago

july 20: response | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 242

Regulus walked out of the coffee shop with not only a coffee, but a handsome bloke's phone number and a small smile quirking his lips up.

The barista— named James— had taken the initiative to write his number on Regulus’ cup and to add a note that read: 

Text me later if you wanna go out.


p.s. My shift ends at 5pm ;)

When Regulus arrived back at his flat, he sat at his desk and merely stared at his coffee cup.

What if the number was fake?

What if James was teasing him?

What if—

Regulus shook his head to shake his ‘what ifs’ into the back of his mind. Without thinking he grabbed his phone, punched in James’ number, and sent the first message:

Hey, it’s Regulus from the coffee shop.

Regulus internally screamed for the whole five minutes where there wasn’t a response, until:

Hey! This is James but you knew that already :D

Regulus typed and re-typed his reply 5 times before he settled on:

So, what did you have in mind?

For what?

You said you wanted to take me out somewhere?

OH. LOL rightttt xD


My shift ends at 5 so I can swing round yours and maybe we can have dinner at this restaurant near my flat?

That sounds great

See ya then gorgeous ;D

Regulus turned off his phone and threw it. 

He had a date to get ready for.

Oh god.

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8 months ago

July 23: attitude | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 178

“Moony, he rejected me again!”

“That’s a shame.”

James spun around in his chair to pout at Remus. “I’m serious, I think I might be single forever!” James sputtered. 

Remus looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow at James. “With that attitude, I agree.” He hummed and returned to his book, absentmindedly continuing the conversation with, “Just keep trying, yeah?”

James sighed, leaning back. “Yeah, okay.” James thought on that for a minute before bursting out, “Wait, you agree I’ll be single forever?”

Remus glared up at James from his book. 

“You’re his friend, Moony, what do you think I should do?” James pleaded, giving Remus puppy dog eyes.

His friend closed his book. “Regulus is quiet and isn’t fond of excess attention so I suggest you stop declaring your love in the Great Hall,” Remus told James with a smirk.

“So, I can still declare my love, I just have to do it quietly?” James asked, waggling his eyebrows at Remus.

Remus rolled his eyes and picked his book back up. “You do you, Prongs.”

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8 months ago

"always never"

word count: 96

“Let me take you out for coffee.”


“We can see a film?”



“Promising, but still no.”

James groaned. This was probably the millionth time Regulus had turned him down. 

“Just let me take you on a date, Reg,” James pleaded. “I’d always be good to you.”

He scanned the face of the younger boy who scoffed, “I’ll never go out with you, Potter.”

“I don’t believe in never,” James said simply, lips curling up. 

“I don’t believe in always,” Regulus countered.

“Well, opposites attract.”

“Never.” He raised an eyebrow.

“Always,” James finished, smirking.

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8 months ago

july 25: bundle | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 227

Regulus groaned and buried his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder at the sound of a blaring alarm going off.

“Jamessss,” Regulus grumbled. “Turn it off.”

James stirred awake at the sound of his daily alarm and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He glanced down, saw Regulus, and scrambled to quickly turn off the alarm on his phone. 


In his mind, James panicked. This was the first time Regulus had stayed over and of course James had forgotten to turn his dumb alarm off. James always woke up early. Clearly Regulus did not.

“I’m sorry, love,” James whispered to him. He stroked the side of Regulus’ face gently.

The other man merely grumbled again and hugged James tighter.

Regulus slept for another hour until James couldn’t stand doing nothing anymore. James shook his shoulder softly, trying to wake up Regulus. 

He stirred and lifted his dreary, sleep-heavy eyes to look up at James. 

James grinned down at him and kissed his forehead softly. “Good morning,” he said as he peppered little tiny kisses on Regulus’ jaw.

Regulus squirmed and mumbled, “S’too early.” He furrowed his eyebrows and tried to shove James but ended up just flopping on top of him. 

James chuckled quietly and poked Regulus’ cheek. “You’re quite the bundle of energy in the mornings, aren’t you, love?”

His boyfriend rolled his eyes. “Quite.”

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7 months ago

July 27: pressure | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 275

“Reg, watching the mailbox through the window isn’t going to make the mail come any faster,” James laughed as he gently pried his boyfriend away from the window overlooking their tiny front lawn.

“Jamie, the letter could arrive any day now,” Regulus protested as James pulled him away, lips turned down.

James led him to the kitchen of their flat. He pulled two mugs from the cupboard as Regulus retrieved two tea bags.

As James had finished boiling the water in the kettle, Regulus burst out, “The mail! James, it’s here!” His boyfriend took off running to their mailbox. “Come on!”

James quickly set the kettle aside and ran after Regulus. When he reached the front door, Regulus was already sprinting back to James clutching a thick envelope. 

“It came!” He exclaimed. Regulus’ face was etched with nervousness as he used his thumb to tear open the envelope. Regulus snatched the letter out and scanned it eagerly. His eyes widened and he looked right up at James. “Baby, I got in!” Regulus cried jumping into James’ arms. “I got into that law program at Oxford!”

James exhaled as soon as the words left his boyfriend’s mouth and he felt an invisible pressure get lifted from his shoulders. James caught him and spun them in a circle. He set Regulus down and grabbed his face. He kissed Regulus and drew away to look in his eyes. “I’m so proud of you, love.” 

Regulus’ face was glowing with happiness as he grinned from ear to ear. “I did it,” he mumbled, tears filling his eyes.

“You did it,” James murmured, stroking a stray tear from Regulus’ cheek. 

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7 months ago

July 29: ignore | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 342


Thanksgiving 1977

“Reg, love, you can’t keep ignoring me,” James pleaded with his boyfriend, who was pointedly looking anywhere but in his direction. He stood on the opposite side of the empty classroom they were in with his arms adamantly crossed. 

Regulus stayed silent, merely raising an eyebrow, giving James the go-ahead to speak. 

“Regulus…” James took a step closer to him, tucking a loose curl behind his ear, “I don’t want you to stay in that house. Please. My parents have already said they’d be more than happy to have you stay at ours. And Sirius wants you to escape before…”

“Before they inevitably force me to take the Mark.” Regulus snapped his head to glare at James as he talked. His eyes swirled with a thousand emotions that James couldn’t really put names to. “I know, James.” 

James pulled him closer to hug him. Regulus turned away from him but didn’t pull away from the embrace. 

“I-I know they’re awful, but James,” Regulus finally turned to look at him, eyes shining with tears, “they’re my parents.” He choked on a sob before continuing, “But, I know I have to leave soon.”

James rubbed his back comfortingly and whispered soft consolations as his boyfriend sobbed into his chest.

Regulus sniffed and shifted his gaze to meet James’ again. This time, James saw nothing but resolve and determination set into his eyes “This Christmas break. I’ll apparate. I’ll do it on the day before Christmas Eve. I promise.”

New Years' Day 1978

James frantically searched the train platform for signs of his boyfriend. 

He hadn’t come on the day before Christmas Eve. 

James had been worried out of his mind. Regulus hadn’t even sent a letter to explain why he didn’t show up. 

Then, James saw a glimpse of Regulus’ black curls. He left behind his bags and sprinted to where Regulus sat on a bench, eyes trained on the ground. 


Regulus lifted his head. The second he saw Regulus’ eyes, he knew.

“I’m so sorry, Jamie,” Regulus whispered.

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7 months ago

august 8: tattoo | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 196

from the august 2023 collection

It was James’ birthday.

Regulus had gotten him a nice cologne and a pair of shoes James had been whining about for months. 

At James’ birthday party with all their friends, Regulus had given James his gift and James had loved it. Back at his flat, James told him thank you and given him a kiss.

But he didn’t know Regulus had another gift for him.

So when Regulus showed up at James’ flat unannounced and wearing his low-rise, baggy jeans that sat on his hips and a tight black crop top, he couldn’t help but smirk when James opened the door and gaped at him.

James pulled him into his flat and promptly shut the door. 

Regulus put his hands on his hips and whispered into James’ ear, “Happy Birthday, Jamie.”

Regulus saw James pupils multiply a million times in size when they stopped to gaze at Regulus’ hips. Where he had a brand new tattoo of deer antlers on each hip bone. The ends of the tattoos snuck under the waistband of Regulus’ jeans.

James dragged his gaze back up to meet Regulus’ eyes.

He held that gaze as he dropped to his knees.

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7 months ago

august 11: home | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 289

“James, I am not letting you ruin our home!”


“Not another word,” Regulus hissed at his husband, “we are not painting the walls of this house red.” 

Regulus glared at James who was  giving him puppy dog eyes and clasping his hands together.

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him.

“James, I don’t understand what you find so… cool about a bright red wall,” Regulus sighed as James came over to him and hugged his waist tightly. He instinctively brought his arms up to hug James’ neck.

James pressed a gentle, lingering kiss to Regulus and mumbled into his mouth, “I never said bright red, love.”

Regulus shook his head softly. “Red is such a…” Regulus looked at his husband’s eyes instead of his mouth and decided to bite back his retort. “Red is a very… bold color,” he said.

Regulus moved to kiss James again but his husband pulled back. 

James instead went to peppering little, tiny kisses all over Regulus’ neck. 

“Just one wall, love.” 


“It can be in my office so people don’t see it.”

Regulus thought about it for a moment while James continued kissing.  He couldn’t see a good enough reason why not.

Regulus pulled James’ head away from his neck and brought it down so their foreheads were touching. He cradled James’ cheek with one of his hands.


James immediately pulled back and did a leap in the air with a shout of “YES!”

Regulus put a hand on his husband’s shoulder and pointed a threatening finger at him.

“But only in your office, mon soleil.” Regulus fixed him with a glare. When James tried to lean in for another kiss, Regulus pulled away. “I mean it, James, just your office.”

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6 months ago

September 11: abroad | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 234

James had been waiting anxiously in the airport for an hour.

Regulus was returning from a work trip abroad to Italy and he’d left James at their flat in London.

The thing was that James couldn’t see Regulus anywhere in the airport. He’d even made a special sign with his boyfriend’s face printed across it.

James missed Regulus SOFUCKINGMUCH. Like honestly, he didn’t think he’s ever missed anyone that much.

Just then, he got a text message from Regulus. In his excitement, he fumbled his password twice before unlocking his phone and reading the message that said:

omfg check behind you, jamie…

James spun around, nearly dropping his special sign, and finally laid eyes on Regulus, who was rolling his eyes and walking over to where James was.

James sprinted to Regulus and attacked with a hug so fierce that had made him drop his bags. He didn’t care. He’d missed him too much to care.

Regulus let out a soft airy laugh and hugged James back. He could feel Regulus’ hands tighten in his hair where he was grabbing at it.

James pulled back just enough to look into Regulus’ eyes. His eyes flicked down to his lips for an instant then back up to gaze into that familiar stormy blue.

“I missed you,” he whispered, cradling Regulus’ cheek gently.

“I missed you more,” Regulus sighed before capturing James’ lips with his own.

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