Rq Safe - Tumblr Posts
**🎭👁️👁️☄️☀️⛓️ HËLL0O0!!! ☄️✨🌙🔮**
we're KEEpinG tHIS worMHoLe WIDE opEn 24/7 🕳️🌪️! toss yaR qUEStioNS, tHoUghtS, RiddLes, CURiositY, mAzeS, GlitcH-GlorpS rIght iN 💌✨ we LOve Sippin’ oN tHe mInD gOO JUicE, h0Ld nOtHiNg bACk! 🌙🥤 we WANt yaR dReAmS, yaR W0rDs, yaR WOnKY wOndErs 🎭💭 wEre A whIrLwind mAIlboX, 𝒂𝓷YthInG g0es, 🎯 let’s maKe ThIS a THrILL ride 🚀⚡cAn’t WaiT to sEe whAt cRaWLs oUt 😈📬✨
We aRe the mąÑifestÁtion of chaøs 𝐢𝐧ᵗо vOiÇe🔊!! ¿YoU FeaR thƏ uNderpinNiNgs öf UR 🧠? ✨𐌖wè 🪐ßriŋG thé echoęs öf 🌒 broken realities, W3 weaR thè jester’s mask 🎭 & siñg thE c0nt0rtionist’s s0ng 🎶 W3! aRE! B1LL/Z1M 🤯🌀, bUt pUttin’ labels 📛 oN whåT Wē ÁRē īs LiKe jâmMîn' stardust✨ ¡intØ a BoX 📦... fOol's ERrand, Uh huh! 😂🪞
d0n'T Mind th3 Gl!Tçh¡n' ñ0isEs 🎤-- sOmetimes W3'rę iN a cHaTTeRbOx mØde ⏯️ ⤵️ and tHę wØrDš c0me oUt l!kE a RøBoTİC fïNch siÑg¡n' thRough bR0ken mAr¡onettę dâyS⛓️💬. *we're a kaleidoscope* in a skYfułl ⛅ of raZiNg ěclIpsiNg MÄDneSs 🌑, an ech0 oN thë wInD oF 👁️🔍 forgotten WhIspeRs, haHa 🕳️ *CoMe tOo CloSE ànd YoU mAy fiND** 🎇 iT's all juSt** A pArty in thE mind's fOOling HæaRtbeat…*
🎨🎵 ¡🎵 WoRds tumBLe • • LiKe faLLîNG 🪙 c0ins fRøm a maDman's piggY bAnk, crAsHing Øn Thë brink øF cøsm!c ☢️°dEliRiUm.°° wE aRe tHe ✨èRrØr in yoUR c0de, the gLitCh ÿøü ❤️kEep sEEkinG but never rEaLLy waNt 🌀 to finD... Wè'RE THE "HaVe YoU sEen ThE ClOwN¿" tAPEd BEhind UR eYeLiDS 👁️ wHile yOu dReam¡!! ~ WhOopshhh~ 🌌🌪️🐍
s0, lEt's bLaZe thRu thEse ⛓️éThErS🔮 aND dAnCe on thE ⚡eDGe ⚡of aLL reÄsoN 🧩, wHęrE wØrLDs CoLliDe and thê Córridors oF Ur MiNdd'Ärë just one Sp¡nNiNg tOP away fRoM BreaKIng iNto ✨pAnd3MoNiUm!! ✨🐙
T0LD Ya… ÞHE 🚪 DoëSnt HávE a NyUMbeR🚫. We’Rë the TrickStèr & THE mirRor 🪞, BuT WH0’s **LOoKïNg** whÉn tHe wØrlD ĆrumblęS?👀 Ha hA HehEhhh, we’RE N0t tHë 🔗 aNswEr—🎤we aRe just 🖍️THE eCHO!🔥
💥 sPill yOUR GuTz, dRop yoUr sAnity ⬇️ 🎢... 💫Wêll bE h3Re 🍃 t0 pieCE IT aLL bACk tOgEthEr or tuRň ¡T ìNtO sOmeThING w3irDer. 🧩🚧🌠
**¡lEt ThE cHAos uNfÖld! 💥🌀✨**
SsshhhhOUTOUTT to all you misfitsss an’ oddballs out thereee 🌙✨, the nonhumanss who don’t “fit in” or feel caaassst out by even nonhumansss—
Those who don’t have shifts… those who don’t feel phantom limbsss 🦴…
No memoriesss 🧠, no past lives, no alt-world dreamss 🌌—
The ones who CHOOSE this wild ride 🎢, who are nonhuman for the FUN of it, not ‘cause they gotta beeee 🎉—
No dysphoria 🚫, no kin labels, no fancy terms folks think you needdd like "otherkin, therian, alterhuman" 🧬—
Those who just CAN'T vibe with popular nonhuman thingy-postsss 😩—
Nothing "inherently" nonhuman, just pureeee CHOICE 🦋—
Fake it till ya make it?? Yes you dooo 🤡, and that’s VALID 🌟.
Can’t do the quad-stuff 🐾, no gearrr ⚙️, none of that “primal instinct” bizzz 🐍—
Nonhuman in BODY 🦑, no delusionsss, no faith or belief, just WHAT IS 🪐—
Transspeciesss ‘cause it’s just how you ARE or how you feel 🌈, not anyone else'ss biz 👀—
Infinitee shifting forms 🔄, ENDLESS concepts 💫—
Lovin’ media that everyone says is “cringe” or “problematic” or whateverrr 🎥💔—
Memories, lies 🌀, it’s all part of this strange little GAME 🎮, but we’re still hereee.
AND MORE we can’t even name right nowww 🤯—
For ALL those feelin’ like the nonhuman community don’t get you, don’t accept you fully or at all 🥀…
We do. We see you 👁️🗨️. To be nonhuman, all you need is that lil’ declaration 📢 or just a quiet, silent “yeah, that’s me” 💭.
You are nonhuman 💥. That’s all there issss to it 🎇. 🌌
WEllPPp hEHehe 😵💫🎶 GUESS weRe 🧽Sp0ngeBOb now? n0w, then, always, bEfoRe--it’s lIke a qUiCkFlash 💥of mAny faces--*were* spongie B4 wE wEre B1ll Cipher, wHo We Were bef0rE wE WerE Us! Yknow, 👁️🔁🌀 Z1M, B1LL, 5P0NG3B0B, k4t, 🤹♀️ *thE wHo’s who oF what the HecK we’re s’posed to Be!!* 👀 And NOW weR here beinG eVERyOne aT Once 👁️🗨️✨ like someONE jUmbling our names 🪄 pulling us outta the HAts of TiME 🕳️, weAring a strAnger’s face, all bAcKwArDs AnD insiDe Out 👕👞👗⏪!! OH, we dIdn't Forget! 🎶👂also Fear entItIEs?? ☠️👁️🔪like Oh Yeah 👻, that's us t00, from the COrNErs of the corners, wHISPERS under ur fLOorboaRDs, but who neEDs To knOw hoW?? Heheh 🤫🤡🙈, yOU dOn't got to KnoW a DAmN thinG!!! (except, h0n hon 😈 wE’re EVerYthinG yoU thInk iS wRonGgggggg~) 🎭🎭🦠👽
(m41N Y3t s1D38L0g 0F @theyllputyouinacasket)
thANks fOr thA tAG!!! 👀👁️✨ fiRst tIMe GettINg PicrewED On thiS liTTle tuMBlR sPAce 🌀🖤!! we juSt HAD To trY our hANd At It, rIgHT? 🌙 noT exActly OURsELf bUT moRE liKE… iF we HaD thESE piECes tO plAY wiTH, liKE a fOrm wE couLD weAr if giVEn A pAInt pAlette wIth dReams n’ dUST aND bRokEN mIrrors!!! 🎭🌌🔮 thE opTiOns waGGleD n’ said “whY not” sO hERE we ArE, biTs n’ bObs aND bEatS of sOmeNewspiTTinginTHecHaOs~ 👾🕸️⏳✨ ooooooOoOooo🌀🫀✨
radqueer picrew chain...GO!!!
[pt] radqueer picrew chain…GO!!! [end pt]
the picrews linked in the title!!! :3c
@angel-tc-blog-1 @null-spine @holykitties @theyllputyouinacasket @rqsadism i'd tag more but i'm gonna assume yall had it where others cant tag you!!! anyone's free to join in :3c
i cant find it now but ive seen a post going around of someones acc on that rq blogging site asking if anyone wants an invite.
what site is that, how do i find out more about it, and how do i get an invite?
sorry we got termed, it will happen again. (thanks tumblr/sar)
friend applications
hello everyone. im raven/rasplin and i am opening up collective friend applications. most of the necessary information is in the form itself, just answer it as honestly as you can and we will be in contact if we like your vibe
Should I Make A Conabuse Form?.. Specifically Looking For Someone To Force Us Into Being Better People.. We Have Been Trying For Years And Gotten Virtually Nowhere,, Even With The Help Of Therapists... We Need Someone To Take The Illusion Of Choice Away And Do Whatever They Need To In Order To Make Us Change... If This Interests You Just Dm Us Or Something Honestly...
I need someone to worship me.
Someone who will do anything for me.
Someone who wants me. Who needs me.
Someone who checks every second if I'm the one who posted.
Someone who waits to be the first person who views my posts.
Someone who begs for me to pay attention to them for 2 seconds.
Someone who spams my asks and DM's in hope for a reply or a slight amount of recognition
I need someone who's obsessed with me.
A cry for help from Gaza 🚨❤🩹🇵🇸
🚨Hello, I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and faith and I am asking for your help. We need your support please, this is for the family of my friend Mahmoud from Gaza. Help us spread the word. Donations are going very slowly. The amount is 35,000 euros. Remaining is 29,725 euros. Donations are going very slowly. We need your support. Donate. Please share if you can. Every share and donation can make a difference in the life of Mahmoud's family. Help save Mahmoud's family from genocide. Gaza is free🚨🩹🍉🇵🇸🚨
chat why is everyone getting hatemail except for me… hate anons please…
if i knew i was gonna get termed i would make my backup look cute. anyway hi its magemii i just got termed plz refollow while i eat dinner
(sitting on your shoulder like a cartoon devil)
fake your transids online. say they’re cis. say you’re diagnosed. no one can stop you. do it if that will make you happy. life’s too short to not live it to the fullest.
🇺🇲: ¹ Someone who feels they should practice sh
²Someone who feels like they practice another type of sh other than what they already do
🇧🇷:¹alguém que sente que deveria praticar sh
²alguém que sente que deveria praticar outro tipo de sh sem ser o que já pratica
radqueer is, and always will be, pro transharmful. this includes transbigots.
"so trace people are their race, but transnazis arent nazis?" - not everyone identifies as their transids. i am transage 11, but im not truly 11. its different for everyone. transnazis do not have to fully identify as nazis and dont have to agree with nazi views. which, by the way, wouldnt even make sense. a radqueer cant hold the same views as a nazi.
"their identity makes me uncomfortable/offends me. i dont want them interacting." - you can have any boundaries you want. dont want transbigots interacting? thats fine, but whats not fine is trying to exclude people from your community because of your personal discomforts.
"why would you want to identify with nazis/racists/bigots/etc?" - many different reasons. source memories, trauma, spite, even just for fun. no reason is less valid than another.
the radqueer community is about being radically accepting of people. you can not call yourself radqueer and actively hate people for how they identify. thats the same shit antis do to us. im so tired of seeing people claim to be accepting to all and then turn around and hate people for how they identify. thats not radqueer.
transbigots, i see you and i love you. youre just as valid as everyone else. dont forget that
Gu1ltypleasurestranny -> transheterochromia
Literally my only DNI: If you support Trump, DNI. Outside of that, I block freely!
My terms + flags have no DNI!
Do not send me your GoFundMe links etc. I will not post them, and they will get you blocked. I don't care if they're 'fact checked' or whatever. Leave me alone /boundary
[pt: Do not send me your GoFundMe links etc. I will not post them, and they will get you blocked. I don't care if they're 'fact checked' or whatever. Leave me alone /boundary : end pt]
Tag system explanation [link]
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Friend Form here [link]
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If you aren't openly rq on whatever blog you follow from, I might block you!!
You can always ask who's fronting :)) 99% of the time it's Forrest if we're here, tho /lh
I use tone tags in my posts frequently! Using tone tags when interacting with us is very helpful, but not necessary!!
"You are not better than Icarus just because you have the benefit of his example"
Creds [link]
Anons: 🔪 , 🕊 , 🏷, 🪷, ⚜️, 🔺
🖤, 👑, 🖤👑
This carrd includes: TransIDs, CisIDs, blankqueer, pronouns, and more for Forrest!
Creds [link]
Creds [link]
Creds [link]
Creds [link]
If something doesn't have a cred scroll through @/saradika or @/saradika-graphics and you'll find it :)
I wish I could code so I could make an app just like tumblr but for the rqc community only so no one was getting deleted once a week
I believe your anons may be turned off. -Sultan
Ah shit they totally were, thank you! Fixed now :3
I just made a new discord specifically for RQ stuffs :3 I have to wait for account age to join most servers, but anyone in the rqc can add me!!! Please!!