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Rogue Chapter 28 Major Update
After several years, I have finally finished the chapter! Now begins the process of editing.
It should be here in time for new years!
Rogue my titan Eren AU:

(trying this again because tumblr would not put this where people could see it in feeds)
To all my readers, after many years of hiatus, this pic has updated with chapter 28! Hope you all enjoy!
Rogue Part 2: Chapter 28: Roar:
Synopsis: Atlas begins his training as an Advancer, but he soon discovers how difficult it is. Struggling with self worth and his esteem, he must also navigate other issues that plague his mind.
Part of My Titan Eren AU fic: A strange but intelligent titan lives deep within the forests of Wall Maria, right under the military's nose. What happens when the mysterious titan comes across two small children and the Scouts? Titan!Eren AU
Read now:


Fanart for the fanfiction Rogue by RedCoaster on AO3 and FFN. If you like SNK and you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it! Drawn entirely in pen and then colored with colored pencils.

hey hey! i'm back with some stuff for Eren because tbh i really liked this scenario. this kind of makes me happy because i feel like this happens often, and ngl, i see Eren kind of like this? not exactly sure, but i hope you guys enjoy! 🖤
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of cheating, mentions of alcohol, fluff at the end

A sigh came from Eren's mouth as he leaned up against the wall at the party he was currently at.
He got invited to this party that Reiner was hosting, of course Eren wasn't going to say no to a party, and Reiner being his friend he couldn't necessarily deny it would be bad. Reiner always threw some bangers and knew how to get all kinds of people to come. It was no lie to say Reiner was like a damn celebrity.
Eren on the other hand, wasn't having the greatest time.
He was waiting for someone. More specifically, Mina Carolina.
Eren and Mina had been talking for a few weeks and the two were starting to get to a point where they could reach a serious relationship, and Eren figured he'd invite her to the party. He genuinely liked her, but recently she started acting way different towards Eren. She became more dry and only interested in what Eren had to... offer. His friends explained that maybe she was just going through something, but something in his gut told him that things weren't right.
Here he was now, waiting for about 30 minutes or so. She still hadn't replied, nor showed up. It slightly made Eren's heart feel heavy, he felt like he had his time wasted.
He looked down at his phone, going to her messages.
8:28 <-Eren: hey i'm here
8:35 <-Eren: did you get the address?
8:47 <-Eren: Mina? where are you?
8:51 <-Eren: are you even coming?
9:01 <-Eren: hello??
Read: 9:05 P.M.
Eren clicked his phone off, placing it in his pocket after realizing she most likely wasn't showing up. Another disappointment in a talking stage, he was certain Mina was a nice girl. She was introduced to him Sasha, she never said anything bad about Mina. For one, Sasha always talked Mina up to Eren, but he guessed she wasn't into it anymore.
"Hey Eren! Did she show up?" Connie yelled over the loud music. "We've got some sick jello shots!" he said, smiling excitedly at him.
Eren didn't even feel excitement anymore, he just felt upset. His whole mood just crashed and he wanted nothing but to go home and sleep, maybe a nap would do him some good, or maybe some McDonald's.
"I think I'm gonna head home!" Eren shouted back, looking at Connie.
Connie nodded. "Are you sure?! Did she ditch you or something?!" he asked, looking around to find the black-haired girl who was no where to be seen.
"I guess so!" he yelled, looking at the time on his phone.
Eren felt the fullness of his bladder from the alcohol he consumed. He needed to pee before he leaves or he'll explode.
"Hey where's the bathroom!?" Eren asked, shouting at Connie.
He rubbed the back of his head. "Upstairs! Third door on the left!" he yelled, turning to walk away. "Drive safe by the way!" he added, walking away.
Eren shoved his phone back in his pocket and made his way up the long stairs to find the bathroom, his ears having a slight ring from going further away from the loud music that blasted below him.
As he made his way up the steps, he passed different people drunkenly falling down the stairs, or couples who were eating each other's faces. Making him cringe as he passed by as he heard the soft kissing noises coming from them. Gross.
He passed the multiple doors, hearing soft moans from girls who decided that hooking up with college guys was a good idea, or he heard different people yelling at those who were taking shots or hanging around in those usual smoke circles with marijuana.
"Third door on the left.." Eren said to himself as he stopped in front of the bathroom door which was shut.
The light was on and someone was clearly using it, so he decided to just wait for whoever was in there to come out. Eren kept looking at his phone as he waited, a few people passing by him and heading into the bedrooms. He assumed they were going in there to do the usual.
After about 10 minutes of waiting, Eren was starting to get antsy. Why the hell was someone in the bathroom for this long? He thought the person could be sick or maybe two people decided to go and hookup in the bathroom.
He decided to just knock, approaching the door he used his finger to knock on the door.
"Yo! Open the door! I gotta pee," he said, leaning against it so whoever was in there could hear him.
No response.
He sighed, whoever was in there clearly heard him, because he heard shifting behind the door.
"Look, just open the damn door. A line is going to form soon," Eren said, knocking once again on the door.
No response once again.
Eren decided to just say fuck it and open the door. He hesitated a bit and put his hand on the knob, nobody was really around to see him. He looked around and turned the knob which was unlocked, pushing it open he was faced with a girl.
She was leaning against the sink, a red solo cup next to her. Eren took in her features noticing dark mascara smudged around her eyes, along with tears going down her face.
The girls head snapped towards him. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry... um, I was just in here. Were you trying to come in?" she asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
Eren stood there for a moment taking in her appearance. "No don't worry.. um my bad for slamming the door open. I just needed to pee," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "Why are you crying? If you don't mind me asking," he asked, looking at her puffy eyes.
She sniffed. "Um.. it's really stupid, especially telling a stranger. I'm sorry, also don't apologize for coming in. I didn't hear you, I'm gonna go now." she said, grabbing her items.
Eren felt guilt washing over him noticing how sad she looked, she had nobody around her. Usually when he found girls crying at parties they were surrounded by their friends, but she was alone. Something about it didn't sit right with Eren, and he wanted to know what was up with her.
"Wait!" Eren said, stopping the girl in her tracks.
She looked back with her brows furrowed. "Huh?" she said.
He looked away and then back at her. "Look I know I may not know you, but you seem really upset right now, and I know how it feels to be alone. If I can, I'd like to know why you're crying in a bathroom." he replied, crossing his arms.
The girl stopped and stood, looking down at the floor. "Um.. well, it's a lot and I feel like it'd just bother you really. I need to call an Uber anyway," she said, going onto her phone. "Thank you really but it'd just burden you," she added.
Eren leaned against the door frame. "You had a shitty night and so did I, least I can do is help you out. Of course no force," he said, shrugging.
She thought for a second. Maybe he was just trying to be nice? He didn't seem like a creep, considering he didn't seem dressed to impress anybody.
"Um sure I guess..." she replied, putting her phone away.
Eren was surprised at her answer. "I need to pee first if you don't mind," he said, smiling a bit.
She felt a small smile grow onto her lips as she moved outside the bathroom. "Take your time," she replied, leaning against the wall outside the bathroom.
Eren finished his business and exited the bathroom. He saw the girl standing outside, she seemed to be in deep thought.
"Let's go," Eren said, taking his keys out of his pocket and heading down the stairs.
The girl slowly followed behind him as he made his way outside, she felt the cooler air hit her skin causing her to shiver. She totally forgot how chilly the air was, rubbing her arms for warmth she stopped noticing the car he walked up to. He had a nice car, tinted windows, freshly clean, he seemed to know how take care of it.
"Hop in," he said, unlocking the passenger side door.
She got in and shut the door, feeling the cool leather of his seats go up against her skin. Making her shiver and goosebumps litter onto her skin.
Eren couldn't help but notice how nervous she seemed, he wasn't a creep. He didn't have bad intentions with her at all, she just seemed to be having a bad night, so he wanted to be of some help. Even if she didn't ever speak to him again.
"I know you're nervous and I know what you're thinking, but trust me I'm not going to do anything bad to you. I just wanted to be a cool person and help you out, since you were crying and you were by yourself." Eren said, breaking the silence between them.
She nodded, swallowing thickly. "I see.. what's your name?" she asked, nodding.
"Eren.. and you?" he asked, turning on the car to heat it up.
"(Y/N)," she replied, putting her seatbelt on as he began to drive his car away from the house.
Her name was pretty to Eren.
"Do you want to get some McDonald's? I don't know about you but food makes me feel better," he said, throwing a smile her way.
(Y/N) looked his way and smiled a bit. "Yeah.. sure, um I can pay for myself," she said, searching through her small purse she had with her.
Eren looked over. "Nah don't worry about it. I can pay for ya," he replied, turning into the McDonald's. "What do you want?" he asked, looking into her (e/c) eyes.
She pondered for a moment on what she wanted. "Chicken nuggets," she replied, giggling a bit.
Eren shot her a toothy smile. "Those are my favorite so I'm gonna get the same," he said, turning to the drive-thru.
He ordered their food and gave the bag to her as he drove to one of the empty parking spaces. She felt a bit more comfortable with him now, he seemed chill. She was starting to trust him, she felt relieved knowing he wasn't trying to do anything weird or dangerous.
Eren looked at her before putting the car in park. "Alright, let's get snacking." he said, removing his seatbelt.
(Y/N) gave the bag to him, moving her body so she was against the door. She removed her seatbelt and watched as Eren tossed her chicken nuggets. She put it on the armrest between them, and watched as he started eating.
"Thank you... for the food," she said, looking up at him.
Eren looked up and nodded. "Oh yeah, no problem! Party food was the worst, I drank too so I wanted something to eat." he replied, taking a sip of his drink.
(Y/N) started to eat her food and the two chatted about things. Getting to know each other, which made her feel a little more comfortable. They actually went to colleges that were close by, and they knew a few of the same people.
"Then this one time I almost poured the chemicals down the drain, and the teacher almost killed me!" Eren said, laughing at the memory. "I never saw a teacher more pissed off than ever," he added, rolling his eyes playfully.
She giggled a bit, looking down at her food. "Duh! That's like, one of the first things you learn in chemistry!" she replied, laughing even more.
He rolled his eyes once again, adjusting his bun. "So what? Sometimes you gotta live on the edge or whatever," he said, looking at the different cars driving past on the road. "Oh! By the way, what's your address? I'm sure you'll want to be home after this," he asked, taking his phone to open Maps.
(Y/N) looked over at him. "Oh! Um.. let me put it in," she replied, taking his phone from him. She felt a bit sad that it had to end, she kind of liked his vibe. He seemed chill and like a cool dude.
She handed his phone back to him after putting her address in. "Alright, you don't live too far. Let's get going," he said, putting his seatbelt on and starting the car.
"Wait!" she said, looking at him.
Eren stopped and furrowed his brows. "What's up? Did I do something?" he asked, nodding at her.
She looked away for a second. "Um.. Eren, do you have to drop me off right now?" she asked, avoiding his gaze.
He furrowed his brows in confusion. "I just figured you wanted to be home since it was late, why?" he asked.
(Y/N) sighed. "I just... um, would it be weird if we hung out a little longer? Of course we don't have to," she asked, nodding.
Eren smiled. "No that's not weird at all, just tell me where you wanna go," he said, looking at her.
She felt heat rush onto her cheeks seeing his smile, Eren was charming to (Y/N) and even though they just met, she enjoyed talking to him.
"Um.. just take me wherever! We can go anywhere," she replied, putting her seatbelt on.
Eren smirked. "Alright! I know where to go," he replied, putting the car in reverse and driving out of the parking lot.
The rest of the car ride was so much fun. Eren and (Y/N) jammed to music, cracked jokes, stopped for ice cream, and even told each other funny stories.
Eren pulled into this clearing on a hill, showing a view of the city and the highway. The lights in the distance gave a perfect view of everything. (Y/N) was surprised seeing such a pretty view, she never knew something like this ever existed. If she knew she'd come up here often, she was always a fan of views, and so was Eren.
"Let's go," Eren said, opening his car door and exiting his car.
(Y/N) followed and stood next to the hood of his car, which Eren was sitting on. She felt a bit awkward and shy in the moment.
"Oh.. my bad, my ass takes a lot of space. You don't have to sit," he said, giving a weak smile.
(Y/N) laughed a bit, climbing to sit next to him. She felt the metal on the back of her legs, causing her to shiver, as well as the cooler air that surrounded her.
"You cold?" Eren asked, looking at the way she was shivering.
She giggled a bit and nodded her head. "Y-Yeah.. my fault for wearing this," she replied, adjusting the skirt she was wearing.
Eren got off the hood of the car and went to the backseat, he grabbed a black cotton blanket he always kept back there. Sometimes before classes he would take a snooze in his car, and he used the blanket for warmth.
"Here.. I uh, take naps before class." he said, handing the blanket to (Y/N).
She reached for it, feeling his fingertips brush against hers, making small sparks come from his touch. His fingers felt.. warm. She wrapped the blanket around her frame, feeling the warmth surrounding her made her feel cozy.
"Thank you.. really, you didn't have to do this." she said, looking over at Eren.
He stared at the city lights. "It's no problem, you looked like you needed some cheering up anyway," he said, bumping his elbow into her arm.
(Y/N) looked into his green eyes which were twinkling in the light. "You never mentioned why your night was shitty," she said, nodding her head at him.
Eren felt the disappointment coming back to him about Mina. "O-Oh! Yeah, uh.. it's a lot really," he said, looking towards the girl. "I can tell you," he added.
She smiled. "I have time," she replied, adjusting herself a bit and wrapping the blanket around her a bit tighter.
Eren sighed, staring at the ground. "I got ditched tonight by a girl who I thought liked me. I was kind of stupid to ignore how she was acting, I guess in a way I should have taken the signs, but I liked her too much. She was supposed to join me tonight at the party but she never showed, so I guess that's the end of that," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
(Y/N) felt bad for him, nobody deserves to have that happen to them. Eren seemed like a nice guy to her as well, she couldn't exactly see why a girl would pass up on him.
"That's really mean... I couldn't imagine being ditched by a guy. I'd probably feel so embarrassed," she said, looking towards him. "How long have you guys been talking?" she asked.
"Three weeks? Almost maybe a month? I was planning on asking her out tonight too but I guess she had other plans," Eren replied, leaning on his elbows.
(Y/N) nodded, staring at the ground.
"Say... you never told me why you were crying, do you wanna talk about it? No force," he asked, leaning up to look at her face.
A frown formed onto her lips thinking about the events that occurred. "Yeah I feel like I need to vent," she replied, putting her knees to her chest.
Eren turned to face her. "Ready when you are," he said, giving her a reassuring smile.
Her smile grew as he looked at her. "Well um, my boyfriend- well now ex-boyfriend cheated on me a few weeks ago, he hooked up with someone I was close with. My friends brought me to that party to sort of 'let loose' in a way, then they ended up ditching me. I didn't know anybody there, so I just went to the bathroom and broke down." she explained, feeling a few tears well into her eyes.
Eren felt a tug at his heart hearing what she had to say. He couldn't imagine what she was going through right now, especially with her ex.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N), those people aren't your friends for sure. You should honestly stop talking to them," he said, crossing his arms.
She laughed a bit, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "It's just been hard you know? None of them seemed to care when he cheated on me, and they sort of just brushed my problems away." she said, shrugging her shoulders. "It sucks telling you this," she added.
Eren placed his hand on her wrist. "I get it, what you're going through is so difficult. Having people around who don't care are the worst and it sucks seeing you this way, you seem like a really cool girl! Well, from what I've seen anyway. That's besides the point, you're really cool and those people don't deserve you. Your ex is also an asshole too," he said, rolling his eyes.
She smiled a bit at his words. Nobody really said that kind of stuff to her before.
"Same goes to you, you seem like a nice guy, and whoever that girl was who ditched you, she's missing out." (Y/N) said, smiling at him.
Eren chuckled a bit. "I guess in a way we both had a shitty night, but it ended pretty great." he said, looking at the sky.
"Eren... thank you for everything. If you didn't find me in that bathroom I probably would be eating ice cream and sobbing to Twilight right now," she said, laughing a bit.
He smiled. "No problem (Y/N), if I didn't find you I'd probably be at home watching some stupid sports compilation," he said, laughing along with her.
(Y/N) leaned against the windshield. "Do you want to head back?" she asked, looking towards him.
He sat up, stretching a bit. "Yeah sure," he replied, standing up and heading towards the drivers seat of the car.
The two hopped in and drove back to (Y/N)'s apartment, the drive felt long, but their company kept each other in good moods.
Eren pulled into the parking area and looked towards (Y/N). "Tonight was fun," she said, smiling at him.
A smile grew onto his lips. "Yeah it was, you made tonight great." he replied, putting his car in park.
(Y/N) grabbed her stuff. "Well... thank you really, you made me feel a bit better. I appreciate you a ton," she said, unbuckling her seatbelt.
"Yeah, no problem at all," he replied, looking towards the front of the building.
He unlocked the car and watched her get out.
"Wait!" Eren said, stopping her in her tracks.
(Y/N) looked back at him. "What's up?" she asked, nodding a bit
Eren grabbed his phone from his pocket and handed it to her. "May I.. get your number?" he asked, smiling a bit at her as a blush formed onto his face.
She felt heat rush onto her cheeks, taking his phone in her hands. "Of course," she said, smiling as she entered her number into his phone. "Text me tonight, we should facetime." she added, handing his phone back to him.
Eren smiled, taking his phone back. "I'd love that," he replied, smiling again at her.
"See you then, and drive safe!" she said, closing his car door.
He watched as she entered her apartment building, Eren smiled to himself thinking about what happened tonight.
Who knew being ditched would lead to this?
Don't cry over spilled tea - Levi Ackerman
Ft. softdom!Levi, sex on his desk, oral, first kiss // wc: 2.2k // [ao3] [masterlist]
“Captain, mmhh, you’re going to make me spill this,” you protested weakly, teacup trembling in your unsteady hands as Levi pulled down your collar. His warm lips pressed against your neck, and you felt the tickle of his breath as he swallowed a laugh. His stern voice was a little less intimidating this close to your skin.
“Don’t you dare.” He stepped closer, sharp hips slanted against yours as he nudged you back toward his desk. “Don’t you dare make a mess in my office.”
You did your best to keep the cup steady as Levi wrapped your thighs around his waist and lifted you onto the desk. His face was tilted up to yours from this angle, allowing you the luxury of carding your fingers through his choppy bangs. He closed his eyes to savor the feeling, face softened under your touch.
“You’re so pretty like this,” you sighed. He frowned at you, but you caught the telltale pink at the tip of his ears that told you he was flattered.
“Watch it,” he nodded at the tilted teacup. “You’re not paying attention."
“Whose fault is that?” He didn’t deign to answer, just nuzzled his face back into your neck. His restless hands settled around your hips, pulled you flush against his torso. You could feel the firm heat of him through your clothes, and you bit your lip to hold in the needy whimper that bubbled up your throat.
Levi nosed along your jaw and tugged at the straps of your harness. “These are in the way.” He reached for the buckle across your chest, yanked it tighter until the clasp popped free and he could ruck up the hem of your shirt unimpeded.
Ever attentive, he dragged his lips along the indentations left behind by the tight leather. “Poor thing.” Something dark flashed in his eyes even as he murmured the sympathetic words. The flushed marks on your skin made him think about leaving more, the colors he could make bloom with his tongue and teeth.
Blind to what he was thinking, you reached out to cup Levi’s cheek. He caught your hand in his before you could reach, pressed a gentle kiss to your palm- the tenderness sent a chill down your spine. Captain Levi was many things. Brilliant, aggressive, kind, frustrating- he might hold you in his arms and stroke your hair after a nightmare or bend you over his lap and spank you red for a transgression. You accepted every variation, loved them all. But he was at his least predictable when he showed you his adoration.
He stepped closer, shoved your legs apart to make room for his slim body between them. His cock was painfully hard, the imposing length of it clearly visible through his strained trousers. It made your mouth water, narrowed your perception to the want that pulsed in your core. That perception did not include the teacup in your slack grip, which finally tilted and sloshed milky tea down the slope of your stomach.
Your mouth fell open, frantic apologies at the ready as you searched for something to clean the spill with before it dripped down to the desk or Walls forbid, Levi’s spotless floor, but you froze at the sound of a hoarse laugh. “...Captain?”
Levi shook his head and smiled crookedly at you. “I told you not to make a mess, soldier. Am I that distracting?” Lightning flashed in the stormy gray of his eyes.
“Of course you are,” you breathed, waiting anxiously for the penny to drop. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be.” Emphasized with a firm hand over your parted lips. “I’m feeling generous today. You don’t need to be afraid of the consequences of this particular lapse.” He lifted your teacup by the rim and set it aside.
Levi dropped to his knees beside the desk. You moved up on your elbows to watch him but he gently pushed you back down. The tea had already started to cool, sticky on your skin, but you hardly noticed as your Captain leaned forward and began to lick it up.
Levi lapped the milky tea from your smooth skin, careful not to miss a drop. His meticulous tongue traced a burning path from your navel to your hip. You squirmed under his attention, dug your nails into his tensed shoulders, but he only smiled up from his knees at the sting of your frantic grasp. “It tickles,” you whined helplessly.
“Aww, I don’t care.” Behind the smirk Levi was almost disappointed that he was already done with you, his spit drying on your exposed midriff. He brought his mouth lower, kissed down your stomach until he lingered at your waistband. “Shall we see if you’re just as messy below these trousers?”
You closed your eyes and nodded, desperate for him to remove the layers between his curled lips and your drooling cunt. “Use your words,” he commanded softly.
“Yes, please, Captain,” you murmured, cheeks burning as he made quick work of the rest of your clothes. Levi clicked his tongue, peeled away your underwear, your blush deepening as thick strands of slick stretched and broke between your swollen lips and the damp fabric.
“As expected. Filthy.” He swiped two fingers between your folds, pressed them to your mouth in a silent order. You knew your role, parted your lips to suck them clean. Levi always found you so beautiful like this, obedient, debauched, spread open and wanting underneath him. He could never let you learn how close it made him come to breaking, the way his heart stuttered in his chest at the desire in your wide eyes. Instead he slid his fingers further into your warm mouth, clenched his jaw at the sound of your gag.
“My work is never done with you, brat,” he groused, leaning forward to plant a sloppy kiss on your pussy. His cock throbbed, ignored in the confines of his uniform as he went to work on you. Levi was nothing if not disciplined- he fought the urge to stroke himself, drowned the prickling need for friction in the gush of your cunt on his tongue.
You bucked your hips up into his mouth, tried to drag him closer by the hair as he nipped at the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Levi shook his head against your pussy, held your trembling legs open beneath him, forced to feel every puff of his breath and lap of his teasing tongue as you squirmed. “Leviii, please, don’t tease me, I can’t bear it,” you mewled.
“Love it when you beg.” Whatever came next was whispered straight into your cunt as the Captain plunged two fingers into you, each brutal pump of his hand followed with a tender kiss to your twitching clit. It drove you delirious, stripped you of any coherence you had left as you moaned for him, whimpered his title in a broken voice.
“That’s it, beautiful,” he murmured, eyes closed as he devoured you. He looked younger, freer like this, his care-worn face relaxed for a precious moment. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, tried to memorize the expression before it inevitably was replaced with his stoic mask. Love and lust swirled together in your gut as he licked up your slit with a flattened tongue, swirled it over your clit, sucked hard enough to make you gasp. Levi opened his eyes slowly and caught you staring. Braced for a reprimand, you were instead met with the shock of a blush creeping across his sharp cheeks.
“Captain…” You summoned the courage to reach for his face again, and this time he didn’t stop you. You held his face in your hands with the reverence of Atlas, and he actually trembled. It undid you, sent twin sparks down your spine and between your legs, made you pull him up from his knees before you could think better of it. He let you lead him, braced himself against the desk as he leaned over your sprawled body.
“Can I kiss you?” You breathed, drunk on the scent of your arousal on his breath, the gloss of your slick on his chin, the messy evidence of what you were to him, what he allowed himself to be to you. Levi’s eyes widened, blush deepening as if he wasn’t just nose-deep in your cunt. You both were painfully aware of the fact that you hadn’t kissed yet, not like that, not with it meaning something- though you’d done just about everything else on every surface in his room.
One hand tugged at his cravat while the other ran through his hair. You had seen him face off against titans with less uncertainty in his eyes. But no, it wasn’t uncertainty- it was something softer, a vulnerability that he kept hidden in the depths of himself. It burned away under the heat of your gaze, as you gently took his cravat from his grip and used it to pull his face to yours.
He was the one to close the distance, pressing his lips against yours with a sudden surge of courage. Electricity crackled between you, heightened with his shaky sigh into your mouth. Captain Levi tasted like tea, like mint, like your cum. All the confidence with which he fucked you had made way for a shyness in the way he kissed you, waited for you to press harder, to part your lips and lick your tongue into his mouth before he allowed himself to do the same.
He nudged his knee higher, pressed it hard between your legs as he bent to kiss you again, hunger breaking through his hesitation. You could feel the sharp planes of his body, chiseled by years of constant training and sacrifice. Every ridge of muscle and puckered scar told the story of who he was, the soldier given no chance for softness to find his body. You resolved then to give it to him, to be the place he could rest, if only for a moment, if only by giving your body to relieve the tension in his.
Dizzy, you scrabbled at the straps of his gear and freed his flushed cock, lined it up with your entrance without breaking the kiss. You felt him smile, kiss you harder as he covered your hand with his own and smeared his tip through your sticky folds. He swallowed your moan as he eased into you, your body making way for his imposing length in a delicious, searing stretch.
Levi kissed the corner of your mouth, your nose, your jaw, your eyelids- now that the seal had been broken he seemed eager to map every inch of your skin with his lips. You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him deeper, grinning at his surprised grunt. “So needy,” he rasped, his voice a little higher-pitched as he pulled out, slammed back into you.
Each powerful thrust had his heavy balls hitting your clit, your eyes rolling back as you tried to keep your legs locked around him. He was far beyond caring about the mess, your combined fluids pooling on the surface of his desk as he fucked you hard enough to make the wood creak.
Levi could feel your walls clench around him as your orgasm built, and he held back from his own edge through sheer willpower. He pinned your hips in his strong grasp, both of you silently hoping for purple-blue proof of it on your skin tomorrow. He let his head fall into the crook of your neck, pressed fervent kisses to your sweaty throat as he plunged deeper, slowing to savor the drag of his cock through your tight heat.
“Please, Levi, I can’t- I need to cum,” you begged, desperately rolling your hips against his, impatient for the friction of his taut thighs against your ass when he bottomed out. He obliged you, your generous Captain, crashed his lips greedily into yours as he rubbed a harsh pattern on your overstimulated clit and sheathed himself fully. You came with a strangled scream, shaking legs still wrapped around his waist, face scrunched in glorious relief. Levi drank down your moans, dragged down with you by the spasm of your pleasure around his cock. He held you close, moaned your name like a prayer as he spilled into you.
The two of you stayed like that for a glowing moment, limp and motionless except for the tired kisses Levi pressed to your forehead. You felt him soften and slip out of you in another gush of warm fluid, the two of you a satisfied sprawl across his desk. Levi sat up at last with a groan, slid off of you on unsteady legs. “Let me get something to clean you up,” he said and disappeared into the bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth, and set to work cleaning your well-used body. He was quiet, but you felt the tenderness in his touch.
You stood up on unsteady legs, smoothed the fringes of his hair and left him with a chaste kiss as you headed for the kitchen. Your disappearance took a bit longer, and Levi had settled back behind his desk- the surface already spotless again- by the time you returned with two steaming cups. “Tea, Captain? Try not to spill.”
He rolled his eyes as he reached for the tea in your hand, but his ears were pink again. “Perfect,” he said softly, and you knew what he meant.
Maria Ackerman in the eyes of people around her.

1• How her seniors and subordinates see her.
2• How the 104th Cadet Corps saw her.
3• How Zeke saw her. (He need to change his specs.)
4• Admirers and the look she gives before arresting or killing.
5• Obviously Reiner Braun. (Just like Damian sees Anya, so far from reality. Oh and Eren see Mikasa like this too.)
6• Kenny, Hannah, Arne and Rod. (Still an angry child for them.)
7• From here she got her looks. It's Mia Tuefel.
8• Obviously Jean Kirstein.
9• Ymir and Marco. And that's how she really is. Blank and dead eyes. Depressed.
"YOU ARE A TRAITOR! I KNOW YOU ARE A TRAITOR!! DEVILS!! ALL OF YOU AREN'T EVEN HUMAN BUT DESPICABLE PIECE OF SHIT!! YOU AND THEM!! I WILL KILL YOU!! KILL ALL OF YOU!!" Eren shouted trying to break free of Maria's hold on him. They were a good distance away from Reiner and Mikasa.
Maria had already cut off his upper limbs and was holding her sword above him. She just had to dive into his heart. It will stop all the bloodshed. It will stop everything.
"Huh…haah. No… no Eren." She shook her head.
"No Eren, you are wrong."
"And make her watch."
"I will. I will kill you." Her hand moved, plunging the sword deep towards his throat.

Mikasa Ackerman was sure that she did not know Maria Ackerman and there was nothing bad about that.
Mikasa didn't know herself either.
But she knew where to find her when no one else could.
No she didn't. Jean told her.
Her officials had told her to look for Maria. Because no one else would be able to handle her if she got violent as she had done in the courtroom.
Sasha also insisted on coming along. Stating Maria is hurt and perhaps needed them.
That hurts. To find the truth about your parents in such a manner.
Majority of the officers and nobles considered Maria a traitor.
Maria, who ran the blade right through Reiner's heart. Cut Bertholdt in half while I hesitated.

If you love SNK, just go and read this.
I am no artist but I love to draw to get motivation to write. And I love to write to get motivation to draw.
Still improving and trying my best in both areas.

Adam Bahr and Maria Ackerman, YEAR 847.
New Chapter Out!
I am in no way an artist. I used refrences and tried my absolute best! I am actually learning to draw.

Break the Walls around Me
Maria x Reiner
"You see, I am actually a coward."
Maria Ackerman was the girl who shouldn't have been born. She believes that pretty much herself. But in a world where living is luxury and her suicide attempts are useless, she keeps going on searching and searching for something which will let her live. It also sucked when everyone but her kept dying around her and she could neither save them nor die herself. Neither perfom her duty nor abdicate.

It's her birthday!

Princess Abel Reiss!
And I am posting this coloured version of my old art, also another story inspired by my other story!

the parent trap — levi ackerman x female reader — masterlist

people say that if one is fated to another, they would always reconnect no matter what lies between them. whether it be seas, a misunderstanding, parents who chose to go on different paths, or an unfortunate betrothal — they are merely obstacles that the pairing should tackle before finally having that happily ever after fairy tales depict for star-crossed soulmates. it's this belief that sparks hope for four hearts, all of which experience loneliness despite having the company of other people. thus, the conversations with the moon. years of talking to the ever-silver ruler of the night are not enough for four people who all wished for the same thing — to finally be in the arms of their other halves across the seas.
telling the moon their woes, two children thought they can solve their problem by switching places, determined to reunite their little family no matter what problems are thrown at them.
this is a story of two boys who discovered that they are connected in more ways than they expected.

part one ; two boys discovered that they are connected in more ways than they expected.
part two ; altair came home, only to find a thorn wedged in his little family.
part three ; caelum was too excited coming back home to london but found out that there was someone ruining their plan with their advances.
part four ; after assuming that everything was starting to shift further away from the plan, the people in the ackerman estate found out the identity of the boy mirroring the twin they know so well.
part five ; hours before caelum’s identity was revealed, altair was already found out by the one person he least expected would casually say his name, and the day just keeps getting worse from there.
part six ; it’s the most-awaited day of the meet-up, with levi thinking that meeting you will be just like what he imagined. when desperate times call for desperate measures, the two sides meet (minus you and hange) and added new agendas for the plan, and altair took it upon himself to save the day with another genius plot of his. here we go again.
part seven ; you four are together again.
part eight ; while levi is wooing you on your date, the twins find out that coincidences are laid out like playing cards in a game of poker when they followed lucas around california.
part nine ; it’s the camping trip but there’s a little change of plans, leaving you to stay in the house you once called your home.
part ten ; the last chapter before the epilogue. even though it’s quite unexpected but both levi and altair received quite a welcome from your family.

on impulse
i wanna spend some time with you
somewhere (canonverse)
pleasant surprise (canonverse)
courtesy of the ackerman line (canonverse)
that's enough candy for the day (an au where it's the four of you since the beginning)
reader and levi's past in university
altair ackerman headcanons
caelum ackerman headcanons
the twins making levi wear something of their choice
the twins giving a talk to their sister's prom date
hcs of al and cae with their little sister
tpt reader and the twins in s4

the twins
the twins with levi
the twins with their little sister
I absolutely love this story and the fact that this is the last chapter breaks my heart😪
Chapter 21

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none really, it gets really fluffy at the end, but no more angst!! (yay!!)
Word Count: 2911
A/N: This is technically the last chapter, but I did write an epilogue for this lmao, so stay tuned

Chapter Summary: His hard work paid off

To say the least, Jean’s fucking confused. He thought Eren would’ve talked to you by now, but you and he are in full swing at school. Eren left before you both moved back, which left Jean even more confused. You and Jean were on good terms, and he didn’t ask about Eren at all even though he wanted to.
Keep reading
I absolutely love this story and the fact that this is the last chapter breaks my heart😪
Chapter 21

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none really, it gets really fluffy at the end, but no more angst!! (yay!!)
Word Count: 2911
A/N: This is technically the last chapter, but I did write an epilogue for this lmao, so stay tuned

Chapter Summary: His hard work paid off

To say the least, Jean’s fucking confused. He thought Eren would’ve talked to you by now, but you and he are in full swing at school. Eren left before you both moved back, which left Jean even more confused. You and Jean were on good terms, and he didn’t ask about Eren at all even though he wanted to.
Keep reading
I lovedddd this storyyy omg the epilogue was beautiful ☺️

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none, just tooth rotting fluff, and a couple of suggestive lines bc once again, its Eren
Word Count: 2701
A/N: *sighs* this is the last chapter of the series. Jeez louise, this series was not supposed to be this long, also why did I make this epilogue so long LMFAO. So, this starts off two years after the current timeline, and then there’s another two years, but it’s mentioned. So the part after the second line divider is a total of four years later. LMFAO I hope this makes sense cause now I’m just rambling

Chapter Summary: It’s a happily ever after

“Proud of you, kid,” Eren chides, flicking your graduation cap, making you swat at him.
“Thank you so much,” you drawl, rolling your eyes, and he wraps an arm around your waist.
Keep reading
I lovedddd this storyyy omg the epilogue was beautiful ☺️

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none, just tooth rotting fluff, and a couple of suggestive lines bc once again, its Eren
Word Count: 2701
A/N: *sighs* this is the last chapter of the series. Jeez louise, this series was not supposed to be this long, also why did I make this epilogue so long LMFAO. So, this starts off two years after the current timeline, and then there’s another two years, but it’s mentioned. So the part after the second line divider is a total of four years later. LMFAO I hope this makes sense cause now I’m just rambling

Chapter Summary: It’s a happily ever after

“Proud of you, kid,” Eren chides, flicking your graduation cap, making you swat at him.
“Thank you so much,” you drawl, rolling your eyes, and he wraps an arm around your waist.
Keep reading
I absolutely love this story and the fact that this is the last chapter breaks my heart😪
Chapter 21

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none really, it gets really fluffy at the end, but no more angst!! (yay!!)
Word Count: 2911
A/N: This is technically the last chapter, but I did write an epilogue for this lmao, so stay tuned

Chapter Summary: His hard work paid off

To say the least, Jean’s fucking confused. He thought Eren would’ve talked to you by now, but you and he are in full swing at school. Eren left before you both moved back, which left Jean even more confused. You and Jean were on good terms, and he didn’t ask about Eren at all even though he wanted to.
Keep reading
I absolutely love this story and the fact that this is the last chapter breaks my heart😪
Chapter 21

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none really, it gets really fluffy at the end, but no more angst!! (yay!!)
Word Count: 2911
A/N: This is technically the last chapter, but I did write an epilogue for this lmao, so stay tuned

Chapter Summary: His hard work paid off

To say the least, Jean’s fucking confused. He thought Eren would’ve talked to you by now, but you and he are in full swing at school. Eren left before you both moved back, which left Jean even more confused. You and Jean were on good terms, and he didn’t ask about Eren at all even though he wanted to.
Keep reading
I lovedddd this storyyy omg the epilogue was beautiful ☺️

Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: none, just tooth rotting fluff, and a couple of suggestive lines bc once again, its Eren
Word Count: 2701
A/N: *sighs* this is the last chapter of the series. Jeez louise, this series was not supposed to be this long, also why did I make this epilogue so long LMFAO. So, this starts off two years after the current timeline, and then there’s another two years, but it’s mentioned. So the part after the second line divider is a total of four years later. LMFAO I hope this makes sense cause now I’m just rambling

Chapter Summary: It’s a happily ever after

“Proud of you, kid,” Eren chides, flicking your graduation cap, making you swat at him.
“Thank you so much,” you drawl, rolling your eyes, and he wraps an arm around your waist.
Keep reading