Johnny Ghost Fictive - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hey! Some of us are back! (Btw we’re deleting that one poll because Sierra and Simon are using it to torture themselves and we’re not letting them do that anymore so that they can heal. They’ve worked so hard on bettering themselves this week, and will continue to do so as time passes, and we’re not gonna let them punish themselves!)

Anyway: throwback to when Blue decided to take a nap and force me to deal with the kids at work

Hey! Some Of Us Are Back! (Btw Were Deleting That One Poll Because Sierra And Simon Are Using It To Torture
Hey! Some Of Us Are Back! (Btw Were Deleting That One Poll Because Sierra And Simon Are Using It To Torture

Blue, you will never be forgiven/j

- Johnny Ghost

Also sorry that I don’t know how to do image ID with images with multiple parts pls help ;-;

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1 year ago

Real shit said in headspace:

Ghost🩶👻, jokingly: Hello, and welcome to Johnny Ghost’s therapy corner. How are you fucked up and how may I un-fuck you up?

He too, is very fucked up

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1 year ago

Something I find funny:

I see a lot of positive shit and then I look around me and people do my follow that advice.

Not talking about my headmates. Talking about some other people irl. Wanna punch them in the face with these positive memes and shit in a sense of “I will smother you in love and affection if you don’t stop being mean to yourself rn. This is a threat.”

- Johnny Ghost

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1 year ago
A Pencil sketched drawing with 8 characters. Four look at the other four in confusion and have the names Ghost Long, Ash Hunter, Ghost Long, and Simon Hood written beside them. The other four are larger and the prominent focus of the image. The names beside them are Johnny Ghost, Simon Henriksson (Book), Simon Henriksson (Sick), and Simon Henriksson (Demon). Johnny Ghost is saying "Well boys, it doesn't look like we can mansplain, manipulate, malewife our way out of this one" and Simon Henriksson (Demon) is holding a sledge hammer with a menacing look on his face and saying "Manslaughter it is then!"

I think I’m funny

Headmates shown are:








Lets also play a game called “Spot the Joke.”

- Johnny Ghost

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1 year ago

This just in:

Simon⛈️, Simon📖, and Death☠️ are planning on playing Cry of Fear and planning on making videos on it. Each will have their own play through with the others commenting.

It’s gonna get scary once we figure out how to do that XD

- Johnny Ghost

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1 year ago
A Pencil sketch with 3 panels. the first is of Thomas and Marylyn together with hearts surrounding them. The second shows Ash and Katelina looking annoyed and watching on with the text "In love w/ Thomas" besides Ash and "In love w/ Marylyn" beside Katelina. Beside them are Katey, Chris, and Francis standing behind them, also looking annoyed, with text that says "Tired of their jealous BS" beneath them. The last is Ash talking to Katelina saying "We need to work together to break them up" while Katelina nods

Blue’s gotten me into shipping Katrina and Mary together because of this thing between Marylyn and Katelina in Ash Hunter.

Ash and Kat became besties through their jealousy and self-discovery through that :)

- Johnny Ghost

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1 year ago
Made Some System Memes Extremely Specific To Our System.
Made Some System Memes Extremely Specific To Our System.
Made Some System Memes Extremely Specific To Our System.
Made Some System Memes Extremely Specific To Our System.
Made Some System Memes Extremely Specific To Our System.
Made Some System Memes Extremely Specific To Our System.

Made some system memes extremely specific to our system.

Explanation of the last one under the cut for anyone curious I guess??

- Johnny Ghost

Warnings for the explanation/rant(???): mentions of bullying, allusions to suicide, explanation of trauma (possibly seen as trauma dumping I guess??)

We have a bad habit of not defending ourselves when things happen, mostly because last time we did defend ourselves, we ended up being the “villains” and no one believed a word of what we said.

Anyway, we were bullied in middle school because a toxic ex friend decided to spread misinformation about stuff we did (making roleplays out to be real life, straight up lying and saying we did things we didn’t do, etc).

Fast forward 6 years. We befriend someone, and they remind us a lot of that toxic ex friend. Many alters are made extremely uncomfortable by them and refused to come near the front because of that. Blue themselves eventually became uncomfortable around this person too, though never admitted it because they’re a friend.

I will admit: we did do some bad things while friends with this person. But Y’know what we did? We apologized and fixed our behavior the second it was brought to our attention (we lack socialization skills and still need help figuring out what’s right and wrong in a conversation). One of which was purposefully triggering that person because it had been done to us multiple times. Even though we said we didn’t like it, the people who did it never apologized and called us sensitive.

However, the behavior was called out. We apologized. We tried to make it right. This happened months ago.

Fast forward another month and we break the friendship off because it’s not healthy. We try and be the adults. Ex-Friend makes another close friend of ours block us, even though they didn’t want to. We got extremely triggered by this. And I mean extremely.

Sierra, one of our protectors/persecutors (we love her anyway. She’s still learning. Give her time. She’s an introject of the first toxic friend from middle school), was the only one who was able to process stuff. Keep in mind, she was 13. She handled the entire situation poorly, calling those two out in a discord server we were active in before leaving. One of the mods reached out to us and Sierra explained everything the best she could, as she had also been dormant since 2018 and had been harshly triggered to the front by the situation. Dream managed to pull herself together and explain that she kept a mental list of the issues that were present in the relationship.

Sadly, we didn’t have any of the physical evidence because we were trying to remain mature about the situation and wanted to move more towards forgiveness than pettiness. Ex-friend had no intent of forgiving apparently, as when the mods had talked to them, they spoke about the things we had done as if they had recently happened and weren’t from a month ago or things we had apologized for and tried to do better on.

One of those things was something Simon (Book) had said to them in a moment of panic, not knowing what to do in the situation present at the time (an alter of ex-friend’s threatening to hurt the body of ex-friend). He said something he deeply regrets, and we won’t say what that is because he has indeed moved on from that. Even when he said it, he didn’t mean anything by it. It was a mental script of sorts in response to a traumatic situation for us that also caused us to relive old trauma as toxic ex-friend had been someone who would threaten to hurt themself if it meant getting their way. (Hell, they even blamed us for their attempted self-delete because we didn’t answer the phone while at a family Christmas party).

We now are dealing with the aftermath of having multiple people block us because of this. We received a ban from the discord server for purposefully triggering someone, and it appears that no one is really interested in our side of the story, mostly because Sierra’s immediate response when we received the ban was delete all social media so that all of these triggers and things could go away and not hurt the system anymore. She was a 13 year old thrown into a very stressful situation. We have recently talked to her, and she is growing up rather quickly in the system as well. She has since learned from her mistakes.

Simon and Sierra are truly sorry for what they did and how it had ended up hurting the system. However, we have expressed our care for them and how we forgive them for what happened, as they are attempting to better themselves based off of their mistakes.

And that’s what upsets me the most. We’re healing, yes, but it still hurts to have people we once thought of as friends block us when we never even explained our side of the story because we were acting in a fight or flight manner due to the extremely triggering and traumatic situation we were thrown in.

In both instances, both parties are at fault. Not one or the other. We reacted poorly to these situations due to them being extremely traumatic for us. It’s why we’re perfectionists, because every time we make a mistake this is what happens. We never explain our side of the story because it always ends with us never being believed.

But we’re moving on, and we’re healing. Slowly but surely. It just sucks that we can barley interact with the Taleblr tag now because a lot of people who we followed blocked us.

It just takes some time, I guess. :)

We just kinda needed to get that out there. Won’t drop names because we aren’t trying to call people out or cancel them. Just trying to explain the meaning behind the last two memes I made.

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1 year ago

Some songs I associate with Taleblr characters that I wanted to share:

Jimmy Casket:


The Toast Twins:

Johnny Ghost:

Johnny Toast:

Fred “Spooker” Soup:

Let us know your thoughts on the songs! :)

- Johnny Ghost🩶👻

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1 year ago

Dear Taleblr, question:

I’m curious, honestly.

- Ghost🩶👻

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1 year ago

Sometimes things slip through

an inked drawing with 4 panels. the first is of Johnny Ghost working, holding a pen. the second he jolts upright and starts tearing up. he's sobbing waterfalls in the third panel before returning to working in the final as if nothing happened

I swear this keeps happening every time I do homework. Happens to Blue too. Trauma holders have a rough time always holding everything.



Traumatic memories resurface suddenly

Back to working, memories completely forgotten again

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1 year ago

Real Shit Said in Headspace:

Simon📖: Y’know… I act a lot happier than my “canon” self… I’ve been laughing a lot more, smiling more, being more social and open with others… it’s weird

Blue🍓: That’s because the body is heavily medicated for depression and anxiety. You’re probably just feeling the effects of the medications that are working for us that never worked for you before.

Simon📖: … huh…

Ghost🩶👻: Hey, if you’re worried about if this makes you less “Simon Henriksson” to others, we don’t care about that shit. We’ve been with you for several years now, and you’re still extremely Simon Henriksson.

Simon📖: Thanks, but-

Ghost🩶👻: I mean, everything you do is very Simon Henriksson

Simon📖: Wait-

Ghost🩶👻: Wheeling everywhere in your wheelchair is very Simon Henriksson, calling people idiots in a loving manner is very Simon Henriksson, writing a bunch of [redacted] is very Simon Henriksson-

Simon📖: Did you really have to explain that?

Ghost🩶👻: Being engaged to Blue is very Simon Henriksson in my opinion

Me🧡🐍: Wait… Blue isn’t a part of the Cry of Fear game though. Only the fanfics written that were never published online

Ghost🩶👻: Yeah, but it’s still very Simon Henriksson of him

Simon📖: For the love of god, would you stop using my name as an adjective?

Ghost🩶👻: How Simon Henriksson of you.

Sophie🐹, jokingly: And this is why we can’t have nice things

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1 year ago

Me: I’m gonna post something

Me: *posts it*




Blue: But should you-

Me: I’m deleting it!!

*deletes the post*





Me: I’m gonna post something

And the cycle continues…

Based on the fact that I have made several trauma dumping posts and then immediately deleted them because I realize I shouldn’t fucking trauma dump on the internet. It’s not healthy. Don’t do it kids.


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1 year ago
Remember This Post?
Remember This Post?
Remember This Post?
Remember This Post?

Remember this post?

It’s a meme in our system now. Inside joke.

Also: colored picture of Simon📖! He looks a lot healthier than Sick!Simon, mostly because he is. Blue makes sure he takes care of himself, and he writes a lot for his own enjoyment, not because a therapist told him to.

We’ve been discussing possibly posting some of his writing. He’s debating about it.

How Simon Henriksson of him ;p


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1 year ago

Shout out to the time Blue decided to sleep in the front while I dealt with the kids at work.


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1 year ago
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Most of this system’s FAVORITE holiday!

All art drawn by Blue!

Everyone’s costumes are:

Horror🪓: Vampire

Blue🍓: Witch

Error🧵 and Ink🖌️: Senpai and Yandere

Dream☀️ and Nightmare🌑: Each other

Killer🎯: Scream

Sophie🐹: Carrie

Simon📖: Book Simon/Demon🩸

Sans🛏️: Do I really need to say it? His shirt says “This is my Halloween Costume”

My husband Toast🍞 and Me🩶👻: Simon📖 and Blue🍓 because I like mocking my twin/fellow host and we got permission

David💊 and Simon⛈️: Their sources/themselves because both got lazy but wanted to participate.

Overall, we love Halloween here in this system! Enjoy Blue’s art of some of us who wanted to be drawn!


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1 year ago

Sad thing about being a Johnny Ghost fictive:

The fear of birds is still very much present.

Went to the beach for vacation with family and friends for a week.

Birds everywhere. One almost took my head off. We even went to the Rainforest thing at the zoo where the birds are literally loose around the enclosure and you walk around and these things were so fucking terrifying.

I literally took a break from front because family and friends were also making fun of my fear (and applying it to our singletsona so… fun…)

Literally it was so fucking traumatizing ;-;


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