Levi X Fem!reader - Tumblr Posts
Attack on Titan characters and where they would take you on a first date
MDNI 18+ not explicit but sexual encounters implied
Featuring Armin, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Eren, Levi, Erwin, Hange, and Mikasa
Bowling! I feel like he cute and awkward and it would just be the two of you but little do you know a few lanes over are all his friends spying because he was sooo excited about getting to know you. He had an extra pair of socks in his car? in case you didn’t wear any so your pretty feet didn’t have to touch the gross shoes! Made out in his car when he dropped you off at your house then walked you to your front door blushing.
Taking you to the movies! Total sucker for the yawn & put his arm around your shoulder move. He’s get you whatever popcorn/drink/candy whatever you want. Depending on the movie, if you got sleepy or scared and laid your head on his shoulder and he’d kinda smirk to himself and he thinks he’s got it in the bag. Would try to make out with you in the theater if nobody was there like total teenagers. If reader was willing, definitely would go home with you but would be very respectful to let you know he wants you but doesn’t want to fuck on the first date
I think maybe a nice walk in a park. On a cold morning and you both bring your dogs after you get coffee at a little cafe his girl friend recommended. He’d give you his scarf if you were cold and I feel like he’d give you the cutest forehead kiss before the most intimate sparks flying kiss on the lips that you forgot it was winter. He wouldn’t end the date until you guys decided when your next date or time he’d see you would be. Second date is dinner at his apartment :)
I think he’d take you to like top golf or some type of sporting outdoorsy thing? If not top golf maybe a soccer or baseball game? He would help you if you’ve never golfed and like line himself up behind you to show you. He’d “accidentally” brush his lips against your ear/neck to see how you react. Would ask you to grab a drink or something after and would say suggestive things the whole time to watch you blush and squeeze your thighs together! After a few drinks you go back to his nice ass apartment and fuck for hours. You’re attached at the hip after that day and there isn’t even a question about a second date.
I feel like he’d take you to a basketball game and he’d prepare and buy you a tshirt or jersey ahead of time to change into and then he’d keep telling you how good you look in it <3 he’d ask you if you want to hold his hand & he’d buy you an expensive sports arena drink. You guys end up on the kiss cam and Connie blushes so motherfucking hard you can’t help but giggle. He tells you after that he’s sorry your first kiss was in front of all these people. You have such a good time and neither of you want the date to end so you end up walking around after and back at your place you stay up late all night talking! You make out in between deep conversations and you make popcorn and watch movies. He ends up falling asleep on your couch even though you told him he could sleep in your bed. Sexy ass morning sex and takes you out to breakfast.
Study date! Your first date is a little “lame” as other people would put it but you meet him in one of your college courses and he asked you to study biology with him at the library. Asks you for your coffee order ahead of time and brings it to you!! You flirt and giggle a lot while you go over course materials and he walks you back to your apartment after. You tell him you’re ordering takeout for dinner and asks if he wants to join and he does, super lowkey and doesn’t even kiss you. But he does ask for your second date to not be school related
Museum or book shop date, something educational! It’s such a cozy vibe and he pushes a piece of hair behind your ear while you’re reading. He asks if you want to meet up with his friends for a happy hour afterwards and thinks it’s funny how polite you are to Hange and Levi. On the walk back to the car he notices you’re chilly and gives you his coat. You end up talking about some book you have and invite him into your apartment to find it. You end up on his lap in a steamy couch make out session but he doesn’t let it escalate even though you want it so bad. He stares so intensely in your eyes and tells you he’s borrowing the book and you will have to see him again to get it back <3
They ask you to go to a candle making class or some type of crafty workshop. They’re so silly and messy and you both can’t stop laughing. Your pottery/candle/painting whatever you made turns out pretty messed up but you both had fun. They hold your hand as you walk to grab some lunch afterwards. After lunch you go your separate ways and you get a text as soon as you got home saying “can I please see you again?” Hange wouldnt do anything on your first date I feel like but the second date they’re going to kiss you as soon as they knock on your door for the second date.
Asks you to a concert! Some indie artsy person you haven’t heard of at a small venue. She will stand behind you and wrap her arms around your shoulders as you guys sway to the music and she kisses you at the slow songgg. Car sex on the way home. She makes sure like 10 times that you’re okay with it though. She plays with your hair after.
A/N my app is being so stupid so I gave up trying to edit this I’m sorry if there is typos lmaoo
Captain Levi One Shot

A/N : Takes place like 10 years before the AOT universe, please don’t fact check my shit I know some of it doesn’t line up with cannon lmao. In this Petra is not yet a part of squad Levi.
I’m thinking about doing a series of one shots for this version of Levi x reader but would love some feedback!
26f reader x 29m captain Levi
content warning: alcohol , hangover vomiting (so sorry), blood, minor injuries, masturbation (both f and m)
You had worked so damn hard. You had worked so hard for almost 10 years to get where you are.
Graduating as a part of the 95th corps of cadets, (#3 in your class none the less), you took on the challenge joining the scouts. You took on the challenge of knowing your best friends, your adopted family, would die. You could’ve had a cushy life as an MP and never lay an eye on a titan but no, you just had to be brave.
10 years is a long time to last as a scout. Only a few have lasted longer and you’re wondering when it’ll be your turn. You’re nearly 26 at this point, are you going to have to slow down?
Your superiors decided to throw you a party for hitting the 10 year mark. A get together at a pub in town that closed for an evening to be private for all scouts and military that wanted to come. The ones left of your cadet class came, plus most of the scouts since you were a friendly face and a great mentor.
Hange and Petra were two of your closest friends, they made you a cake! Everyone else was buying you drinks and having a great time. You made your rounds to thank everyone for coming and say hi.
You go up to the table in the corner last, being the most intimidating of the group. Captain Erwin, and a few from his troop were seated including Miche, Gunther, Tomas, Eld, and Dieter. Oh, and the dark storm cloud in the corner, Levi. Captain Levi.
Something about that man, you can’t tell if it pissed you off or if you were attracted to his stormy look. He has only been in the scouts for a few years but, he has far surpassed everyone to earn the title of Captain and earn the special operations squad. He didn’t have a ton of respect as a leader, considering his past which always came about in hushed whispers and stolen glances.
“Ah Miss L/N!” Erwin booms as he watches you approach the table “the celebrity of the evening has graced us with her presence!” Yeah, he’s definitely had a few drinks. You give most of the table a hug before Erwin booms “Excuse me,,, Excuse Me! Yeah I’d like to make a toast to celebrate one amazing scout, y/n l/n”
He turns you around to face everyone in the pub and you catch Levi’s eye for a second, letting a soft smile show. Your drinks and shots everyone had been buying you are catching up and you catch yourself blushing at Levi’s lingering eyes on you. If only you knew why.
As Erwin goes on a great toast speech about how much you’ve grown in 10 years, how great you are, etc. you can’t help but feel immense pride, something you’re not used to as a rather insecure person. Then your attention gets roped back in as Erwin places his hands on your shoulders give you a little shake like a proud dad.
“So to finish my toast, I want to congratulate miss l/n on becoming the newest member of the special operations squad under captain Levi.”
Your jaw drops as the pub errupts in loud cheers turning around to give Erwin a huge hug, since he is the highest rank here commander shadis must have trusted him with this information.
The raven haired stoic man stands up from his seat and comes closer to you and gives you a crisp salute which you mirror back. Probably not as crisp with the way you feel a little wavy. He then sticks his hand out for a handshake as you grab ahold he speaks, “welcome to the team kid.”
You smile at him “Thank you sir! The pleasure is mine!” He’s going to teach you to be less formal with him eventually but appreciates your response for the time being.
You are both surprised at your impulsive decision of deciding to wrap your arms around his neck, giving him an enthusiastic hug. You swear you feel his chest let out a chuckle but hear him grunt, “tch, get off”. You pull away ready to apologize but see a little smirk on his face as he sits back down. All of Erwin’s table saw the encounter and chose to avoid eye contact. As you giddy-ly ran over to Hange and Petra to celebrate.
The rest of the night consisted of singing, dancing, drink-offs with some of the men, and if you weren’t crazy you could’ve sworn Levi was keeping a close eye on you.
Once closing time hits you and some of the scouts you were close with stumbled back to your base. Levi, Erwin, and Miche suspiciously decided to leave just as you were. Following not too closely behind you.
As you get back to your room and ready for bed you stumble a little as you put on your pajamas of a tshirt, no bra, and booty shorts. You’re humming to yourself as you put the uniform from today aside to wash and about to crawl in your bed that looks soooo comfy when
*knock knock knock* gently taps on your door
Assuming it is Petra or Hange drunk you giggle walking up to the door. You swing open the old wood, creaking to your surprise is your new captain.
“Soldier. Sorry for stopping uh unannounced. I wanted to give you this since you looked like you had fun tonight. Integration starts tomorrow at 8 AM.”
You form a salute, right hand over your breast as your dainty nipples show through your white tshirt. He pretends not to notice, suppressing the urge to look at your body he has never seen outside of uniform.
“Thank you captain. I hope you sleep well. Goodnight,” your voice sounds like silk although raspy from singing and yelling all night. Nobody has ever wished him a good nights sleep and he is a little dumbfounded. “Goodnight l/n” he whispers as you gently shut the door on him.
He brought you fruit and some water in a nice basket, surely that will help with your hangover that you’ll have to figure out by 8 am. You think of all the things people whisper about Captain Levi, how he’s a heartless monster, incapable of feelings, barely human. You can’t believe them and decide to put your utmost respect into your captain, wondering how he put together something special like this in such a short notice.
The next morning you are awake at the break of daylight, about 7 am. This gives you an hour to get cleaned up eat and get to the training grounds, but god do you feel like shit. As you’re about to get in the shower you feel your stomach bubbling and make it just in time to the bucket to throw up. Well throwing up sucks, but at least you feel a tiny bit better. You get a rather quick shower and throw your hair into a low bun with some pieces sticking out and put on your uniform. Eating an apple and drinking water that Levi brought you in the early hours of the morning. You decide ultimately that this is your fault for drinking too much, and hope since it is the first day of integration Levi would take it easy on you.
Oh, how you were so wrong.
“L/n, you look like shit.” Your captain spits harshly.
“My apologies captain.” You say not looking him directly in the eyes with your hand over chest in salute.
“10 laps around the field to get started.” Oh god you have to run while hungover, but you can’t tell him no. Maybe this is some type of test to him? He knows how much you drank last night because he was keeping a watchful eye on his new team member. You begin running as Miche and Levi chat, quietly enough you can’t hear them over the pounding in your head.
Just as you hit the sixth lap you feel a bubbling in your tummy again. Oh no, not in front of him. Before you can even try to hide it, you’re doubled over throwing up the rest of the contents in your stomach.
And then, silence. No Miche and Levi chatting, no background noise from the base, just silence. This has to be a test. He wants to see if you’ll keep going or give up on the very first exercise. You use the backside of your jacket sleeve to wipe your face and begin the 6th lap. You’re half done, just push through.
As someone who typically doesn’t struggle too much with running you are shocked at your inability to hold yourself to a high standard this morning. You nearly collapsed as you finished the 10th lap. Bent over with your hands on your knees you wait for Captain Levi to address you.
“Next you’ll be timed on your ODM gear maneuvering through the dummies.” Your face goes pale at the thought of flying through the air right now, but you don’t have a choice. “Yes sir” you respond breathlessly standing up fully again.
You don’t notice the goosebumps that appear on Levi’s skin when you call him Sir or Captain, and he tries to ignore them. Watching as you strap on your ODM gear as you struggle with a particular thigh strap, he sulks over, looking down at your gear. Your big eyes look back up at him, still fumbling your fingers at the same time.
“Here,” he takes over where your hands were, grasping the leather straps tightly and fastening it together so that it squeezes your nice thighs just enough.
“You look like shit,” he says lowly, finally making eye contact with you.
“I’m so sorry sir, is there something wrong with my uniform? How can I fix it?” You ask like a good subordinate.
“Don’t drink the night before training.” He says turning around not looking at you anymore.
You scoff in disbelief at his words, and he waits for your next move.
“My apologies again Captain, but I was not aware of my promotion until last night and not aware of this training until I was already home from the pub. I think it’s rather unfair to-” you’re cut off by the lightning quick movements of the captain who is now gripping your collar of your uniform jacket, almost lifting you off your seat.
“Rule number one - don’t talk back to me” he growls inches from your face.
“Rule number two - always be prepared as a part of squad Levi. We are the special operations squad for a reason, we could leave at a moments notice.”
“Rule number three - you must always look and act your best for training.”
All the while he spoke down to you staring into your eyes. You didn’t dare looking away from the steel gray eyes boring into yours. “Yes sir” you squeak out. He drops your shirt collar, brushing off the wrinkles he just created. And your ass collided back down with the bench you were sitting on. He begins to walk away with a “I’ll be waiting” as he heads towards the wooded area of the training grounds.
You’re trying to wrap your head around what just happened and how your superior talked to you like that when most of this was out of your control completely.
It was then you realized this morning was all one big test. To see how much you needed to be broken down in order for him to build you back up and form you into one of his soldiers.
But you didn’t ask for this promotion, you didn’t receive a warning, you didn’t even get to say bye to your old squad leader.
You try your best to hold your head high, cleaning your blades as you walk in the directly Levi walked a minute ago. Trying to push down all of the demons punishing you for your actions from last night. Mentally you need to get with it if you’re going to prove yourself to Levi this morning that you’re fit to be a part of his squad. You don’t think he’s ever watched you before, at least not in battle, per your knowledge. The last thing you need is him thinking you are a weak link in his group.
You finally approach him at the beginning of the course, trying to maintain cool headedness and confidence. After all you’ve done this course thousands of times over 10 years in the scouts. I mean, they change it sometimes but not by a whole lot.
Not even looking over at you Captain Levi says “I’ll start the stopwatch when you start going. Miche is on the other side to signal a flare once you make it to the end.”
You nod to your self, stretching your back and neck a little before you go. You bound off the ground propelling with as much speed as you can. Your technique is a little different from most, whereas you don’t necessarily have as much speed as you do strength. Your cuts are so deep and clean on the nape of the titan that you are sure fire a kill if you can just get there. You move easily from side to side due to your core strength and kind of look like a mix of a ballerina and a ninja on your good days. Your technique is just weird enough they don’t let you help teach the new recruits.
Flying, adjusting to the new dummies that pop up, it actually feels pretty nice and comforting to help your hangover. You finish the course with ease but your ODM gear fails to hook on one side as you hit the last row of trees. You’re thrown off balance and end up hitting the tree Miche was leaning on with a thud. Luckily, as soon as you made contact Miche shot the flare so you would get a better time, but you lay on the ground groaning. A little blood dripping out of your eyebrow and nose, and cuts on the arms of your uniform.
Levi had already begun swinging to where the ending point was but began speeding up after he ended the timer. He landed on his feet so elegantly and precise, making Miche laugh. Neither of the men helped you up for a minute as you laid there with your hand over your face, red from embarrassment but reminding you that you may throw up again or pass out at any moment.
“3 minutes 9 seconds. Not bad for…your current condition” he says leaning down to look at your face. “You’ll be doing this again when you’re through with your hangover, and I expect it to be spotless. With a much better landing.”
“Yes captain,” you groan. Not being able to hold yourself together much at this point. He grabs a cloth out of his pocket and hands it to you. You do your best to clean the eyebrow and whatever nose wound you have, it may very well be broken.
“Up next is hand to hand combat. Since you are already torn up, I’ll let you chose who you fight against rather than myself, but it has to be someone from the squad.”
The rest of the team was finishing up breakfast walking out to the grounds that hand to hand combat training usually takes place. You were supposed to meet the team and then get your ass handed to you by Levi, but I guess he’s feeling nice watching you try to twist your nose back to its original place. As you finally stand up off the hard ground you stumble a few steps before bending over to throw up one last time. Levi happened to catch you off balance and patted your back while you dry heaved a little.
Levi, the clean freak, comforting you? After you just fucked up your integration training? You brush it off and size up your potential opponents as you want over. You then realize, you’re the first woman to be a part of squad Levi . Is that why the captain is making you do all this? A sexist power move to make you feel inferior to the rest?
The squad is chatting as the three of you walk up to them and fall silent, all eyes on you. Levi brushes past you “everyone this is y/n l/n, she will be joining the special operations squad effective immediately. Right now she is sizing all of you up to see who she can handle in hand to hand combat.” You do your best to remain confident and not shy away as all the well accomplished men look over to you.
“Captain Levi” you pipe up with less courage than you thought you had.
“Yes?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“I want to go against you, Captain.”
The whole crowd of men goes silent, they think you have a death wish or maybe you already hit your head too hard given the dried blood already on your face.
“Fair enough l/n, I’ll give you a few minutes to get ready.” He takes off his uniform cape and jacket and set it neatly down next to where all the men are standing. You are busy unstrapping your ODM gear, moving to the side so you can set it down gently. You sign when you take all of it off, feeling 15 pounds lighter. You following Levi’s suit, you take off your uniform jacket as well.
This leaves both of you in your white button up shirts. You size Levi up and down, trying to determine when his weak spots are. You see the way his biceps move under the tight shirt as he undoes his cravat. The men of squad Levi are still just men, most of them looking at the way some of the buttons on the chest of your shirt are a little too snug so to your growing tits. You note to yourself to get the next size up shirt when you feel this happen.
You and Levi both walk to the center of the training grounds with most of squad Levi surrounding and a few others that happened to be walking around on this crisp Saturday morning. Levi gets settled in a fighting stance and you follow as he does. “Begin” he says in his low emotionless voice. You step closer to him to begin throwing attacks towards his upper body, most getting blocked but an attempt to elbow his side proved efficient. He throws a series of hits towards you and you manage to dodge a few of them, but are struggling to breathe after a solid punch to the stomach. You think this is a pretty fair match up until he says “tch is that all you have? I’m getting bored.” He speeds up his hit combos, giving you less time in between to recover as you do your best to land a kick on him. His reaction time is way better than yours, grabbing your right ankle and flipping you through the air to have you fall onto your back. You see stars as your head collides with the ground. He has not rendered you out yet, grabbing your arm and twisting it go go behind your back, using the fake little dagger they use for training and press it to your neck. Luckily, you both were facing away from the crowd of people.
“You really thought you could take me? I even gave you the option to fight someone else and you were so cocky you thought you could beat me? Tch, your form and performance today disgusts me. Dismissed.”
Levi stands up and walks back towards the barracks by himself, not talking with anyone and rather pissy it seems. The men left there disperse as you lay on your back trying to fight back tears, your hands covering your face. As soon as the coast is clear Hange and Petra run to your side. “We were watching from the building to see what would happen… I’m so sorry y/n”
So embarrassed, the only reaction you have is to grunt as they help you stand and help you back over to where your room is.
You collapse as they help you get into your room, exhausted and defeated.
“Y/n… do you wanna talk about it?” Petra asks softly playing with your dirt filled hair, head hanging in your hands as your slouched up against your desk.
“Please, I love you guys just I need to be alone,” you say back to them, and without looking up you hear them shuffle out and close the door.
You sit there with your head racing, trying to figure out where you went wrong. Yes, you were drunk last night but you didn’t even do that on purpose! And he could’ve told you earlier in the night so you could’ve stopped drinking and went to bed earlier yes, but he didn’t? This had to be a sick test.
What if Levi didn’t know you were joining his squad and this was some plan from the higher ups? What if Captain Levi didn’t want you on his squad at all and was trying to punish you today?
What if this is some type of hazing to get into the squad? And if you show up the next day or last a week you pass?
Why did your ODM gear fail? It had never done that to you before.
And yet, you still couldn’t bring yourself to dislike the stoic man.
You gather the strength and your belongings and head to the showers. Not lifting your head, you walk blindly the hallways to the showers, having walked the same way for 5 years since your 5 year anniversary when you were given your upgraded room. As part of your promotion, you were given access to the superior showers, dedicated to veterans and officers. As you’re about to knock on the door to see if it is occupied, the door swings open.
Of course Captain Levi had just showered, because he had come inside earlier than you and didn’t have to sulk about his performance. You do your best to muster up a smile and move out of the way for him to leave. You can’t help but look over his sculpted shoulders and biceps, down to his chiseled abs, and the v-line with a happy trail up the middle connecting to the pristine white towel covering the rest.
“L/n,” he says with no emotion, “showers all yours.” He remains looking at your face, noting the eye bags and bloodshot eyes. You must have been crying after your performance today, he thinks to himself. Combined with the dried blood around your eyebrow and nose, he thinks you’ll need a long while in there to recupe.
You nod to him, he walks away and you can’t help but notice his little back dimples as well. You proceed with getting undressed and warming the shower up, ready to sit on the shower floor and cry more. Peeling off the dirty white shirt that will need scrubbed and feeling the cold air against your skin was like stripping off the fuck ups of this morning. You relax under the hot water, watching all the dirt and blood wash down the drain.
Your exhaustion and embarrassment from the morning take over and you begin to sob, crying like you never have before. Not even holding it back, if someone was walking past they surely could hear it. You’re not even sure what you’re technically upset about the most, but right now crying is just what helps. At this point you’re leaning on the tile, out of breath, hiccuping like a child that just finished screaming for their lost mother. You work up the strength to begin washing your long hair foaming shampoo into it and scrubbing. After conditioning and washing your body you are officially exhausted. Wrapping in your two towels and begin the walk back to your room which luckily wasn’t too far. Maybe that’s why Captain Levi also wore his towel leaving the shower.
As you return to your room you look at the fruit Levi brought you last night and sigh. Why would he do that just to kick your ass? You throw on some comfy clothes and crawl back in bed with wet hair, drifting off for a nap.
Waking in the early afternoon, you stretch and yawn as you climb out of bed. You begin getting dressed to go to dinner in some of your casual clothes, luckily you don’t have to wear your uniform on weekends. You opt for a button up baby blue flowy dress with a navy sweater over top and your non-work boots.
Assessing the damage of your face in the mirror, you notice the bruises forming around your eyebrow and your nose. You have some scrapes up and down your arms which is why you chose to wear the sweater over. Your body aches. After all the years you’ve spent as a scout you’ve hardly ever had injuries this bad. Never from training though.
As you’re about to head out the door you notice a letter slipped under your door. You assume it is a silly note from Hange trying to lighten your mood. Your grin fades as you see who has signed at the bottom.
Please come to my office after dinner to discuss your performance today.
Captain Levi”
Your stomach sinks. In all these years you’ve never been called to your superiors office. You slip the letter in your bra under your dress and begin to walk to go to dinner.
Luckily Hange and Petra are already seated and you try to slip in without anyone acknowledging you. Given the ass beating you received this morning with a lot of the scouts watching, they can’t help but grimace at your bruised face. You opt for some soup, bread, and vegetables and sit down avoiding eye contact of your peers. Hange and Petra go silent as they watch you take your first few bites.
“Y/n,” hange says gently, “you look awful.”
You do your best to fake a smile to her, pretending like nothing is wrong. “Y/n, please don’t pretend like you’re fine…we’re here to talk,” Petra adds.
“I am fine. I had a bad day of training and I was hungover. I am perfectly fine and will be better by Monday.” You snap back at the both of them. With that they decide to change the topic, and talk about events that are happening in the town square tomorrow. Something about a show and food vendors and lanterns, it’s supposed to be a pretty big deal.
“Do you want to go y/n?” Hange perks up, crossing her fingers that you’ll say yes.
“Maybe, hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.” You try regaining your positivity and friendliness everyone knows you for.
“Someone put a letter under my door while I was napping.” You suddenly change the topic. Petra and Hange look at you with eyebrows raised.
“Captain Levi wants to see me in his office after dinner,” you whisper so nobody around you can hear. “What if I’m getting kicked off for my performance today?”
“I’m sure that’s the last thing it is.” hange says rolling her eyes and taking a huge bite of her bread. Petra sighs, “y/n, don’t look but him and Erwin have been staring at you and whispering this whole dinner.”
Of course you look up to meet steel gray eyes looking back into your own. Instead of shying away you hold eye contact, letting him be the one to break first and turning to Miche on the other side of Erwin.
“I’m not some sad puppy. I’m not going to let one bad day in 10 years determine my future. If Captain Levi wants me to put up a fight, then so be it. Just because I’m the first girl on his squad doesn’t mean I’m going to sit back and take their shit.” You are gaining your confidence back and are not going to falter and beg Levi to let you stay.
“We got the old y/n back,” Hange taunts to Petra, nudging you in the arm. You smile and ask them, “so what are your plans for tonight?”
After dinner you head back to your room to put a little makeup on. If this meeting goes well maybe you’ll go into town with Hange and Petra for a girls night. You find yourself wanting to look pretty, just in case, although you never cared about that before.
Levi is more than likely in his office now, as you watched him get up to leave shortly after you had the eye contact stand off. His office and sleeping quarters are just down the hall from you. You push down the butterflies growing within your stomach and sweaty palms as you grow closer to the door. You decide to stand there for a few seconds to control how fast your heart is beating and regain your composure.
However, in the time you stand there you hear noises from inside his office.
Typically if Captain Levi is in, he leaves the door opened a crack so people can welcome themselves in, but this time his door is completely shut. You decide to lean your ear up to the door to see if you actually heard something inside his room. Groaning and a slick noise can be heard, and you immediately blush backing away as quietly as possible.
Before you decide to turn around and go back to your room, your curiosity gets the better of you. You return your ear up to the door. Does Captain Levi have a girl over? Is it someone in the scouts? Your mind wanders as you listen to his beautiful groans and…wait… he’s by himself. Oh my god he’s jacking himself off. You hear him sliding his hand over his cock repeatedly.
You know this is wrong, you know you should walk away and pretend this never happened. But yet, you find a different type of butterflies growing in your stomach now. Not the nervous ones, but the horny ones. You’ve never thought about the captain like this and you know you shouldn’t but his voice is so damn sexy.. and the way you saw the water drop off his body after his shower today… you can’t help but imagine what he looks like right now.
“….y/n…” you hear the faintest moan come through the door and all the color drains from your cheeks. Does he know you’re standing there? No there’s no way he could. He’s getting off thinking about you. But isn’t that kind of fucked up considering everything he put you through today? Maybe he’s attracted to you and that’s how you got on squad Levi and it wasn’t your skills at all.
Your brain grows foggy, not being able to focus on all the ‘what if’s’ anymore but only able to focus on the heat growing between your legs. The speed of his strokes and the frequency of his heavy breathing indicates he is getting close. You feel yourself clench around nothing and right when you’re about to leave you hear it again.
“Fuck, y/n…” so faintly yet you couldn’t have imagined it, not twice. You hear a deep groan as you assume is him spilling his seed. Your mind can’t help wonder where he came, and what his cock looks like, and what he tastes like.
With that you are walking away from his door as quietly as possible and hurriedly walking back to your own. As soon as you’ve made it to your room, your cheeks flushed and so horny you can’t think about anything else. You lock the door and throw yourself onto the bed, pulling up your dress around your waist and lowering your panties. You haven’t relieved yourself in so long and you haven’t been touched by someone else in a few weeks. You run your delicate fingers up and down your slit gathering your wetness to spread it around your clit. Rubbing in small circles you let out a meek moan. The only thing taking up space in your horny brain right now is Captain Levi and the past 10 minutes that took place. You start pushing two fingers in and out of your tight hole thinking if it was him fingering you how it would feel. Would he talk down to you like he did when you were training this morning? The thought of that turns you on to a whole new level. You continue to get yourself off when you hear a distant pair of footsteps in the hallway. You can’t be bothered by how foggy your brain is to care if someone hears you. The cute squelching noises your pussy is making would be enough to send any man over the edge. Your climax is building up so fast you don’t notice how the footsteps come to a stop outside of your door. After another minute of keeping up your movements your orgasm washes over you and you can’t help but let out a throaty “Leeviii” as you feel your back arch off the bed.
You put your panties back on, wiping your hands off on a towel in your room and are finally catching your breath when there is a soft knock on the door.
Good god, the footsteps in the hallway, did someone just hear all that? You look in the mirror to check yourself before opening the door. It looks like you just ran a mile with the way your chest is moving and the blush that creeps across your chest up to your cheeks.
You unlock and open the door to find Captain Levi standing there arms crossed. Trying to hide the mortified expression on your face as the reality sinks in of the past 30 minutes you stutter as you go to greet him, “Captain Levi! How can I help you?” Smiling at him with a glow on your face post orgasm.
“I believe you received the note to see me in my office after dinner,” he sternly responds not an emotion in his eyes. Surely if he had heard you he would’ve at least blushed or something?
“Oh y-yes Captain. I’m so sorry, I stopped by but you were-” you cut yourself off realizing what you were about to say. “Um your door was closed so I was going to stop by again in a few minutes,” you hurriedly finish your thoughts, not being able to maintain eye contact with your superior.
“Ah well, I’m free now so if you wouldn’t mind joining me.” If you’re not mistaken he just smirked at you? Is he playing mind games with you? No there’s no way he knew you were outside of his door, but maybe he did hear you moaning.
“Yes sir,” you follow behind him as he begins the walk to his office.
Either Captain Levi is the cockiest motherfucker in the scouts or he is absolutely oblivious. Or is he a master manipulator? All of your thoughts race as you approach his door again. All the meanwhile you think about how you still can’t hate him.
As you enter into his quaint office you take in the scent of tea spices, a well organized desk and bookshelf, and a small table. You notice a garbage can under the desk with tissues in it and can’t help but wonder…
“Can I offer you some tea?” He asks, walking over to a door on the other side of the room with a tea kettle. “Yes please,” you respond and he goes through the door, which must lead to his sleeping quarters and some type of stove to heat water.
“Please have a seat,” he motions to the small table that has some scouts paperwork on it as he enters back into the room. “It’ll take a few minutes for the water to heat.” You nod, sitting as you try to keep your nerves under control. He is walking around the near space tidying belongings and disappears in the next room again. He comes back with a blanket and some firewood. Lighting a fire in the small fireplace. He hands you the blanket, “‘m sorry it gets cold in here when the sun goes down.” You nod to him placing it on your lap as you hear the tea kettle boiling in the next room over. Does he do this when he meets with all his subordinates? Surely not…. Unless he is as nice as you suspected he was?
Captain Levi returns with a tray with two tea cups the boiling water and a variety of tea bags. “Would you like to pick?” He holds the selection out to you. “Whatever you recommend, I don’t know a lot about tea,” you try to lighten the room with a little giggle but his face remains stoic as he picks two of the same tea bags, setting them aside before placing the tea cups on the table, filling them with the hot water and placing the tea bags in the cups. He sits down at the seat next diagonal from you at the square table, so you both are facing the fire. He then grabs the blanket off your lap, spreading it out so it covers both of you. Everything he does is so calculated, and you are at the edge of your seat to find out more about him and what this meeting is about.
Captain Levi sips his tea first.
He sighs and states without looking at you, “I’m sorry about this morning.”
“Please sir, don’t apologize, I understand it was my fault and I will do better.” You do your best to keep a positive smile on your face even though he isn’t looking at you.
“Another thing about being on my team, don’t fucking lie to me. I’d rather you tell me you’re miserable and hate my guts than be fake to me.”
You are taken aback by his words, you have never heard a captain or high rank want to be addressed less formally. “I-I’m sorry?” You stutter out. He ignores your apology. “Our squad eats every meal together. We all have our rooms around the same area which won’t be a problem since you’re not too far from here anyways. We train 6 days a week unless there is a mission or some sort of order from the higher ups. I highly advise no more drinking and no more romantic involvement with any men..er women I guess.” Still not speaking directly at you he is just holding his tea cup to his lips, not by the handle but holding his hand over top the rim.
“Yes, Captain.” You nod, and he finally looks over to you, studying your face. You grow self conscious until he says, “How is your face feeling? That looked like quite the tumble.” You chuckle, touching your eyebrow. “I think it looks worse than it is. I think I was more embarrassed than anything,” you shrug taking a sip of your tea.
“I know you probably think I’m out to get you, given your experience this morning.” He says still looking in your eyes. Before he finishes his thought you cut him off, “oh not at all sir!”
Levi ignores your objection, continuing, “We have to be the best. I treat my team like brothers. We’ll I guess..erm..sister now too.” He looks away with what looks like a slight pinkness on his cheeks.
“You’ve been in the Scouts for longer than most of our team. You have a good head on your shoulders, I just need to make sure you can keep up with us physically. That’s why I wanted to see how your injuries were holding up this evening.”
You nod, as this feels like a mental game of chess. Captain Levi survived in the underground for years, he is calculated, sharp, even scary smart.
“I’d like for you to choose someone to practice your hand to hand combat skills with over the next few integration trainings. You were pretty good but you have to get great.”
“Yes Captain… would you mind helping me with it? I’d like to learn from the best.” You grin and blush up at him.
“Are you trying to kiss my ass L/n? It’s going to take a lot more than flattery to get on my good side.” He looks over at you with a slight smirk on his face and a playful tone, one of the first times you’ve ever seen him like this.
“Then what else would it take? To get on your good side?” You dare start flirting with your captain, feeling awfully bold and somewhat unhinged after all the events that have taken place today.
“You’ll have to figure that out yourself,” he says in a low, sultry tone as his eyes look from yours down to your lips and back. He reaches his hand over and you freeze, but he wipes off some tea from the corner of your lip and retreats his hand back.
“So I have to ask… since you said you stopped by earlier. I heard some footsteps approach my door while I was attending to some … personal matters.. and it seems they stopped and listened for a few minutes. You didn’t happen to see who it was did you?” Levi smirks staring at the fireplace, knowing he has caught you red handed as your face blushes hard.
“Next time, just knock. I could have used some assistance. It sounded like you needed some to,” he has a shit eating cocky grin, being the master manipulator he is looking over to you with your jaw dropped.
Link to part 2
Levi one shot (cont.)
A/N : merry christmas to those who celebrate and happy birthday to our lord and savior Levi Ackerman. I’ve been working on this for 3 days and did everything in my power to finish it today for his bday 💚 starting the third part now
Here is the link to part 1 but you don’t need to read it to make sense
MDNI 18+
cw: giving head, penetration, praise kink, alcohol, spitting, showering together, being sore from sex, being a shy little bbygirl

You were adapting well to squad Levi after your first day. Captain Levi took things a little easier on you and you were able to prove your talent through the other integration trainings.
It was the cold season so the scouts weren’t going on exploratory missions, but rather impromptu help needed near the walls.
Erwin approached you one day and asked if you Petra and Hange would be interested in planning the Scout’s winter solstice party, a new tradition he is starting since he is now basically second in charge. He explains that he wants you in charge due to your great work ethic and your work on projects in the past with the scouts and paperwork etc.
“Yes sir! I’d be happy to.” He leans on the door frame of his office while you’re standing in the hallway. “Are there any particular guidelines? A dress code?”
“There is a pretty fancy abandoned scouts camp that looks like a castle. I was hoping we could get it cleaned up and spend an evening there. Give members an opportunity to wear something outside of the ol’ uniform for once.” Erwin winks at you. “If you need any additional help please let Captain Levi know and he can allocate some of your team as resources.”
You blush at the thought of having a non-work conversation with Captain Levi after what had happened previously but graciously agreed and thanked Erwin for selecting you.
Walking back to your room, you are engorged in the map that Erwin have you with directions on how to get to this party location. You round the last corner to your hallway and bump into someone solid with an “oomf”.
“L/n, what is this?” Captain Levi looks disgruntled at the collision and grasps the paper out of your hands.
“Hi Captain, my apologies sir, I just got delegated planning the winter party for the scouts. Erwin would like to have it at the location on the map.” You crisply respond avoiding eye contact.
“I’ve been there before. Do you need some help?”
Your jaw drops and closes before you know how to respond. With a little too much excitement for him, you answer, “That would be so great Captain!” Smiling brightly at him as he maintains a deadpan expression.
“I’m sure it will need cleaning. It’s been abandoned since I was a new recruit, they don’t take a lot of people there. The whole squad will go tomorrow. I’ll command cleaning and you can get all the guys to.. uh.. help move things.” He presses his lips together as a tiny smile takes over the corners of his lips.
“Yes sir thank you so much.”
“Stop by my office this evening and we can go over details.” He quickly breaks eye contact after this last sentence, a tinge of pink brushing across his cheeks to his nose.
“Yes Captain,” you smirk at him, and nod your head slipping around the corner and float to your room as quick as you can.
Little do you know Levi watched you as you walked away shaking his head and smirking.
As dinner comes around you sit with your usual crew of Petra and Hange chatting over some soup, chicken, and bread. The two grow quiet as you finish talking about some ideas you have for the party. Petra clears her throat which signals you to stop taking, “Good evening Captain Levi,” she addresses and Hange follows with a “good evening.” You turn around to look up and greet him. “Hi sir, uh how can I help you?” He can’t help but notice the way your big doe eyes look up at him and what other act you may do for him looking up at him on your knees.
“Evening ladies,” he nods at the two across from you, then looking down at you over the bridge of his nose he struggles to keep eye contact as he asks “I was going to see if you’d like to walk back to my office with me.. for the um meeting we discussed earlier?” You notice a hint of bashfulness in his tone as you struggle to maintain your cool as well.
“Oh uh, yes sir, captain!” You stand up from your bench lifting your empty tray to return it to the dirty pile. He awkwardly walks about 2 steps behind you until you leave the food hall doors. Looking back to see most of your fellow scouts starring at the fact Captain Levi is leaving with a girl. Hange throws a wink your way giggling with Petra as Captain Levi walks in beside you now on the way to his office.
The walk consists of mutual silence, neither of you knowing what to ask each other without making it too weird. Almost as if you both forgot orgasming by yourself to each other a few weeks ago.
As you reach his office door, he holds it open for you as a small smile splays on your lips. He pulls out two chairs for you to sit on across from each other.
“Could I offer you some wine or tea?” He stands back up making his way across his neat office to wear he keeps all of his personal beverages.
“Um… whatever you’re having sir, I’ll have as well.” You smile with your teeth showing and he looks back over, almost as if he was impressed with your answer, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.
“Can you tell me about your plans for this party?” He asks as he starts opening a bottle and lifts two wine glasses out of the cupboard. You start explaining, “well sir, it’s very new to me as of this morning. I know the location and I believe we’ll have it next Saturday the 25th and the dress code will be fancy so people can dress up not in uniform.” As you finish he walks back over setting a glass down in front of you with no emotion showing on his face. As he sits down and straightens his jacket he stares into your eyes intensely. “The 25th? And your sure this is just a work party?”
“Yes sir, a winter solstice party per Erwin, and it falls on the Saturday after the shortest day of the year so I thought it would be great.”
He nods, sipping his wine and you follow. You wonder if there is something wrong with the 25th to him.
“I don’t know what condition this abandoned castle is in, I appreciate you lending the squad to help-”
“Were a team. And I believe a team is only as valuable as their work ethic and cleaning,” he cuts you off.
“Yes sir,” you nod taking another sip of wine. You note that if this conversation stays this awkward your glass of wine will be finished in no time.
“Please L/n, you don’t have to call me sir or captain behind closed doors, unless you want to of course.” It seems he turned his flirty tone on that you heard the other night, but you can’t tell.
“Oh um yes sir. Oh wait sorry um whatever you say.” You giggle at your stumble of words, “I’m just so used to addressing my superiors like that, it may be a hard habit for me to break.”
“By all means, if you’d like to call me that you can. I’m just letting you know I respect my squad enough that they don’t have to.”
“I suppose you’re right,” your cheeks tinge pink in the candle lights of his office. “I feel too old when people around here call me ma’am.” You roll your eyes teasingly as you see him crack a small smile.
You take another gulp of wine, noticing how he is staring at his glass, swirling the deep red liquid around, thinking.
“How did you decide to join the scouts?” He says once again with little emotion. You can’t tell if he actually cares or if he’s going to judge you for your answer.
“Well sir,” you blush as the title slips out but continue your sentence, “I was getting to the age where my parents were pressuring me to get a job or marry off to become a house wife to someone in the interior, and I didn’t want either of those things. I wanted to make my own choices and it seems like the only place women are respected within the walls is in the military.”
He raises his eyebrows, “interesting.” And takes the last sip of his wine glass. He stands up as you follow suit and grabs your glass to go refill them.
“Can I ask you how you got here sir?” Your voice raises nearly an octave of nervousness, knowing he doesn’t like to get too personal with anyone at all.
He doesn’t turn around to acknowledge he heard you, merely standing there in silence filling the glasses, finishing the bottle between the two of them. He turns around holding the two studying your face before he starts walking back towards you. “You haven’t heard the rumors? Why do you need to know from me?” His voice has a slight punch to it, you’re not sure if he’s angry, disappointed or a mixture.
“I’m sorry captain, I’ve heard the rumors, I just would prefer to hear it from you since you heard my story.” You reply shying back into your seat as he sets the glasses down again.
“Nobody usually cares to hear it from me. They’ve heard it from the higher ups and that’s enough for them,” he says looking at his shoes and not daring to make eye contact.
You stand up and rest your hand on his that is resting near his wine glass, “You don’t have to tell anyone anything, but if you do want to I’m here to listen.” He looks up at you as you say those last few words, a more gentle expression on his face from 2 minutes ago.
Levi dares to look away from your eyes only to look at your soft plump lips that always seem to be curved upwards. He can’t help but feel an urge to press his lips against your own. He looks back up at your beautiful eyes, licking his lips. He slides his hand out from under yours to take another sip of his wine.
You feel that he didn’t want you touching him so you move to sit back down across from him. “So uhm, tomorrow..” you start looking at your hands in your lap thinking about his mixed signals, “what time would you like to leave here?”
Levi clears his throat to get your lips on his out of his mind, “it’ll take about an hour on horse back to get there. I think we should try to get the squad to meet at 8 at the stables and head out as soon as everyone is ready.”
“Sounds great.” You feel your cheeks warming up from the almost half a bottle of wine that you have drank in such a short time frame. You still don’t dare to look up again, thinking about how you saw him looking at your lips but also brushing your hand away.
It is now captain Levi’s turn to stand up, reaching over to touch your chin with his pointer finger and thumb. “What are you thinking about, l/n?” You feel sparks on your skin where his fingers are, trying to think fast to come up with a lie but your brain short circuits.
“You,” you whisper.
“Really?” He whispers back, leaning down now so he is eye level to you. “And why is that pretty little head thinking about me?” You can smell the wine on his breath with the proximity of your faces, and you know he can smell it on you as well.
Your face shys away from his trying to look elsewhere in the room. His grip on your chin and jaw bone tightens, “I asked you a question, don’t get shy now, huh?” The newfound sultry voice he was speaking in made you feel like there were sparks in your lower stomach and between your legs.
“Well sir, we still haven’t really discussed what happened a few weeks ago and when I am around you alone I find it just… intoxicating” you respond with a smirk, not knowing who is going to initiate the kiss first.
“Hmm,” he backs his face away standing up straight again. He walks around behind your chair, moving your hair behind your ear and picking up the remaining few sips of wine you have in your glass. “Intoxicating you say?” He asks, lightly gripping your jaw again to tilt your head backwards to look at him.
“Open.” He looks at your lips again, and that spark you felt in your abdomen earlier seems to ignite all over your body. You comply to his request opening your mouth and keeping eye contact. He tilts half of the wine glass into his mouth and the remaining he pours into your open mouth. He is watching you intently as your throat bobs and you reopen your mouth for him, not knowing the glass was empty. He leans over spitting the wine that he had just had in his mouth into your open hole and closes your jaw for you.
Realizing what just happened an immense blush comes over your cheeks he walks around your chair to your front, motioning you to stand up now. Mere inches from your face he whispers “Good girl.” You whimper as your knees almost give out now realizing how turned on by this you are. His hand wraps around the back of your neck as he begins to lean forward to kiss you. After your lips barely connect he leans back, “does getting called good girl make you weak L/n?”
You don’t respond initially, leaning in to deepen the kiss. When you break away again you pant “Please call me y/n outside of work,” taking your turn to flip the cards on him.
The lust in his eyes darkens from a steel gray to almost black as you notice a bulge in his pants.
“Cmere y/n,” he says walking towards the one door off the side of his office. You feel chills all over your body hearing your first name roll off his tongue for the first time and follow him like a lost puppy through the mystery door. It turns out his sleeping quarters are right next to his office, a large bed neatly made with a few plants and another desk, and a small couch which looks like it’s never been sat on. He grabs your hands, “you can look around later, eyes on me.” He sits on the edge of the bed pulling you closer to him between his manspread legs. You begin to kiss him again, deeper, more passionately this time. Initiating your tongue entering his mouth, he groans and rolls his eyes back making your kiss vibrate some. Your mouths fight for power, biting at each others lips and twirling your tongues around each other. He wraps his arms around the small of your back pulling you to straddle his lap. You stumble down trying to continue kissing him all the while. He pulls back, fully smiling for the first time you’ve ever seen. He looks so impressed with you although you’ve hardly done anything.
You adjust your hips as you straddle him so the bulge in his pants runs right against the seam that goes up the middle of your pants. He goes for your ear and neck, kissing and licking. You pull at his uniform jacket sleeves as permission to take it off him. He mumbles something along the lines of “go ahead” against your neck and you pull off the sleeves and throw the jacket further back on the bed. Your fingers reach to undo his cravat but he pulls away, hand grabbing the collar of your shirt. “Tch, not so fast my dear. You want to see me that bad? You desperate for your captain?”
It then hits you that you are currently hooking up with your superior and your eyes widen, regret filling them but the wetness in between your legs being too bad to ignore.
“‘Ts okay baby, if it makes you feel better this is my first time hooking up with someone in the scouts too” he kisses your collar bone and shoulders a few times and pauses again, “we can stop whenever you want.”
You shut your eyes whispering near his ear “Please Levi, don’t wanna stop.” With that he begins to unbutton your uniform blouse kissing along the seam as he goes down. “Good, me either,” he pants looking up at you as he kisses between your breasts.
You work your hands down again to try taking off his cravat and this time he lets you. He throws off your shirt after finishing the last button as he runs his hands over your curves and feels your ass over your jeans.
You begin unbuttoning his shirt, fingers shaking and fumbling with anticipation to see more of this beautiful man. He helps you, working from the bottom up. As your hands meet in the middle of his chest he rests his hand over yours. You nervously look down at his torso scared of staring for too long. He finishes taking off the sleeves as lays back on the bed with you still straddling him. “Go’n baby it’s okay if you stare,” he says plainly. You look over his defined stomach muscles and the various scars that cover his body where you can’t see in uniform. You softly run your nails up from his v-line to his neck, finishing with a kiss to his jaw and neck. You crawl off to the side so you are no longer on top of him, working to unbutton your uniform pants, knowing it takes a hot minute to undo some of the straps.
Levi sits up starting to undo his pants as well leaning into kiss you again while you both do.
As you’re there in your matching lace panties and bra and he’s in his black boxer briefs you can’t help put look to wear he pokes out and has a small wet patch of precum.
“Captain…can .. can I taste you?” You nervously look at him while rubbing his larger than average erection through his undergarment. His eyes flutter closed at the contact. “Please, yes please.” He practically begs and you rush to your knees in between his legs as he moves to the edge of the bed and pulls down his underwear. His cock is so veiny and large, it slaps up against his abdomen as you whimper slightly. Your noise makes him twitch and he reaches his hand out to help fix your hair, ever so gently.
You lean in, deciding to go for it before you get too nervous to back out. You take his cock head leaking with precum in your mouth, twirling your tongue to taste it. “Mmmm” you moan against him, causing him to cuss under his breath. You begin bobbing your head up and down reaching further down the shaft each time.
Levi’s cute moans, groans, and borderline whimpers send you over the edge, reaching down between your legs to feel your wetness. “Naughty girl,” he groans and draws your eyes up to look at him directly. “God I’ve thought about your eyes looking up at me for so long,” he admits. Your cheeks blush with his cock down your throat knowing your captain has thought about this before. You moan reverberates against his shaft as your fingers run over your folds and circling your throbbing clit.
“Can I taste you hmm?” He smirks down at you, and you bring the two fingers from between your legs to his mouth. He sticks his tongue out seductively before sucking each individually and then licking in between them while keeping eye contact.
“Fuck Levi, that was hot,” you take his throbbing member out of your mouth to whimper.
He holds your hand in yours, “please, can I taste more of you dear?” You hop off your knees a little too excited as he pushes you gently to lay back on the bed. He pulls down your panties throwing them with the other pile of clothes. With his right hand he fists his cock still moist from your mouth. He uses his left hand to run his pointer finger from your clit down to your hole before inserting it. Your eyes roll back in excitement, and he takes the opportunity to insert a second. You adjust to the second finger well, moaning loudly already.
“That’s it pretty girl, you’re doing so good. Do you want my cock in you?” He asks as his fingers pumping in your are in synch with his hand wrapping around his throbbing erection.
“Yes please sir,” you whine as you have your arm over half of your face embarrassed of the expressions you’re making out of pleasure.
He smirks up at you, “even still calling me sir when you have me in bed, what a polite little slut.” Your cheeks blush again as his words make you clench around his fingers. He leans his head down to begin licking and sucking at your clit and assisting the work his fingers are doing.
You do your best to hide how surprised you are at how talented he is with his tongue. He is flicking your clit with tiny licks at the perfect pressure and speed.
“Fuck, just like that, c-captain,” you moan out, unable to stop the whorish noises leaving you. He stops jerking himself now, afraid of cumming too soon. You feel your orgasm building up as he goads you on, “you going to cum pretty girl?”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, fuckkk Leviiii,” you moan out probably a bit too loud as his fingers continue curling up and reaching the perfect spots inside you. He sucks and licks at your clit a bit harder now, wanting you to lose it.
Your back arches and your eyes roll back as you warm feeling in your abdomen explodes and your toes curl. You’re a babbling moaning mess at this point, Levi still fingering you through your orgasm. It’s taking everything for him not to cum feeling the way your tight hole spasms around his fingers.
A beautiful smile comes across his face as he quits sucking on your bud to watch your face. You hold eye contact as your orgasm finishes, something about seeing him smile makes you want so much more. “Gooood girlll,” he says quietly, leaning over to kiss your forehead and then your lips and you cannot help but let out a meek “thank you captain” with flushed cheeks and trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want to keep going my dear?” He asks, looking down at his painfully hard cock.
“Mhm!” You answer a bit too excitedly making him chuckle as he helps position you on the bed so he can line himself up between your legs.
“Are you ready?” He whispers leaning over to your ear, leaving small kisses all over your ear and neck.
“Yes, sir” you answer and Levi groans at the way you’re so obedient. He grabs the base of his cock rubbing his tip through your folds gathering the wetness, before tapping your clit making you shudder. Once he is contempt with his teasing, he slowly pushes his tip into your wet cunt.
“Oh” you moan, forgetting how good it feels to have a cock inside of you, let alone one this massive.
A mix of expletives leaves Levi’s mouth as he fills you all the way up, feeling his tip touch your cervix. He slowly withdraws his cock to the tip before fucking it back inside of you, a little harder than the last. Levi picks up his speed as you moan with every single thrust.
“Fuck, your pussy is just so pretty and taking me so well, shit y/n” he says looking into your eyes, pupils blown out with lust. You unknowingly tighten at his words making him go further with his approval, “mmm, you like it when I praise you? Are you going to keep being a good girl for me?”
You can’t help but let out a particularly loud moan at his words, squeezing your eyes shut as he continues his thrusts in and out of you with more force now.
“Answer me, y/n. You want to be a good girl? My good girl?”
You open your eyes taking in the gorgeous man over you as your mouth drops open but you find a lack of words coming out. He gives a little slap to your clit to try to jumpstart your brain again, “cmon pretty girl, are you too fucked out already to answer?” His thrusts continue building up harder as you try to get the words out of your mouth.
“F-fucking shit, oh fuck - captainnnn, oh my god right there, yes yes yes I’m your good girl.” You whimper out as he rolls his eyes back in pleasure at your words. He grabs your right leg by the ankle pulling it up over his shoulder to get a deeper angle for both of you.
“I … can’t … believe … you’re … still … calling … me … captain … when … I’m … fucking … you” he says inbetween his powerful thrusts. This new angle has you a moaning mess, eyes watering from how good you feel. He licks the thumb of the hand not holding your leg and puts it down on your little sensitive clit beginning to rub, as he knows you’re building up to another orgasm.
“Leviiii, fuck yes!” Is all you can get out of your mouth at this point feeling your lower abdomen grow hot, you squeeze your eyes shut seeing stars. He moans watching your pleasure, knowing he isn’t too far behind you with his impending orgasm.
“Moaning like a slut, the whole barracks can probably hear you. They know you’re getting fucked by your captain, and you’re loving it.”
“Shit-yea, fuck captain, fuck me, fucking love it, please don’t stop-” you babble watching him smirk as you can hardly form a sentence after just a few minutes of his cock inside of you.
“Captain,” is all you manage to whimper out quietly as your orgasm washes over you, your tight hole clenching down on him making him curse and grunt. You look into his eyes the entire time as you grip the bed sheets, moans just falling out of your lips with no control. Your eyes water more, a few tears leaving as your high finishes, the pleasure just being too much.
You lay there panting as Captain Levi comes undone, watching his beautiful black hair with some sticking to his forehead with sweat and the way his eyebrows knit together as he bites his lip inbetween talking dirty to you. “God baby, so perfect, so tight for me” he mumbled as his hips start to lose their pace and stutter. He closes his eyes as he pulls out of your warm cunt and only takes a few stroke of his hand before he is shooting a massive load of his cum over your stomach and tits. “Y/n,” he nearly whimpers as the last of his cum lands on you, gently putting your right leg back down on the bed.
He bends over, kissing you with the longer pieces of his undercut running against your forehead tickling you. You smile into the kiss and he pulls away smiling, rolling over to lay on his side next to you.
“You have a really beautiful smile, you really should smile more.” You blurt out, embarrassed as that is the first thing that came to your mind after getting your brains fucked out. He sits up and walks through another door which you assume is the bathroom, grabbing a towel for you.
“Mhm sure, thanks,” he dismisses. “You want to take a shower?”
“Yeah but won’t people suspect if we go into the shower rooms together?” You giggle.
“Fine we’ll just pretend we happened to bump into each other on the way there,” he fake rolls his eyes, “you’re lucky I have a corner room so that the whole block didn’t figure it out from your moans.”
You pretend shove him, wrapping the towel he gave you before heading to the showers.
He is so gentle with you, washing your body in the shower and letting you wash his hair. His hands caress your every curve and if you didn’t know any better you think he might just bend you over right here in the shower.
You can’t help but get butterflies at this different side of the captain that you’re seeing this evening. Not awkward, being nice, smiling. Maybe all he needed was some pussy to stop being so gloomy. You both finish showering and decide to go to your room down the hall to get dressed. You think you see a little pout on his face at the decision but you kiss his cheek regardless. He responds with giving you a final kiss on the lips as your both drying off with towels.
“I’ll see you in the morning?” You say meekly
“Yeah sure,” he responds plainly.
“Hey, umm, thanks captain, for the sex, uh it was great.” He laughs and shakes his head as you make your way out the door, skimpering towards your door so nobody sees you.
The next morning you realize you left your uniform all scattered around Levi’s room and office and feel slightly embarrassed. Luckily you have more than one set of pants and shirt but that is your only tan jacket. You get dress hurriedly and put your hair into a low bun, and bust out your door in socks. You see your officer down the hall speaking with Miche outside of their rooms but he’s holding your things. You make your way over to him trying to make it inconspicuous, however Miche is one of the sharpest scouts there is. He has a superhuman sense of smell and all over just smart.
Levi’s eyes widen as he sees you approaching but he tries to keep his cool. He wraps up his conversation with Miche suspiciously fast as he opens his office door for you but the observant man already gives Levi questioning eyes. You hurry inside as the raven haired leader follows behind you.
“You have a huge hickey on your neck. Didn’t you look in the mirror?” You can’t tell if he’s gloating or angry.
You take your boots and jacket from him, sitting in the same chair as last night where he spit wine into your mouth. You strap up as fast as you can, not wanting to be late. You take your hair out of the bun and decide to braid it on the way to the stables so it will fall over your left side and hopefully hide the bruise. Nothing is said between the two of you as you make the walk there trailing behind him. You try to think is something to say but are at a loss for words at the time he used with you this morning.
You can’t help but think about the way he smiled at you last night and how he showered you so gently. Is he going to pretend like nothing happened? Your heart sinks as you think about that possibility. Do you have feelings for him? Was this going to be a friends with benefits situation? Or was it a one time thing?
He glances back at you, “hey” he says softly.
Your eyes go wide as he pulls you out of your train of thought. “Hey,” you respond sheepishly. “Don’t think too much into it.” He tells you before you both arrive to the stable so you can’t think about it.
As the squad finally arrives you all hop on your horses, as Levi leads and you are riding beside him. You can’t help but flinch a little at the soreness between your legs brought to your attention from riding.
You and Levi are far enough ahead that he doesn’t think people will hear him. “Are you um sore?” He glances at your face then down between your legs biting his lip.
“A bit, not too terrible,” you smile back at him letting out a little laugh to try to ease the tension.
“Good.” He says plainly although you can tell there is sincerity in his voice.
You ride mostly in silence, although you hear some of the squad behind you whispering and laughing and you can’t help but feel left out. Levi steals glances at you from time to time although you don’t want him to know you can tell.
You decide try to ease the tension asking, “That was really good wine last night, where did you get it?”
He scoffs over at you “Tch, wouldn’t you like to know. I may have to keep it a secret so you can come over to my room when you want it.”
You laugh at his joke, “Twist my arm, I guess,” as you dramatically roll your eyes.
The castle comes into your view in the distance and you can’t help but imagine how good it will look for the winter party.
“Don’t get too excited, we have a lot of work to do to get it cleaned up.” As if he read your mind Levi says also looking at the large building in the distance.
The squad enters the old dusty castle as the wagon carrying Levi’s cleaning supplies pulls up.
“L/n, are you good at cleaning?” Levi says in front of everyone. “I suppose?” You answer.
“Half with me and half with y/n. We’ll split the cleaning in half between dusting and mopping.”
You try your best to hide your blush as Captain Levi calls you by your first name for only the second time, and in front of everyone. The squad seems to only want to go with you, which ends with Levi calling about about 8 people to help him. You all gather your supplies and begin wiping down every surface from windows, ledges, railings, door knobs, lighting fixtures, and more. Your team finishes the main ballroom as you go over everything for a second time. You split them up to handle the other rooms and foyer earlier. It leaves just you in the large ballroom until you hear footsteps approaching you. You keep cleaning until you feel someone standing right behind you, arms on both sides of your head. You feel your ass rub against who you could only assume to be your partner from last night.
“Good work, L/n,” Levi whispers seductively in your ear, leaving a little bite and kiss on the right side that happened to be hickey free. Your breathing hitches and you find your fingers unable to continue with his close proximity. Right then he backs away and a few seconds later the door swings open with his team coming in. You turn around slack jawed at your interaction with captain Levi. One of the other men from your squad asks “y/n are you okay? Your face is kinda red, did you inhale too much cleaning product?” He elbows the man next to him attempting to make a joke, but it happens to be Miche who looks at you plain faced, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah I’m great! Just working a little too hard I guess,” you awkwardly laugh, ignoring the throb between your legs. Levi is standing so no one could see his face but you, begins smirking, thinking about how fun this will be to mess with you.
After a few hours the place is fully cleaned up to Captain Levi’s standards. He dismisses the men to make their way back to base and stays back with you as you sketch down ideas for decorations. He nods at each of your ideas, agreeing with all your plans.
“And everyone can bring dates and we’ll hire musicians from town, and we can drink and just have so much fun!” You ramble on about how excited you are as Levi looks at you with a slight upturn to his lips.
“Will you be my date?” He blurts out.
“Are you joking? Just because were planning this together doesn’t mean you need to have me as your date…” you blush looking down at your notepad.
“No, I’m asking you because I want to.” He says tilting your chin up to look at him, followed by him leaning in to kiss your lips.
Part 3 coming soon besties , thanks for reading ❤️💚
Don't cry over spilled tea - Levi Ackerman
Ft. softdom!Levi, sex on his desk, oral, first kiss // wc: 2.2k // [ao3] [masterlist]
“Captain, mmhh, you’re going to make me spill this,” you protested weakly, teacup trembling in your unsteady hands as Levi pulled down your collar. His warm lips pressed against your neck, and you felt the tickle of his breath as he swallowed a laugh. His stern voice was a little less intimidating this close to your skin.
“Don’t you dare.” He stepped closer, sharp hips slanted against yours as he nudged you back toward his desk. “Don’t you dare make a mess in my office.”
You did your best to keep the cup steady as Levi wrapped your thighs around his waist and lifted you onto the desk. His face was tilted up to yours from this angle, allowing you the luxury of carding your fingers through his choppy bangs. He closed his eyes to savor the feeling, face softened under your touch.
“You’re so pretty like this,” you sighed. He frowned at you, but you caught the telltale pink at the tip of his ears that told you he was flattered.
“Watch it,” he nodded at the tilted teacup. “You’re not paying attention."
“Whose fault is that?” He didn’t deign to answer, just nuzzled his face back into your neck. His restless hands settled around your hips, pulled you flush against his torso. You could feel the firm heat of him through your clothes, and you bit your lip to hold in the needy whimper that bubbled up your throat.
Levi nosed along your jaw and tugged at the straps of your harness. “These are in the way.” He reached for the buckle across your chest, yanked it tighter until the clasp popped free and he could ruck up the hem of your shirt unimpeded.
Ever attentive, he dragged his lips along the indentations left behind by the tight leather. “Poor thing.” Something dark flashed in his eyes even as he murmured the sympathetic words. The flushed marks on your skin made him think about leaving more, the colors he could make bloom with his tongue and teeth.
Blind to what he was thinking, you reached out to cup Levi’s cheek. He caught your hand in his before you could reach, pressed a gentle kiss to your palm- the tenderness sent a chill down your spine. Captain Levi was many things. Brilliant, aggressive, kind, frustrating- he might hold you in his arms and stroke your hair after a nightmare or bend you over his lap and spank you red for a transgression. You accepted every variation, loved them all. But he was at his least predictable when he showed you his adoration.
He stepped closer, shoved your legs apart to make room for his slim body between them. His cock was painfully hard, the imposing length of it clearly visible through his strained trousers. It made your mouth water, narrowed your perception to the want that pulsed in your core. That perception did not include the teacup in your slack grip, which finally tilted and sloshed milky tea down the slope of your stomach.
Your mouth fell open, frantic apologies at the ready as you searched for something to clean the spill with before it dripped down to the desk or Walls forbid, Levi’s spotless floor, but you froze at the sound of a hoarse laugh. “...Captain?”
Levi shook his head and smiled crookedly at you. “I told you not to make a mess, soldier. Am I that distracting?” Lightning flashed in the stormy gray of his eyes.
“Of course you are,” you breathed, waiting anxiously for the penny to drop. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be.” Emphasized with a firm hand over your parted lips. “I’m feeling generous today. You don’t need to be afraid of the consequences of this particular lapse.” He lifted your teacup by the rim and set it aside.
Levi dropped to his knees beside the desk. You moved up on your elbows to watch him but he gently pushed you back down. The tea had already started to cool, sticky on your skin, but you hardly noticed as your Captain leaned forward and began to lick it up.
Levi lapped the milky tea from your smooth skin, careful not to miss a drop. His meticulous tongue traced a burning path from your navel to your hip. You squirmed under his attention, dug your nails into his tensed shoulders, but he only smiled up from his knees at the sting of your frantic grasp. “It tickles,” you whined helplessly.
“Aww, I don’t care.” Behind the smirk Levi was almost disappointed that he was already done with you, his spit drying on your exposed midriff. He brought his mouth lower, kissed down your stomach until he lingered at your waistband. “Shall we see if you’re just as messy below these trousers?”
You closed your eyes and nodded, desperate for him to remove the layers between his curled lips and your drooling cunt. “Use your words,” he commanded softly.
“Yes, please, Captain,” you murmured, cheeks burning as he made quick work of the rest of your clothes. Levi clicked his tongue, peeled away your underwear, your blush deepening as thick strands of slick stretched and broke between your swollen lips and the damp fabric.
“As expected. Filthy.” He swiped two fingers between your folds, pressed them to your mouth in a silent order. You knew your role, parted your lips to suck them clean. Levi always found you so beautiful like this, obedient, debauched, spread open and wanting underneath him. He could never let you learn how close it made him come to breaking, the way his heart stuttered in his chest at the desire in your wide eyes. Instead he slid his fingers further into your warm mouth, clenched his jaw at the sound of your gag.
“My work is never done with you, brat,” he groused, leaning forward to plant a sloppy kiss on your pussy. His cock throbbed, ignored in the confines of his uniform as he went to work on you. Levi was nothing if not disciplined- he fought the urge to stroke himself, drowned the prickling need for friction in the gush of your cunt on his tongue.
You bucked your hips up into his mouth, tried to drag him closer by the hair as he nipped at the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Levi shook his head against your pussy, held your trembling legs open beneath him, forced to feel every puff of his breath and lap of his teasing tongue as you squirmed. “Leviii, please, don’t tease me, I can’t bear it,” you mewled.
“Love it when you beg.” Whatever came next was whispered straight into your cunt as the Captain plunged two fingers into you, each brutal pump of his hand followed with a tender kiss to your twitching clit. It drove you delirious, stripped you of any coherence you had left as you moaned for him, whimpered his title in a broken voice.
“That’s it, beautiful,” he murmured, eyes closed as he devoured you. He looked younger, freer like this, his care-worn face relaxed for a precious moment. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, tried to memorize the expression before it inevitably was replaced with his stoic mask. Love and lust swirled together in your gut as he licked up your slit with a flattened tongue, swirled it over your clit, sucked hard enough to make you gasp. Levi opened his eyes slowly and caught you staring. Braced for a reprimand, you were instead met with the shock of a blush creeping across his sharp cheeks.
“Captain…” You summoned the courage to reach for his face again, and this time he didn’t stop you. You held his face in your hands with the reverence of Atlas, and he actually trembled. It undid you, sent twin sparks down your spine and between your legs, made you pull him up from his knees before you could think better of it. He let you lead him, braced himself against the desk as he leaned over your sprawled body.
“Can I kiss you?” You breathed, drunk on the scent of your arousal on his breath, the gloss of your slick on his chin, the messy evidence of what you were to him, what he allowed himself to be to you. Levi’s eyes widened, blush deepening as if he wasn’t just nose-deep in your cunt. You both were painfully aware of the fact that you hadn’t kissed yet, not like that, not with it meaning something- though you’d done just about everything else on every surface in his room.
One hand tugged at his cravat while the other ran through his hair. You had seen him face off against titans with less uncertainty in his eyes. But no, it wasn’t uncertainty- it was something softer, a vulnerability that he kept hidden in the depths of himself. It burned away under the heat of your gaze, as you gently took his cravat from his grip and used it to pull his face to yours.
He was the one to close the distance, pressing his lips against yours with a sudden surge of courage. Electricity crackled between you, heightened with his shaky sigh into your mouth. Captain Levi tasted like tea, like mint, like your cum. All the confidence with which he fucked you had made way for a shyness in the way he kissed you, waited for you to press harder, to part your lips and lick your tongue into his mouth before he allowed himself to do the same.
He nudged his knee higher, pressed it hard between your legs as he bent to kiss you again, hunger breaking through his hesitation. You could feel the sharp planes of his body, chiseled by years of constant training and sacrifice. Every ridge of muscle and puckered scar told the story of who he was, the soldier given no chance for softness to find his body. You resolved then to give it to him, to be the place he could rest, if only for a moment, if only by giving your body to relieve the tension in his.
Dizzy, you scrabbled at the straps of his gear and freed his flushed cock, lined it up with your entrance without breaking the kiss. You felt him smile, kiss you harder as he covered your hand with his own and smeared his tip through your sticky folds. He swallowed your moan as he eased into you, your body making way for his imposing length in a delicious, searing stretch.
Levi kissed the corner of your mouth, your nose, your jaw, your eyelids- now that the seal had been broken he seemed eager to map every inch of your skin with his lips. You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him deeper, grinning at his surprised grunt. “So needy,” he rasped, his voice a little higher-pitched as he pulled out, slammed back into you.
Each powerful thrust had his heavy balls hitting your clit, your eyes rolling back as you tried to keep your legs locked around him. He was far beyond caring about the mess, your combined fluids pooling on the surface of his desk as he fucked you hard enough to make the wood creak.
Levi could feel your walls clench around him as your orgasm built, and he held back from his own edge through sheer willpower. He pinned your hips in his strong grasp, both of you silently hoping for purple-blue proof of it on your skin tomorrow. He let his head fall into the crook of your neck, pressed fervent kisses to your sweaty throat as he plunged deeper, slowing to savor the drag of his cock through your tight heat.
“Please, Levi, I can’t- I need to cum,” you begged, desperately rolling your hips against his, impatient for the friction of his taut thighs against your ass when he bottomed out. He obliged you, your generous Captain, crashed his lips greedily into yours as he rubbed a harsh pattern on your overstimulated clit and sheathed himself fully. You came with a strangled scream, shaking legs still wrapped around his waist, face scrunched in glorious relief. Levi drank down your moans, dragged down with you by the spasm of your pleasure around his cock. He held you close, moaned your name like a prayer as he spilled into you.
The two of you stayed like that for a glowing moment, limp and motionless except for the tired kisses Levi pressed to your forehead. You felt him soften and slip out of you in another gush of warm fluid, the two of you a satisfied sprawl across his desk. Levi sat up at last with a groan, slid off of you on unsteady legs. “Let me get something to clean you up,” he said and disappeared into the bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth, and set to work cleaning your well-used body. He was quiet, but you felt the tenderness in his touch.
You stood up on unsteady legs, smoothed the fringes of his hair and left him with a chaste kiss as you headed for the kitchen. Your disappearance took a bit longer, and Levi had settled back behind his desk- the surface already spotless again- by the time you returned with two steaming cups. “Tea, Captain? Try not to spill.”
He rolled his eyes as he reached for the tea in your hand, but his ears were pink again. “Perfect,” he said softly, and you knew what he meant.
I love breeding kinks... ≡^ˇ^≡
So I have been thinking about Levi wanting to get you pregnant for the third time because he really wants a daughter....
TW: daddy kink, unprotected sex, breeding, obviously NSFW 18+
Your mind is blank, the only thing that you feel is Levis thick cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
"Gonna give me another baby hmm?" He isn't showing any signs of slowing down even if he had been fucking you for hours.
You are just able to nod dumbly at his words, not having enough energy to talk. "I have fucked you dumb haven't I?" He whispers in your ear leaving sweet kisses on the marks he left on your neck.
"You miss being round with my kids don't you, love?" He presses down on the bludge in your stomach and you only arch your back at the feeling. Levi enjoyed seeing you pregnant with his children, it made him proud to know that you carried something that he planted.
"Yes! Want to be round with your baby again daddy." Your hands are scratching his back so hard that you drew blood with your fingers. Levi doesn't mind, the only thing he wants to do is breed you over and over again until you're pregnant with his kid.
"Yeah? Be a good girl for daddy and give us a daughter this time darling." His thrusts get sloppy, his breathing gets faster. The sound of skin slapping and your pleases and moans fill the room.
Levi pulls you in for a kiss, it's so messy but oh my is it hot. You love it when he is like this. Levi was an amazing husband and father, loving and caring in every way. However, when he gets in the mood he cares about nothing else but to absolutely leave you shaking and full of his cum.
"C-close daddy!" You whine beneath him, wrapping your legs around his hips as he goes faster.
"Me too, love. Gonna breed this pretty cunt so full. Your belly will be filled with me." With a grunt, he stills inside of you, filling you up to the brim with his cum for who knows what time that night.
He doesn't pull out immediately instead he stays in you for a few minutes as you both calm down from your highs. Both of your bodies are sweaty as they lay on top of each other.
Levi pulls out slowly but not long after that a finger enters you and you throw your head back, overstimulation hitting you. "Vi I'm making a mess."
"I want you to, darling." He kisses your belly, loving how you shiver at every gesture he does.
After some minutes he pulls his finger out bringing it to your lips and you suck obediently. Your body feels completely used and limp you haven't been this tired in a long time.
Levi pulls the blanket over you, hugging you close. You find yourself drifting to sleep soon after as Levi watches you smiling, knowing that you'll have a new family member in a few months.

the parent trap — levi ackerman x female reader — masterlist

people say that if one is fated to another, they would always reconnect no matter what lies between them. whether it be seas, a misunderstanding, parents who chose to go on different paths, or an unfortunate betrothal — they are merely obstacles that the pairing should tackle before finally having that happily ever after fairy tales depict for star-crossed soulmates. it's this belief that sparks hope for four hearts, all of which experience loneliness despite having the company of other people. thus, the conversations with the moon. years of talking to the ever-silver ruler of the night are not enough for four people who all wished for the same thing — to finally be in the arms of their other halves across the seas.
telling the moon their woes, two children thought they can solve their problem by switching places, determined to reunite their little family no matter what problems are thrown at them.
this is a story of two boys who discovered that they are connected in more ways than they expected.

part one ; two boys discovered that they are connected in more ways than they expected.
part two ; altair came home, only to find a thorn wedged in his little family.
part three ; caelum was too excited coming back home to london but found out that there was someone ruining their plan with their advances.
part four ; after assuming that everything was starting to shift further away from the plan, the people in the ackerman estate found out the identity of the boy mirroring the twin they know so well.
part five ; hours before caelum’s identity was revealed, altair was already found out by the one person he least expected would casually say his name, and the day just keeps getting worse from there.
part six ; it’s the most-awaited day of the meet-up, with levi thinking that meeting you will be just like what he imagined. when desperate times call for desperate measures, the two sides meet (minus you and hange) and added new agendas for the plan, and altair took it upon himself to save the day with another genius plot of his. here we go again.
part seven ; you four are together again.
part eight ; while levi is wooing you on your date, the twins find out that coincidences are laid out like playing cards in a game of poker when they followed lucas around california.
part nine ; it’s the camping trip but there’s a little change of plans, leaving you to stay in the house you once called your home.
part ten ; the last chapter before the epilogue. even though it’s quite unexpected but both levi and altair received quite a welcome from your family.

on impulse
i wanna spend some time with you
somewhere (canonverse)
pleasant surprise (canonverse)
courtesy of the ackerman line (canonverse)
that's enough candy for the day (an au where it's the four of you since the beginning)
reader and levi's past in university
altair ackerman headcanons
caelum ackerman headcanons
the twins making levi wear something of their choice
the twins giving a talk to their sister's prom date
hcs of al and cae with their little sister
tpt reader and the twins in s4

the twins
the twins with levi
the twins with their little sister
On My Mind - Levi Ackerman x reader (nsfw)

Summary: She didn’t know why, but the only thing she could think of was how good he made her feel.
Word Count: 4400+
Warnings: smut, 18+, MINORS DNI, female reader, missionary, rough sex, being bent over a desk, begging, overstimulation, fingering, handjob, crying, multiple orgasms, creampies, cursing, dirty talk, sweet sweet aftercare, several 'I love yous' thrown in for good measure
a/n: I have no idea where this even came from and also I didn't expect it to be so freaking long, but whatever. Not proofread.
Main Masterlist
Commissions are open!

All day. All fucking day her thoughts have been on nothing but him.
Y/N didn’t know what came over her today, but from the moment she woke up all the way to now, nearing midnight, Y/N could think of nothing except the idea of Levi pounding her into next week.
She didn’t know if it was because despite his short height, he possessed maddening strength or the intensity behind his eyes no matter what he was speaking about, or maybe the way he’d carefully touch her hand whenever he passed by her, maybe it was a collective of all those things.
Whatever it was, it caused her hormones to sky rocket and the only thing on her mind was the sensation of Levi splitting her open.
Like a good girl, she waited until their shift was over, late into the night when everyone was well into dreamland. As soon as the night arrived, Y/N rushed to Levi’s office. She attempted to keep her steps collected and quiet, but the vivid memory of how Levi stretched her out she began to speed walk down the corridor.
Her heart thundered in her chest, she felt herself become flustered before she even reached Levi’s office and the moment she did the heat rushed to her core.
However, she didn’t want to reveal her intentions just yet so she took a quick breath to stabilize her rapid heartbeat before knocking.
A muffled ‘come in’ sounded out and she did exactly that.
The second her eyes came into contact with Levi’s figure, she sucked in an aroused gasp. Y/N had no idea why she was reacting this way as normally she was rather tame but the mere sight of him was causing her body to go into overdrive.
Levi hadn’t bothered to glance up yet as he finished writing on some random document to which Y/N took the opportunity to lock the door behind her. It was only after Y/N took a couple of steps towards his desk that he finally looked up.
His expression went from the usual pensive face to a much softer one, causing the heat to now burn in her gut. And if she looked hard enough, there were the beginnings of a smile forming on his lips.
“Hi.” Was all he said.
Y/N flashed him a smile, trying desperately not to squirm in her spot. “Hi.”
Levi looked back down to the documents in his hand, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth as he did.
The sound caused Y/N to suddenly become worried, and the scourging heat that wracked her body was quickly waning.
“Are you okay, love?” Y/N asked, a clear tone of concern. It was only then that she realized that Levi could be under an enormous amount of stress, and sex might be the last thing on his mind. So despite her desire to jump his bones, if he truly didn’t feel well, she was not going to force herself on him.
She would be able to put her lust aside for his well being.
However, he nodded. “I’m fine, there’s just so many documents to look over though at least they're not an urgent priority.”
Y/N breathed out relieved by his answer and Levi sharply noticed. “What’s that sigh for?”
She waved her hand at him, lightly brushing off the question. “Oh nothing, I’m glad that you’re alright.”
Levi shook his head then moved his eyes to look back down to the paper in front of him. There were a few moments of silence as Y/N contemplated how she should go about this. Perhaps she could play with him a little.
Carefully, Y/N made her way over to his desk, placing her hands on top of the wooden surface with a kind of seductive elegance she didn’t know she had. It was a subtle move, however Levi knew that this wasn't her usual behavior as his eyes flicked up to meet her’s.
“Levi, baby, can I tell you something?”
He didn’t say anything but instead nodded, urging her to speak.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
Levi raised a brow inquisitively at the undertone of that statement. “Is that so?”
Y/N nodded, briefly biting her lip then letting it go. “I missed you so much today too.”
He leaned back in his chair, gently placing his pen down onto the table while his eyes took in her figure. “We see each other every day.”
“Oh I know, but I still miss you.” Y/N answered seemingly timid as though she were embarrassed to say it out loud but the chuckle she let out said otherwise.
She pushed herself off the desk, leaving one hand to lightly trace the edge. “I miss your voice, your dark eyes, the slight smile whenever we see each other…” It was then that Levi noted her slowly walking around the side of the desk to meet him behind it.
“I miss the way you hold me in the mornings, the way you nudge my leg when we eat together in the mess hall, the way you kiss me when you think no ones around…”
Now she was only a few inches away from him, hand still resting on top of the desk near the pen that Levi has previously been using.
“I miss the way you make me feel, how gently you touch me when you patch me up after getting hurt, how you go out of your way to help me when it’s that time of the month, even how you reassure me…”
Then she leaned forward, cupping his cheek with one hand while the other laid against his shoulder. She watched his eyes widen a bit curiously with his mouth opening a little. “But more importantly…”
Instead of going straight for his lips, she ignored them and hovered her lips near his ear; voice hushed and laced with desire.
“I miss the way I feel when you’re inside me.”
His face changed completely, morphing into stunned arousal, his mouth gaping open at her choice of words. But it didn’t stop there.
“God, the way you stretch me out makes me fucking shake. It’s so addicting.” Y/N kissed the part of his jaw that meets his ear, feeling Levi’s entire body jump from the intimate contact as well as the hand that now rested on her waist.
“You always know how to find those parts of me that I Just. Can’t. Reach.” She punctuated each word with kiss after kiss to his jaw, savoring in the slightest hitch in his breath. The hand resting on her waist began to tighten up all while twisting the fabric of her uniform in between his fingers.
The hand that had rested on his shoulder, traced downward, firmly pressing against the rippling muscles under his shirt, going down and down until hovering over his most sensitive area. Y/N groped the bulge beneath his pants, savoring the hiss of breath leaving his mouth.
“Does that feel good?” Y/N teased, giving him another squeeze. He shut his eyes briefly as the pleasure rushed through him but soon opened them again to glare at Y/N.
She could tell already that he was going to make her eat those words later but for now, she would enjoy this in full. Keeping her hand pressed against his growing erection, she moved her head to kiss along the other side of Levi’s jaw until she met his chin. Y/N pulled herself back just enough, lips barely grazing together, their hot breath mingling as she fiddled with his belt buckle.
It made the familiar light clinking sound as Y/N pulled the tale of the buckle from the metal loop, busying herself with the button. As soon as it came undone, Y/N finally pressed her lips heatedly into his.
It was hot, near feverish as their mouths moved in tandem. When one would pull away the tiniest bit, they were swiftly chased by the other in a desperate attempt to stay connected. As Levi took the opportunity to bring her into his lap to straddle him, Y/N slipped her hand under the hem of his underwear, feeling the burning skin of his length.
Levi ripped himself away from her sinful lips to lean back into his chair, both hands caressing the thick flesh of Y/N’s behind while she tugged him out of his uniform pants. The cold air hitting the scourging hot skin caused him to let out a light gasp before Y/N began to carefully stroke him.
His soft moans made Y/N unwittingly whimper in return, turned on by the simple fact that she was pleasuring him and he had hardly touched her yet.
“Oh Levi, you sound so pretty like this.” She continued her ministrations, hand wrapping around him tightly.
Levi couldn’t help but to close his eyes as he let himself succumb to Y/N’s touch, thighs clenching with every stroke and puffs of heavy air leaving his lungs. For a moment, Levi thought he could get lost in the pleasure entirely that was until he felt the warmth of Y/N palm caress his cheek.
“Levi, sweetheart, look at me.” Y/N whispered, voice soft and smooth like honey.
He did as she asked, begrudgingly opening his steel gray eyes to peer up at her. While he had thoughts of getting back at her for her teasing, when he did finally look at her, he admired the shining gleam in her own eyes and the slight biting of her lips.
Although she had teased him, taking control over him and his body, it was obvious how much this was affecting her too.
“Unbutton your shirt for me.”
His eyes narrowed, a sort of pride bubbling up inside him to not let her have her way, however, that feeling quickly disappeared when Y/N dragged her thumb over his leaking tip causing his body to jolt with ecstasy.
Levi made a light tsk sound before reaching up with shaky fingers to carefully remove his cravat and undo the button up shirt. On several of the buttons, Levi had to find the strength to steady himself as Y/N never stopped moving her hand, constantly pumping his hardening length. The precum slicking up his skin, making wet noises between the two of them leaving him to imagine the sound of finally pushing inside her.
Upon reaching the last button, Y/N took the opportunity to push the fabric aside to admire his muscular torso. She got a feel of them earlier, but now she could touch them in full. And that’s exactly what Y/N did.
She gently dragged her fingers across his collarbone, then down his firm chest, and down to his abs again, taking her time in tracing every line of his body. Then Y/N leaned forward, beginning to suck the skin of his collar and briefly his chest.
He suddenly let out a desperate whimper, signaling that with the contact of Y/N’s lips on his skin and still playing with him, he was reaching his limit. Y/N pumped faster, to match the pace of his hips jutting slightly upward to quicken his oncoming climax.
With only a couple of more pumps of Y/N’s hand, Levi’s orgasm crashed over him, the sound of a whine diverting into a growl as white ropes of his release splattered onto his bare abs.
Y/N stopped all movement, allowing Levi to simply bask in the afterglow and catch his breath.
“I love the sounds you make when you cum, Levi. So pretty.” Y/N praised, leaning to capture his lips once more, then pulled away to place delicate kisses against his reddened cheeks.
Levi stared off into nothingness, mind grappling to regain his composure, chest heaving up and down to supply his lungs with air.
His gaze drifted back to Y/N instead of the plain wood of the wall behind her, taking in her flushed expression, blown out pupils, and eyes swimming with adulterated love. No woman had ever looked at him the way she did, like he’d hung the stars in the sky, like he was her whole world. Perhaps he was, because if he was sure of anything she had definitely become his.
However, as sweet as the expression on her face was, Levi didn’t forget that she teased him earlier and though it hadn’t been too bad, he really wanted to get back at her for that.
Without warning, he grasped a handful of her hair at the base of her skull, not enough to hurt but enough to force her mere millimeters from his mouth.
“Now you unbutton your shirt.” He demanded, watching her bite her bottom lip.
She did as she was told, and quickly began to unbutton her own shirt like he’d done moments before. At the same time, Levi got to work on her belt unlacing from the buckle with precision and promptly dipped his fingers past her underwear. The second he did, he came into contact with her most intimate place, feeling the wetness of her arousal.
“Levi..” She mewled, hand reaching up to grip his forearm.
Levi circled her clit a few times with his thumb, copying her movements from earlier by kissing at her exposed collar before pushing two fingers inside her. Y/N gasped at the sudden intrusion but tried to thrust her hips into his hand for more friction at the same time he began to curl them against her sweet spot.
“My, my, you really did miss me. I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already grinding into me.” Levi cooed, leaning into Y/n’s ear causing her whole body to quiver.
“Please Levi, I want-”
He kissed her neck, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
She bit her lip once more, attempting to formulate some coherent words to tell him exactly what she was thinking. “I want you to- mhm! M-make me cum.”
As soon as the words danced off her tongue, Levi felt her walls tighten around his fingers the longer he pushed his fingers in and out, curling them at the same time. “Say it one more time.”
Y/N moaned, gripping his arm harder as he stroked her faster. “I want you to make me cum!”
“Good girl.” He smirked, immediately picking up the pace. While continuing his motions, he dipped his head down to capture one of Y/N’s nipples into his mouth and sucked lavishly at the delicate bud.
“Oh Levi..” Y/N whimpered, feeling the tension of her orgasm pulling tighter and tighter, right on the cusp of release; the sensation of Levi’s fingers thrusting into her wet hole and the smoothness of his tongue lapping at her nipples almost too much.
For a split second she wondered if it was humanly possible to feel that way, a state of near complete euphoria.
She didn’t get to wander about it much longer when Levi gave a particularly forceful thrust of his fingers against her spot causing her to quickly fall over the edge. “Oh fuck, Levi!”
Her walls tightened and gushed around his thick digits, her hips instinctually grinding down into his palm.
He didn’t remove his mouth from her chest, opting to suck bruises into her flesh, his groans of mutual pleasure vibrating into her clavicle as she came down from her natural high. Though unlike Y/N, Levi didn’t allow time for her to catch her breath, instead he picked Y/N up off his lap, forcing her to stand on her weak legs before whipping her around to bend her over his desk; pushing aside the countless papers that littered it.
Y/N’s arms were pinned beneath her body, legs spread around as Levi reached around to unbutton her pants and pull them down over her ass. He basked in the sight of her glistening entrance, watching her essence drip down her thighs and soaking her underwear.
“You made such a mess.” Levi growled, his sultry tone playing on the edge of danger with the promise of further bliss.
Y/N tilted her head back as far as it could go to stare up at her lover, “Only because you make me feel so good.”
He smirked devilishly at that. “Oh is that so?”
She watched as he raised a hand to carefully pump himself a few times, taking a step ever closer, the heat of him seeping out onto her exposed entrance. After a few more pumps, he grasped his tip and agonizingly dragged it from her hole down to her clit, then back up, repeating this motion several times making Y/N squirm in her position.
“You make it sound like I’m the one who started all this, when in fact you-” Levi pants, pushing just barely past her entrance making Y/N keen at the sensation. “are the one who teased me, and made me make a mess.” With that, he fully plunged himself inside her cunt in one swift motion, both gasping at the feeling of him sinking down into her.
Levi gave Y/N a few seconds of adjustment but quickly began a brutal pace, the sound of skin on skin reverberating off the walls of the small office while their moans harmonized in sync with the other.
He grabbed a hold of Y/N’s hips, pulling her into him as he snapped his own forward to meet in a forceful collision of intimacy. On one particular thrust, Y/N felt his tip prod at her cervix and she cried out.
Upon her wordless plea, Levi repeated his previous motion knowing exactly where she wanted it and proving that he hit that spot again when she gave another loud whine. So he kept going, pushing harder and faster until he could feel her already beginning to tighten around him, sucking him back in with every movement.
And before she could say anything, she felt the hotness of euphoria erupt from her gut and spread through her limbs, setting every nerve blissfully on fire. Fuck, she was seeing stars, to the point where as the pleasure rose within her, the glistening of tears blurred her vision.
Levi pressed himself fully into her back side, taking extra care to still his movements as he could also sense the rapid approach of his own orgasm. He was close, but he wanted Y/N facing him, looking him in the eyes as they both reached their end. As much as he wanted to give in, as much his body burned, he fought to hold it back.
He took great pains to pull out slowly because any more friction than that would definitely make him explode right then and there especially as Y/N’s insides throb around his aching member.
Once freed, Levi much more tenderly than before picked Y/N from the desk and turned her around to face him, his hands resting around her waist. His eyes flicked up to her’s, noticing the tears within them. He leaned forward to place a gentle kiss to her cheek, feeling the warmth of her face seep into his lips.
“Are you okay?” He quietly asked.
Y/N nodded, “Yes, my love. I’m okay.”
Levi wordlessly kissed her a few more times then let his hands drift up to pull her uniform jacket from her shoulders, letting it fall haphazardly to the floor. Y/N’s hands reached up to do the same, pushing his jacket from him to let it lay beside her own. Levi’s hand kneaded the skin of her ass once more, fully capturing her lips then moved his hands under her thighs and lifted her off her feet.
Y/N cupped his face while Levi placed her back on top of the desk, slowly guiding her to lay down, their lips forced apart once her back lay flat. He chased after her by placing a kiss to her stomach, leading a trail down to her hip bone, loving the way her legs jerked as he did so and traveled even further downward. His hands lifted up to grasp ahold of her pants and underwear, pulling them off methodically and leaving her legs bare before him; the surface of flesh illuminated by the soft, orange, candlelight.
He settled himself between her legs, grabbing them to wrap them around his waist allowing little to no space as Levi finally sunk back inside her aching hole.
“Shit!” Levi hissed, the warmth of her inner walls overwhelming him in all the best ways. If he was honest with himself, he could’ve cum right then.
“Oh god, you feel so good.” Y/N moaned out once he was fully sheathed inside her. “Please, move…”
Even though the beginnings of his release were approaching quickly, Levi was determined to make her cum first. Without any more delay, he gave a few slow thrusts, pulling all the way out then slamming back in. Each move, causing Y/N’s entire being to shake as she wailed in tantalizing fervor.
He repeated the motion several more times, soon switching to more eager thrusts. Ones that sank deeper with every drive of his hips.
“This is what I waited for all d-day, you filling me up completely.” Y/N professed, eyes rolling back as Levi’s cock assaulted her insides.
“All day huh?” Levi huffed breathlessly, eyes locking onto the point where they were joined together. “You really were needy for me today. Just couldn’t wait for me to fuck you, fill you with my cum?”
Y/N nodded weakly, too dazed in the ridges of his length massaging the walls of her cunt.
The sparks of previous orgasm reignited, prickling at his nerve endings, and rapidly spreading an addictive heat over his whole being. “Damn it…”
Levi brought his hand between the two of them to press his finger onto her clit, beginning to rub it in a circular pattern. She convulsed under him, whines bordering on sobs scratching away at her throat, and he felt her clench tightly around him which caused his hips to stutter in their movements.
“Levi! I’m so close!”
“I know, me too. Fuck!”
Y/N lifted her legs up, hooking them on top of each other to trap him against her. “Please, Levi, cum inside me.”
He growled, the sound coming from deep within while he ravenously continued rubbing at her clit; thrusts hungry and impatient to reach the edge and finally, Y/N tightened unbearably around him, her mouth hanging open in a silent moan.
Levi bucked into her a few more times before he inevitably reached that threshold, his cum spilling out in white ropes and filling her to the brim.
The hot sensation of his essence soaking her insides made her mewl in delight, a barely noticeable smile working its way to her lips. “I love you, Levi.”
He looked up at her face, seeing her tired eyes and satisfied smile. The sight made his heart flutter. “I love you too, Y/N.”
They took a moment to catch their breath, the sounds of their panting intertwining in the air while the sound of the crickets became apparent once their nightly activity came to a cease.
“Let’s get to bed, it’s late.” Y/N suggested while bringing her hand up to softly caress his forearm.
He nodded. “Right, good idea.”
With that, Levi pulled out, both making a low groan at the loss of warmth, but soon Levi brought Y/N up and picked her up in his arms, carrying her to the bedroom behind another door just a few feet from his desk. Once they were in the bedroom, Levi grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the mess he made between Y/N’s legs and then proceeded to wipe himself off.
He reminded himself to wash it as soon as he got up in the morning.
“Can I wear one of your shirts tonight?” Y/N sweetly asked, already removing what little of her uniform that had remained on.
“Like you wear anything else when we go to sleep.” Levi pointedly stated but handed her one of his shirts anyway.
She giggled then slipped the shirt over her head, hugging the collar toward her nose to smell his scent had lingered on the fabric. She hummed happily, pulling back the blanket of the bed and shimmed comfortably under it.
Once Levi blew out the lantern nearby, and dressed down, leaving himself in nothing but his underwear, he joined Y/N under the blanket, wrapping his arm around her back and pulling her into his chest. The moonlight shining a bit through the curtains of the room provided just enough light to be able to see her eyes staring adoringly up at him.
“I love you.” She said suddenly.
He scoffed, though dipped his head down to kiss her forehead. “You already said that.”
She snuggled closer into him, her arms wrapping around him as well. “I’m saying it again. I love you.”
This time he actually laughed. “I love you too, you know that.”
“I know.” She tucked her head to lay on his chest, savoring the feeling of having him so close.
“Now go to sleep, we need to get up early.” Levi half-heartedly demanded, sensing his own exhaustion setting in. He glance over to see that Y/N reaching the cusp of sleep, her breathing starting to steady out and her body relaxing under his touch.
With one final kiss to her hair, Levi too let himself drift off.

He holds you down, your face down, ass up as his cock cock pouds you deeply, every single thrust of his hips grows more desperate. Levi loves it all, loves how your body arches into him, those sweet moans falling from your lips as he dives even deeper into you. It drives him primal with need, he isn't much of a gentleman but he knows what you like and how to make you react, knows every inch of your body. "That's a good girl. Keep taking it like this and I might just knock you up." His hands move to your hips, they dig into your skin, he admires the love bites he left on your back.
You whine, feeling that warm feeling spread all over your abdomen, your hand gripping the sheets tightly. "You wanna cum?" He asks, voice rough with lust, when you don't answer, Levi grabs your hair and yanks you up, his cock hitting a whole different angle making you gasp. "I asked you a fucking question! Now, you gonna cum?" You try your best to answer but all that leaves your mouth are whimpers of his name and Levi relishes in it. If anyone can get you like this, it's him. "What was that huh?" Pulling on your hair again, he bites into the side of your neck letting another hickey taint your already marked skin.
The way he is being rough with you makes you feel everything twice as much, your pussy clenches around him that earns a deep groan from Levi. He let's go of your hair to grab onto your neck, holding you flush agsint him as he thrusts into you, the room is full of lewd noises. Levi feels your legs starting to shake, he knows that you're close. "Not yet, princess." His fingers squeeze your neck, his lips nibbling on your ear, your hands hold onto his forearm, your head thrown back, resting against his shoulder. "Levi please!" You beg, he has you exactly where he wanted you, begging for him in that desperate voice and he wants to give in, let you cum and look at that expression you make in the peak of pleasure but he would rather have you whining for him.
"Please what? You'll have to be more specific than that." He whispers into your ear, his other hand let's go of your hip and starts rubbing your pussy as he speeds up, fucking you faster. You almost can't hold back, your thighs start ti tremble, it feels like your body is on fire, it feels so good that it's painfully good. "Mhh Levi! Please! I want to cum!" Nails dig into his skin, Levi rubs your clit faster, letting you know that you aren't allowed to cum until he tells you too. "Not yet, baby. Let me fuck this pussy a little more." Levi was close to his peak too, he wanted you to reach your orgasms together. He pushes you back down and takes your hips again then fucks into you even harder, you moan loudly biting into the sheets. "Cum. Cum. Fucking cum..." He says and you do as he feels you, cumming hard and Levi moans out your name, stopping the movement of his hips, his cock twitches as he fills your pussy with his cum.
Worth The Wait

LEVIXREADER! Working for the hit T.V show, Attack on Titan has truly given you many memories and opportunities. You knew you got along with your Co-Star, Levi Ackerman, a bit different than everybody else. The question was, did he notice it too? _______ ♫ LOVER - taylor swift ❝ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅɪʀᴛɪᴇꜱᴛ ᴊᴏᴋᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ, ɪ'ʟʟ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ꜱᴇᴀᴛ❞
You were four years old when you got your first acting gig. It was a commercial for a clothing brand that you've long forgotten; to say you'll never forget what it soon brought you later on is an understatement.
The grandeur of Oscar night welcomes you the moment you step onto the red carpet, the flashes of cameras and people calling out your name create a symphony of blinding lights, and clicks, with overbearing noise you can't quite make out.
Your assistant guides you and your "plus one" (a teasing nickname that arose when someone recognized you and not Levi when grabbing lunch), who just is your co-star and closest friend; Levi Ackerman, past the shouts of photographers trying to capture a moment of two well-known actors for Attack on Titan's critical acclaim.
To say Attack On Titan wasn't a huge hit was an insulting statement. It's proved itself by its many awards won over the years. It's bringing home one or more Oscars tonight to sit pretty for the rest to celebrate.
But for you, the real turmoil churns inside your stomach and into your already existing nerves as you await the category of Best Supporting Actress—your category.
Working with the cast who's seen you grow as an actor, most importantly; a person from the start is enough fulfillment for you. To share experiences that are one of a household is short of a blessing.
But when you heard the news you were nominated for an Oscar, nothing could've prepared you for the rush of emotions that was to come. With the satisfaction you already gained with Attack On Titan; being considered to be a real winner was the cherry on top.
The famous show has been your haven for years now. It's where your career took one for the books; where your name became one familiar. You remember your first day on set, the bundle of anxiety that sat in your stomach and never quite left until you got to understand the people you would be calling your family in interviews.
One person clicked differently from the rest. Levi Ackerman is someone you'd consider a best friend or even more. To be real, you couldn't even figure out your feelings for yourself, which led you to swear you'd never admit it due to sheer embarrassment. Plus, it seems quite scandalous to have a "crush" on a co-star you've been so dear with.
It never stopped the fans though.
They have long picked up on the chemistry between you two, both on-screen and off. Your characters, connect in ways of war, along with the unspoken tension that fans adore. You weren't complaining since it brought more media attention, but the cast always had a field day when an interviewer brought it up.
Long over the years of working together, your bond became inseparable. Close moments in the set transcribed to real life with the both of you.
Meeting him for the first time is always a funny story since both of you seemed to hold distaste for the other. When you sucked up the courage to confront him at his trailer as to why he hated you so much, you received a dumbfounded look. With crossed arms, he claimed, "I thought you hated me, so I just assumed you wanted space."
You two become closer and closer from that day on. Not to boost his ego—but his presence alone is a force in itself. The familiarity of his nearness is a comfort you've latched onto.
And, with the way you're latched onto his arm, grip tightening as the minutes fly by, anyone could pick up a clue.
You've been grasping his arm for who knows how long, but not a word of complaint has come from Levi yet. You feel bad, but your nerves are a title wave compared to the guilt.
Levi, ever the calm, senses how tense you are as he stares. "Just breathe," he whispers, leaning close enough that his words only reach your ear in the chaos.
You feel his breath grazing your neck, before pulling away with a soft nod; making sure his comforting words reach you. With a brief nod, you continue being directed to your seats.
As you and the cast find your seats, located in the middle with fancy chairs and decorum; you thank every high being you can think of when you see your name tag, then Levi's name, sitting right next to you.
"Oh no, look who's sitting next to me," Confused, you look to see Hange pulling in her chair as she sits. Levi, noticing your gaze, nudges your shoulder to redirect your stare. Following it, you find yourself looking back at your name.
"Shut up," You mumble, releasing the hold you have on his arm to smack him slightly, in return he gives you a grin.
Being sat at one of the tables, in the Dolby Theatre, is as surreal as it might sound. You can't take your eyes off the gravitating stage. You wonder if you'll be standing up there in a bit.
As the night progresses, the time for Best Supporting Actress draws near. You haven't moved from your seat in the dim glow of the theater, too hot and overwhelmed. Levi's hand finds yours again under the table, his grip firm. It feels different this time, probably considering how you're holding his hand rather than grasping onto his forearm.
From the corner of your eye, you can see him watching you, not bothering to watch what's happening on the big stage. "No matter what happens, we celebrate tonight," he assures you, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"I think that's just an excuse for drinking." With a suppressed laugh and a smile matching Levi's, he gives you a snarky glare, he responds with a "watch out" kind of look, and a squeeze of his hand.
The lights dim and brighten, continuing the show even though you feel stuck in one. In this grand theatre, spotlighting the famous and the influential, there you are, seated next to Levi, your hand clasped tightly in his.
It's comical to think about.
As the category for Best Supporting Actress shows up in big bold letters, your heart pounds like it's trying to beat right out of your chest. You can practically hear your blood pumping.
You're nominated this is it; is what goes through your mind over and over, and the reality is as daunting as it is thrilling.
Your palm sweats against Levi's, but he gives your hand another reassuring squeeze. When you glance at him, he offers you a small, confident nod, as if he knows a secret you don't.
The presenter takes the stage, envelope in hand, and the murmur of the room hushes. "And now," the presenter begins, her voice echoing throughout the grand auditorium, "the nominees for Best Supporting Actress."
Your heart skips a beat as your face appears on the screen, a well-known clip from Attack on Titan, Season Four. It shows an emotional moment, a scene that took you weeks to prepare for; and fuck did you do it well, the tears pouring down your face add to the dramatics.
You can hear your cast and others cheer and clap, long before it's interrupted by another face, one of your competitors.
In your peripheral vision, you can see a cameraman waltz towards you, ready to get your reaction to who wins the Oscar. Hopefully, the tablecloths are long.
Your heart pounds in your ears, drowning out the next few moments until the sharp sound of your name cuts through, clear and irrevocable. "And the Oscar goes to. . .,"
The presenter takes so long to open the envelope, to the point where you don't care who wins or loses. You want the anticipation to be over with.
With a tiny cough to clear up her voice, the presenter's voice is loud and clear and she presses her lips close to the mic. ". . . with Attack on Titan!"
At first, you don't even hear your name. Not even realizing you won, you open your closed eyes; that you didn't know were shut, to see multiple eyes staring right at you, the camera now shoved into your face.
A surge of disbelief washes over you, followed swiftly by adrenaline that rockets through your veins. As reality sets in, tears well up in your waterline, a few escape, running down to meet makeup that took your stylist a good hour.
You can't care though, it's a testament to the journey and the struggles that brought you here.
You can't even get up from your seat at first, you just sit trying to process this tremendous wave of emotions. You look to the left of you to see that Levi is already feet before you, his applause thunderous, joined by the cheers of your peers.
As you stand, overwhelmed, he reaches out, cupping your checks gently wiping away your tears with a laugh. "Hey, no tears now, get up there," he teases gently, pulling you into a hug, as you choke up a laugh and hold him right, slightly rocking the both of you right to left.
Letting go of the warmth of his embrace, you give him a smile, ear to ear; hoping it can express the amount of gratitude you hold for him in this moment.
Moving from your seat to approach other members of the cast you love, you hug and thank each one of them that's near as they shout congratulations at you. You know your time is limited; you give one final hug to Armin who's in your reach before speed walking towards the stage.
Making your way up where your face is plastered and a few new clips play, your dress falls long behind you as you rush up the steps, making quick work but not enough to trip and fall over your heels. Walking up to the presenter, you first greet her with a hug and kiss on the cheek. With a few words of congrats, she hands you the award.
Its solid weight feels real in your hands, it's something you'd never imagine having the privilege to hold let alone have. It'll forever be a tangible reminder of the years of hard work and passion you've poured into your career.
Approaching the microphone, you look out at the sea of faces—some familiar, some not—all smiling at you. There's so so so many people, is all you can think of as you release a sigh.
"Wow, um," you let out a laugh, wiping down the tears that continue to flow down. You pause, taking in the light that beams down before you start your speech.
"I honestly don't even know where to start. Thank you so much to the Academy for this incredible honor, to our director, and the amazing cast and crew of Attack on Titan. This is a dream I've never dared to dream."
You pause, collecting your thoughts and the courage to articulate the depth of your gratitude. That's when it hits you.
Your eyes scan the crowd until they rest on Levi. "And I need to say a special thank you to my co-star, Levi Ackerman," you continue, your voice already starting to crack. "Levi, you have been my rock through this entire journey. On-screen, you challenge me to push harder, and off-screen, you keep me sane. I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here without your friendship and support. Thank you for being so, so amazing."
With a side glance, you see the camera cut from you to Levi, capturing his slight blush and proud smile, expressions that send another wave of cheers through the audience.
"Most importantly, my family and friends. I can't make up the words to describe all my love for you. My parents, who supported me always, and my siblings who even though always tense me," you smile at the memories, "were the ones always there. And as always, the fans. I would never be here without all of you, I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart!"
As you finish your speech, the crowd erupts into applause. The noise is so loud, and with the few people yelling their hearts out, it's a moment of realization that this is real. You feel a hot blush rising your neck as you take a few bows, before hushing off backstage.
You are greeted with a glass of champagne, as camera crews gather around, calling your name in all different directions to try and snap a photo of you still holding the Oscar before you take off for interviews.
There, it seems like a press conference. More people are there than before, and many of them are out with microphones and notepads already prepared. You hear a few clicks of photos being taken as you answer questions, but you can't help but laugh when they ask about Levi and the special shoutout you gave him. "I had to give what was due," was your answer.
Finally being released, you're escorted backstage to your seat, in doing so, a few give you bright smiles and nods of compliments for your win. You return them all with smiley whites.
As you arrive back at your table, some of the members of your cast excitingly greet you, reaching out their hands with yours to give praise.
When the previous moments seem to have died down, you can focus on Levi. Who's been patiently waiting for his turn. When your eyes fall on him, you know the words before it comes out of his mouth.
"Told you," he murmurs, as he takes your free hand in his, his pride in you shining brightly. "I still can't believe it," as he places both of your hands onto his lap, you take the next step to intertwine them.
You don't know what his reaction was to it, since you looked away as soon as you made the move, embarrassment written across your features. You feel accomplished when he doesn't show any sign of breaking it.
Levi leans over, whispering, "How does it feel, Oscar-winning actress?"
You chuckle, a light, bubbly sound that matches the champagne bubbles you'd enjoyed earlier. "It feels like I'm dreaming. Don't let me wake up, okay?"
Levi's response is a soft, genuine laugh. "I won't. We're just getting started, you know."
- ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱᴋɪᴘ -
The shots you took with Connie, Sasha, and Jean are taking a toll on your body now. You feel tipsy, well that's what you're hoping. It's not that dizzy, but the occasional bumping into people/things and apologizing with slurred words shows you're not sober.
As the glittering after-party unfolds around you, the music thrumming and laughter echoing under the luxurious chandeliers,
You can feel someone's intense gaze fixated on you. When you move your eyes to search for the culprit, you find Levi's eyes rock hard on you.
Realizing you're now straight directly at him, he excuses himself from a group of producers and makes his way to you. Your heart races a bit, a reaction you're still getting used to despite the months of filming together.
"Need some air?" he asks, a knowing smile tugging at his lips as if he can read your mind. Without waiting for your reply, he nods toward a quieter balcony area. You follow, grateful for a break from the overwhelming crowd.
The cool night air is a welcoming relief, the city lights below providing a soft, romantic backdrop that you try not to read too much into.
The cold air feels blissful as it hits your skin, you know you should have something to cover yourself, but the feelings to nice to let go. Plus, the way Levi's aligned shoulder to shoulder with you making his body height seep onto yours, you know you can last a few more moments here.
Yet, there's an undeniable tension at the moment, made clearer when Levi turns to you with a look of admiration. "You did amazing tonight, by the way. That speech was something else."
You smile, touched by his words. Trying to hide the obvious attempt of panic, you knew he was going to bring up the shoutout you gave him. You just didn't know if you were ready to face it. "I was just speaking from the heart. But thank you, Levi. I couldn't have gotten through tonight without you."
He nods, his gaze lingering on yours. "It's not just tonight. You know that, right? You've got this energy about you. It's like—infectious, and makes everyone around better. Made me better."
His words seem to send a shock through your body as you slowly digest his words. As silence warps around the two of you, you quickly change the subject in hopes he won't can't a glimpse of your body becoming suspiciously flush.
"Remember that time during filming when Sasha accidentally set fire to the catering tent?" you ask, a fond smile playing on your lips.
You turn your head from the view to look at Levi. Who has yet to say a word in the comfortable silence, keeping his eyes fixed on you? He snaps out of it quickly, seeming startled by your words before making his face fall back into one normal.
His lips quirk into a grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "How could I forget?" he replies, a hint of laughter in his voice. "It took hours to put out the flames, and poor Hange nearly lost their eyebrows in the process."
As your laughter begins to subside, Levi's expression turns thoughtful, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Remember that time during the blooper reel when Marco accidentally tripped over his own feet and knocked over the entire set?"
The memory hits you like a wave, and you can't help but burst into laughter, tears streaming down your cheeks. "Oh my gosh, yes!" you gasp between fits of laughter. "And then Petra tried to save him, but ended up falling on top of him instead!"
Levi joins in your laughter, the sound filling the air with a warmth that seems to wrap around you like a comforting embrace. And as you both stare at each other, a few tears of laughter streaming down your faces, you realize just how lucky you are to have someone like Levi by your side—someone who knows you inside and out, who can make you laugh even in the darkest of times, and who is always there to wipe away your tears, whether they're from laughter or something else entirely.
The moment stretches between you, filled with unspoken words and hints of tension that seem to hang in the air like a delicate tapestry, woven from the threads of friendship and maybe something underlying more. As Levi's hand brushes away the tear from your cheek, you reminisce from when he cupped your cheek when facing the shock of winning.
You feel a fluttering in your chest, a warmth spreading through you that has nothing to do with the cool night air as you feel your eyelids become jaded.
His touch lingers, the pad of his thumb tracing a gentle path along your cheekbone, and you find yourself leaning into his touch, your eyes now fluttering closed at the sensation.
His other hand finds its way sneaking to your waist, pulling you softly a fraction closer, and you feel the heat of his body seeping through the thin fabric of your dress.
With a shy, tentative smile, you reach up as your hazy eyes open to meet his. Your fingers tangling in the soft strands of his jet-black hair. The gesture is instinctual, a silent invitation that speaks volumes more than words ever could.
Yeah, you'd had your hands in his hair for multiple shots in Attack on Titan, and as much as it was a familiar feeling, it was one way more intimate.
Levi's eyes darken slightly at the touch, his gaze dropping to your lips before flickering back up to meet yours, seeking permission with his eyes.
You can feel your heart pound in your chest as you nod, the movement barely exaggerated but enough to convey your consent. And then, finally, he closes the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that feels warm; it was worth the wait.
It starts slow, a gentle exploration of lips and breath, each touch sending sparks flying through you like fireworks. You can't think of anything but him, Levi, and how his lips touch yours.
His hand cups your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring, while the other settles at the small of your back, drawing you closer until there's barely an inch of space between you.
The kiss deepens, fueled by a growing hunger that seems to consume you both, a fire that burns brighter with each passing moment. Your fingers tighten in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer, while his grip on your waist tightens, anchoring you to him as if afraid to let go.
The both of you pause for a moment, catching your breath but not making any move to interrupt the position you're in. As Levi grips your waist tightly, he pulls you in for a kiss.
For a moment, the world falls away, leaving just the two of you suspended in a bubble of time and space, a universe unto yourselves where nothing else matters except the warmth of each other's touch and the softness of each other's lips.
You slightly move your head to the right, permitting him to go deeper than it already is. He gets the message, lips moving together, faster, as if they were made to be locked on one another.
And oh, do you wish you could last here in this moment forever.
Just as suddenly as it began, the "spell" is broken by the discreet click of a camera shutter from somewhere inside. You pull away, breathless and flushed, your eyes meeting Levi's in a silent exchange that speaks volumes more than words ever could.
Silence greets you both, as you both catch your breath for the second time. You ignore the camera, only focusing on what's more important. Levi breaks first, grinning as he stares at you up and down, then moves his eyes to peer up.
"Guess we should have checked for paparazzi," Levi murmurs, a playful glint in his eyes as he brushes a stray strand of hair from your face that fell.
You laugh softly, the sound a mix of nerves and excitement as you lean against him, arms wrapping around his neck. Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around your waist tightly. In the stillness of it all, you can feel the steady beat of his heart. "Yeah," you agree, your voice barely above a whisper. "But no regrets."
"None at all," he confirms, his arms giving you one more reassuring squeeze.
- ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱᴋɪᴘ -
The next morning when you wake up, you feel as if your head is about to pound out of your head. It's like you can still hear the remnants of champagne and laughter (and multiple shots sitting in the back of your throat that you drank down) You turn annoyed to find your phone buzzing relentlessly on the nightstand.
Squinting, you pick it up to find a barrage of messages and missed calls. The top one from Hange captures your attention with its flurry of emojis and exclamation points.
[glasses]: "YOU TWO ARE TRENDING!!! BTW, when TFFF did this happen OMG!!!!
Attached is a link to a gossip site, the headline screaming about the 'intimate moment caught between AOT stars at the Oscars after-party.' The photo shows you and Levi on the balcony, mid-kiss, a moment that felt intensely private now splashed across the internet.
Your heart sinks a bit at the intrusion but warms at the memory. You knew this was bound to happen, but couldn't it have waited a day or two? You're about to type a response when another message from Hange pops up.
[glasses]: "Prepare for paparazzi madness today! 😂 And call me! Need ALLLL the deets!!!!!!!"
You toss the phone aside, landing on your bed as you groan into your pillow. The weight of the newfound public scrutiny settling in. But then you remember Levi's lips on yours, the genuine connection in his eyes, and you can't help but slightly smile.
No matter what the public says or thinks, last night you found a new depth to your relationship with Levi, one that went beyond cameras and scripts. And for now, that was enough to face whatever the day would bring.

@siythn all rights reserved!

LEVIXREADER! Coming back to headquarters after a challenging expedition pained you. After all; the grime combined with the tightness of your muscles wasn’t a good pair. But, Levi's hands in your hair, with a cozy hot bath running, was a perfect one. _________ ♫ IT'S NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND - taylor swift ❝ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ꜱᴛʀᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ʏᴇᴀʜ, ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ. ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɢᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇʀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ ᴍʏ ʜᴀɴᴅ. ɪᴛ'ꜱ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ❞
The walls of Trost loomed overhead, but the weight on your shoulders felt heavier as you walked through the gate. The journey you'd just completed had been long and brutal, soldiers' bodies and souls pushed to their limits.
After yet another grueling mission with the Survey Corps, your body ached in ways you didn't know were possible. Every bone felt heavy, every muscle screamed for rest, and all you wanted was a moment of peace.
As soon as your feet hit the headquarters’ courtyard, every step grew heavier, every breath more labored. Putting your horse away to rest at the stables made you weary. All you craved was a sanctuary, a moment of peace far from the chaos and the carnage that surrounded your body and mind.
Your body ached at joints you hadn’t noticed before. Arms tight by your side, legs begging to give out while dragging yourself. You bypassed the bustle of the other soldiers returning and made your way directly to a place you knew would be quiet, secluded, and safe— Levi’s quarters.
You can’t recall when going to Levi’s room was a place for comfort after a mission. It just had been a silent agreement between the both of you. Maybe it was his unwavering strength or the craving to have someone there to lean on, but his space always seemed to offer the tranquility you so desperately needed.
Which is why you found yourself walking in a familiar path.
Levi’s quarters were quiet and meticulously organized, nothing different from his nonchalant personality. You didn’t bother knocking, knowing he wouldn’t mind your intrusion.
The door creaked softly as you pushed it open, and you peered inside to find Levi at his desk, paperwork scattered in front of him, yet he looked up the moment you entered. It always amazed you how he looked so put together after such a reckless expedition. But this was the Levi Ackerman, nothing was expected less.
He must’ve arrived a few moments before you have; and is already shoving himself into paperwork. You’ve tried countless times to try and pull him away from his (what you like to call it) workaholic behavior, but he never budges.
“What are you doing here?” Levi’s voice was stern, but his eyes softened when you saw the state you were in. You must have looked as bad as you felt, worn out and on your last threat. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about your dirty state in the front of a higher-up.
“I just need somewhere,” you pause, breaking the eye contact you both held to look at the cozy, neatly made bed in the corner. “Peaceful to rest,” you murmured, voice barely above a whisper as you slowly shuffled towards his bed.
Without a word, he stood up, his chair scraping lightly against the floor. With a long stride, he approached you, gaze scrutinizing as he took in the full extent of your fatigue. You picked up the tiniest scrunch of his nose as he did so.
“You look like hell,” he commented, taking in your body one final time as he looked back up to meet your eyes. You knew he didn’t mean anything to come off as rude, his tone carried more concern than insult.
“Thanks,” you managed a weak smile, too tired to come up with a witty response.
Instead of his usual reprimand, for your state, Levi guided you gently by the hand. With being drained you still managed to hold his, following him to wherever he took you.
“Come on, you need a bath before you crash.” Despite your initial protest at first; wanting to sleep the ache of your muscles off, the thought of a warm bath was too comforting to resist.
Guiding you to the bathroom, Levi turned on the faucet, adjusting the temperature until steam rose in gentle curls from the water’s surface. He added a measure of soap that filled the room with a clean, soothing scent. “Get in,” he instructed, stepping out to give you privacy.
As you stripped down, the steam-filled bathroom was a stark contrast to the cold, harsh world outside. You sat in the warm bath, tendrils of steam curling around you, creating an intimate cocoon.
Your muscles relaxed involuntarily, a sigh escaping your lips as you submerged yourself up to your shoulders. Moving your fingers to touch the top layer of soap across the water, you sink into its warmth.
You’ve been in this position more times than you can remember, but you love it more than the last time before. Levi always needs to care for you, even when it’s not reciprocated.
Hearing the door creek open, Levi steps in. With a curt nod of consent given from both of you, he arranges everything needed for washing your hair with his usual quiet efficiency. His movements were precise, a trait that bled into every aspect of his life, but his eyes held a softness reserved just for moments like these.
“Alright, lean back,” Levi instructed, his voice faint in the confines of the small room. He waits patiently as you adjust yourself, finding a comfortable position with your head tilted back to the rest against the rim of the tub.
As he poured a dollop of shampoo into his palm, the familiar scent of lavender filled the air, mixing with the steam and creating a calming atmosphere. He began to work the lather into your hair, his fingers skilled and gentle.
“Tell me if I’m too rough,” he murmured, though you knew he wouldn’t be; he’d never had. Levi’s hands might be capable of deadly precision in battle, but here, they were nothing but tender.
"It's perfect," you sighed, closing your eyes to better savor the sensation of his fingers massaging your scalp. The stress of the mission began to melt away under his careful ministrations. "Where did you learn to do this?"
Levi paused for a fraction of a second, his hands continuing their motion. "Old memories," he replied quietly. "Used to help someone, long ago."
You nodded, understanding the unspoken depth of his words. Silence fell between you again, comfortable and easy. His hands rinsed your hair with water warmed to just the right temperature, washing away the suds along with the remnants of the day’s grime and worries.
"How does that feel?" Levi asked after a moment, tuning out the quietness that enveloped the both of you.
"Like I could fall asleep right here," you responded with a laugh. You were half-joking, but you were truly relaxed under his touch, ready to drift to sleep.
"You wouldn't be the first," he admitted with a rare, small chuckle. "But try to stay awake for just a little longer. I'm not done pampering you yet."
The word 'pampering' coming from Levi might have felt odd to anyone else, but between the two of you, it felt right—special even. His hands worked through your hair once more, giving you the second round of shampoo.
"Keeping my hair in good shape for the next mission?" you teased, eyes still closed as you enjoyed the sensation.
"Something like that," Levi agreed, dismissing your banter. "Can't have you going out there with anything less than perfect."
"It's more than just being clean," you commented, tilting your head to the left slightly to give him better access. You reminisce on when he said he was pampering you. "It's like you're—taking care of me."
"That's exactly what I'm doing," Levi confirmed, voice distancing out as if he was grabbing something. "You take care of everyone else. Who takes care of you?"
You smiled, eyes still closed. "You."
Levi's hands stilled once more in your hair, and you opened your eyes to look at him. There was a softness there, rarely shown to others. "I always will, if you let me."
"Then I will," you said, feeling a warmth spread through you that has nothing to do with the bathwater. "Let you."
With a smile, you lean back, exposing your neck and shoulders as he begins to wash your hair. His fingers were more tentative than his usual brisk touch, exploring the texture before massaging your scalp deeply. You couldn’t suppress a hum, relaxing under the surprisingly sensual touch of his strong, careful fingers.
“You should take it easy,” Levi spoke up after a moment, his voice low. “You push yourself too hard.”
You briefly nodded in response, too relaxed to form words. His concern made your heart swell a bit—Levi was not one to coddle, at least not to others, so his attentiveness spoke volumes.
Levi, Humanity’s Strongest, most vulnerable in your presence. It was laughable to others, to you, it was adoration.
“You should take your advice,” you say, peering up to see his face. “No seriously, you work yourself out. Maybe I’ll give you a hair treatment with how stressed you always look.”
His grin was small at your words. Almost imperceptible, but it was there, and it warmed you more than the bath ever could. He grasps onto your shoulder, moving you to be back in place.
He continues to wash your hair without complaint, his touches now filled with an unspoken promise, each stroke and rinse carrying a tenderness that spoke more than words.
As he finished and began to rinse your hair, his actions were deliberate, ensuring not a trace of shampoo was left behind. “But, I’ll always be here whenever.” He muttered as he gently raised your head back to rinse thoroughly.
"Thank you, Levi," you whisper, hearing the water flow as your knees come closer to your chest.
"There's no need to thank me," he replied, rinsing your hair and ensuring no suds remained. "Just promise to take better care of yourself."
"I promise," you said, knowing well that your promise was as much for him as it was for you.
The assurance in his words wrapped around you just as comfortably as the water did.
When he finished, he rinsed the last of the conditioner from your hair, then helped you stand to get out of the tub.
“You can sleep in my room tonight,” he commented as he handed you a towel with an averted gaze, modest despite the many times you’d fought and bled together.
Now wrapped up, you followed him back to his room, too drained to converse. Pulling a shirt from his closet, he hands you a baggy black pullover, then steps out to the bathroom; probably going to tidy up the place.
Back in his room, you felt a thousand times lighter. Levi watched you as you crawled into his bed, his sheets cool and crisp against your clean skin. He didn’t say anything, just watched you with an unreadable expression.
As you drifted towards sleep, you felt the bed dip beside you. Expecting to be alone, you murmured a confused protest, going to rise but it died on your lips and body as Levi settled behind you. His body was a solid line against your back, an arm carefully laid over your waist, not confining but reassuring.
“Rest now,” he whispered, his breath ghosting over your ear. It was the most delicate of invasions, and you found yourself relaxing into his embrace.
As sleep began to pull you deeper, Levi shifted slightly behind you. His movement was careful, calculated not to disturb, but purposeful. You felt him lean over you, his presence enveloping. Then, a gentle pressure—a soft, fleeting kiss—touched your forehead.
It was a simple act, yet it carried the weight of all the unspoken things between you: protection, care, and maybe something even deeper. Levi’s kiss was a silent vow in the stillness, a moment of tenderness offered with the solemnity of a confession.
Comforted by the gesture, you sank further into sleep, a content smile curving your lips. In a world that demanded so much from you both, this small, quiet act spoke volumes of your shared sanctuary.

@siythn all rights reserved!
Survivors Guilt

LEVIXREADER! You typically know how to contain your emotions. But when an expedition goes horribly wrong, leaving you scarred with remorse, the only person that knows how to guide you through it is Levi Ackerman. _________ ♫ FRAGILE - laufey ❝ɴᴏᴡ ɪ ꜱɪᴛ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴜꜱᴛ ɪɴ ʀᴀɪɴ, ᴛᴜʀɴ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴅᴜꜱᴛ ᴀꜱ ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴡᴀɪᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ❞
Today was shit. The expedition was shit. You feel like shit. Shit is the only word you can make out in your overstimulated head. You want nothing more than to curl into a ball and cry; to scream and fight. But you have more decorum than that.
Getting off your horse, you move to put her into her stables, but you’re stopped by an arm holding your shoulder. “You can just go rest,” Petra mutters, voice low as if to keep noisy peers from eavesdropping, “but if you ever need me, you know where to find me.”
She gives you a small squeeze on the shoulder her land lays on as you muster a shallow smile to express your gratitude.
Choking out a small thank you in return she grabs the reigns, directing the horse towards the barn. Without sparing Petra another look, you gradually make your way back to your quarters.
You must look as bad as you feel with the sudden act of sympathy. Eyes dark, body cramped, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, your mind stuck on reminiscing from the horrid mission a few hours ago.
It was a disaster – so many lives lost, so much blood spilled. And yet, somehow, you made it out alive. You. The guilt gnaws at your insides, a relentless monster that refuses to be silenced. As much as you try to reassure yourself, the unpleasant feeling in your stomach remains.
What you can remember most was the blood. That ugly, vile color that still stains the clothes you’re wearing now.
The longer it stays on, the stronger the smell, the more memories of the events that took place come back. You’re ripping it off you when you have the chance.
Your feet walk you down the long, quiet hallway. A few soldiers are scattered around here and there, some faces you recognize, some pass by you with an abrupt glance, a silent message saying they understand.
A minute to two passes, and your wooden door left closed is what welcomes you back home. You don’t do anything for a while, just stare at the lumber without thought. The footsteps of others approaching break your focus and let you pull the door open.
As you step into your room, the weight of the world hangs heavy on your shoulders. With trembling hands, you close the door behind you, the click echoing in the empty room.
It feels suffocating, the silence deafening in its intensity. You're alone with your thoughts, and they're threatening to consume you whole.
Without warning, a surge of anger courses through your veins, hot and fierce. You lash out, sweeping your arm across the table, sending papers and trinkets flying in a chaotic whirlwind, crying out when you do so. The room becomes a battleground, the remnants of your rage strewn across the floor like fallen soldiers.
With hard, shaken breaths, you start ripping your clothes that reek or have a hint of blood. You throw them onto the floor, adding to the chaos issuing. When you’re left in your undergarments, you feel the cold breeze slide across your skin; making you get goosebumps.
But as quickly as it came, the anger fades, leaving behind only a hollow emptiness. You sink to the ground, knees buckling beneath you as you crumble under the weight of your grief.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you grip yourself tight. Tears spill from your eyes in a torrent, your sobs echoing off the walls in a symphony of pain.
You're not sure how long you stay like that, shaking as you’re curled up on the cold floor amidst the wreckage of your room. Your hair falls in front of your face, tickling your cheeks while they start becoming damp. Time seems to lose all meaning, the world is reduced to nothing more than a blur of tears and broken dreams.
And then, like a light in the darkness, you hear it – the soft sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway. You know without a doubt who it is, even before the door creaks open to reveal him standing there, a silent sentinel in the doorway.
He takes in the scene before him with a single glance – the shattered remnants of your room, the tears streaking down your cheeks, the brokenness etched into every line of your body. And then, without a word, he crosses the room in three swift strides, dropping to his knees beside you.
For a long moment, he simply sits there. His body next to yours; is one of warmth (that you can’t help but wish you were closer to) as he faces the door, knees up as he rests his forearms against them. Levi’s presence is a comforting weight at your side. He doesn’t seem to mind the lack of clothes as he sits still. Waiting for you.
And then, slowly, he reaches out, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder in a gesture of silent solidarity, using his thumb to stroke your skin back and forth.
You turn to him then, your gaze meeting his in a silent plea for understanding. And in that moment, as you look into his eyes, you see it – the same pain, the same grief, mirrored back at you in equal measure. It’s not just you suffering. The thought makes you feel better about the now dirty mess you created in the high of your emotions.
Without a word, he pulls you into his arms, holding you close as you bury your face against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a lifeline in the darkness.
You can feel your tears starting to dampen his shirt, but all you can focus on is trying and match your breath to the slow and steady heartbeat. As you cling to him, you realize that maybe – just maybe – you're not as alone as you thought.
His presence is a comforting anchor amidst the raging tempest of your emotions, his steady heart, a soothing rhythm against your ear. Yet, even as you cling to him desperately, the weight of your grief bears down upon you with a crushing force, threatening to suffocate you beneath its suffocating grip.
Even when Levi holds you close, his arms wrapped around you in a protective embrace, you feel a tumultuous wave of emotions crashing over you again like a relentless storm.
The memory of the mission – the chaos, the loss, the fear – floods your mind with an overwhelming intensity, threatening to consume you in its wake. In response, you tighten the grip you just realized you had on his shirt, tighter.
It comes in hot, not giving you time to digest what’s happening before you notice more brutal tears coming. Your crying stream comes down your cheeks unchecked, each one a poignant reminder of the lives lost, the sacrifices made, and the wounds that you’ve bestowed to yourself.
You try to hold back the flood of emotions, to push the memories away, but they claw their way back into your mind with relentless ferocity, tearing at the fragile threads of your composure. Your broken weeping fills the room, only stopping for you to catch your breath before continuing.
The burden of survivor's guilt presses heavily upon your shoulders, its weight almost too much to bear.
You were one of the few who made it out alive, and yet, you can't shake the feeling that you don't deserve to be here, that you should have done more, been better, and somehow prevented the tragedy that unfolded.
And then, just when you think you can't bear it any longer, Levi's hands find their way to your hair, his touch gentle and reassuring against your skin. His fingers weave through the tangled strands, a silent gesture of comfort and understanding that speaks volumes more than words ever could.
For a moment, you allow yourself to lean into his touch, to lose yourself in the warmth of his embrace.
His presence offers you a measure of solace, a brief respite from the storm raging within your soul. Yet, even as you find momentary refuge in his arms, the pain of the past still lingers like a shadow, casting a pall over your heart.
You bury your head into the embrace, your head meeting the crook of his neck as tears cascade, hiccuping quietly. In response, his grip on your hair tightens ever so slightly, before continuing his gesture.
You feel Levi’s lips press softly against the top of your head, a tender peck that sends a tremble down your spine. In a different situation, you would tease him for such an intimate act. But his affection surrounds you like a protective shield, his strength a steady beacon in the darkness of your despair.
And as the tears gradually subside and the storm of emotions begins to ebb, Levi remains by your side, his presence a steadfast anchor in the sea of turmoil that rages within you. With a trembling sigh, you lean back fully against him, exhaustion seeping into your bones as you find solace in the warmth of his embrace.
"Look," Levi's voice is soft, barely above a whisper, yet it carries a weight of understanding and empathy that pierces through the darkness of your despair. "I know it hurts. I know it feels like the weight of the world is crushing down on you like there's no escape from the pain."
You listen, your breath catching in your throat as Levi’s words wash over you like a ball for you wounded soul. His hand now continues to run soothingly through your hair, his touch a silent reassurance of his unwavering support.
"But you're not alone," He mumbles, pausing the petting of your hair to cup the back of your head gently. "I'm here with you, always. And together, we'll get through this."
You feel a shudder go down your spine at the word we’ll. You know he’s hurting as much as you are, and he’s opening up to get through rough times, with you.
His words offer you a measure of comfort, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatens to consume you. Yet, even as you try to hold onto his words like a lifeline, the pain still lingers a sharp ache that refuses to be silenced.
“It’s okay to feel hurt,” His tone is faint, you don’t know if it’s from his tone or the fatigue that’s hitting you from crying. “It’s okay to cry, to grieve, to mourn for what’s been lost. But don’t let it consume you. Don’t let it define who you are.”
His words strike a chord deep within your heart, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still light to be found, still hope to be held onto. Slowly, you release the grip you have on his now wrinkled shirt, letting it fall limply onto your lap.
And as you listen to Levi's reassuring words, you feel a flicker of strength stirring within you, a determination to rise above the pain and find a way forward. But as always, the guilt consumes you whole.
Even as you try to speak, to voice your gratitude for his unwavering support, you find your voice catching in your throat, your words choked with emotion. Levi's hand tightens ever so slightly in your hair, his touch a silent reassurance that it's okay to let your guard down, to show your vulnerability.
“I’m here for you,” Levi’s voice a whisper, but it seems to echo across the disheveled room. “Always.”
As the weight of his words and exhaustion settles over you like a heavy fog, you feel your eyes beginning to close as much as you try and fight off the craving for sleep your body needs.
Without uttering a single word, he rises from his place beside you, understanding your drained body. He gathers you into his arms, carrying you bridal style, making your head fall onto his shoulder.
You find yourself gravitating into his warmth, the tension in your body melting away as he holds you close, his arms a home of strength against the storm raging within your soul.
With each step he takes, carrying you effortlessly across the room, you feel a sense of weightlessness settle over you as if the burdens of the day are being lifted from your shoulders one by one.
He gently sits you on your bed. You don’t bother seeing where he went, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. What does he think of me now? Is a reoccurring question that pops up in your brain.
His actions make your worries disappear one by one, as he slips on an oversized shirt onto you. One that came presumably from your closet, onto you.
There’s a tenderness in his actions, a silent acknowledgement of the pain and exhaustion you’re feeling. He lays you down on the bed, tucking the blankets around you with a care that tugs at your heartstrings.
Levi settles in bedside you, drawing you close until you’re nestled against his chest, your head resting on the left side. The warmth of his hold envelops you like a protective cocoon, his steady heartbeat letting the promise be known that he’ll always be here.
With a soft touch, Levi slips an arm around your waist, drawing you closer to him. His touch is firm yet gentle, the calluses on his palm remind you of prior events.
His fingers move in a soothing rhythm as they trace a path up and down your back, each stroke a balm for the ache that lingers within you. There's a quiet strength in his touch, a steadiness that anchors you in the present moment.
With each gentle stroke, you feel the tension in your muscles begin to melt away, the knots of stress loosening their grip as you sink deeper into Levi's embrace.
It's a simple gesture, sure, yet it carries volumes of the depth of his care and concern for you. In the softness of his touch, you find a sense of comfort and security that you've been desperately craving, a respite from the chaos and uncertainty of the world outside.
The more his fingers continue their gentle motion, reacting soothing patterns along your spine, you can’t help but linger in the moment. You attempt to fight off the darkness that wants to take you away. You need - not want, to savor the warmth of his touch and the tranquility of his embrace.
In the quiet of the room, with only the sound of Levi's steady breathing to accompany you, you find yourself lingering on the edge of sleep, reluctant to let go of the comfort and security that his presence provides.
You feel your eyelids grow heavy with sleep, your breathing slowing as you begin to drift off into a peaceful slumber. You surrender to the embrace of sleep, wrapped in Levi's arms.
But eventually, exhaustion overtakes you, pulling you down into the depths of slumber, wrapped in Levi's arms, cradled in his comfort.

@siythn all rights reserved!
AUTHORS NOTE! - yes i know this is similar to aftercare. . .i just can’t help myself!! promise next oneshot will be with gojo (can u guys tell i love soft levi caring for reader yet Ü)