Spiderman Mcu - Tumblr Posts

watching tom holland attempt to cut his brother’s hair is giving me the fear 💀
In Iron Mans defence, he is kind of very much dead in the second movie so I'm not sure how he would've fixed it himself.
On the other hand, Dr. Strange has absolutely no excuse.
There are lots of frustrating things about the MCU Spider-Man movies, but the worst part is in each one the plot has nothing to do with Peter Parker. You can literally describe the plot of each movie without mentioning Peter or Spider-man:
Spider-Man Homecoming: Tony Stark's company used their power and connections to steal work from a local businessman, who turn to crime to make a living.
Spider-Man Far From Home: Tony Stark created a deadly drone army (again) and a disgruntled former employee hatches a plot to steal control of it.
Spider-Man No Way Home: Dr Strange rushes into doing a dangerous spell he doesn't fully understand, and it goes wrong because he didn't take five fucking seconds to fully figure out what the spell was supposed to even do first.
Some MCU asshole living in a mansion creates a big mess, and Spider-Man has to spend the movie fixing it.
Marvel: I made him a hero
Fandom: you left he traumatized
Peter: Welcome to my very first blog, in which I try different hair products!
Peter: *sprays hairspray into his mouth*
Peter: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
Flash: I think I get it now. Venom is a metaphor for Peter trauma of a stolen childhood and subsequent rage
MJ: Flash, for the last time, Venom is a real Alien parasite and he's controlling Peter

the smart, pretty girl x loser boy with a heart of gold dynamic always hits
Peter and MJ watching spiderman 2: *peter pushing MJ away from him*
MJ: just so you know this isn’t happening
MJ: you’re not getting rid of me so easily

“The world is a really fucked up place,” she said in between sniffs. She dug her head into Peter’s shoulder as he hugged her tighter.
“Yeah, but at least you’re okay now, okay?” He whispered, trying not to cry with her. She nodded her head in agreement.
A little fanart of this new fanfic I found called “What’s Your Secret?” by @peter-x-michelle . I recommend checking it out if you love Spiderman.
Best addition to anything I’ve ever posted ever
Life on the run hasn’t been great for Peter, I see.

No Way Home screening was cancelled due to sound issues and saw this in the lobby
Peter Parker 🤝 Percy Jackson