She Deserves The World - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

man do you think like? fig has sleeping issues like. maybe a hypersleep disorder or insomnia because like. to spend her whole life trancing, only needing four hours of rest to be raring to go, to suddenly need eight hours. and trancing is way different than sleeping. i wonder if she has like? really bad nightmares for a while. the dreams might not even be scary; it’s just scary that she’s seeing things for the first time. and her sleep schedule is probably a wreck. and maybe she tries so, so hard to trance, to take back that elvish part of her at the beginning, that she spends days at a time wide-awake because she isn’t resting at all and the dark circles set in and fig is a damn good liar but even those she can’t hide. 

and i think there’s a lot of vulnerability to sleeping that fig just can’t let herself accept and. just riz and fig bonding over their sleeping schedules and fig only ever really learning to sleep around the bad kids, the people she truly trusts and feels safe with and fig being a really co-dependent sleeper because her sleep issues and abandonment issues took one look at each other and had the most beautiful insecure baby that jawbone has ever seen. fig learning about a pact of tome feature that doesn’t allow sleep, and despite her hexblade pact begs for a songbook instead of a killer bass-themed axe, because she can’t. she can’t sleep. she just can’t.

fig on tour ironically being the most rested she’s ever been since her horns came in, because her dad is there, and gorgug is there, and gorgug is so nice that he won’t question why she clambers into his already cramped bed on the bus, trying to find room that isn’t there. he doesn’t even get mad when he wakes up all sweaty and gross because she’s a living hellfire. he just smiles sleepily at her and asks if she slept well. and she does, god, does she sleep well. 

fig smoking so much because the nicotine helps her stay awake, helps her keep going when she’s reached the 48-hour stretch and can barely keep her eyes open. 

just. i’m having lots of thoughts about fig and sleeping. maybe because my own sleep schedule is a mess lmfao.

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7 months ago

Virginia can’t die yet.

Facebook minion memes haven’t been made yet

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6 years ago


no but seriously please do it she makes some really adorable shit and she's the best, show her some love <3

Are YOU A Dumbass Bitch Who Needs Some Energy?

Are YOU a dumbass bitch who needs some energy?

well hoo diddly skiddly do i have some good news for you

You can get this design and a couple others on my redbubble!

I would appreciate any reblogs, as I am just starting to sell my stuff! Either way, have a good day!

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9 months ago

Why do some Milevens think that Byler fans hate Eleven??

Like no, she’s my baby <3

Why Do Some Milevens Think That Byler Fans Hate Eleven??

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10 months ago



Propaganda should be used to bring your side up, not the other side down! Please be respectful! The moms are watching 💚

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11 months ago

Everyone is over here talking about Zip, Oliver, Alice, and the teachers or just the fandom in general, BUT I'M OVER HERE THINKING ABOUT HOW CUTE THIS LITTLE INNOCENT BABY GIRL IS!!! <3

Everyone Is Over Here Talking About Zip, Oliver, Alice, And The Teachers Or Just The Fandom In General,

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1 year ago

I’m never gonna shut up about this episode am I? I’m also never gonna stop defending Janine since people clearly don’t like the fact that she’s choosing herself right now. It may be frustrating as a viewer and a shipper because there’s nothing holding them back but there is. She’s holding herself back because she’s doubtful of herself that she’s grown or that she’s ready for a serious relationship and she’s right she’s not. She may have dated Maurice for a bit but she literally dated one man for most of her life and wasn’t happy or received love and affection.

Look at this confession to me it says a lot:

It says “I love you so much that I can’t bear to hurt you and I can’t lose what we have because it’s the most important thing to me. It’s you it’s always been you but because I’m scared and unsure of myself I don’t know if I can do this. If this becomes real I don’t know how I would act, how to be a girlfriend how to respond to affection that I haven’t received. I think I’m a screw up so I might ruin this. There’s so much I need to experience as an adult that I haven’t yet and I want to do that with you as my friend first because I’m not ready for you yet. I want to be ready for you though I want to be your girlfriend I just don’t know how. If I lose this incredible man in front of me it might just break me so please give me time to date myself before you.”

Im Never Gonna Shut Up About This Episode Am I? Im Also Never Gonna Stop Defending Janine Since People
Im Never Gonna Shut Up About This Episode Am I? Im Also Never Gonna Stop Defending Janine Since People
Im Never Gonna Shut Up About This Episode Am I? Im Also Never Gonna Stop Defending Janine Since People
Im Never Gonna Shut Up About This Episode Am I? Im Also Never Gonna Stop Defending Janine Since People
Im Never Gonna Shut Up About This Episode Am I? Im Also Never Gonna Stop Defending Janine Since People

Long paragraph but I’ve had all day to sit on this. I know it’s frustrating you guys but that’s the beauty of a slow burn and this one hasn’t even sizzled yet. I just had to defend and interpret the scene because I love her and I loved this scene

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6 months ago



Included but not limited to:

- Catarina rescuing Ephraim from his mother

- the Adventures of Catarina raising Ephraim


- Catarina & Tessa friendship !! Catarina helping Tessa through grief as Catarina has dealt with so much loss (and losing her own child like Tessa)

- Catarina & Diana !!

- Catarina having her own Marie Antoinette moment (like she healed Freddie Mercury or smth hehe)

- A Catarina & Tessa & Magnus & Ragnor vacay

- Catarina and Kit meeting !!

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11 months ago
Here's Something I Drew A While Ago!!

Here's something I drew a while ago!!

(i forgot i had a Tumblr lol)

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5 months ago

God, that line from Riza makes me so sad. My poor pookies 😭

God Theyre So Bonded Forever And Ever And Ever

god theyre so bonded forever and ever and ever

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