Roxy Lalonde - Tumblr Posts
This straight up looks like some of my old childhood friends. I really like tjis drawing, and how awkwardly they smile at the camera 413/10

cute lil high school roxy n jane

I'll be uploading my drawings again soon x)
Yes, as someone with natural curly hair I wholeheartedly agree. A lot. Thanks for making this.

people with curly hair is this anything

Parody of silketine's Garfield comic (on Twitter)
Inspired by comic Roxy and John's @arachnidjest

Roxy x Callie be upon ye

For @rosemarymonths : Guardians

I don't feel good, drawing helps sometimes.
(non scanned drawing under the cut)
oh, I drew this during school presentations and on a new sketchbook (cauz I consume lots of paper). Very sorry for the bad pic quality.

[Edit: New Pic]

My gosh... this is the *first* time making a comic... had more than *three* pages!! I'm so excited to share it with you!
As for now, I'll go eep!

It's a little different from what I usually post but here's a lil bit of Roxy Lalonde art I made :)

Here is my sequel to the Lalondes can not for the life of them drive.
I kinda half assed this one but I’m telling my self it makes it funnier

Throwing these all in a post >=P

when someone comes into your art request stream, and requests 'any Homestuck character'...
you best believe we're drawing her.

PART 2/3 OF THE SKETCH8OOK, currently m8king little commisions on tt which is "IrradiatedPathogen" or
these are all the ones NOT including ocs

DID A CLOSET COSPLAY, realized i owned a bunch of clothes that roxy would ;;;;3

Thank you so much for the support on this series, I read all your comments and ya’ll honestly make my day ;_;
The photographer for the ComicCon image is William Tung but unfortunately I couldn’t identify the cosplayers. If anyone knows where to credit them then please reach out!
No cap tho
homestuck characters using social media
(All of them have discord obviously so just assume that that’s stated)
John- has Facebook. That’s it. Will post a picture of a dog that Jade sent him once in a while. Has 7 friends.
Jade- has Pinterest and Tumblr. Uses them all for cute animals and aesthetic pictures. Has 18 tumblr followers but 10 of them are bots.
Dave- has Instagram, Snapchat, and Tiktok. Will only post “ironic” pictures where he pretends to be a fuckboy. 10k Instagram followers, 153 Snapchat friends, and 287k tiktok followers.
Rose- has tumblr but she hasn’t used it since 2014, when she had an MCR fanblog with 4,010 followers.
Karkat- has a YouTube channel where he reacts to things and makes fun of them. Has just under a million subscribers.
Terezi- doesn’t use social media
Gamzee- has reddit. He’s such a reddit guy oh my god. Makes posts on r/cringe and r/dankmemes. Has one post on r/cringe with 6k upvotes and 8 awards. The post is a selfie of himself that Terezi and Karkat posted to spite him. It didn’t work.
Kanaya- has Facebook because she’s the mom friend. Posts selfies of her and Rose, sometimes with Vriska photobombing them. Has 89 friends.
Vriska- has Reddit and Instagram. She doesn’t use Reddit that much, but she’s on Instagram literally all the time. Makes rants about everyone with bizzare photos in the background. Has 860 followers.
Tavros- has a minecraft letsplay YouTube channel with 43 subscribers.
Sollux- also has a minecraft letsplay YouTube channel where he collabs with Tavros. Has 27 subscribers.
Aradia- has a Tumblr where she posts about funerals she’s snuck into uninvited. Has 14k followers.
Nepeta- has a Wattpad and a Tiktok account. She writes Catperson!reader x crush fanfictions, and makes catgirl tiktoks. Her tiktok has 3 million followers.
Equius- has a tiktok just to follow Nepeta.
Eridan- he would have reddit and youtube, he has insanely large Reddit Kid vibes. Posts on r/dankmemes and r/minecraft.
Feferi- has Instagram where she looks at pictures of cool fish. 2 followers but they’re both bots.
Jake- has Instagram. Posts RIDICULOUSLY awkward selfies but still has like 6 million followers.
Jane- has Facebook but doesn’t post. 3 friends.
Dirk- Reddit and Pornhub. Both for joke reasons. He doesn’t post on Reddit but he makes comments on pornhub videos about stuff not even pertaining to the video.
Roxy- Wattpad and Tumblr. She writes Harry Potter fanfiction and looks for Harry Potter fanart. 4 tumblr followers.
i know it's been a while, fans of POSTAL: the Other Side of Paradise do not think I've forgotten about it. I'm just in college right now with a barely functional phone [she can draw at least🥰 keeping files is a different story...] Rest assured, you can expect an update sometime before 2025, Christmas break. After that I'm unsure, but I'm not calling quits. Unfortunately just busy and in need of a new phone.
In other news, while I may struggle with TOSOP, I can take a few commissions as I believe my follower count is small enough for me to handle for buying groceries and funding into a new phone. I don't want to seem demanding or guilt-triplike, but truly every cent of commissions would be greatly appreciated and I deliever in no longer than two weeks. You are guaranteed a partial or full refund past two weeks from me depending on the situation, trust.

****i do take Zelle as well, my updated photo with it on there got corrupted though. but do please DM me for my information. I'm not sure if Tumblr has bots that target commissioners like Insta and Twitter do 😅