July 23 - Tumblr Posts

Подмаренник мягкий (лат. Gálium mollúgo) на набережной. Июль 23.
Bedstraw soft (lat. Gálium mollúgo) on the embankment. July 23.

Разнообразие турецких гвоздик (лат. Diánthus barbátus). A variety of Turkish carnations (lat. Diánthus barbátus).

Дикоросы Уральских гор- яркие соцветия моркови дикой (Daucus carota). Ее ароматный нектар привлек золотистую бронзовку (лат. Cetonia aurata).
Wild plants of the Ural Mountains - bright inflorescences of wild carrot (Daucus carota). Her fragrant nectar attracted golden bronze bug (lat. Cetonia aurata).

Зорька обыкновенная, или Лихнис халцедонский (лат. Lychnis chalcedonica).
Народные названия этого ярко красного цветка: боярская спесь, баронская спесь, гвоздика полевая, красота девичья, красавица американская, красный крест, огненный цвет, мыльница (север Кузбасса) и др.
Lychnis chalcedonica.
Popular names for this bright red flower: boyar arrogance, baronial arrogance, field carnation, girlish beauty, American beauty, red cross, fiery color, soap dish (north of Kuzbass), etc.

Вербейник обыкновенный на берегу речного острова.
Любопытна этимология латинского родового названия вербейников — Лизимахия (Lysimachia). Оно дано по имени Лисимаха (род. ок. 360 г. до н.э.) — военачальника и телохранителя Александра Македонского, впоследствии правителя Македонской Фракии. По утверждению Плиния, Лисимах первым нашёл и описал вербейник.
Lysimachia vulgaris on the shore of a river island.
The etymology of the Latin generic name of loosestrife - Lysimachia (Lysimachia) is curious. It is given by the name of Lysimachos (born c. 360 BC), the military commander and bodyguard of Alexander the Great, later the ruler of Macedonian Thrace. According to Pliny, Lysimachus was the first to find and describe loosestrife.

Бабочки Боярышницы пасмурным июльским днем на медоносе Синяк. Hawthorn butterflies on a cloudy July day on the Synyak honey plant.

Пчела в процессе опыления Бодяка обыкновенного (лат. Cirsium vulgare). A bee in the process of pollinating thistle (Lat. Cirsium vulgare).
July 23: attitude | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 178
“Moony, he rejected me again!”
“That’s a shame.”
James spun around in his chair to pout at Remus. “I’m serious, I think I might be single forever!” James sputtered.
Remus looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow at James. “With that attitude, I agree.” He hummed and returned to his book, absentmindedly continuing the conversation with, “Just keep trying, yeah?”
James sighed, leaning back. “Yeah, okay.” James thought on that for a minute before bursting out, “Wait, you agree I’ll be single forever?”
Remus glared up at James from his book.
“You’re his friend, Moony, what do you think I should do?” James pleaded, giving Remus puppy dog eyes.
His friend closed his book. “Regulus is quiet and isn’t fond of excess attention so I suggest you stop declaring your love in the Great Hall,” Remus told James with a smirk.
“So, I can still declare my love, I just have to do it quietly?” James asked, waggling his eyebrows at Remus.
Remus rolled his eyes and picked his book back up. “You do you, Prongs.”