Sdv Shane - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

8 months ago

Can I be honest? I love the stardew valley community but it pisses me off when literally everyone in it claims the only reason you could ever want to date someone struggling with an addiction is because you want to 'fix them'

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1 year ago

This love hate relationship I have with Shane is driving me insane.

First I hated him and never wanted to even have one single heart with him. But then I forced myself to get some hearts because I wanted blue chickens. Playing through his heart events made me like him so much more, he's actually such a great character. I only wanted to have him at max 5 hearts, but now I have him at 8.

As much as his personality and story makes me adore him, I could never give him a bouquet. Why does he still looks like a homeless man even after dropping his job and all. The Joja Jacket with the holes and this three day beard he has going on are such an ick for me personally.

Why didn't they give him new sprites after all of what he went through. he deserves more justice than looking like that. I get it's a lot of work to draw every new sprite anew, but c'mon. Mods don't count since switch players are basically forced to play the vanilla game (why Nintendo why). Justice for the silly chicken man.

Thank you for reading, have a Shane as thanks.

This Love Hate Relationship I Have With Shane Is Driving Me Insane.

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7 months ago

My Introduction to Tumblr

My Introduction To Tumblr

Hi everyone!! So I've been posting over on ao3 for a few months now, but figure I should branch out a little - this is my first time using Tumblr, and I'm still working everything out, so go easy on me!

I'm Elouise, and I write fan fiction in my free time. My main project at the moment is a Shane x Female OC Stardew Valley fic, but I have a new multi fandom fic in the works that I'm super excited to share!

I'll do a proper intro/a little profile with more about myself if I get a following on here, but for now, just wanted to say hi and that I'll start posting things over from my ao3 soon while I get used to a new site. And of course, I will be posting on my ao3 still, so if anyone sees this and is interested, please feel free to check it out :)

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6 months ago

i wanna draw chonky shane

So i did a fanart challenge thingy and drew shane, and i've decided that i'm gonna draw him more pudgy than what i usually do

i've been trying to be more diverse with the bodies that i draw, (since up until recently, it's been skinny twinks and beefed up guys (absolutely nothin wrong with that ofc, i just wanna get better with different body types, and different characters in general)), and i feel like shane would be a good starting point

like the guy lives off of beer, pizza, and pepper poppers, he's probably gonna have a dad bod lol

and ig this is also a way for me to come to terms with the fact that i'm not skinny, and probably will always be a lil chonky. by drawing people with bodies more like mine, it kinda helps me to hate myself less, if that makes sense.

thank you for coming to my ted talk

you will be rewarded with chonky shane

I Wanna Draw Chonky Shane

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6 months ago

Shane cannot cook

I have a headcanon that Shane cannot cook to save his life. Even with microwaved stuff, it's a gamble to whether it turns out edible.

Buut when he starts dating the new farmer, he realizes that Leon (new farmer) can't cook for shit either. Neither of them can make scrambled eggs without burning them. And Leon had actually burned down the kitchen in his old apartment.

Sooo Shane starts trying to learn how to cook. He's not great, but he can now make omelets that are somewhat edible. Most days he doesn't wake up before Leon, but when he does, he tries to make a nice omelet. Sometimes if he's feeling adventurous, he'll make pancakes.

Leon still cannot cook, but he tries to return Shane's efforts with constant peppers from the farm. Like a lot of peppers. When summer rolls around, there's gonna be a mountain of 'em for Shane.

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6 months ago

shane x farmer headcanon

TW: Alcoholism, EDs and body dysmorphia, and mentions of being suicidal.

Here's some headcanon stuff before i get to the depressing shit

Leon is 5'5", and Shane is 5'6" (funnily enough, leon was made to be short because i wanted him to be slightly shorter than shane, and i've always headcanoned shane as 5'6")

Neither one can cook. Leon has literally burnt down his kitchen before.

Leon is 27, and Shane is 34

Leon is horrible with kids, but Shane is surprisingly good with them (it's cause he tries to be a good uncle to jas)

Leon doesn't understand a thing about gridball, but it's fine cause shane loves to ramble and explain it.

Shane is transmasc, and uses he/they pronouns.

Leon uses he/him pronouns.

Shane wears exclusively crocs, even at work. It drives leon insane (he despises crocs).

Leon and Shane are both slobs, and it drives Leon's bodyguard Phillip (who also lives with them) fucking nuts. (phil is a part of their relationship, but i want to focus on leon and shane's dynamic here. i'll eventually make a post about a phil x shane dynamic)

Leon is somehow still a certified accountant (even after getting fired from his last job for accused fraud. he was set up tho), and handles the finances for the farm, and deals with tax stuff. He often rambles about accountant stuff to Shane, who doesn't understand a lick of it.

Leon is allergic to cats, but they still keep a cat around the farm.

Leon's full name is Leonard Valentine Locke. DO NOT call him Leonard, he despises his full name.

Shane X Farmer Headcanon

^ This is leon :3

Shane X Farmer Headcanon

^ this is his sdv sprite i made :3 (pixel art is a pain in the ass in procreate btw T_T)

ok sad shit below this, read at your own risk.

So shane has always been a big influence on my oc, Leon (it was mostly subconscious, I didn't realize Leon was so similar to Shane until a couple of months ago)

They're both suicidally depressed and alcoholics, and both struggle with their sense of self-worth.

I believe that Shane drinks because he lost two close friends who meant a lot to him (Jas' parents), and didn't know how to deal with the grief. He'd already had a bit of an issue with alcohol before, but nothing like it would become.

Leon drinks because he had a shit childhood and a shit life. He hates himself, and struggles with major depression. He's on antidepressants, and meds for bipolar 2, which react poorly with the alcohol, worsening his symptoms, and making him heavily suicidal. He always had a problem with alcohol, but it became significantly worse when he shot and killed his father. While it was self-defense, his now boss, Zalu Merriweather, used it against him to get Leon to work for them. That sent Leon into a downward spiral, and he ended up nearly dying multiple times.

He ended up in Stardew Valley with his bodyguard, Phillip, because of some lore thing idk. what happens in stardew valley isn't canon to my story, so i haven't put too much though as to why Leon ends up there lmao

But Leon finds shane, and they are two drunk peas in a pod. They get along well, (perhaps too well), and are both worsening the other's alcoholism, since Shane now has a drinking buddy, and leon thinks shane's hot af, but leon prefers to be drunk when he sleeps with someone.

Then shane's six-heart event rolls around, and leon doesn't want to shane to end up like him. Shane decides he's going to get his shit together.

Leon doesn't get sober yet, tho. He's still drinking and struggling, but with Shane now being sober, he doesn't want to be a bad influence.

Eventually, shane and phil are able to help leon give up alcohol.

Leon gives it up entirely, but Shane is able to have a few beers every now and then.

Leon gains weight after quitting alcohol, and it really fucks with him. He had an ED when he was younger, and has bad body dysmorphia. Seeing his body become "ugly" by his standards almost makes Leon relapse, but he works through it.

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6 months ago

I have a cross stitch portrait of Shane sitting on my desk, so I'm constantly looking at my husband :3

I Have A Cross Stitch Portrait Of Shane Sitting On My Desk, So I'm Constantly Looking At My Husband :3

I love my depressed chicken man sm

I Have A Cross Stitch Portrait Of Shane Sitting On My Desk, So I'm Constantly Looking At My Husband :3

Also heres the shitty lil pattern I made in case anyone wants it :)

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6 months ago

oh no another ideaaa

oh dear i think i've come up with another idea:

a weird crossover between hotel dusk and stardew valley

how would hyde end up in stardew valley? idk maybe he finds a letter from his grandpa or somethin kinda like in sdv

maybe he gets sick of workin for red crown, and decides "fuck it, i'm gonna be a farmer now."

Probably takes place sometime in the mid-80's, putting him in his late-30's to early-40's.

could also take place in 1981, since Cape West apartments have closed down and he needs a place to go, he finds the letter, and then decides to go, since he's got some closure with different aspects of his life, and probably wants to try somethin new.

maybe he offers to take mila with him, since she'd probably have finished college by that time (if mid-80s)

i think she'd go, idk

i think hyde would end up with either harvey, shane, or elliott.

With harvey, i think he'd get annoyed with him telling hyde to take better care of himself, and to be careful in the mines

with shane, i think he'd dislike shane at first, since he's kind of an asshole (but hyde's a bit of an asshole too, so it's kinda like a bit of a feud between them). But he eventually comes around, and they find that they some stuff in common idk

with elliott, he'd probably get real annoyed with the flowery speech and what he perceives as a pompous demeanor. But idk maybe he realizes that elliott isn't as annoying as martin summer, and isn't a cowardly fraud like summer. hyde probably has a bias against writers because of that lol.

also i'd bet hyde would really like joja cola, since i'm pretty sure he says that he's addicted to cool pop in last window.

i really wanna make a new game and play as hyde lol, but i also wanna wait til 1.6 is released on console (c'mon concernedape, it's been six months exactly, how much longer do we have to wait T_T).

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2 years ago

I like the read the marriage/general dialouge of the stardew valley bachelors and Bachelorettes, INCLUDING the mod bachelor/ettes which also has the dialouge for them on the fandom wiki page. (Like ridgeside for example) However, for east scarp, some character's wiki pages are not updated (I'm generally talking about the mod 'Always Raining in the Valley') and I rlly want to read those (*ahem* Sterling's) dialouges so I can giggle and kick my feet 😔😔

(Some ridgeside characters wiki also need to be updated😪)


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6 months ago

Alrighty here we go.

Farmer Maya

Age: 32

Birthday: Fall 26

Height: 5’4

Race/Ethnicity: Black/Mexican

Likes: (specifically blue) Fairy roses, Lucky Lunch, Wine, Opals, and Ducks being her favorite animal.

Dislikes: Most other alcohols, those dang bats (not the fruit bats they’re cool), Insects, Mushrooms, and escargot.

Favorite thing to do: Cooking

Greatly dislikes working during the summer (way too hot)

Pets: Marshmallow (her precious little princess) and Butterscotch the best horse there is.

Lover: Harvey the absolute sweetheart.

Friends: Maru, Sam, Shane, and Elliott.


Freeloader Maria: Maya’s identical twin sister who decided to tag along when she found out her precious little sis (by a few minutes) was gonna take over their grandfather’s farm. Maya made her promise that she has to do some work if she’s gonna follow her there. (At most she does chores around the house before eventually getting her own cabin so the love birds can be alone.)

Harvey: Maya introduced herself to him first out of everyone in town since the clinic was the closest, he was shy when talking to her which made her determined to want to become his friend. Over time they bonded more especially with her bringing him gifts twice a week. Maria teases them every chance she gets.

Maru: Maru was also one of the first to meet Maya, I mean it’s not like Maya would just rudely walk past her to talk to Harvey so of course Maru became friends with her as well. She was happy to see someone become friends with the doctor. (outside of having drinks at the saloon)

Sam: Honestly, Maya has no idea how this happened. What happened was Sam made a request on the board by Pierre’s for a purple mushroom, and when Maya delivered it he noticed she was covered in various bruises and monster parts. He thought she was so cool after that and they would talk every time they passed each other, telling stories of what she encountered in the mines.

Shane: When Maya first met him she was put off by his sour attitude(thankfully Maria doesn’t know), she then proceeded to not engage with him(besides some deliveries)until Marnie explained that he’s much nicer when you get to know him. The next time she met him he was reluctantly hanging out with Harvey and Elliott. Harvey and Elliott invited her to the table and after a few drinks Shane opened up his shell just a bit. They became closer after the incident by the cliff.

Elliott: Maya met Elliott by the docks when trying out her new fishing rod, she could overhear him repeating a poem out loud and complimented him on it. In all honesty Maya thought she may have been dreaming or encountered a mythical creature when she saw him for the first time, ever since she mentioned Mystery novels being her favorite they’ve continued to bond from there.

Additional Info:

Yes, the entire town (besides Lewis and Robin) was confused when being introduced to the twins since they introduced themselves at different times. Anyone who was smart enough realized quickly that Maya wasn’t just suddenly changing outfits and voice just to introduce herself twice.

Maya and Maria bicker a lot from time to time due to their clashing personalities.

Maya was never taught how to swim and despite her fears she goes fishing which makes Willy proud.

Dream job was to be a veterinarian, but due to her allergies to dogs she had to find something else out (She felt it wouldn’t be fair to exclude dogs)

Is a sucker for the vintage aesthetic and loves geeking about vintage stuff (Which she bonds over with Harvey and Elliott)

Maya is terrified of bugs, it makes her skin crawl just looking at them so floors 10-30 was hell for her. Thankfully Maria was willing to join her(she’s not a good fighter though…)

Both twins could see the junimos but only Maya believes they’re real. They both saw them as kids but as they got older just assumed it was their imagination until seeing them again. Maria still can’t believe Maya actually went and drank a mysterious liquid from the wizard.(only Maya can understand them.)

And here’s a picture of Maria

Alrighty Here We Go.

I think I have exhausted my brain of stuff I wanted to tell. I may have a few more things if anyone asks questions idk.

I Finally Made It

I finally made it…

I will inform dump later because I am tired lol

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10 months ago

I've been craving a Stardew Valley show or short film, and this is who I would cast for each of the characters!

Please concernedape I need some sort of show regarding these babies I love them so much.

Wizard: Matt Berry (Laszlo Cravensworth, WWDITS)

Gus: Marco Barricelli (Massimo, Luca)

Lewis: William Dafoe (That weird guy that's in everything)

Willy: Tom Waits (Musician and entertainer)

Pierre: John Corbett (Chris Stevens, Northern Exposure)

Harvey: John Mulaney (My skrimblo)

Elliot: Christian Bale (Howl, Howl's Moving Castle english dub)

Gunther: Les Claypool (Lead bassist and vocals of Primus)

Linus: Ian Mckellen (Gandalf, LotR)

Abigail: Olivia Olsen (Marceline, Adventure Time)

Vincent: Collin Dean (Gregory, Over the Garden Wall)

Jas: Kyla Kowalewski (Anais, Amazing World of Gumball)

Jodi: Carolyn Lawrence (Sandy Cheeks, Jimmy Neutron)

Alex: Keanu Reeves (Theodore Logan, Bill and Ted)

Sam: Alex Winter (Bill S. Preston, Bill and Ted)

Sebastian: Aaron Dismuke (Tamaki Amajiki, BNHA, english dub)

Shane: Pedro Pascal (He just plays tired single caretakers so well)

Maru: Heidi Hynden Walch (Princess Bubblegum, Adventure Time)

Emily: Sarah-Nichole Robles (Luz, The Owl House)

Leah: Vico Ortiz (Jim, OFMD)

Marnie: Dolly Parton :]

Penny: Theresa Gallagher (Nichole, Amazing World of Gumball)

Morris: Bo Burnham (Capitalist goblin go brrr lmao)

Haley: Rachel McAdams (Regina George, Mean Girls original)

Robin: Kimberly Brooks (Jasper, Steven Universe)

Caroline: Deedee Magno (Pearl, Steven Universe)

Evelyn: Jennifer Saunders (Ms. Spink, Coraline)

George: Dan Castellanetta (Abe/Grampa Simpson)

Kent: Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn, LotR)

Mr. Qi: Keith David (Cat from Coraline, Husk from Hazbin Hotel)

Sandy: Wendie Malick (Edalyn, the Owl House)

Leo: Kwesi Boakye (Darwin, Amazing world of Gumball)

Krobus: Alex Hirsch (Only suitable voice for him)

Let me know if you would like more stuff like this later on! Enjoy folks :D

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