Richard Speight Jr - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Every Christmas Is Speightmas (SPN Family) Every time I hear "12 Days of Christmas", I think about this. I miss them all...... Merry Christmas & happy new year!! ^^

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1 year ago
“Misha remembers his favorite SPN episode from season 35 and shares his thoughts on Gotham Knights. #RenewGothamKnights @dicksp8jr @RobBenedict @mishacollins #SPNfamily”

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1 year ago
Misha Remembers His Favorite SPN Episode From Season 35 And Shares His Thoughts On Gotham Knights.

Misha remembers his favorite SPN episode from season 35 and shares his thoughts on Gotham Knights.

Photo credit: Rob Benedict

the spn podcast episode with rob and rich for lazarus rising dropped!! misha is a guest on this ep!! 💙✨

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Run Through Walls

Run Through Walls

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Requested - anon - I just heard the scripts new album and run through walls made me think of ur blog straight away! I don’t know what I want but can you do something with the spn cast and this song please!!! Thank you if you do!xx

Prompts - Song Prompt - Run Through Walls (Click to listen).

You’d known the Supernatural cast since you were nine, joining the cast in one of the earlier seasons as Dean’s daughter. Jensen was like a father to you both on and off screen, you’d spent plenty of time at his house on breaks and for holidays. He’d taken you to you first convention and supported you through everything, professionally and personally. You were close with Jared too, he’d helped you a lot when it came to your mental health. Getting hate messages from such a young age had definitely affected you but they got you through it and any time things got too much you gave them a call or went to sit with them, everything turned out better.

Misha Collins had gone above and beyond for you. Flying from your home to Vancouver or to another state for a convention always had you feeling overwhelmingly anxious, flying on your own always set you on edge. One convention in San Francisco saw you sat at the airport alone in tears when Misha called you. You remembered him calming you down through the phone and him catching a flight over to you so the pair of you could travel to San Francisco together even though he was originally closer than you were. You’d apologised profusely but he wouldn’t hear anything of it, swearing he was more than happy to help you.

You and Rob hadn’t always got along so well. It’s not that you didn’t like each other it’s just that you’d never really got to know each other. When you decided you wanted to give music a try, Jared and Jensen asked him to speak to you and he was more than happy to. After that the two of you became quick friends. You’d spent countless nights making music together, at cons when neither of you could sleep you would camp out in one of your rooms and play music together or watch some cheesy movie and cuddle up together, eventually falling asleep tangled together.

Richard Speight was somebody who everyone felt automatically comfortable around and you were no exception. The moment you met him you knew he was going to be in your life for a long time. You and Rich hung out so much together both on and off set, if you were at a convention together you wouldn’t be too far from each other. Any time with Rich was guaranteed to be fun, except for maybe when the two of you had to fly anywhere together, two anxious flyers was a recipe for disaster - add Matt into the mix and it was an even bigger mess, thank the Lord for Rob Benedict, how he coped with three anxious flyers was a mystery to you all. Though you and Rich were always joking around, the pair of you could be serious when the moment called for it. You’d called him one night after a fight with your parents and sobbed down the phone to him and he was quick to comfort you, offering you a place at his house for as long as you needed. When a family member of yours had passed away and you were a mess, Richard was one of the first people at your door, offering you a warm hug and kind words.

Matt Cohen was one of the people who you considered your best friend. The pair of you were so close with each other, you’d been a big help when it came to babysitting for him to which he was thankful for. The two of you met up at least four times a month, with your schedules you had to make time for each other, and had friend dates. Sometimes you’d have lunch, go see a movie or concert. Your favourite friend date had been when he had taken you out after a really bad breakup, he took you to a movie you’d really wanted to see, then he found an old school miniature crazy golf course that left you both in stitches and he’d ended the night by taking you to a fancy restaurant, the both of you playing dress up in nice outfits. You loved him for that day, he’d managed to take such a draining morning and turn it into one of the best memories that you’d treasure forever.

Ruth, Kim and Briana were your best girlfriends. You’d always been mature for your age so getting on with people who were older than you had never been a problem and these friends you’d made along the way were some of the best people you’d ever met. Kim definitely took on a mom role with you but you loved it, loved having someone check on you with so much care and wanting you to succeed. Ruth was another person who you tended to cling to on set and at conventions, when ever you were around her you were constantly laughing and smiling. You loved travelling with Ruth, the pair of you had gone to Paris together for an event and seeing the sights and playing tourist with Ruth was so incredible. Briana and you got on so well, it took a while before you both got to act on screen together but when you did it was the best. Thankfully Richard was directing because the two of you kept laughing and just generally having the best time together, though it did mean that getting the right take took much longer but Jared, Jensen and Misha were joining in on the fun too.




You were all sat backstage at Rob’s show that he hosted at conventions, listening to him and Briana sing together as you all danced around backstage, clapping and cheering once they were done.

“Alright, Alright. Next up we have Y/N who is going to sing a song from her new album that come out in 10 days!” Rob introduced with a grin. You felt someone squeeze your shoulder and turned to smile at Matt as he mouthed ‘good luck’ to you.

You’d been nervous for weeks about releasing your own album, only ever featuring on other people’s or doing singles for movies and tv shows. The thought of putting your own music out there had filled you will anxiety but everyone had been so supportive. You’d played the cast most of the songs but purposely hadn’t let them hear the song you’d be singing tonight.

“Ok, hey everyone. So real quick, nobody outside of the recording studio has heard this song yet so I’m super nervous,” here you paused as the crowd cheered loudly in support, “thank you. So this song is really quite personal to me and it’s basically about finding those friends who would do anything for you and you for them. It’s about knowing what’s important in your life and basically an open love letter to those who go above and beyond for you. It’s called ‘Run Through Walls’ and I hope you guys and the people I wrote it for like it.” You finished your speech and let the crowd cheer as you sat on the stool and nodded to the band to begin.

“With no visible superpowers Sitting in the kitchen and talkin' for hours You always show up at the perfect time There's no one born with X-Ray eyes There's no way to know what's on my mind But you always say the words that save my life

I've got friends that will run through walls I've got friends that will fly once called When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls

You may not be superhuman But you've got the strength to carry me through it My shield of steel when I'm too weak to fight Yes, you are And that day my mother died And you held me up and you wiped my eyes It was in that moment when I realised

That I've got friends that will run through walls (Yeah) I've got friends that will fly once called When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls

You're always happy for my happiness And sad for my sadness P me off, you're mad for my madness (Ooh) Ever since we were young, you help me rise from the ashes If I fall from the sky you'd catch me 'Cause friends don't let you do stupid things Oh, friends don't let you do stupid things Oh, friends won't let you do stupid things Alone, alone

I've got friends that will run through walls (Yeah) I've got friends that will fly once called (Yeah) When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls

Yeah, yeah Whoa-oh-oh When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls I've got friends that will run through walls And I've got friends that don't text, they call When I've nowhere left to go and I need you the most I've got friends that will run through walls.”

The roar of the crowd was deafening and you couldn’t help the grin that was plastered on your face or the tears that filled your eyes, too many emotions hitting you at once. An overwhelming surge of happiness filled you as you realised you’d preformed this song that was so close to your heart and people had actually enjoyed it. You let out a gasp as you were pulled against somebody’s chest and managed to look up to see Jensen looking at you with so much pride and a grin of his own.

“That was amazing, kiddo, I’m so proud of you. God, I love you so much.” He told you quietly as the crowd continued to clap for you.

“I’m so glad you liked it, Jens. I love you too.” You smiled as he pressed you closer to him and as you felt him kiss your head.




Hugs were given out from everyone after the show had finished. Everyone was quick to tell you how much they loved you and you told them you loved them too, feeling so much happiness and appreciation for your life and the amazing people in it.

You ended up in Richard’s room that night, cuddled against him, feeling worn out by the long day and the emotions from the last few hours.

“I’m so glad you are all in my life.” You whispered into the dark room, smiling softly as you felt his hand rub up and down your arm soothingly.

“Trust me, bug, we’re so glad you’re in ours and we’d do anything for you.” He told you and though you already knew it, it was nice to hear it from Richard.

“I’d do anything for you guys too.” You replied, cutting yourself off with a yawn. Richard pulled you and the blankets closer to him before quietly telling you to get some rest.

“Love you, Rich.” You mumbled tiredly, eyes already drifting closed.

“I love you too, Y/N/N.”

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6 years ago
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice
If I Am An Angel, Paint Me With Black Wings. - Anne Rice

“If I am an angel, paint me with black wings.” - Anne Rice


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7 months ago

Rob: And now I do get why. The couple things that happened in these episodes that- I get why people think that there’s a thing.

Rich: Why? What?

Rob: You know, people think that there’s a thing between Castiel and Dean.

Rich: Yeah, Dean and Castiel “bromance” or whatever it is.

Rob: Yeah, in these episodes you’re like “Oh, I would put that in my fan cut.”

Rich: Like what?

Rob: Just (voice gets really high) little things here and there. Is this the one where they put him in the-

Rich: Lock him in the room, lock him in the room.

Rob: Yeah, and he’s like (Dean voice) “Why you looking at me like that, Cas? When someone look at me like that they want to hump me” or whatever and then winks at him.

Rich: Really?

Rob: Yeah. You see that?

Rich: I probably kind of saw it.  

-Supernatural Then and Now podcast.

Point of No Return with Michael Lawshe (S5EP18)

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4 years ago

Cuddle Boy - Richard x Reader

Summary: You walk into your trailer to see Richard lying on your bed


Your POV I walk into my trailer after doing a scene. "(N/N)?" I hear Richard. I dump my things on the floor as I walk into where he is. “Why are you on my bed?”

“I missed you. And your cuddles.” I chuckle, walking towards him as I take my shoes and my character clothes off. “So many damn layers.” My arms go up and down to try and get the jacket off. I place my sock-covered foot on it, pushing it off and it landing on the ground at the end of the bed.

Richard is on his back with his arms extended out, his hands making a grabbing motion. I grab a chocolate bar off the bench top to throw it at him. It lands on his face.

“You’re welcome.” I waddle on my knees on the mattress. Richard throws the chocolate to the side to turn my body onto my back. He rests his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my middle.

“Get your fat ass off me.” I groan. I try to shove his body away, but that was a no go because of his fat ass. I give up.

My arms rest over his shoulders, my hands on his back. “Not that Gabriel eats too much candy, but so do you.” His body shakes from laughing. “It’s your fault that you get me candy.”

“Because you annoy the fuck out of me.” I whack the back of his head. I rest my hand of where I whacked. “You love me.” He mumbles. “Apparently.” He groans. “You want cuddles, so you’re getting them. Be grateful.” He nods in response.

“Cuddle boy.”

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7 months ago

Hey, guess what? This Tumblr exclusive #KingsOfCon clip is just for you. Why? Because you happen to be at the right place, at the right time, with the right attitude and we’re going to treat you right, just like Jensen and Jared would want. Don’t forget to RSVP to the Kings of Con finale event here:

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7 months ago

Bloopers from Kings of Con !

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7 months ago

Kings of Con is a show

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6 months ago
Rob Benedict Askhaleesi. (With A Little Richard Thrown In For Fun.)Friday Night Karaoke, SeaCon 2016.Bellevue,
Rob Benedict Askhaleesi. (With A Little Richard Thrown In For Fun.)Friday Night Karaoke, SeaCon 2016.Bellevue,
Rob Benedict Askhaleesi. (With A Little Richard Thrown In For Fun.)Friday Night Karaoke, SeaCon 2016.Bellevue,

Rob Benedict as khaleesi. (With a little Richard thrown in for fun.) Friday Night Karaoke, SeaCon 2016. Bellevue, Washington.

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6 months ago

Richard Speight Jr and Rob Benedict are such a couple I actually can;t



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6 months ago

Funny/adorable SPN con moments #2

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9 years ago


Pairing: Gabriel x reader

Word Count: 1,235

Summary: The Apocalypse is approaching and Gabriel visits you. 

Warnings: Spoilers for season five, feels.

A/N: I’d planned on writing something cute, not this. Anyway, enjoy!


You’d known Gabriel for a long time. You’d met him while you were on a crazy hunt -caused by him, of course- which turned out to be the maddest hunt you’d ever been on. He’d transported you to a world much like the one depicted in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and had shown up, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, a couple of days and countless agonising deaths later. At first, you hadn’t liked him. And you’d liked him even less when, as his parting words, he’d chosen to reference Alice in Wonderland again and wink, saying ‘Eat me’ in a tone of voice heavily laden with innuendo.

No, you hadn’t liked him then. But you’d stumbled across him -or, rather, he’d found you- numerous times after that. And slowly, bit by bit, you got to know him better. You got to see behind his confident, flirty exterior and you started liking him more.

It had been a long time since you had last seen him and, with rumours about the oncoming Apocalypse passing from one hunter’s mouth to the other’s, you always had to remain on your toes; ever vigilant and watchful as you tried to distinguish truth from lie.

It came as a surprise to you when, one day, Gabriel just showed up at the door of your motel room. You had no ongoing case, nothing that could justify his sudden appearance. And yet there he was, flirty smile on his face as he swallowed the last of his candy bar.

“Hello, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ve missed me so terribly much. I definitely have missed you,” he said cheerfully, smiling a grin that brought you back to the first smile he had ever given you; that broad, wonderful grin that seemed more devious and teasing than a genuine smile. Only, this time, he embraced you briefly, showing you exactly how much he actually had missed you.

He then proceeded to push past you and make his way to the bed, where he sat down and continued eating his sweets. For a while, you just stared at each other, your gaze meeting his brown one questioningly.

“What are you doing here?” you said eventually, breaking the perpetual silence of the room. While you were glad to have him there, as you actually had missed him and you liked him a bit too much, his appearance was sudden.

“I’m here to see you. And I brought food,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows, as if that explained everything. You raised your own eyebrows incredulously.

“Don’t you have chaos to create somewhere else?” You asked him. “Or have the recent goings-on affected you as well?” You added, kind of jokingly, because you were quite certain that a trickster like Gabe wouldn’t really heed the far-fetched rumours about the Apocalypse.

But his face fell at the mention of that, and he cast his eyes downward. For a moment, he looked broken, torn apart, scared, and then he was okay again, smiling and looking up as if nothing had happened.

“Well, everybody who knows about what’s going on should be concerned. The destruction of the world as we know it could be imminent,” Gabriel said gravely, but his eyes never lost their cheerful glint. “So, you know what we can do to make sure we’re prepared?” he said in a secretive, conspiratorial, tone of voice.

“What?” you asked.

He dropped you a wink. “Sex and food. Lots and lots of sex and eating food to make up for every second in our life that we haven’t been doing one or the other,” he said simply and his tone of voice was so serious that you felt like the laugh you choked out was out of place.

“Gabe. You can’t be telling me that what everyone’s been saying is true. I’m sure it’s just a false alarm,” you said with a shrug.

Gabriel’s serious look returned again then, and he frowned, staring at the long-forgotten and only half-eaten chocolate bar in his hand.

“It’s true,” he said with a sigh.

“How… how do you know?” you asked, somehow believing him. You sat down on the bed next to him and nervously tapped a rhythm with your fingers on your leg.

His hand reached over to cover yours and stop the nervous drumming. At that, you lifted your gaze to meet his, and any doubt you might have had about this whole situation vanished at the pained, fearful look that was still in his eyes.

Everything went downhill from there. Despair fought with fear and chaos tangled with misery to create the perfect cacophony of discord.

“Y/n… I’m not just a trickster. The name Gabriel isn’t just a name. I’m the Gabriel; the archangel Gabriel. And I know that this is really happening; I know that almost all the required seals to start the Apocalypse are broken. There is no escaping this,” he said, his voice pained as his grip on your hand tightened and the desperation in his eyes intensified.

“I don’t know if I’m going to live to see another day. None of us can know. Lucifer could rise tomorrow,” he said, a note of fear in his voice as he spoke.

“Nobody ever knows what life will bring,” you whispered back, unable to do much else other than stare into his eyes. You felt helpless now that you knew that the world was gradually falling apart. Helpless, and drowning; drowning in the world and in his eyes that looked like chocolate and caramel and Gabe.

He leaned forward to brush a tear you hadn’t even realised was falling off your cheek with his thumb, and he didn’t pull away. He was close enough that you could feel his breath -that smelt pleasantly of chocolate and caramel- against your cheeks and lips.

“It’ll be okay,” you muttered under your breath, trying to reassure both yourself and Gabriel with your words. He gave a solemn nod in response. “We can only wait and see,” he replied, and it was your turn to nod.

“Gabriel…” You said helplessly after a while of silence, uttering his name just because you liked the feel of his name rolling off your tongue.

“Y/n,” he was quick to reply, and that was enough to give you the required courage to close the distance between your lips.

The kiss didn’t go as an expected first kiss would. No sparks flew around you; no butterflies fluttered in your stomach and nothing about it was tender and sweet -apart from, perhaps, the lingering taste of sugar and chocolate of his mouth.

It was frantic and anxious and was punctuated by breathy moans and desperate tugging at clothes. It was the kind of kiss that doesn’t satisfy you but only leaves you wanting more and more and oh so much more.

“I love you,” you heard yourself mutter at some point, because now was no time to worry about it being too soon, it was the time to worry about having been too late to say or do something.

Gabriel tugged on your shirt urgently and whispered ‘me too’.

The urgency never left, not even when you lay side by side under the sheets in the bed the following morning, or when you said goodbye three days later.

You never saw him again. That day, a part of you broke. And you somehow knew you’d never get it back.

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3 years ago

I've fallen into both the Pedro Pascal and Supernatural holes, and it looks I'm not gonna find my way out any time soon....well been in the Pedro hole for two years now and the Supernatural one for three... may need help, will keep posted

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8 months ago

It's been brilliant marathoning Supernatural. That wasn't even physically possible when I first put the show on my 'to Watch' list and made the decision to avoid spoilers. I can currently access seasons 1-14 on ITVX, and all of it on Amazon Prime Video, which is something I take for granted far too easily. I still have actual stressy dreams about scrabbling around trying to collect and preserve shows on VHS, back when things aired once (if at all in the UK) then vanished.

I can say this for sure - watching this show air in real time would have driven me absolutely potty. Week to week, never mind season to season. Which may explain some of the fandom's wilder antics!

So, I'm a little way into season 13 now. The first few eps are emotionally brutal, with Dean basically falling apart at having lost so much during a single battle that he begs God - Chuck - for respite, praying, and turns inward when Chuck (to nobody's surprise) does nothing. I think I could've watched a whole season of Dean in that state of mind, with Sam trying to juggle that strain on their relationship, his own unsupported grief, and his nervous attempt to mentor Jack. But Dean's perked up because Castiel is back, by the efficent and simple ploy of having Cas irritate the boss of the celestial afterlife so much that it threw him back in disgust so it could get some sleep. Love it. (Is that the thingy that finally gets him in the end?)

I usually focus on characters, relationships, and performances as a viewer - that's my passion, after all. But some eps of Supernatural go above and beyond on the production side, especially the direction. Amanda Tapping brought her deep understanding of the sci-fantasy genre to her s12 ep (her first as director?) and Richard Speight Jr has done elegant wonders with some tricky material. The eps directed by Jensen Ackles highlight those particular passions of mine, characterisation-rich and full of heart. Speight's 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) was so elaborately scripted that it could've been a hot mess in the wrong hands, but his direction delivered it pinpoint sharp and unsparing. I don't often smile at the direction alone, or even consciously notice it until I ponder the ep after the fact, but he practically had me punching the air while I watched. Impressive!

Next up is 13x07. Getting towards the sharp end!

ETA: Belated honourable mention for going with an ENTIRE SEASON of Dick gags that one time.

It's Been Brilliant Marathoning Supernatural. That Wasn't Even Physically Possible When I First Put The

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5 months ago
It's Pretty Darn Special When Even The Directors Are Participating In DBDA Twitter Posts That Ask Questions

It's pretty darn special when even the directors are participating in DBDA twitter posts that ask questions like, what is your favorite moment from this episode?

For those who don't know, Richard Speight, Jr. directed The Case of the Very Long Stairway. You might recognize him from Supernatural. He's also given interviews about this episode and what it was like from the perspective of a director, and what a truly special experience it was to work on the set of Dead Boy Detectives.

He's a fan of this show. And he wants it to be saved, too.

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5 years ago

Me: Not today Satan.

Lucifer: Aw c’mon! You’ve been cancelling our plans for weeks now! Was it something I said? Could ya just tell me?

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