Skz Scenario - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

"Settle Here; Let Me Love You" - [B.C.]

Pairing : Bang Chan / Chris Bang x Reader

Warnings : Overall Fluff, Small mention of Chris' tendency to look down on himself

Word Count: 850>

"Settle Here; Let Me Love You" - [B.C.]
"Settle Here; Let Me Love You" - [B.C.]
"Settle Here; Let Me Love You" - [B.C.]

Looking at Chris was like peering at the hardcover case of a book you'd just bought off a dusty, cracked thrift shop shelf.

The feeling of running your hands over the soft skin of his shoulders and biceps was akin to trailing your fingertips down the spine of the book. It was new to you - had once been someone else's. It was soft and offered a sense of warmth and familiarity but held texture that proved it had been someone else's before sitting on that shelf; Bumps and soft crevices of scars that held experience from whatever may have caused them - be it small accidents or marks he'd had from birth. The gentle ridges of the title printed along the spine were the beauty marks painting Chris' skin; The small print of the Author's name was that of his mother.

Meeting his eyes was the same as opening the cover for the first time; Flipping through the first few title pages that were a soft and small insight on what the story would be about - maybe mentioning who the book was written for; Why it was written in the first place. His eyes held a sincerity that likened that of the first page of the first chapter - and both made you feel the exact same way. It was a breath of fresh air, something of a new start, and looking Chris in the eye - though you had been together for some time now - always managed to bring the butterflies back into your ribcage.

Every turn of the page was a day spent with him. Every sip of coffee was a word on a page; Every word spoken between the two of you was soft dialogue that brought two characters closer together.

His smile was the climax of the story.

The wide, gummy brightness that showed all of his teeth and made his cheeks dimple in deep - His eyes crinkling, shoulders pushing up towards his ears and head tipping one way as a feeling of bashfulness pushed into his chest. The feeling it created in your own was the same as the excitement and joy of sliding your hand over the last page of the book; Reading the final sentence and slowly pulling it to a close, flipping the book back over to peer at the cover one more time before it was set on your shelf to be adored in passing.

And this book wasn't perfect. You knew that; He knew that. With the nicks and scars, dents of being tossed around and told harsh words; The subtle but apparent fraying and tearing of the edges of the cover. It stuck out on the polished wood of the shelf it now sat upon, lingering with the others.

You'd given him a chance.

Took a look at him. No judging by the cover, just flipping through the pages and reading the back to raise a brow in interest - and taken the plunge into falling in love with him and his story.

And though you could read this story over and over - falling more in love every time you spoke even just a few words in exchange with him - you would always continue to learn something new.

"... What?" Chris murmurs, having taken notice that your eyes had been lingering on him for a while now off to the side.

You blink once, twice - then offer your boyfriend a soft smile that he knew all too well. You'd been lost in thought again, peering at him while spacing out and talking to yourself in your head.

"Nothing," You hum in reply, reaching to take his hand and rub your thumb along the ridges of his knuckles. "You're just beautiful."

Chris' cheeks dimple under the sweetness of his smile, his lips pressed together and the corners turning downward in a habit he'd picked up from Changbin. He giggles, looking back down at his phone in favor of trying to hide the red tint that brushes over his cheeks.

You let the brief conversation end there. No more words need to be said, feelings laid out with just a few short sentences between the two of you.

As you peer a bit longer at your boyfriend, the adoration in your chest begins to settle - the excitement of just being so close to him dulling from a rolling boil to a subtle simmer.

Perhaps you'll look back on this again in the future - continue to make the connection after a sequel is written and the two of you are experiencing the journey of the story together - hand in hand, facing the world together under the sunlight of the blue sky instead of being alone under the white lights of a studio.

But for now you'll continue to read the story that is Chris Bang, over and over until your eyes lull with sleep and your hands fight to turn the page. And continue to love it as much as you did the first time you read it through.

Tags :
7 months ago

Hand Placement - [OT8]

quick summary : where the skz members like to lay their hands on your body during different scenarios.

warnings : suggestive content (18+, MDNI), sexual themes, casual (? ish, ig.) groping

notes : the order of the scenarios goes: casual -> intimate -> sensual so the pictures for each member will be placed in that order for visual reference!

if you like my content and want to see more, be sure to follow & reblog!

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ bangchan

casual - he can't help it, if he's honest. he knows that actions speak louder than words, and when you're stubborn enough to deny the beauty he tells you he sees through his eyes - well, he hopes that the touch of his hand lingering over your jaw will guide you to see yourself the way he does.

intimate - always holding your hand, chan can't deny that he feels a protective nature over you. he can't let you get lost - can't fight the panic he finds filling his chest when his fingers aren't laced with yours. so do him a favor and just hold on tight, yeah?

sensual - having the need to constantly be using his hands, chan likes to knead that plush of your thighs any chance he gets - and the feeling of the warmth under his fingertips is all the more alluring when you're sitting above him rocking your hips down against his hardening cock.

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ lee know

casual - never one to hurt you, his grip is always gentle when he grabs hold of your wrist. it's a subtle but sure way to make sure you drop the bratty, teasing nature that riles him up all too quickly - and it's a surefire way to get jisung giggling off to the side at your antics.

intimate - he isn't sure when his love for resting his hand on your lower back appeared, but minho adores getting to hold onto you in such a soft way. it's - again - subtle, but his gesture and guide is firm as he brings you to walk in front of him or lures you away from the counter so he can step forward and pay.

sensual - call him sappy - maybe even a bit romantic - but minho needs to feel your hand in his when he's making love to you. both so he knows you're present and with him in that moment, but also to keep you grounded when he's kissing your cervix with the tip of his cock. <3

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ changbin

casual - bin loves the feeling of having you in his arms. he can't resist the urge to hug onto you most times - use to being the clingier one in the group and loving that you'll accept his affection with no questions asked.

intimate - and since we're on the topic, who doesn't want a hug with bin's big strong arms wrapped around them? better yet, who doesn't want a strong hug from behind while also getting to play with his fingers and rings? he'll chat away with the others, swaying carefully back and forth with you huddled nice and close, twisting his rings and pulling at his bracelets.

sensual - having a thing for - what do we call it, grabbing? we've seen him do it with seungmin multiple times and you'd be wrong if you think he won't do it to you as well. at first it's gentle caresses along the nape of your neck to guide you into a kiss - but once he's comfortable enough and knows what you like, he'll grab you by the throat, dragging you to him to steal a kiss before guiding you to your knees so you can take his awaiting cock in your pretty little mouth.

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ hyunjin

casual - thinking it's more funny than anything, hyunjin developed a habit of pressing a hand over your mouth when you got snappy towards other members, namely being minho. because he knew for a fact that you would also get the airfryer-tissue treatment as soon as minho got out of his seat.

intimate - call him romantic, call him a sucker. hyunjin can't get enough of the warmth your body offers him, hands sliding under your shirt when you kiss him so he can squeeze at the softness of your sides and maybe, if he's feeling frisky, trail his fingertips up a bit higher.

sensual - call him a whore. if you're alone together, or you're in the group and everyone's been drinking a bit so he's what we'll call 'loose' in this situation - he's resting a hand right over your center. whether you're wearing pants, shorts, a dress, or nothing at all - he's always got his hand loitering there. maybe even rubbing small circles with his fingertips.

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ han

casual - jisung is... a sweetheart when it comes to your body. his favorite thing to do no matter where you are, how many people are around, what time of day it is - is play with your hair. he loves the feeling of running his fingers through it and getting to twist it into fun hairstyles. he'll do his best not to rat it up, though.

intimate - his hand being in your back pocket is something he could put on his hobby - because that's a full-time job for him. you're standing beside him? hand in your pocket. you're sitting in his lap? hand under your ass in your pocket. you're standing in front of him in line? whoop - hand in your pocket. maybe squeezing here and there, too.

sensual - did you see this one coming? han jisung is an ass man and i will stand by my word. any time you're alone he's always, always, always touching the tooshie. he'll slide his hands over the soft skin and dig his fingertips in as much as he can while you're in his lap, his lips attached to your throat to muffle his groans. he gets more pleasure out of it than you do, i'd assume.~

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ felix

casual - ever the sweetheart and gentleman, felix does his best to keep his hands to himself with you in public. but if you're more comfortable and don't mind him holding onto you or being affectionate, he'll often times find himself holding onto your hands or bringing you closer so that you can hold onto his arm.

intimate - it's common this appears at awards shows - felix enjoys showing you off. his hand is consistently resting on your hip, gentle but firm in nature and not necessarily guiding you but moreso just resting there so that people get the hint. you're taken, and he's proud to be your boyfriend. (all days of the week, but when you look this gorgeous? he's bound to adore you just a tad bit more, pride swelling in his veins.)

sensual - felix's hands commonly rest on your sides during moments together. partially because it gives you stability - and partially because he needs to hold onto you while he stares up at your bouncing form above him, his lips parted and eyes fogged like glass with adoration.

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ seungmin

casual - seungmin's almost always touching you more than he is the others. he'll nudge you with his hip to get you out of his way (playfully, of course) or give you a shove when you're being bratty - even though he's the exact same way. nuisances, i swear. <3

intimate - it's subtle, and soft. but seungmin has a love for linking his pinky with yours, letting his thumb rub over the back of your hand while you sit beside each other. there's no looks or words exchanged - just brief, sweet, quiet moments filled with a dull hum of love.

sensual - contrary to everything i just said, he's a grabber. grabbing your thighs, your hands, your sides - your hair. he has a love for holding your hair back for you while you swallow around his cock, or pulling on it to make you look back at him when he drills into you from behind so hard it almost hurts.

Hand Placement - [OT8]

₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ jeongin

casual - there's little to no casual contact with jeongin, simply because skinship isn't his thing. he'll hold your hand or arms here or there in passing, but it isn't often he'll be affectionate with you in public.

intimate - when he is feeling softer, feeling safer when he's alone with you and out of the teasing eyes of his hyungs - jeongin likes to cup your face in his hands. he mentally huffs out a laugh at the way his palms seem to envelope your cheeks completely, but on the outside he's just gazing at you, smitten and soft and falling apart just by the simplest touch.

sensual - his hands tend to wander. they'll caress over every curve of your body when you're splayed on the sheets for him, so willing and wanting and ready for what he has to offer - but they travel along your back most often. you think he just has a want to feel the way your back arches away from his touch, chasing the warmth of his body and writhing with pleasure all because of him.

Tags :
6 months ago

OT8 as 'First Encounters' | OT8 SKZ

Notes : The SKZ members as romance trope-type first encounters. It's hard to explain, but read and you'll see what I mean. (I'm actually super excited to write this.)

These are going to be short because they're just your first encounters - nothing more. But if you're interested in a part two for someone, let me know!

Warnings : None, just fluff. :) (Mildly suggestive content in Hyunjin's.) Genre : Fluff Pairing : SKZ OT8 (Individually) x Reader

OT8 As 'First Encounters' | OT8 SKZ
OT8 As 'First Encounters' | OT8 SKZ
OT8 As 'First Encounters' | OT8 SKZ
OT8 As 'First Encounters' | OT8 SKZ
OT8 As 'First Encounters' | OT8 SKZ

Bangchan - Meeting in a cafe

You'd been there just to get your morning coffee when you'd crossed paths with a man you hadn't seen there before. Usually you were within ten minutes of each other when it came to popping in for your early morning drink but you'd never actually seen each other or knew the other existed. This morning however, you physically bumped into him when slipping past as your drink was called. He apologized, looking up from his phone to spare you a soft smile. His eyes trailed after you as you grabbed your drink, brushing by once more to leave the coffee shop. A simple meeting but memorable, for him at least.

Lee Know - Bumping into each other in class

Chemistry was, as of right now, the greatest of your burdens. But after accidentally bumping bags with a cute older boy you'd never really noticed before (and exchanging quick and shy glances to each other in silent apology), class didn't seem so awful every Thursday.

Not when you got to ogle him from your seat behind and kitty-corner to his own. Even though the view was three quarters the side of his head, he was still oh-so-pretty. (And oh-so-gay.)

Changbin - Meeting each other on the subway

Work was awful and the commute never softened the blow. Taking the subway was shit, as per usual, but there were some days - like today - where it wasn't as awful.

Standing in an all too-crammed car in a pair of heels and a tight pencil skirt you just had to wear for your stupid office job, a man sitting adjacent to you along the bench had taken notice of your stumbling sway and uncomfortable expression at the men beside and behind you. So he stood, offering you his seat in return, and with a thankful nod and smile, you take the offer up gratefully.

And ogle his arm when he lifts it to hold onto the handle where he now stands.

Hyunjin - Approaching each other at the bar

Never really one to go out of his way to talk to others because of his naturally shy nature, especially when it came to beautiful women, Hyunjin wasn't sure what it was that made him so drawn to you - and so boldly, at that.

You'd accepted his charming advances and the way he leaned on the bar, drink in hand and eyes glossy with already consumed alcohol. You'd listened to him go on about how he'd seen you from across the bar and thought you to be oh-so-beautiful, exquisite in his words, and how he just had to come over to introduce himself and shoot his shot. You'd let him sweet talk his way into your head - and your bed later that night.

Han - Meeting in the pharmacy

A man visiting to pick up his anxiety medication for the first time and a woman working her first shift on the job, the two of you seemed to get along because of your socially awkward demeanors and shy exchange in conversation. Looking at his ID and then passing him a small bag with a bottle of pills inside, he'd bowed his head politely and given you the shyest smile you'd seen to date.

And as he left the pharmacy with a heavy heart and a newfound adoration for the girl working behind the thin glass window, he'd forgotten to sneak a peek at your name plate sitting afront the glass. Shame - He'd just have to stop by again. (Not that he had a choice.)

Felix - Meeting during a bad first date

Sitting alone and sipping from a glass of a bitter and heavy red wine, a man with long blonde hair slides carefully into the seat across from you. He certainly wasn't the man you were waiting on - though, you shouldn't be complaining.

"I saw you sitting alone, figured you might want some company." He charms, smile amused but bright, calming and comforting to your lonely heart. When you nod and hum out in pleasant surprise, he takes it as a welcoming of him sitting in your no-show-date's seat and promptly flips open the menu sitting amongst the table. "Now, what are we having?~"

Seungmin - Meeting at a bus stop in the rain

You'd seen him before, though never bothered to exchange conversation. You got on at the same time each morning, the tall and handsome brunette at your side each day until you departed from the bus an hour later at your workplace.

This morning was like no other, until you arrived at the stop. The brunette was nowhere to be seen and as the rain poured down, you stood in defeat waiting for the bus to arrive. With hair slick to your cheeks and clothes drenched and heavy, the rain suddenly stops meeting your shoulders as a shadow appears overtop of your head. You peek up to see it's the brunette from every morning, holding a blue umbrella above the two of you. You look back ahead, cheeks rosy with heat, missing the way his lips quirk upward into a knowing (but adoring) smirk.

I.N - Meeting during Trivia Night

Trivia Night during college was probably one of the more 'loser' things to do around campus, but you were determined to find a club and hobby - and this was the easiest to pick. Alas, the group who agreed to go with you all bailed last minute, and you ended up alone at the massive table that should seat 10 people.

The MC of the night turns to point at you, exclaiming you wouldn't be able to play without a group, and a boy just a tad younger than you abruptly stands nearby to shout. "Get over here!" The boys surrounding his table gesture excitedly and you fumble to take a seat with them, unable to help the way your heart swells at the youngest's excitement and grandeur at having you now on their team.

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6 months ago

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]

Genre : Fluff Warnings : None Pairing : Hyung Line SKZ x Fem!Reader

Notes : Ever wondered what your wedding would be like with SKZ? How they would propose? What their tux/outfit would look like? Your ring? The venue? Well I've got it all right here! (Completely w/ photo references!)

Other Notes : This is just how i picture things going down/looking. If you disagree or have other opinions, that's totally fine! But please don't go in the comments complaining it isn't how you pictured it. If you don't like it, scroll past. Thank you!

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]


The Proposal : You'd be absolutely WRONG if you thought Chris would propose to you anywhere but Australia. He's going to plan a trip home, bring you along, and get you on the beach with his family (that includes the boys) so they can all be there for it. He'll get on one knee while you're taking pictures near the water in a sweet sundress that matched the color of his button up, give you the most heart wrenching, tear jerking, cheek blushing, romantic speak through his giggles - and then ask you to marry him while offering you the most beautiful diamond ring you'd ever seen in your life.

The Venue : Although he doesn't drink (often), Chris finds that vineyards are some of the most beautiful places he's seen for wedding venues. The wine is provided - any flavor you can think of - and the area of the ceremony is just out back by an archway covered in vines and floral scenery. The pond just behind the building is perfect for a background - and during the exchanging of vows, people coo at both your shared words with each other and the pair of swans floating along behind you.

First Look : Chris doesn't want to do a first look before the ceremony, so you wait to take pictures until that is done. But when he sees you round the corner to come down the aisle? Oh, he's red in the neck and bawling by the time you reach him - of course he's laughing through it, sniffling and laughing even more when someone reaches over his shoulder to dab his pink cheeks with a tissue - already prepared for his tears.

His Best Man : Felix - of course.

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]


The Proposal : He goes all out - as out as he can, bringing you to Jeju Island on a vacation and doing it in the solitude of your own company. He wants it to be just you two, announcing it to the others when Jeongin notices the ring as soon as you walk into the room. The proposal goes smoothly, with him bringing you to a nicer - definitely fancy - dinner and then laying the velvet box on the table for you to open yourself. You're flabbergasted, he's a smiley, blushy mess - and now, you're both engaged.

The Venue : Minho lets you pick out the venue, which ends up being a relatively fancy building that.... is definitely older. The pillars are massive, the ceiling is high - painted with murals of angels and relics. He helps with the decorative ideas however, deciding with you that a deep and rich red should be the primary color theme with flowers and small details like pearls, beads, and banners. And it's a good idea, for sure.

First Look : He's all smiles when he sees you for the first time in your dress. Just before the ceremony and about to do photos, he turns around to find you standing behind him and immediately places his hands on your waist to tell you just how beautiful you look. He has to take it all in however, making others laugh by the way he keeps pausing mid sentence to visibly look you up and down in awe.

His Best Man : Chris - His only hyung.

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]


The Proposal : It's softer, sweeter - and it happens in the comfort of your own bed. With the news of a bun in the oven being revealed to the world just two weeks ago, Changbin decides that since you're both taking such a large step into having a family... then why not - you know - make it officially a family? Together forever, and all that. He whispers it to you in the early morning hours, a soft "We should get married." only to be met with a shy grin from you as you ask if he's serious. And he most certainly is.

The Venue : Taking up most of the responsibilities in funding the wedding, finding the venue, decor, food, etc. -- Changbin picks out an outdoor venue where the two of you won't get too warm and there will be plenty of space for lots of guests; Your family, his family, his friends, your friends - he wants them all there to witness the moment. There's a few buildings like a bunkhouse with a wedding suite and guest rooms for the wedding party, a building for the reception and food - and the ceremony will be outside with a large archway that he can dip and kiss you under until you're out of breath.

First Look : Changbin is aaaaaall giggles when he sees you for the first time, covering his mouth before yelling out, "yah! this is my wife?? this?? how did i bag this? look at this!" Constantly hyping you up, telling you how gorgeous you are in your ear, having you sit in his lap for pictures - Man is coooooocky, and has every right to be when you look that good.

His Best Man : Hyunjin. (Man's got both his husband & wife on either side of him.)

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]


The Proposal : So, so romantic. At an art gallery - where he had, somehow, had a piece of his art displayed. That was the reason for visiting the gallery, he said, but the real reason was so that he could propose to you in the soft silence of the building and somewhere both of you truly cherished. Felix was there, too, mostly to take photos. But also to witness his best friend bagging the most beautiful girl in the world.

The Venue : Deciding together, you both agree on a smaller venue where your families can enjoy the ceremony - and then a larger venue just down the stress where the reception and food can be held. The venue for the ceremony is quaint, with dressing rooms for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and a larger room where you'll be wedded. The reception ceremony - well, it's big enough for all of the group to bust down some moves (and maybe some choreo from their performances.)

First Look : Hyunjin also waits until the ceremony to get his first look at you, but when he does - he nearly falls to his knees at the sight. He's in shambles, turning away for a second to gather himself before putting on a polite smile and taking your hand when you reach him. He'll be sure to lean down and tell you how gorgeous you look, however, whispering out that he's never seen anyone so beautiful in his life - and he looks in the mirror every day, so.

His Best Man : Changbin.

Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]
Marriage? Marriage. | Hyung Line! SKZ [OT8]

Tags :
7 months ago

[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids (ESP)

[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids (ESP)

(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)

• Miembro: Bangchan

• Grupo: Stray Kids

!! • Aviso: Mención de comida, ligeras implicaciones de problemas de autoestima y/o ansiedad; Y/N es afab para ir a juego con la persona para la que está escrito esto principalmente

• Sinopsis: Ha llegado el día de tu cumpleaños. Tu novio Chan es muy detallista y se ha encargado de planear todo con dos meses de antelación. Desde los regalos hasta las personas a las que va a invitar a la fiesta, porque va a ser un evento inolvidable.

[Nota: Los títulos de las canciones estarán enlazados al vídeo en youtube :) Este escenario es un regalo para @ailenuspot por su cumpleaños que viene bastante tarde, el pastel entró en el horno en el 2022 y acaba de salir ahora, por lo que puede que su sabor ya no sea tan bueno como podría haber sido desde el principio. Sin más que añadir, ¡feliz cumpleaños! <3]

[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids (ESP)

"Vamos, Y/N, Chris está fuera con el coche. No podemos hacerle esperar más", dijo Hannah tirando de tu brazo, para sacarte de la habitación.

"No puedo, este vestido me queda horrible, ¿tú has visto a tu hermano? Es una obra de arte con piernas. No puedo presentarme con estas pintas", dijiste intentando bajar la cremallera de la espalda para probarte otro.

Hannah te agarró las manos y las sostuvo firmemente frente a ti, frunciendo el ceño.

"Y/N. Primero, no estás horrible, eres y estás preciosa, Chris te seguiría queriendo y viendo igual de bonita aunque fueras a la fiesta con una bolsa de basura como vestido. Y segundo, me ofende muchísimo que ignores esta belleza divina que tengo. ¿De dónde crees que le viene a él?", dijo intentando contener la risa tras las últimas palabras, para, acto seguido, soltarte las manos y darte un par de palmaditas suaves en la mejilla.

Te miraste una última vez en el espejo, intentando procesar las palabras de tu amiga y teniendo un debate interno sobre si realmente sería mejor vestirte con una bolsa de basura en lugar de aquel vestido de tirantes rosa.

Volvió a tirar de tu brazo, aprovechando que estabas distraída y, finalmente, consiguió sacarte de la habitación, ignorando tus protestas. Le seguiste hacia la salida, cogiendo ambos bolsos por el camino para no olvidar nada. Abrió la puerta tras echar un vistazo rápido a la hora en el móvil y apresuró el paso hacia el ascensor, obligándote a hacer lo mismo.

Viste a tu novio apoyado sobre el coche con los brazos cruzados, incapaz de contener la sonrisa que se había formado en sus labios hacía unos minutos al pensar en todo lo que había preparado, imaginando tus ojos brillantes y esa sonrisa que tanto adoraba. Todavía no se había dado cuenta de que habíais salido del edificio y que lo estabais mirando, por lo que siguió soñando despierto. Hannah negó para sí misma tras observarlo durante unos segundos desde lo alto de la escalera.

"Podemos irnos", dijo golpeando suavemente el brazo de Chan con una sonrisa, para llamar su atención, después de pararse delante del coche. Estabas detrás de ella, por lo que tu novio no te había visto todavía.

"Y/N...", dijo Chan con una voz calmada, animándote a salir de tu escondite.

Tus mejillas se tiñeron de rosa cuando vuestros ojos se encontraron. Viste que miles de estrellas empezaron a adornar esos pequeños planetas de tonos café por los que solías orbitar cada día. Sentiste un cosquilleo en el pecho, un sentimiento cálido y familiar, ese que te inunda cuando sabes que estás segura, en tu hogar. El cosquilleo se convirtió en mariposas revoloteando por tu estómago cuando te fijaste en esos pequeños hoyuelos que coronaban sus mejillas como diamantes. Esas mejillas que solías llenar de besos cada mañana, haciendo que el chico se riera bajo tus labios bailarines, incapaz de contenerse debido a las cosquillas que estos le hacían con cada beso fugaz.

Hannah estaba de pie a vuestro lado, apartada, dejando fluir ese pequeño momento lleno de magia. Sus ojos pasaban de su hermano a ti, y de vuelta a él. Sabía que era algo normal entre vosotros y que solía ocurrir cuando os quedabais mirándoos el uno al otro por más de cinco segundos... Pero le costaba acostumbrarse y casi le daban escalofríos.

Ninguno de los dos hablaba. Ese silencio era más que suficiente para ver y entender las miles de palabras que estaban flotando a vuestro alrededor. Miles de palabras sin pronunciar que acariciaban dulcemente el corazón, haciéndolo latir más deprisa. Siempre había sido así. ¿Silencios incómodos? Nunca.

La suave brisa del verano era la única que se hacía oír en aquel momento, recordándoos que no estabais solos, haciendo que vuestra pequeña burbuja de amor y felicidad explotara para devolveros a la realidad.

"Estás preciosa, Y/N", dijo finalmente, todavía sonriendo, para dejar un beso rápido sobre tus labios que, casi sin darte cuenta, hizo que te olvidaras de los pensamientos negativos por un momento.

Hannah hizo un sonido de disgusto, sacando la lengua y empezando a caminar hacia la puerta del coche. "TE LO DIJE", murmuró (en un tono más alto del que pretendía) a través de la ventanilla en tu dirección, al sentarse en uno de los asientos traseros.

Chan la miró por un momento, negando con la cabeza para sí mismo tras dejar escapar una pequeña risa nerviosa. Porque, en efecto, estaba más nervioso de lo que en realidad llegaba a verse. No tenía miedo pero sí le daba miedo que algo pudiera salir mal. No podría perdonárselo nunca.

Al mismo tiempo, tú estabas tan nerviosa que cualquiera podría haber afirmado que te temblaban hasta las pestañas. Tenías una relación de amor-odio con las sorpresas y por más que lo intentaras jamás habrías sido capaz de adivinar todo lo que tu novio había preparado para tu gran día.

Tras comprobar una vez más que todo estaba en orden, Chan puso en marcha el coche y se dirigió hacia el lugar en el que se iba a celebrar la fiesta. A decir verdad, habías salido un poco más tarde de lo previsto, pero decidió no mencionarlo porque después de haber pasado tanto tiempo a tu lado era perfectamente capaz de imaginar los motivos. No quería hacerte sentir culpable por algo así y mucho menos en un día como este.

Tras unos minutos, el semáforo decidió que era un buen momento para haceros parar. Al comprobar la fila de coches que habían delante y que probablemente eso supondría tardar más, Chan empezó a tararear la melodía de una canción, casi sin darse cuenta. Frunciste el ceño cuando empezaste a reconocerla, pero no conseguías recordar cuál era.

"Eso me suena, ¿de dónde era?", preguntaste dirigiendo miradas a ambos. Ninguno de los dos respondió, Chan miró a su hermana a través del reflejo del espejo con una sonrisa culpable, y ella se la devolvió encogiéndose de hombros. "Vale, gracias", dijiste de una forma tan sarcásticamente adorable que Hannah ahogó una risa tras la pantalla del móvil.

"Según mis fuentes, "eso" debería estar listo en media hora", dijo tu amiga en un tono demasiado misterioso para tu gusto, sin levantar la vista del móvil. Chan respondió con un sonido de afirmación al mismo tiempo que asentía con la cabeza lentamente, sin despegar los ojos de la carretera. Los coches empezaron a avanzar y sintió que podía respirar de nuevo.

"¿Por qué tanto secretismo? ¿Me he perdido algo?", preguntaste dirigiendo miradas a ambos mientras fruncías el ceño. El silencio que inundó el interior del coche tras tus palabras fue la confirmación indirecta a tus dudas.

Hannah decidió poner una de sus múltiples "playlist random" con la esperanza de que eso te distrajera y evitaras hacer más preguntas que ninguno de los dos podía responder... Al menos, no todavía. Empezó a bailar en el asiento cuando una de sus canciones favoritas llenó el silencio del coche. Chan movía la cabeza al ritmo de la música.

Poco después, para evitar que el camino se te hiciera largo, Chan decidió que era momento de cambiar la playlist por una suya esta vez. Polaroid Love empezó a sonar, dibujando una inmediata sonrisa en tus labios. Notaste que la mano de Chan te daba un apretón suave y cariñoso en la pierna, como cada vez que sabía que estabas nerviosa.


Una hora después, levantaste la vista de la pantalla del móvil al sentir que la velocidad del coche empezaba a disminuir. Bajaste la ventanilla del todo para mirar a tu alrededor. Te llegó un olor intenso a flores lo suficientemente tolerable como para respirar profundamente. El lugar parecía ser un hotel casi a las afueras, alejado de todo el ruido del tráfico. Un par de jardines en "miniatura" decoraban la entrada a ambos lados de la puerta principal de la que descendían unos escalones con detalles dorados. A los pies de ésta había un hombre vestido de traje, siguiéndoos con la mirada y sonriendo de oreja a oreja.

"Hemos llegado", dijo Chan, sin añadir una sola palabra. De todos modos, no habría sido capaz de hacerlo, su voz ya empezaba a tener un ligero temblor (del que tú no te llegaste a dar cuenta, todavía admirando las flores)

El coche se paró y el hombre del traje se acercó a la ventanilla de Chan, esperando a que éste saliera. Se saludaron alegremente con un abrazo. No pudiste evitar sentirte confundida, lanzando una mirada a Hannah, pero solo llegaste a ver cómo salía para lanzarse a los brazos de aquel señor.

Chan se dio cuenta de que todavía estabas sentada y se giró. Dejó escapar una sonrisa nerviosa, un tanto culpable quizá.

"Este es Louis, es un viejo amigo de la familia. Es... como un tío para nosotros. Louis, esta es...", empezó a explicar tu novio, abriéndote la puerta y dejándote paso.

"¡Con que esta es la famosa Y/N! ¡Es un placer!", Louis se acercó a ti, seguido de Hannah, "He oído hablar tanto de ti... Ya empezaba a preguntarme quién sería la tal Y/N que tan feliz está haciendo a mi Christopher...", hizo un suave intento de cogerte las manos, atento a cualquier signo de incomodidad, "Te agradezco todo lo que has hecho por él, no puedo evitar sentirme orgulloso de ver en lo que se ha convertido este muchacho después de todo... Y sé que una parte de ello te lo debo a ti"

Tus ojos empezaron a llenarse de lágrimas. Había algo en la voz de aquel hombre... Podías sentir la sinceridad de sus palabras, saliendo desde lo más profundo de su corazón para alegrar el tuyo. Chan reparó en ello de inmediato, acercándote a él para rodearte con sus brazos.


Tras dejar el coche para que Louis se encargara de buscar un buen sitio para aparcarlo, caminasteis hacia la sala donde se iba a celebrar la fiesta, recorriendo amplios pasillos. Te fijaste en un jarrón de rosas (precisamente, rosas) sobre una mesa. Te giraste para comentarlo con Hannah, pero estaba claro que en algún momento se había quedado atrás.

"Eh... ¿Dónde está Hannah?", giraste completamente, dejando que tus pies empezaran a moverse. Chan tiró suavemente de tu brazo, "No te preocupes, habrá hecho una parada para ir al baño, sigamos adelante"

Lo miraste, tenías la sensación de que estaba mintiendo, pero, ¿por qué? ¿Acaso él tampoco sabía a dónde había ido su hermana? Te hubiera gustado preguntarle una vez más pero él ya empezaba a alejarse y no querías perderte en aquel lugar.

Tras recorrer un par de pasillos y girar unas tres veces, el sonido de la música empezó a acercarse. Pudiste reconocer la canción cuando ya estabais lo suficientemente cerca de las puertas, era Darari, de Treasure. Ciertamente, era una canción que había marcado muchas de vuestras citas, apareciendo cuando menos lo esperabais (en una playlist personal de algún trabajador de la heladería, fans escuchándolo en su móvil...) para convertirla en una canción especial para vosotros.

Chan se paró justo antes de abrir una de las puertas y respiró profundamente. Se giró y buscó en tus ojos cualquier signo de huida inminente, "¿Estás lista? ¿Deberíamos irnos y esperar un momento?"

"Estoy bien, me muero de ganas por ver qué has preparado" te acercaste a él para dejar un beso fugaz en su mejilla. Sus adorables hoyuelos te saludaron una vez más, cualquiera podría haberse dado cuenta en aquel momento de lo feliz que estaba tu novio de estar allí contigo.

Tras coger suavemente tu mano, empujó una de las puertas poco a poco. El sonido de la música aumentó, incluso podías oír a los invitados hablando, algunos riendo animadamente. Chan hizo un gesto para que entrases primero, siendo el caballero que siempre es.

Bajo todo aquel ruido, empezaste a escuchar un leve sonido de golpes en el suelo, uno detrás de otro. No te dio tiempo de intentar averiguar de dónde venía cuando una alegre bola de pelo empezó a moverse entre tus pies.

De no haber sido por Chan habrías acabado en el suelo. La pequeña Berry te había reconocido en el mismo momento que habías entrado por la puerta y no había sido capaz de esperar a que fueras tú quien se acercase. Entre risas y palabras de cariño, intentaste cogerla en brazos. Era evidente el cariño que sentíais la una por la otra.

Acariciando con ternura la cabecita de Berry, empezaste a mirar a tu alrededor. El lugar era muy espacioso, con suficientes mesas para todos los invitados (que hubieras jurado serían menos, pero al parecer te habrías equivocado), una pista de baile e incluso un escenario. El sitio estaba completamente iluminado, desde elegantes candelabros de cristal colgando del techo hasta los enormes ventanales que recogían la cálida luz de la tarde. En cada rincón, podías ver adornos rosas de diferentes tonos que, pese a ello, ninguno quedaba mal a la vista. Eras capaz de distinguir numerosos jarrones parecidos a los que habías ido encontrando de camino a la sala, todos ellos decorados con, una vez más, rosas de color rosa.

Todo aquello rozaba el jardín de un hada de las flores, pero la propia decoración del hotel dejaba claro que estabas presenciando una escena sacada de un cuento de hadas del que tú eras la protagonista y aquel tu palacio, con tu príncipe.

"Chan...", empezaste a decir. Ninguno de los dos habló, él había estado mirándote desde el primer momento, incapaz de disimular esa enorme sonrisa que había aparecido en sus labios al fijarse en el brillo de tus ojos. Era tal y como lo había imaginado, tal vez incluso mejor.

Se acercó a ti, con una mano sobre la cabeza de Berry y otra en tu mejilla, y te besó. Ni todos los postres que hubieran preparado serían tan dulces como aquel beso. Tras separarse de ti, te dedicó otra sonrisa. Miró a su alrededor, buscando a su familia. Vio a sus padres moviendo la mano en el aire, intentando llamar su atención.

Os dirigisteis hacia aquella mesa, todavía llevando a Berry en tus brazos cual bebé. Os habían reservado un par de asientos y, a su vez, habían otros dos asientos libres, sin rastro de sus hermanos.

Intentaste preguntar sobre ello, pero no fuiste capaz. Tras saludar a tus suegros y dejar que Berry descansara sobre una de las sillas vacías junto a la tuya, no tuvisteis tiempo de intercambiar más palabras. El sonido de un micrófono encendiéndose interrumpió todas las conversaciones. La pequeña pareció asustarse, intentaste que estuviera tranquila acariciando su cabeza una vez más.

Todas las cabezas se giraron hacia el escenario, a un lado de las mesas. Sobre él estaban Felix y Minho, saludando a todos con una sonrisa. Algunos de los niños les devolvían el saludo alegremente.

"Me gustaría daros a todos la bienvenida y las gracias por estar aquí. Como ya sabréis, hoy es un día muy especial en el que celebraremos el cumpleaños de una gran persona y amiga para muchos de nosotros", empezó a decir Felix, siempre tratando de mantener su radiante sonrisa. "Es probable que algunos ya hayáis empezado a ojear la pista de baile o incluso dejado caer por el bar pero siento deciros que las bebidas empezaran a moverse a partir de las nueve", dijo Minho, con una de sus tan conocidas expresiones traviesas. Algunos de los invitados parecieron decepcionados tras sus palabras, otros intentaron esconderse en su asiento, visiblemente avergonzados.

"Antes de todo eso, nuestro querido anfitrión se ha encargado de preparar una serie de actividades para que todos podamos pasarlo bien, desde los niños hasta los adultos. Cada uno será libre de elegir dónde participar y, ante todo, cuándo dejar de hacerlo", Felix abrió la pequeña guía que tenía en la mano, animando a los demás a que hicieran lo mismo con las que se encontraban sobre las mesas.

"Siguiendo nuestro lema de libertad, la mayoría de actividades serán aptas para todo el público. Una vez más, cabe destacar que el bar estará cerrado para menores de 20... No, Jisung", Minho lo miró de reojo al ver que empezaba a animarse como un perrito oyendo las palabras "salir a pasear", "tú necesitas un permiso especial, no queremos que se repita la escena sobre la barra de la última vez". Sus palabras parecieron resonar con algunos de los allí presentes, riendo tras imaginar aquello. Jisung, en cambio, intentó esconderse detrás de Changbin, que también reía recordando aquel momento.

"Si seguimos el programa", Felix se dirigió a Minho, dejando salir un tono en su voz que dejaba claro que era importante no salirse del "guión" establecido. Minho ni siquiera se inmutó, simplemente le lanzó una mirada traviesa. "Podremos ver que hay tres momentos marcados en rosa, esos son los más importantes de todo el evento y, como sería de esperar, sería bueno que estuviéramos todos presentes".

"Habrá un adulto en todo momento en las actividades asegurándose de... ¿sí?", Minho levantó la vista de la guía, habiendo visto por el rabillo del ojo que una mano se alzaba. "¿Y si necesito ir a hacer pis en los momentos "rosas"?", un niño de unos seis años que estaba sentado sobre el regazo de su madre habló. "Bueno... Puede ser una excepción, eso es una emergencia, podremos esperar, sí". El niño asintió, satisfecho con la respuesta, para seguir bebiendo su tercer vaso de limonada.

Felix se acercó a Minho y le susurró algo. Éste frunció el ceño, como si no estuviera entendiendo lo que decía su amigo, "¿Cuándo? ¿Ahora?", tapó el micrófono con la mano, intentando evitar que el resto escuchara su conversación. Tosió para despejarse la garganta. "Según me informan, habrá un rincón terapéutico donde unos trabajadores de un refugio estarán hablando sobre algunos gatitos que tienen en adopción, para concienciar a los más pequeños... Y a un servidor, probablemente".

Minho se despidió y bajó rápidamente del escenario, deseoso de llegar al encuentro de aquellos gatos. "Mi compañero se dirige en este momento a ayudar a las personas del refugio para preparar todo, sepan disculparlo, es su punto débil". Felix recogió la guía que Minho había dejado caer al suelo sin darse cuenta y la limpió. "Volviendo al programa, la puerta a los jardines centrales estará abierta en todo momento. En la sala que se encuentra a nuestra izquierda estará el servicio médico para atender cualquier problema que pueda surgir. A la derecha, junto al cuadro de los tigres albinos, hay un pequeño pasillo que lleva a los baños", le guiñó un ojo al niño de la (ya cuarta) limonada, consciente de que esa información le empezaría a ser útil en unos minutos tal vez.

Felix intentó hacer un resumen breve de cada actividad, para que los invitados pudieran empezar a hacer planes. Tras ello, se aseguró de que todas las posibles dudas quedaran resueltas y se despidió, dando comienzo oficial a la fiesta. Se apresuró a acompañar a Minho, sabiendo que era demasiado probable que se hubiera quedado ya jugando con los gatitos, olvidándose de todo.

Chan se giró, miró a sus padres con una sonrisa y luego a ti, "Bueno, ¿qué os parece?". Ellos se miraron, sin saber bien qué responder, "Cariño, ¿has preparado todo esto tú solo?", preguntó su madre. Al ver que el joven asentía con orgullo su padre suspiró, "Christopher, todo esto está muy bien, pero deduzco que no has descansado ni un solo momento..."

"No voy a negarlo. Preparar todo esto ha sido agotador, pero al mismo tiempo me daba toda la energía que necesitaba al imaginar el resultado, esa sonrisa que tanto adoro lo vale todo", dio unas palmaditas sobre tu cabeza para hacer todavía más obvio que hablaba de ti, "además, no podía evitar pensar en ello cada vez que intentaba dormir. Por ahora, solo puedo decir que está mereciendo la pena".

"Christopher... ¿Cuándo has crecido tanto?"


El tiempo pasó sin darte cuenta, llegando así uno de los momentos importantes (según la guía). Habías pasado la mayor parte en la zona de los gatitos, escuchando la pequeña charla de las personas del refugio y hablando con los niños allí presentes. Sin olvidarnos de los propios gatitos, claro. Hubieras dado cualquier cosa para llevarlos contigo.

Mientras jugabas con un pequeño travieso gris a rayas, sentiste una mano en el hombro. Nunca habrías prestado atención ante esa distracción de no ser porque reconociste el olor de la colonia de inmediato.

"¿Qué estás haciendo, amor?", la cabeza de tu novio se asomó por encima de tu hombro. Podías sentir su respiración sobre tu mejilla por lo que decidiste romper la distancia dejando un beso rápido sobre sus labios.

"Deberías haber sabido que no saldría de aquí en toda la tarde", dijiste intentando parecer inocente. El gato decidió que era buen momento para escapar de tus brazos, aprovechando que no lo estabas mirando, y salió corriendo para saltar sobre uno de los juguetes.

"Fallo mío", Chan sonrió, al menos sabía que habías paseado por todas las zonas de actividades antes de quedarte ahí. La pegatina de mariposa en tu mejilla, el globo con forma de gato y la pulsera de flores delataban que habías pasado bastante tiempo en tres de ellas, de hecho. "Siento decirte que es hora de despedirse...", dijo suavemente, intentando que sus palabras no te afectaran.

"¡ME NIEGO!", te cruzaste de brazos, "es imposible que haya algo mejor que esto. No pienso moverme de aquí".

Chan te miró con una sonrisa traviesa, convencido de que todo este tiempo a tu lado había sido suficiente como para tener algunos trucos guardados bajo la manga. Se aseguró de que nadie os estaba prestando atención para intentar dejar un beso en tu cuello. El resultado fue automático, pudo sentir como un escalofrío recorría tu espalda.

"¡CHRISTOPHER BAHNG!", te dejaste caer hacia un lado, intentando alejarte de él, mirándolo con una mezcla de enfado y vergüenza. "Oh no, ¡el nombre oficial!", él simplemente rio, observando tu reacción, tan divertida para él.

"¿Cómo te atreves a...?", empezaste a hablar pero un beso te interrumpió. "Y/N, amor mío, tenemos que volver, te aseguro que visitaremos el refugio en otro momento, pero ahora te tienes que despedir", te besó otra vez, intentando convencerte así... Tú y tus puntos débiles.


Al volver a la sala principal viste que las mesas estaban movidas. Alguien había estado haciendo espacio para que el centro de la sala quedara abierto y libre, para que todos los invitados pudieran estar de pie.

"¿Por qué tengo la sensación de que tú has hecho eso?", dijiste señalando las mesas con la cabeza. Chan siguió tu mirada, no estando completamente seguro de a qué te referías porque técnicamente él había hecho todo. "Oh, eso. Más o menos", soltó una risita nerviosa. "He tenido un poco de ayuda, lo habrías visto si hubieras estado por aquí en algún momento", continuó con cierto tono burlón. Simplemente rodaste los ojos en respuesta.

Felix pasó corriendo por vuestro lado para volver caminando hacia atrás rápidamente. "¿Crees que estamos todos? Minho y yo estamos contando pero no conseguimos ponernos de acuerdo", dijo, visiblemente nervioso.

"Y/N, quédate por aquí, seguramente se unan mis padres a ti si te ven", soltó tu mano y se dirigió hacia el escenario, seguido de su amigo. Subieron de un salto y empezaron a contar de nuevo. Podías verlos hablando desde donde estabas, pero no podías escucharlos. Felix fruncía el ceño. Changbin entró llevando en brazos a una niña con la cara llena de chocolate. Poco después, una mujer apareció acompañada de Seungmin.

"¡Youngseo!", la mujer soltó el brazo de Seungmin y caminó rápidamente hacia Changbin. "¡¿Se puede saber dónde te habías metido?!"

Por lo poco que llegaste a entender, la niña había estado jugando en el jardín con sus hermanos, se escapó para comer alguno de los postres a escondidas de sus abuelos y para deshacerse de las pruebas intentó encontrar los baños. Changbin la había encontrado andando sola por otro de los pasillos, pero ella no parecía estar asustada. De hecho, había olvidado casi por completo su misión y se había dispuesto a irse de aventuras por el hotel.

La mujer, que al parecer era su abuela, se había vuelto loca buscándola. Seungmin la había acompañado a ver al servicio médico mientras Changbin buscaba a su nieta. Sus hermanos (que eran mayores que la pequeña) ni siquiera se habían dado cuenta de su ausencia.

Changbin las acompañó a los baños para que la niña pudiera lavarse la cara, haciendo que la frustración de Felix aumentara. Chan observaba la desesperación de su amigo con una ligera sonrisa, había algo en los gestos de Felix que encontraba ciertamente divertido. Le puso una mano en el hombro y se apartó.

"Bien, atención, me gustaría comprobar que estamos todos presentes a excepción de tres personas", decidió acercarse al micrófono, saltándose sus propias normas. La gente empezó a mirarse entre sí, confundida ante el tono del chico.

Changbin volvió, Felix se llevó las manos a la cabeza al ver que iba solo. De no ser por el guiño de su amigo habría empezado a gritar. Detuvo su cuenta mental (una vez más) al ver que la señora entraba llevando a su nieta de la mano.

Se aclaró la garganta cuando Minho se puso a su lado, "Ahora que estamos todos, me gustaría...", para su mala suerte, el niño de la limonada se levantó de un salto, antes sentado en el suelo durante la espera. "¡Esperad!", dejó caer el vaso de plástico vacío y salió corriendo en dirección a los baños.

Felix miró a sus amigos con los ojos como platos, a punto de poner en práctica alguno de los actos malvados de Minho. Changbin empezó a reírse desde donde estaba, contagiando a otras personas en el proceso.

Unos minutos después, el niño volvió, andando tranquilamente. Cuando éste se dio cuenta de las miradas que le dirigían Felix y sus padres se apresuró a volver junto a ellos.

Felix y Minho intercambiaron miradas y asintieron a la vez, dispuestos a empezar por fin. "¿Estamos todos aquí ya?", preguntó Minho, observando atentamente a los invitados. Después miró a Chan, que le respondió con un pulgar hacia arriba. "En ese caso, y tal como habíamos anunciado, ha llegado uno de los momentos más importantes del día. Hemos intentado asegurarnos previamente de que no hubiera problemas, pedimos disculpas de antemano".

"Y ahora, démosle la bienvenida a nuestro querido chico de las flores", añadió Felix, sonriendo en tu dirección para intentar mandarte una señal de seguridad. Hacía bastante tiempo que se había fijado en todas esas nubecitas invisibles a tu alrededor, haciendo demasiado obvios tus nervios.

Minho bajó del escenario, seguido de Felix, y dejaron a Chan esperando, balanceándose sobre sus pies. Sus nervios eran cada vez más visibles, incluso habría jurado que eran mayores que todos aquellos provocados durante las actuaciones y conciertos.

Todos se giraron al oír la puerta abrirse a sus espaldas y los altavoces se llenaron de la voz de Hyunjin tarareando la melodía de una canción (que nadie reconoció de primeras), con un ramo de rosas enorme sujetado entre su brazo y su pecho, empujando un carro con el brazo libre, lleno de flores diferentes a las del ramo.

Caminó por el medio de la sala, en el espacio que habían dejado todos para que pasara. Dejó el carro a los pies del escenario y subió con el ramo todavía entre sus brazos. Hizo un gesto a su amigo con la cabeza a modo de saludo, sonriendo de forma que sus ojos estaban a punto de cerrarse. Tenían un brillo mágico, casi tan brillantes como las luces del lugar.

Chan dio un pequeño salto para bajar del escenario, cogió el micrófono que le tendía Hyunjin, y se acercó al carro de flores. Su mano vagó por el pequeño jardín, indeciso, pero poco después, tras coger un tulipán amarillo, esto fue la señal necesaria para que empezara a sonar la música.

Fue entregando flores a los invitados mientras cantaba alegremente I'm Yours*. Cada entrega parecía no tener ningún significado de primeras, pero, cualquiera que hubiera prestado la suficiente atención al tipo de flor y a la persona en cuestión se habría dado cuenta de que todo estaba perfectamente planeado en la cabeza de Chan.

Hubo reacciones de todo tipo, desde señoras sonrojadas hasta niños sonriendo de oreja a oreja. Incluso Berry recibió una flor de peluche, pensada específicamente para ella. La pequeña ladró alegremente a modo de agradecimiento, haciendo sonreír al joven.

En cierto momento (y tras repartir todas las otras flores), tu novio se acercó a ti, mirándote a los ojos. Solo quedaba el gran ramo de rosas que, al parecer, había reservado para ti. Entre ellas, podían verse pequeñas fotos (en las que aparecíais los dos) que él había elegido para añadir al ramo. Antes de dártelo, sonrió mirando hacía el suelo, sintiendo una repentina timidez. Después, puso el ramo sobre tus manos y te besó, sin importarle nada ni nadie.

Tras separarse de ti, volvió a mirarte con esa sonrisa tímida. Al ver tus mejillas sonrojadas pasó su mano dulcemente por una de ellas. Le parecía una de las cosas más adorables que había visto en toda su vida. Ni siquiera te salían palabras, solo parpadeabas, todavía confundida.


Minho y Felix volvieron al escenario. Felix lucía con orgullo la margarita que Chan le había entregado, adornando su dorada cabecita. Ambos sujetaban una serie de tarjetas que iban a usar. Esta vez, Jeongin se unió a ellos.

Tras acercarse de nuevo al micrófono de pie, comentaron animadamente la reciente entrega. Jeongin afirmaba que había estado a punto de derramar un par de lágrimas pero que el sentimiento había sido tan fuerte que éste se lo había impedido.

Empezaron a usar las tarjetas como guía, charlando con el público sobre diferentes anécdotas y momentos que Chan les había ofrecido días antes del evento. Tras ellos, una gran pantalla dejaba ver algunas fotos o vídeos relacionados. Recuerdos graciosos, adorables, todo aquello que el joven había querido compartir con los invitados. Pequeños trozos de un amor puro que no fallaron en sacar reacciones, desde "oooh" hasta risas sinceras que parecían salir de lo más profundo de un corazón contagiado por la felicidad que Chan estaba sintiendo en aquel momento.

Al acabar, hicieron una pequeña y rápida actuación, guardando silencio unos segundos y mirando en varias direcciones (lo cual provocó que varias personas hicieran lo mismo). "¿Qué es eso tan dulce que huelo?", preguntó Jeongin, "¿Quizá son los efectos secundarios de todo lo que acabamos de ver y escuchar?", respondió Felix, negando animadamente con la cabeza. Minho se posicionó en medio de ellos y posó ambas manos sobre sus cabezas, "Tal vez deberíamos investigar este suceso, a lo mejor el culpable aparece y resuelve nuestras dudas".

Una vez más, la puerta se abrió, dejando paso a un pastel de tres pisos, elegantemente adornado con flores y mariposas. En lo alto, dos velas indicaban tu nueva edad. Tras él, dirigiendo el carrito, tu amiga Hannah intentaba esconder sus significativos ojos rojos tras una sonrisa. A su lado, ayudando a su hermana, iba Lucas, el menor de los hermanos, a quien no parecía importarle lo más mínimo que los ríos que bajaban por sus mejillas fueran vistos por los invitados.

La suave melodía que llenaba la sala no fue capaz de amortiguar los continuos sollozos del chico, que acabaron contagiando a Hannah de nuevo. Hicieron su mejor esfuerzo para dejar el pastel junto a la mesa de la comida, para después ir a refugiarse en los brazos de sus padres, quienes fingían no estar emocionados ante la escena. La pequeña Berry se acercó lentamente para lamer con cariño la pierna de sus dos dramáticos humanos.

El brillo de las luces empezó a bajar lentamente, dejando únicamente dos focos iluminando la sala. Uno de ellos se centraba en el escenario, bajo el que esperaba pacientemente tu novio. Bajo el otro estabas tú, temblando más que cualquiera de los flanes o la gelatina que había en la mesa de postres.

Chan hizo un gesto a los encargados del sonido, respiró profundamente y la música empezó a sonar. Pudiste sentir como una pieza encajaba en otra en tu cerebro para formar un pequeño puzzle; la melodía que tanto él como Hyunjin habían tarareado era nada menos que Marry You**. Pese a ello, no fuiste capaz de comprender ni procesar nada de lo que estaba pasando, tus pensamientos seguían en la reciente escena de los hermanos.


La canción acabó, los invitados aplaudieron eufóricos ante la energía que había creado Chan sobre el escenario intentando animar el momento, consciente de que algunos de ellos habían sucumbido previamente ante la emoción. Miró a su izquierda y vio a sus amigos llorando en un rincón, incluso Minho había dejado caer su fachada de "tipo duro".

"Oh, siento destrozar el momento, espero que mi amigo H.ONE sepa animar el ambiente después en la pista de baile", dejó escapar una risa nerviosa, algunos de los invitados respondieron con risas también. Otros intentaron animarlo, conscientes de la importancia del momento. "Se agradece, casi me ha parecido que estaba en medio de un concierto", volvió a reír.

"A ver, bueno, creo que debo intentar encontrar las palabras adecuadas, esperad", algunos niños encontraron graciosos los sonidos que estaba dejando salir por los nervios, él no pudo evitar sonreír ante esto. Respiró profundamente, "Bien, creo que lo tengo". Se aclaró la garganta y empezó a hablar.

"Hace mucho tiempo, yo solía ser alguien que era completamente incapaz de imaginar que era posible recibir todo lo que yo intentaba dar a los demás. Siempre he sido el tipo de persona que hacía todo lo posible por hacer felices a los demás, dejándome a un lado a mí mismo. A su vez, no era consciente de que otras personas intentaban hacer lo mismo por mí, siempre insistiendo en que yo no necesitaba nada de eso. Poco a poco, y gracias a mi familia, amigos y fans, fui descubriendo que todo eso era posible. Fui aprendiendo a aceptarlo, pues todavía había momentos donde quería rechazarlo de forma inconsciente. Y, un día y sin darme cuenta, llegaste tú, Y/N. Me gusta pensar que llegaste como un milagro y te quedaste como un sueño. Sería una mentira decir que en aquel momento yo ya estaba "curado", de hecho, apareciste en un momento bastante oscuro de mi vida. No es algo de lo que suela hablar, pero empezaste a iluminar mi oscuridad sin darte cuenta. Había algo en esa contagiosa sonrisa, esa forma de decir mi nombre, esos dulces ojos... que me hacía querer quedarme a tu lado sin importarme nada ni nadie. Creo que ni siquiera lo pensé demasiado, pedí muchos consejos a mis compañeros, pero nunca dudé que eso era lo que realmente quería hacer. Afortunadamente, todos ellos me apoyaron, diciéndome en todo momento que me encontraban más feliz, más libre, más cómodo con mi vida. Nunca olvidaré aquel momento, con tus ojos brillantes y tus lágrimas sinceras, tras decirte por fin lo que sentía. Nunca cambiaría por nada del mundo todos estos momentos que hemos compartido juntos hasta hoy. Abrir los ojos por la mañana y verte descansando pacíficamente a mi lado es suficiente para dibujar una sonrisa en mi cara y llenarme de energía ante el nuevo día. Tus brazos son el refugio que ansío cada vez que me siento perdido, mientras que tus ojos me ayudan a encontrarme de nuevo, siendo mi guía para llevarme a ese lugar especial al que solo nosotros podemos entrar..."

Se detuvo en el medio del escenario, después de haber estado andando nerviosamente y suspiró, haciendo una pausa para volver a ordenar sus pensamientos. Sonrió, ni siquiera estaba siendo capaz de mirarte, pero podía imaginar tu cara de confusión y tus mejillas sonrojadas, una vez más. Decidió seguir.

"Tras este largo monólogo, te pido disculpas, pues nunca nada de lo que pudiera decir sería suficiente para decirle al mundo lo muy enamorado que estoy de ti, mi princesa. Tantas palabras como estrellas en el universo son las que necesitaría para decirte cuánto te amo y lo feliz y brillante que haces mi vida. Y es por esto que, dado que sin ti nunca nada sería igual", hizo una breve pausa para respirar hondo y descender hacia el suelo (recibiendo como respuesta sonidos de los invitados en señal de sorpresa y emoción), tras doblar una pierna y apoyar la otra, y sacó una pequeña pero significativa cajita del bolsillo de su chaqueta, para abrirla en tu dirección (con un ligero pero notable temblor en las manos y una sonrisa tímida en los labios),

"¿me harías el gran honor de casarte conmigo?".

[*versión original de I'm Yours / Marry You || **una versión diferente en cada palabra]

♡ Playlist oficial: (es recomendable leer primero el escenario)

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7 months ago

[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids

[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids

(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)

• Member: Bangchan

• Group: Stray Kids

!! • Warning: Mentions of food, of self esteem issues and/or anxiety; Y/N is afab to match the person this is mainly written for.

• Synopsis: Your birthday has arrived. Your boyfriend Chan loves to pay attention to details and has been in charge of planning everything two months in advance. From the presents to the people he's gonna invite to the party, because this is truly going to be an unforgettable event.

[Note: The titles of the songs will be linked to their youtube video :) This scenario is a really late gift for @ailenuspot for her birthday, the cake went into the oven in 2022 and has just came out so the taste may not be as good as it could have been in the beginning. With nothing else to say, happy birthday! <3]

[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids

"Come on, Y/N, Chris is waiting outside with the car. We can't make him wait any longer", your friend Hannah said while pulling your arm, trying to get you out of the room.

"I can't, this dress looks horrible on me, have you seen your brother? He's a walking work of art, I can't go there looking like this", you said, trying to pull down the zip of the dress in order to try another one on.

Hannah took your hands and held them in front of you, frowning.

"Y/N, first of all, you don't look horrible at all, you are and look beautiful, Chris would still love you and see you being just as pretty even if you decided to dress up with a trash bag. And second, I'm kinda offended that you're ignoring my divine beauty, where do you think he's gotten it from?", she said, trying not to laugh after her later words. She let your hands go and softly patted your cheek.

You checked yourself one last time in the mirror, trying to process her words and suddenly having an internal debate, wondering if it would be bettter for you to just wear a trash bag instead of that pink strap dress.

She pulled your arm, once again, taking advantage of the fact that you were distracted and finally managed to get you out of the room (ignoring your complains). You followed her out, picking up both of your bags so you wouldn't forget anything. She openned the door after taking a quick look at the time on her phone and walked faster towards the elevator, making you do the same.

You saw your boyfriend leaning against the car with his arms crossed, not being able to hold back the smile that had shown up on his face a few minutes ago while thinking about everything he had prepared, imagining your bright eyes and that smile of yours that he loved so much. He still hadn't noticed that you were already out and looking at him from the top of the stairs so he just kept daydreaming. Hannah shook her head after watching him for a while.

"We can go now", she hit his brother's arm playfully, trying to get his attention after walking up to the car. You were standing behind her so he hadn't see you yet.

"Y/N...", he said softly, trying to make you go out of your hideout.

Your cheeks turned pink when your eyes met. You saw that a thousand stars started to adorn those small brown planets you used to orbit around every day. You felt a tickle in your chest, a warm and familiar feeling, that one that fills you when you know you're safe, at home. That feeling turned into butterflies fluttering around your stomach as you noticed those little dimples that crowned his cheeks like diamonds. Those cheeks that you used to shower with kisses every morning, making the boy laugh under your dancing lips, unable to contain himself due to the tickling they made him feel with each fleeting kiss.

Hannah stood there, beside you, letting that little moment full of magic flow. Her eyes moved from her brother to you, and back to him. She knew it was a normal thing between you two and it usually happened when you stared at each other for more than five seconds… But it was hard for her to get used to and it almost gave her chills.

Neither of you spoke. That silence was more than enough to see and understand the thousands of words that were floating around you, Thousands of unspoken words that sweetly caressed the heart, making it beat faster. It had always been like that. Awkward silence? Never.

The soft summer breeze was the only one that could be heard at that moment, reminding you that you were not alone, making your little bubble of love and happiness burst to bring you back to reality.

"You look beautiful, Y/N", he finally said, still smiling and lovingly pecked your lips. You almost didn't notice that his kiss made the negative thoughts go away for a while.

Hannah made a disgusted noise and stuck out his tongue while walking towards the car door. "I TOLD YOU", she mumbled under her breath (way more loudly than she meant it to be), looking outside through her window after sitting down on the back seats.

Chan glanced at her, shaking his head after nervously chuckling, because he was, in fact, more nervous than he actually seemed. He wasn't afraid but was scared of something going wrong. He would never forgive himself.

At the same time, you were so nervous that anyone who looked at you could have confirmed that even your eyelashes were shaking. You had a love-hate relationship with surprises and no matter how much you tried to imagine it, you would have never guessed everything your boyfriend had prepared for your big day.

After checking once more that everything was right, Chan started the car and began to drive to the party place. To say the truth, you had left the house a little later than expected but he decided not to mention it because after being together for so long he could perfectly imagine the reasons behind that. He didn't want to make you feel guilty for something like that, even less on a day like this.

After a few minutes, the traffic light decided that it was the right time to make you stop. Seeing the line of cars ahead of you and how the drive would probably take longer, Chan began to hum the melody of a song, almost without realizing it. You frowned as you began to recognize it, but you couldn't remember which one it was.

"That sounds familiar, where was it from?", you asked glancing at both of them. Nobody said anything, Chan looked at his sister thorugh the mirror with a guilty smile. She smiled back while shrugging. "Okay, thank you", you said in such an adorable sarcastic way that Hannah hid her silent laugh behind her phone screen.

“According to my sources, ‘it’ should be ready in half an hour”, your friend said in a tone that was way too mysterious for your liking, not looking up from her phone. Chan responded with a sound of affirmation as he nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off the road. The cars started moving and he felt like he could finally breathe again.

"Why so much secrecy? Did I miss something?", you asked, looking at both of them while frowning. The silence that filled the car after your words was an indirect confirmation of your doubts.

Hannah decided to put on one of her many random playlists, hoping that it would distract you from asking more questions that neither of them could answer… At least, not yet. She started dancing in her seat as one of her favorite songs filled the silence of the car. Chan bobbed his head to the music.

Shortly after, to avoid making the journey too long for you, Chan decided it was time to change the playlist for one of his own this time. Polaroid Love started playing, drawing an immediate smile on your lips. You noticed Chan's hand giving your leg a gentle, affectionate squeeze, like every time he knew you were nervous.


An hour later, you looked up from your phone screen as you felt the car begin to slow down. You rolled the window all the way down to look around. A strong scent of flowers reached you, tolerable enough to take a deep breath. The place seemed to be a hotel almost on the outskirts, far from all the noise of the traffic. A pair of "miniature" gardens decorated the entrance on either side of the main door, from which steps with gold details descended. At the final part of it there was a man dressed in a suit, following you with his eyes and smiling from ear to ear.

"We're here", Chan said, not adding a single word. He wouldn't have been able to anyway, his voice was already starting to have a slight tremor (which you didn't notice, still admiring the flowers).

The car stopped and the man in the suit approached Chan's window, waiting for him to get out. They greeted each other happily with a hug. You couldn't help but feel confused, glancing at Hannah, but only managed to see her getting out and throwing herself into the man's arms.

Chan noticed you were still sitting and turned around. He let out a nervous smile, a little guilty perhaps.

"This is Louis, he's an old friend of the family. He's… like an uncle to us. Louis, this is…", your boyfriend began to explain, opening the door for you and letting you out.

"So this is the famous Y/N! It's a pleasure!", Louis approached you, followed by Hannah, "I've heard so much about you… I was starting to wonder who this Y/N is that is making my Christopher so happy…", he made a gentle attempt to take your hands, attentive to any sign of discomfort, "Thank you for everything you've done for him, I can't help but feel proud to see what this boy has become after all… And I know that part of it is due to you".

Your eyes began to fill with tears. There was something in the man's voice… You could feel the sincerity of his words, coming from the depths of his heart to brighten yours. Chan noticed it immediately, pulling you closer to him to put his arms around you.


After leaving the car for Louis to find a good parking spot, you walked towards the room where the party was going to be held, walking down wide hallways. You noticed a vase of roses (pink, to be precise) on a table. You turned around to talk to Hannah about it, but it was clear that she had disappeared at some point.

"Uh… Where's Hannah?", you turned around completely, letting your feet start to move. Chan gently tugged on your arm, "Don't worry, she must have stopped to go to the bathroom, let's keep going".

You looked at him, you had the feeling that he was lying, but why? Didn't he know where his sister had gone either? You would have liked to ask him one more time but he was already starting to walk away and you didn't want to get lost in that place.

After walking down a couple of hallways and turning around three times, the sound of music started to get closer. You could recognize the song when you were close enough to the doors, it was Darari by Treasure. Certainly, it was a song that had marked many of your dates, appearing when you least expected it (in a personal playlist of some ice cream shop worker, fans listening to it on their phone…) to turn it into a special song for you.

Chan stopped just before opening one of the doors and took a deep breath. He turned around and searched your eyes for any sign of imminent escape, "Are you ready? Should we go and wait a moment?"

"I'm fine, I'm dying to see what you've prepared", you approached him to leave a fleeting kiss on his cheek. His adorable dimples greeted you once again, anyone could have noticed at that moment how happy your boyfriend was to be there with you.

After gently taking your hand, he pushed one of the doors slowly. The sound of the music grew louder, you could even hear the guests talking, some of them laughing excitedly. Chan gestured for you to enter first, being the gentleman he always is.

Under all that noise, you began to hear a faint sound of knocking on the floor, one after another. You didn't have time to try to figure out where it was coming from when a cheerful ball of fur began to move between your feet.

If it hadn't been for Chan, you would have ended up sitting on the floor. Little Berry had recognized you the moment you had appeared through the door and hadn't been able to wait for you to approach her. Between little laughs and words of affection, you tried to pick her up in your arms. The love you felt for each other was obvious.

Stroking Berry's head tenderly, you began to look around. The place was very spacious, with enough tables for all the guests (which you would have sworn would be less, but apparently you were wrong), a dance floor and even a stage. The place was completely lit up, from elegant crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to the huge windows that collected the warm afternoon light. In every corner, you could see pink decorations of different shades, but none of them looked bad to the eye. You could even see numerous vases similar to those you had seen on the way to the room, all of them decorated with, once again, pink roses.

It all looked like a fairy garden, but the hotel's own decor made it clear that you were witnessing a scene straight out of a fairy tale in which you were the protagonist and that was your palace, with your prince.

"Chan…", you started to say. Neither of you spoke, he had been staring at you from the first moment, unable to hide that huge smile that had appeared on his lips when he noticed the sparkle in your eyes. It was just as he had imagined, maybe even better.

He approached you, with one hand on Berry's head and another on your cheek, and kissed you. All the desserts in that place would have never been as sweet as that kiss. After separating from you, he gave you another smile. He looked around, looking for his family. He saw his parents waving their hands in the air, trying to get his attention.

You walked towards that table, still carrying Berry in your arms like a baby. They had reserved a couple of seats for you and, at the same time, there were another two free seats, with no sign of his siblings.

You tried to ask about it, but you couldn't. After greeting your in-laws and letting Berry rest on one of the empty chairs next to yours, you didn't have time to exchange more words. The sound of a microphone turning on interrupted all the conversations. The little girl seemed scared, you tried to calm her down by stroking her head once more.

All heads turned towards the stage, beside the tables. Above him were Felix and Minho, waving to everyone with a smile. Some of the children waved back happily.

"I would like to welcome you all and thank you for being here. As you may know, today is a very special day, as we celebrate the birthday of a great person and friend to many of us", Felix began to talk, always trying to keep his radiant smile on.

"Some of you may have already started checking out the dance floor or even dropped by the bar, but I'm sorry to say that the drinks will start moving from nine o'clock onwards", Minho said, with one of his well-known mischievous expressions on his face. Some of the guests seemed disappointed after his words, others tried to hide in their seats, visibly embarrassed.

"Before all that, our dear host has taken care of preparing a series of activities so that we can all have a good time, from children to adults. Everyone will be free to choose what to participate in and, most importantly, when to stop doing so", Felix opened the small guide he held in his hand, encouraging the others to do the same with those on the tables.

"Following our motto of freedom, most activities will be open to the general public. Once again, it should be noted that the bar will be closed to anyone under 20… No, Jisung", Minho side-eyed him as he began to look as cheerful as a puppy hearing the words "go for a walk", "you need special permission, we don't want the scene on the bar from last time to repeat". His words seemed to resonate with some of the people there, laughing after imagining said scene. Jisung, on the other hand, tried to hide behind Changbin, who was also laughing remembering that day.

"If we follow the program", Felix turned around and glanced at Minho, letting out a tone in his voice that made it clear that it was important to not deviate from the established "script." Minho didn't even flinch, simply giving him a mischievous look. "We'll be able to see that there are three moments marked in pink, those are the most important of the entire event and, as expected, it would be good if we were all present".

"There will be an adult at all times in the activities making sure that… yes?", Minho looked up from the guide, having seen out of the corner of his eye a hand rising. "What if I need to go pee during the "pink" moments?", a boy of about six years old, who was sitting on his mother's lap, spoke up. "Well… It can be an exception, that's an emergency, we can wait, yes". The boy nodded, satisfied with the answer, to continue drinking his third glass of lemonade.

Felix moved closer to Minho and whispered something to him. Minho frowned, as if he didn't understand what his friend was saying. "When? Now?", he covered the microphone with his hand, trying to prevent the rest of them from hearing the conversation. He coughed to clear his throat. "According to what I'm being told, there will be a therapeutic corner where some shelter workers will be talking about some kittens they have up for adoption, to raise awareness among the little ones… And probably myself, too".

Minho said goodbye and quickly left the stage, eager to meet those cats. "My friend is heading right now to help the people of the shelter get everything ready, please excuse him, it's his weak point". Felix picked up the guide that Minho had accidentally dropped on the floor and cleaned it. "Getting back to the program, the door to the central gardens will be open at all times. In the room to our left will be the medical service to deal with any problems that may arise. To the right, next to the painting of the albino tigers, there is a small hallway that leads to the bathrooms", he winked at the boy with the (now fourth) lemonade, aware that this information would start to be useful to him in a few minutes perhaps.

Felix tried to give a brief talk about each activity, so the guests could start making plans. After that, he made sure all possible doubts were resolved and said goodbye, officially starting the party. He hurried to accompany Minho, knowing that it was all too likely that he had already stayed there playing with the kittens, forgetting everything else.

Chan turned around, looked at his parents with a smile and then at you, "Well, what do you think?", they looked at each other, not really knowing what to answer, "Honey, did you prepare all this by yourself?", his mother asked. Seeing the young man nod proudly, his father sighed, "Christopher, this is all very well made and thought, but I'm guessing you haven't rested a single moment…"

"I'm not going to deny it. Preparing all this has been exhausting, but at the same time it gave me all the energy I needed imagining the results, that smile that I adore so much is worth it all", he patted your head to make it even more obvious that he was talking about you, "also, I couldn't help but think about it every time I tried to sleep. So far, I can only say that all of those sleepless nights had been worth it"

"Honey… When did you grow up so much?"


Time passed without you noticing, and one of the important moments (according to the guide) arrived. You had spent most of it in the kitten area, listening to the small lecture by the shelter people and talking to the children there. Not to mention the kittens themselves, of course. You would have given anything to take them with you.

While you were playing with a small, striped grey naughty boy, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You would have never paid attention to that distraction if you hadn't recognized the scent of cologne immediately.

"What are you doing, love?", your boyfriend's head peeked over your shoulder. You could feel his breath on your cheek so you decided to break the distance by leaving a quick kiss on his lips.

“You should have known I wouldn’t be leaving here all afternoon”, you said, trying to sound innocent. The cat decided it was a good time to escape from your arms, taking advantage of the fact that you weren’t looking at him and ran off to jump on one of the toys.

“My bad", Chan smiled, at least he knew you had walked through all the activity areas before staying there. The butterfly sticker on your cheek, the cat-shaped balloon, and the flower bracelet gave away that you had spent quite a bit of time in three of them, in fact. “I’m sorry to tell you it’s time to say goodbye…”, he said softly, trying not to let his words affect you.

"I REFUSE!", you crossed your arms, "it's impossible for anything to get better than this. I'm not moving from here".

Chan looked at you with a mischievous smile, convinced that all this time by your side had been enough to have some tricks up his sleeve. He made sure that no one was paying attention to you and tried to leave a kiss on your neck. The result was automatic, he could feel a shiver running down your spine.

"CHRISTOPHER BAHNG!", you let yourself fall to one side, trying to get away from him, looking at Chan with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Oh no, the government name!", he simply laughed, watching your reaction, so funny to him.

"How dare you…?", you started to speak but a kiss interrupted you. "Y/N, my love, we have to go back, I promise you that we will visit the shelter another time, but now you have to say goodbye", he kissed you again, trying to convince you like that… You and your weak points.


As you walked back into the main room you saw that the tables had been moved. Someone had been making space so that the middle of the room was open and free, to let all the guests stand there.

“Why do I get the feeling that you've done that?”, you said, gesturing with your head at the tables. Chan followed your gaze, not entirely sure of what you were talking about since he had technically prepared everything for that day. “Oh, that. Kind of”, he let out a nervous chuckle. “I've had a little help, you would have seen that if you had decided to come around at some point”, he continued in a somewhat mocking tone. You simply rolled your eyes in response.

Felix ran past you to quickly walk backwards. “Do you think we’re all here? Minho and I are counting but we can’t get to agree”, he said, visibly nervous.

“Y/N, stay here, my parents will probably join you if they see you”, he let go of your hand and headed towards the stage, followed by his friend. They jumped up and started counting again. You could see them talking from where you were, but you couldn’t hear them. Felix was frowning. Changbin walked in carrying a little girl with chocolate stains on her face. Shortly after, a woman appeared with Seungmin.

“Youngseo!” the woman let go of Seungmin’s arm and quickly walked towards Changbin. “Where the hell have you been?!”

From what you could understand, the girl had been playing in the garden with her siblings, sneaked out to eat some of the desserts behind her grandparents' back, and tried to find the bathrooms to get rid of the evidence. Changbin had found her walking alone in another hallway, but she didn't seem scared. In fact, she had almost completely forgotten her mission and had set out to go on adventures around the hotel.

The woman, who was apparently her grandmother, had gone crazy looking for her. Seungmin had accompanied her to see the medical service while Changbin looked for his granddaughter. Her siblingss (who were older than the little girl) hadn't even noticed her absence.

Changbin took them to the bathroom so the girl could wash her face, making Felix's frustration increase. Chan watched his friend's desperation with a slight smile, there was something in Felix's gestures that he found certainly amusing. He put a hand on his shoulder and stepped away.

"Well, attention, I'd like to check that we're all present except for three people", he decided to approach the microphone, breaking his own rules. The guests began to look at each other, confused by the boy's tone.

Changbin came back, Felix put his hands on his head when he saw that he was alone. If it weren't for his friend's wink he would have started screaming. He stopped his mental count (once again) when he saw that the lady finally came in while leading her granddaughter by the hand.

He cleared his throat when Minho stood next to him, "Now that we're all here, I'd like to…", to his bad luck, the lemonade boy jumped up, previously sitting on the floor. “Wait!” he dropped the empty plastic cup and ran off towards the bathroom.

Felix looked at his friends with wide eyes, about to put into practice one of Minho’s evil deeds. Changbin started laughing from where he was, infecting other people in the process.

A few minutes later, the boy came back, walking calmly. When he noticed the glances Felix and his parents were giving him, he hurried back to join them.

Felix and Minho looked at each other and nodded in unison, as a sign that they were ready to finally get started. "Are we all here yet?", Minho asked, watching the guests carefully. Then he looked at Chan, who responded with a thumbs up. "In that case, and as we had announced, one of the most important moments of the day has arrived. We have tried to make sure beforehand that there were no problems, we apologize in advance".

"And now, let's welcome our dear flower boy", Felix added, smiling in your direction to try and send you a reassuring signal. He had been noticing all those invisible little clouds around you for quite some time, making your nerves all too obvious.

Minho walked off the stage, followed by Felix, and they left Chan waiting, swaying on his feet. His nerves were becoming more and more visible, he would have even sworn they were bigger than all those provoked during performances and concerts.

Everyone turned around when they heard the door open behind them. The speakers filled the room with Hyunjin's voice humming the melody of a song (which no one recognized at first), holding a big bouquet of roses (held between his arm and chest) while pushing a cart with his free arm, full of flowers different from those in the bouquet.

He walked through the middle of the room, in the space that everyone had left for him to pass through. He left the cart beside the stage and went up with the bouquet still in his arms. He nodded to his friend as a greeting, smiling so much that his eyes were about to close. They had a magical glow, almost as bright as the lights in the room.

Chan jumped slightly to get off the stage, took the microphone that Hyunjin handed him, and approached the flower cart. His hand wandered around the small garden, hesitant, but soon after, while picking up a yellow tulip, this was the signal needed for the music to start playing.

He handed out flowers to the guests while happily singing I'm Yours*. Each delivery seemed to have no meaning at first, but anyone who paid enough attention to the type of flower and the person in question would have realized that everything was perfectly planned in Chan's head.

There were all kinds of reactions, from blushing ladies to children grinning from ear to ear. Even Berry received a stuffed flower, made specifically for her. The little girl barked happily as a thank you, making the young man smile.

At some point (and after handing out all the other flowers), your boyfriend approached you, looking into your eyes. All that was left was the large bouquet of roses that he had apparently reserved for you. Among them were small photos (in which the two of you appeared) that he had chosen to add to the bouquet. Before giving it to you, he smiled looking down at the floor, suddenly feeling shy. Then, he placed the bouquet in your hands and kissed you, not caring about anything or anyone.

After separating from you, he looked at you again with that shy smile of his. Seeing your blushing cheeks, he gently ran his hand over one of them. For him, it was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen in his entire life. You didn't even get to say any word, you just blinked, still confused.


Minho and Felix returned to the stage. Felix proudly wore the daisy Chan had given him, adorning his golden head. Both held a set of cards they were going to use. This time, Jeongin joined them.

After approaching the standing microphone again, they lively commented on the recent delivery. Jeongin stated that he had been close to shedding a couple of tears but that the feeling had been so strong that it had stopped him from doing so on its own.

They started using the cards as a guide, chatting with the audience about different anecdotes and moments that Chan had offered them days before the event. Behind them, a large screen showed some related photos and videos. Funny, adorable memories, everything that the young man had wanted to share with the guests. Little pieces of pure love that did not fail to get reactions, from "oooh" to sincere laughter that seemed to come from the depths of a heart infected by the happiness that Chan was feeling at that moment.

After they finished, they did a quick little performance, staying silent for a few seconds and looking in various directions (which caused several people to do the same). "What's that sweet thing I smell?", Jeongin asked, "Maybe it's the side-effects of everything we just saw and heard?" Felix replied, shaking his head excitedly. Minho positioned himself between them and placed both hands on their heads, "Maybe we should investigate this incident, the culprit may appear and resolve our doubts."

Once again, the door opened, revealing a three-tiered cake, elegantly decorated with (edible) flowers and butterflies. On top of it, two candles indicated your new age. Behind the cake, pushing the cart, your friend Hannah tried to hide her meaningful red eyes behind a smile. By her side, helping his sister, was Lucas, the youngest of the siblings, who didn't seem to care in the slightest that the rivers running down his cheeks were seen by the guests.

The soft melody that filled the room was not able to muffle the boy's continuous sobs, which ended up infecting Hannah again. They did their best to leave the cake next to the food table, then went to take refuge in the arms of their parents, who pretended not to be moved by the scene. Little Berry slowly approached them to lovingly lick the leg of her two dramatic humans.

The brightness of the lights slowly began to dim, leaving only two spotlights illuminating the room. One of them was on the stage, under which your boyfriend waited patiently. Under the other one was you, shaking more than any of the pudding or jelly on the dessert table.

Chan gestured to the sound technicians, took a deep breath, and the music started playing. You could feel one piece fitting into another in your brain to form a small puzzle; the melody that both he and Hyunjin had been humming was none other than Marry You**. Despite this, you were unable to understand or process anything that was happening, your thoughts were still on the recent scene of the siblings.


The song ended, the guests clapped euphorically at the energy Chan had created on stage, trying to liven up the moment aware that some of them had previously succumbed to the emotion. He looked to his left and saw his friends crying in a corner, even Minho had dropped his "tough guy" facade.

"Oh, sorry to ruin the moment, I hope my friend H.ONE knows how to cheer this place up on the dance floor later", he let out a nervous laugh, some of the guests responded with laughter as well. Others tried to cheer him up, aware of the importance of the moment. "It's appreciated, it almost felt like I was in the middle of a concert", he laughed again.

"Let's see, well, I think I should try to find the right words, wait", some kids found the sounds he was letting out funny due to his nerves, he couldn't help but smile at this. He took a deep breath, "Uhm, okay, I think I got it". He cleared his throat and started talking.

"A long time ago, I used to be someone who was completely unable to imagine that it was possible to receive everything I tried to give to others. I've always been the type of person who did everything in my hand to make others happy, leaving myself aside. At the same time, I was not aware that other people tried to do the same for me, always insisting that I didn't need any of that. Little by little, and thanks to my family, friends and fans, I discovered that all of it was possible. I learned to accept it, because there were still moments when I wanted to reject it unconsciously. And one day, without realizing it, you came to my life, Y/N. I like to think that you came like a miracle and stayed like a dream. It would be a lie to say that I was already "cured" at that time, in fact, you appeared in a rather dark moment of my life. It's not something I usually talk about, but you began to illuminate my darkness without realizing it. There was something about that contagious smile, the way you used to say my name, those sweet eyes… that made me want to stay by your side without caring about anything or anyone. I think I didn't even ponder too much about it, I asked my members for a lot of advice, but I never doubted that this was what I really wanted to do. Fortunately, they all supported me, telling me all the time that they found me happier, freer, more comfortable with my life. I will never forget that moment, with your bright eyes and your sincere tears, after finally telling you what I felt. I would never change all these moments that we have shared together until today, for anything in the world. Opening my eyes in the morning and seeing you resting peacefully next to me is enough to draw a smile on my face and fill me with energy for the new day. Your arms are the refuge I long for every time I feel lost, while your eyes help me find myself again, being my guide to take me to that special place that only we can enter…"

He stopped in the middle of the stage, after walking around nervously, and sighed, pausing to gather his thoughts again. He smiled, not even able to look at you, but he could imagine your confused face and your red cheeks, once again. He decided to continue.

"After this long monologue of mine, I apologize, because nothing I could say would ever be enough to tell the world how much in love I am with you, my princess. As many words as there are stars in the universe are what I would need to tell you how much I love you and how happy and bright you make my life. And that is why, since without you nothing would ever be the same", he paused briefly to take a deep breath and descend towards the ground (receiving in response sounds from the guests in a sign of surprise and emotion), kneeling, he took out a small but significant box from the pocket of his jacket, to open it in your direction (with a slight but noticeable tremor in his hands and a shy smile on his lips),

"would you do me the great honor of marrying me?"

[*original version of I'm Yours / Marry You || **a different versión for each word]

♡ Official playlist: (I'd reccomend reading the scenario first)

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2 years ago

im so obsessed 😭

The “Spy” - Hwang Hyunjin


A/N: @taichoushadow​ I hope it is somewhat good and okay.

Warnings: Brief roleplay, smut, Hyunjin being tied up, rope being used, teasing, dirty talk, nudism, explicit language, descriptive scenes, toys/vibrator being used, nipple play, slight edging, fingering, cum tasting, unprotected sex(readers on the pill), aftercare, cockwarming.

W/C: 5.7K

Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the  age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!


You waited on the bed for Hyunjin to enter, recently you’ve been having some dreams about being a spy, and you probably shouldn’t have told him because he had suggested roleplaying to test it out, you weren’t too optimistic, but it was worth a try.

The bedroom door opens, and you turn to look at him, finding him wearing a pair of leather pants, that seemed to fit extremely tight, and a white button-up. He looks at you as you slowly got up from the bed, his black-coloured hair covering part of his eyes.

“I’m here to arrest you and take you back to headquarters,” He says. You fight the urge to laugh, you do, but you just couldn’t get used to the script. You bite the inside of your cheeks and move towards him, not saying a word because you knew if you did, you would end up laughing. “Y/n… I’m here to arrest you,” You grab onto his shirt, twisting your fingers into the fabric and pulling him further into the room, and shutting the door with your other hand, before pulling him towards a chair you had already set up. “Are you taking me, hostage?” You turn him towards the chair and lean forward, making him step back and sit down on the chair. You reach for the rope you had near the chair and tie one of his wrists to the armrests before looking up at him.

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4 years ago

[4:16 PM]


no response.

you peek around the door frame to see him in the same spot as he was almost four hours ago when you had left. same pose, too, slouched against the cushions of the couch with his shoulders hunched forward slightly as he presses the buttons of his controller with the force of gabbie hanna aggressively typing in that one video. he doesn't even look up, probably too absorbed in the game to have noticed your soft voice.

"chan, I'm home." you repeat, a little louder.

he finally looks up and a bright smile instantly lights up his face, dimples on full display. you mirror his grin, warmth spreading through you at the mere sight of your happy boyfriend.

you almost think you've got his full attention when a sudden cry through the headset from felix pulls his attention right back to the tv screen and he's back to button mashing. you simply sigh.

it's great that chan has the time to relax now, after a month straight of extremely late nights and stressful deadlines; he deserves the time off.

it's just that you kind of assumed some of that time would be spent with you, his loving girlfriend who could really use some cuddles these days. that proved to be a rather bold assumption - he hasn’t stopped playing for three days straight. he takes breaks to do some casual work in his studio and generally take care of himself, but you’re ultimately left cuddleless and it’s a little disappointing to say the least.

you can't really be mad at him, since you're pretty sure he doesn't actually realise he's been playing for so long. he just tends to get very immersed in whatever cycle he’s started and loses touch with reality for a hot minute until you pull him back down to earth.

so pull him back down, you do, by flopping directly onto his unsuspecting body and burying your face in his chest.

“b-baby?” he cries out in confusion, clearly not expecting your chaotic choice of attack. you whine and somehow crawl even closer to him.

he just laughs and puts his controller down, telling felix he’ll be back on later. you hear a couple of complaints coming from the other side but chan dismisses them with a wave that felix can’t even see, and he wraps his arms around you in a warm bear hug.

“little cuddle bunny, can’t I even play my games without being pounced on?” he coos with a fond smile on his face.

“sure you can.” you start in a sing-song voice, “but not for three days straight. nom!”

he lets out a surprised cry when you bite down (softly, but fiercely) on his shoulder like a feisty cat.

“has it...has it actually been three days..?” he asks, voice a little hesitant. you know he already feels bad.

“yep.” you simply respond. “s’okay though, if you make up for it right now.”

he laughs, a bright and cheerful giggle that gives you an unbelievably big serotonin rush every single time, the vibrations comforting as you lay against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

you’re sure this is peak happiness. all is good and well when you’re carefree and sleepy together.

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4 years ago

[2:25 AM]

The fresh bedsheets are cold but your skin is burning hot, cheeks flushed and tear stained. Normally, this would be a happy ending. The night would stop here, the day would come, you would go and Minho would pretend it didn't happen until the next time it did.

That was okay with you, it made things easier. You didn't want him to act any different for your sake; both of you agreed to this arrangement, and there were clear rules set out in bold text, underlined in red.

There were lines there so you would not cross them, and yet here you are. In his bed, staring up at the ceiling with an ache in your chest from your heavy heart, weighed down with unwanted thoughts and feelings.

His soft snoring echoes throughout the otherwise silent room, and it makes the walls seem taller and the distance between your bodies that much larger. It makes you feel vunerable. It makes you feel weak.

How could you have let it get to this point? You knew before you went into this that it could never go too far. The deal was there would be no strings attached, and you could leave whenever you felt like it.

Except you couldn't. You wanted to leave, wanted to tell him this deal wasn't working and you needed more, you needed him. You wanted nothing more than to be spending these nights cuddling instead of drowning your stupid feelings in a couple shots of whatever cheap liquor was in your glass and pretending you were only in love with his body.

More tears fall, dripping against his pillowcase.

You wish your feelings would do the same, just drip away until there's nothing left, but instead your mind feels full to the brim with 'what if's that you know are all painfully pointless. He doesn't feel the same. He doesn't care, he'll never care, it doesn't even matter...but what if-

"Y/N?" Minho's sleepy voice breaks you out of your thoughts, an arm reaching blindly towards your curled up figure to pull you against him. "Why are you still awake?"

You don't trust your voice enough to give a proper response right now, so you simply hum and let him hold you like it means anything to him.

He doesn't seem to mind, though, drifting off to sleep again minutes later.

His arms are wrapped around you and his body is so warm, but you've never felt colder in your life.

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4 years ago

[1:12 PM]

the doorbell rings right as you bury your face in jeongin's chest, arms wrapped tight around his warm body. you make a point of sighing as loudly as you can, even though the noise is muffled by his shirt.

"baby, I...can you, like-" he starts, trying to wiggle his way out from under you to see who's come to interrupt your time together.

of course, you don't plan on cooperating. instead, you wriggle further up his body until your nose is pressed against his neck and your arms are wrapped around him again like his personal cuddlebug.

he seems to get the impression that you're not exactly enthusiastic about the idea of moving anywhere for at least another hour, but he feels bad because he's pretty sure it's felix at the door, coming to ask for his headset back.

"alright, in that case," he says as he sits up, bringing you with him, "you can come with."

and so he somehow manages to stand with you still clinging to him, and as he stumbles towards the front door he can't help but feel a bit like a mother koala carrying her sleepy young.

the ringing of the doorbell doesn't stop until he actually opens the door, and as it turns out, it was indeed felix coming for his headset.

"hey, just wanted the headset back since we're about to-" felix pauses as he looks up, "um, hi Y/N."

you reply with a quiet hum in greeting, your face still hidden from view against jeongin's shoulder.

"anyway, that's all I'm here for."

jeongin shuffles back into the apartment, searching for the headset while simultaneously trying not to drop you or fall over. once he succeeds in his mission and felix is on his way, he returns to his position on the couch.

you can't help but let out a series of giggles at his dedication to travelling around the apartment with you instead of dropping you off on the cushions, and he joins you laughing as whatever netflix series you were watching plays in the background.

kissing your nose softly, he doesn't even have to speak for you to know what's on his mind.

yes, this is love. this is happiness.

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4 years ago

[5:15 PM]

"Y/N, you have to tell me what's wrong. I can't do anything unless I know, please," felix begs, hands gripping your shoulders tight as he stares at you. "I'm really worried about you."

"lix," you mumble, unable to face him so you face the floor instead. you can still feel him staring but you know if you look up and see the worry in his eyes, you'll crumble right then and there and he'll have to deal with a sad, crying mess.

he knows you're not going to explain until you're ready, and he respects that you need time, so he just pulls you in for a hug and stays silent. you stay like that for a good five minutes, just holding each other close as you breathe in his comforting scent, until you're finally ready to explain.

"honestly, I don't know what's wrong. I don't know anything. It's just so much and it's nothing at the same time and I just-" you let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know."

he leans back to look at you, but your eyes are red and teary so you press your face against his chest to hide. he lifts a hand to gently rub your back as he contemplates what you said.

"I get it. That's okay, take your time to figure it out. I'm here for you," he reassures you, and something about his tone tells you he understands what you mean more than you might have expected. "I'll be here until you feel better."

suddenly, you're unable to hold back your sobs. you cry into the soft fabric of his pastel sweater and he only holds you tighter, whispering sweet affirmations and telling you it'll all be okay in time.

"but what if I never do?" you whimper against his shoulder, taking deep breaths as you tremble. for a second, you're not sure if he even heard you until he hums curiously.

"what if I never feel better?" you explain softly, and even you are slightly surprised by how broken you sound.

in the earliest hours of the morning, when you're awake after yet another sleepless night, the possibility that things might never get better gnaws away at your hope for a happy future and sends you spiralling into panic and confusion. even now, you feel your heart pound anxiously at the idea, but felix's arms wrapped tight around you manage to calm your mind at least a bit.

"well," he starts, gently petting your head to comfort you, "in that case, I promise I'll be by your side through it all."

you want to ask why he would do so much for you, you want to doubt his honesty because people have said that before and proceeded to leave you when things got hard, but something about felix makes you want to trust him with your whole heart anyway. maybe you're naive, and maybe it's partially due to the way his voice gives you butterflies when he speaks softly in your ear, but he feels safe and you want to let him make you feel better without shying away, just this once.

so instead of pushing him away, you take another deep breath and rest your head against his chest again. "okay. thank you, lix."

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2 years ago

Unsaid || Lee Minho

Unsaid || Lee Minho

Unsaid || Lee Minho

Genre(s): Fluff, teensy bit of angst

Word Count: 2.1K

Warnings: none

a/n: i meant to post this last week but i got so busy with work and my sister’s birthday that it got postponed😭 but it’s here now! and i hope you enjoy :3

and of course, reposts and feedback are always appreciated!🌻


You visited Minho’s dorm room enough times for him to recognize even the pattern of your knock- two quick, sharp raps followed by a lighter one. It was one of the sounds he heard the most- what with you being his neighbour and close friend- as you came over quite often, either to study or drag him on an early morning coffee run.

But he wasn’t expecting to hear your particular knock on his door at nearly two in the morning, when you would usually be fast asleep. He lifted his head at the sound, pausing the perusing of his notes with a frown. “What the hell…” 

He was at the door in an instant, swinging it open to find you standing there, dressed in just a tank top and pajama bottoms, arms wound behind your figure as you gazed at the floor, before your eyes jumped to catch his stare.

Something was wrong, was his immediate thought. Your eyes were wide, your hair was a mess, your gaze bleary, and you looked…

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