Sophie Fictive - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Real Shit Said in Headspace:

Simon📖: Y’know… I act a lot happier than my “canon” self… I’ve been laughing a lot more, smiling more, being more social and open with others… it’s weird

Blue🍓: That’s because the body is heavily medicated for depression and anxiety. You’re probably just feeling the effects of the medications that are working for us that never worked for you before.

Simon📖: … huh…

Ghost🩶👻: Hey, if you’re worried about if this makes you less “Simon Henriksson” to others, we don’t care about that shit. We’ve been with you for several years now, and you’re still extremely Simon Henriksson.

Simon📖: Thanks, but-

Ghost🩶👻: I mean, everything you do is very Simon Henriksson

Simon📖: Wait-

Ghost🩶👻: Wheeling everywhere in your wheelchair is very Simon Henriksson, calling people idiots in a loving manner is very Simon Henriksson, writing a bunch of [redacted] is very Simon Henriksson-

Simon📖: Did you really have to explain that?

Ghost🩶👻: Being engaged to Blue is very Simon Henriksson in my opinion

Me🧡🐍: Wait… Blue isn’t a part of the Cry of Fear game though. Only the fanfics written that were never published online

Ghost🩶👻: Yeah, but it’s still very Simon Henriksson of him

Simon📖: For the love of god, would you stop using my name as an adjective?

Ghost🩶👻: How Simon Henriksson of you.

Sophie🐹, jokingly: And this is why we can’t have nice things

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1 year ago
My New Favorite Genre Of Blues Drawings:
My New Favorite Genre Of Blues Drawings:
My New Favorite Genre Of Blues Drawings:
My New Favorite Genre Of Blues Drawings:
My New Favorite Genre Of Blues Drawings:
My New Favorite Genre Of Blues Drawings:

My new favorite genre of Blue’s drawings:

Sophie being the third wheel.


Note from Sophie:

This was just a meme idea because of how often I end up feeling like the third wheel for these two. Happy for them though. :) -🐹

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