Santastic Skz Timestamp - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

[6:43 PM]

"hey, lix?" you call out softly, the boy in question humming and turning to you. the warm light of sunset rays paints his skin gold, and his eyes are even warmer as he gazes at you.

"have you ever seen that thing where people say beauty marks are from your soulmate kissing you in your past life?" he shakes his head and lifts an eyebrow as if encouraging you to continue.

"well," you smile, wiggling a little closer to where he sits on your shared bed. "that's a theory that some people have. so I saw it recently, and I was thinking about where my soulmate would have kissed me."

he opens his arms to you, asking silently for cuddles and who are you to say no to your precious fairy boyfriend?

you climb onto his lap, arms wrapping around his neck and his around your waist. he buries his face in your shoulder and you can feel his giggles vibrating in his chest as he tightens his hold. something about felix just feels so right to you -- that's the only way you can explain it. he feels like home, like happiness and sunshine and everything good and bright in the world bundled up inside one sweet boy.

he feels like the word 'love'.

he feels like your soulmate.

"then, I realised something," you continue and he moves back to look at you. "doesn't that mean your freckles are from soulmate kisses too?"

he laughs out loud at that, a shy giggle before he hides his face against you once again. you can see the tips of his ears turning a soft shade of red.

"it's true! isn't that so cute?" you lean back so he can no longer hide. "well, I love you and I wanna make sure you keep those freckles in our next lives!"

that's the only warning he gets before you're diving in to kiss all over his cheeks and nose. he hardly fights back, just laughs and laughs and tries to kiss you too, waiting patiently until you're done before he wraps you up in a hug and you crash together against the mattress.

you're still laughing when he looks at you and smiles once more. he kisses you again.

"thank you for that. I love you too, my soulmate."

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4 years ago

[3:22 AM]

“hyunjin..” your hand rests against his cheekbone, caressing his face lovingly. he leans his head further into your hand and sighs. “I think you should leave it for now. go rest, yeah?”

you know he’s about to argue that he’s ‘not even tired’ and ‘it’s almost finished anyway’, but he’s been saying that for the past two hours and you know he has to get up early tomorrow.

“jinnie, I promise you’ve done plenty in just this one night. you have a lot of time to get it done. don’t push yourself too far, baby.” you whisper in the darkness, but the silence seems to amplify it anyway. with the little bit of light from the windows casting shadows across his pretty face, you can see the small pout on his lips.

you kiss him once, just a little peck, but he finally smiles.

“okay. you’re probably right.” he responds. standing up from your spot together on the floor of the dance studio, he goes to collect his things as you patiently wait for him.

 “are you going back to the dorms or do you want to stay at mine again?” you ask him when he’s done.

he wraps you up in a big hug and lets out a long sigh of exhaustion. you know he would’ve kept dancing until sunrise if you had let him, but his eyes are closed like he’s falling asleep right here and now.

“mm...yours.” he mumbles against your hair.

you only smile and nod, but he doesn’t let go for a while.

you stand there together, bathed in moonlight and love, the most peaceful you’ve felt in weeks.

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4 years ago

[2:27 PM]

“baby...” he whispers, eyes wide in awe and mouth open in a small ‘o’. he turns to face you and you see the shine of tears in his pretty eyes.

“happy birthday, binnie. I love you so much and I’d have given you the entire world today if I could’ve, but that wasn’t an option so I hope this will suffice.” you joke, lacing your fingers with his and tilting your head with a big smile.

the room is dim, the only light coming from the array of scented candles you set out earlier. on the table in front of you sits your present for your dear boyfriend:

a scrapbook filled with photos from your years together - before you started dating as well as after - each with a small handwritten message describing what you treasure about each memory; what you treasure about him. decorated with real dried flowers and gold leaf, the whole thing radiates some type of soft vintage glow. as he flicks through the pages and reads the notes, his hold on your hand grows tighter until eventually he pulls you into a big hug.

“this is how long did it take? there’s years worth of photos in here.” he asks, words muffled by your hair.

“I don’t actually know, ‘cause it felt like I got drawn into each memory as I went through them all. I feel like I’ve always had you by my’re so warm, you know?”

you hear him sniffle but a soft laugh escapes him anyway and he moves back to look at you. he scoffs, shaking his head.

“is that all I am to you? a sentient heat pack? a glorified hot water bottle, even on my birthday?” he clutches his chest dramatically with one hand and sighs. “and all this time I thought you loved me for who I was inside.”

you both break out into laughter, but you hug him again and whisper your next words against his neck.

“I didn’t mean physically warm. I just meant everything - your smile, your laugh, even the way you cry so easily-” he whines, smacking your arm, and you giggle. “everything about you radiates warmth and light. even if you do dress like emo me in high school.”

he doesn’t respond because he can’t find the right words to tell you just how much he adores you, and how all that warmth you find in him is reflected in your own heart.

it’s okay, though. you know exactly how he feels; words can’t accurately describe your love for him either.

all you know is that this moment - warm in his arms on his birthday, memories and happiness dancing around the room in the form of flickering candlelight - is perfect.

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4 years ago

[6:43 PM]

"hey, lix?" you call out softly, the boy in question humming and turning to you. the warm light of sunset rays paints his skin gold, and his eyes are even warmer as he gazes at you.

"have you ever seen that thing where people say beauty marks are from your soulmate kissing you in your past life?" he shakes his head and lifts an eyebrow as if encouraging you to continue.

"well," you smile, wiggling a little closer to where he sits on your shared bed. "that's a theory that some people have. so I saw it recently, and I was thinking about where my soulmate would have kissed me."

he opens his arms to you, asking silently for cuddles and who are you to say no to your precious fairy boyfriend?

you climb onto his lap, arms wrapping around his neck and his around your waist. he buries his face in your shoulder and you can feel his giggles vibrating in his chest as he tightens his hold. something about felix just feels so right to you -- that's the only way you can explain it. he feels like home, like happiness and sunshine and everything good and bright in the world bundled up inside one sweet boy.

he feels like the word 'love'.

he feels like your soulmate.

"then, I realised something," you continue and he moves back to look at you. "doesn't that mean your freckles are from soulmate kisses too?"

he laughs out loud at that, a shy giggle before he hides his face against you once again. you can see the tips of his ears turning a soft shade of red.

"it's true! isn't that so cute?" you lean back so he can no longer hide. "well, I love you and I wanna make sure you keep those freckles in our next lives!"

that's the only warning he gets before you're diving in to kiss all over his cheeks and nose. he hardly fights back, just laughs and laughs and tries to kiss you too, waiting patiently until you're done before he wraps you up in a hug and you crash together against the mattress.

you're still laughing when he looks at you and smiles once more. he kisses you again.

"thank you for that. I love you too, my soulmate."

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4 years ago

[2:25 AM]

The fresh bedsheets are cold but your skin is burning hot, cheeks flushed and tear stained. Normally, this would be a happy ending. The night would stop here, the day would come, you would go and Minho would pretend it didn't happen until the next time it did.

That was okay with you, it made things easier. You didn't want him to act any different for your sake; both of you agreed to this arrangement, and there were clear rules set out in bold text, underlined in red.

There were lines there so you would not cross them, and yet here you are. In his bed, staring up at the ceiling with an ache in your chest from your heavy heart, weighed down with unwanted thoughts and feelings.

His soft snoring echoes throughout the otherwise silent room, and it makes the walls seem taller and the distance between your bodies that much larger. It makes you feel vunerable. It makes you feel weak.

How could you have let it get to this point? You knew before you went into this that it could never go too far. The deal was there would be no strings attached, and you could leave whenever you felt like it.

Except you couldn't. You wanted to leave, wanted to tell him this deal wasn't working and you needed more, you needed him. You wanted nothing more than to be spending these nights cuddling instead of drowning your stupid feelings in a couple shots of whatever cheap liquor was in your glass and pretending you were only in love with his body.

More tears fall, dripping against his pillowcase.

You wish your feelings would do the same, just drip away until there's nothing left, but instead your mind feels full to the brim with 'what if's that you know are all painfully pointless. He doesn't feel the same. He doesn't care, he'll never care, it doesn't even matter...but what if-

"Y/N?" Minho's sleepy voice breaks you out of your thoughts, an arm reaching blindly towards your curled up figure to pull you against him. "Why are you still awake?"

You don't trust your voice enough to give a proper response right now, so you simply hum and let him hold you like it means anything to him.

He doesn't seem to mind, though, drifting off to sleep again minutes later.

His arms are wrapped around you and his body is so warm, but you've never felt colder in your life.

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4 years ago

[5:15 PM]

"Y/N, you have to tell me what's wrong. I can't do anything unless I know, please," felix begs, hands gripping your shoulders tight as he stares at you. "I'm really worried about you."

"lix," you mumble, unable to face him so you face the floor instead. you can still feel him staring but you know if you look up and see the worry in his eyes, you'll crumble right then and there and he'll have to deal with a sad, crying mess.

he knows you're not going to explain until you're ready, and he respects that you need time, so he just pulls you in for a hug and stays silent. you stay like that for a good five minutes, just holding each other close as you breathe in his comforting scent, until you're finally ready to explain.

"honestly, I don't know what's wrong. I don't know anything. It's just so much and it's nothing at the same time and I just-" you let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know."

he leans back to look at you, but your eyes are red and teary so you press your face against his chest to hide. he lifts a hand to gently rub your back as he contemplates what you said.

"I get it. That's okay, take your time to figure it out. I'm here for you," he reassures you, and something about his tone tells you he understands what you mean more than you might have expected. "I'll be here until you feel better."

suddenly, you're unable to hold back your sobs. you cry into the soft fabric of his pastel sweater and he only holds you tighter, whispering sweet affirmations and telling you it'll all be okay in time.

"but what if I never do?" you whimper against his shoulder, taking deep breaths as you tremble. for a second, you're not sure if he even heard you until he hums curiously.

"what if I never feel better?" you explain softly, and even you are slightly surprised by how broken you sound.

in the earliest hours of the morning, when you're awake after yet another sleepless night, the possibility that things might never get better gnaws away at your hope for a happy future and sends you spiralling into panic and confusion. even now, you feel your heart pound anxiously at the idea, but felix's arms wrapped tight around you manage to calm your mind at least a bit.

"well," he starts, gently petting your head to comfort you, "in that case, I promise I'll be by your side through it all."

you want to ask why he would do so much for you, you want to doubt his honesty because people have said that before and proceeded to leave you when things got hard, but something about felix makes you want to trust him with your whole heart anyway. maybe you're naive, and maybe it's partially due to the way his voice gives you butterflies when he speaks softly in your ear, but he feels safe and you want to let him make you feel better without shying away, just this once.

so instead of pushing him away, you take another deep breath and rest your head against his chest again. "okay. thank you, lix."

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4 years ago

[10:52 PM]

if it weren't for jisung sitting by your side on the couch, you'd probably be either fast asleep by now or binge watching anime with sad, sleepy eyes.

luckily enough, he was more than willing to spend the night watching TV together, but you can't help the guilt that eats away at you the later it gets.

tonight is halloween and the two of you had been planning on going to the party hyunjin throws every year. however, your luck is absolutely terrible, and after somehow managing to trip over your own feet like the uncoordinated mess you are, you ended up with a sprained ankle, hence you staying home on a night meant for social activity and fun.

when you told jisung you wouldn't be able to go tonight, he insisted on spending the night at yours instead to keep you company despite you insisting he shouldn't skip a night with the boys just for your sake.

"ji, it's still pretty early. if you wanna go, it's really not a problem, i totally understand-" you start, but he cuts you off with a loud shout of 'blah blah blah' like a disruptive child.

"really, Y/N, you don't have to worry about me! I'm completely happy chilling with you tonight. if I wasn't then I wouldn't be here right now, okay?" he reassures you, gently petting your head.

you manage a half-hearted smile and rest your head on his shoulder.

"besides," he says with a teasing smile on his handsome skeleton face (he's a skeleton every year and it's pretty much tradition now), "I'd probably be dragging you home by now if we had actually gone, anyway. the struggle of being a heavyweight when all of your friends can hardly handle a beer, huh?"

you smack him lightly but he's not entirely wrong - most of the guys are lightweights. it's just that he's certainly not a heavyweight and most of the time it's you dragging him home, not the other way around.

"yeah, okay. at least we know our limits, ji. remember the time you threw up all over seungmin's new carpet and proceeded to pass out right in the middle of the puddle?"

"yeah, but that was new year's eve! that's, like, the entire point," he claims, ever ready to make a convenient excuse for his irresponsibility.

you just laugh at him and he joins you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer.

the movie you're (hardly) watching seems to fade away as your eyelids grow heavy, and soon enough you're resting your entire weight against jisung's chest. the last thing you notice before you fall asleep is a soft murmur of 'night night, sleep tight' and a kiss on the top of your head.

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