Stephen Hawking - Tumblr Posts

Makes me want to re-read my copy of A Brief History of Time...
I like to think Stephen Hawking is discussing stars with Carrie Fisher right now

Il nemico del sapere non è l'ignoranza, ma l'illusione del sapere. Stephen Hawking
Sogno un avventuroso sole
Con un suo piccolo pianeta
A zonzo per l'universo
Felice di essersi perso
Luciano De Giovanni
Dedicato a Stephen Hawking
It's fantastic what he says.
Sorry, we were briefly dazzled by his compassion, humanity and his absolute love for people, well, like him, we only have one book from which we learn everything (we think for him it is one of the oh so many different versions of the Bible, for us it is always the current version of the Book of World Records).

It's sad how godless a self-satisfied vain man in love with himself (still too woke for us) can be. greetings from Afghanistan
In our opinion, he's* far too woke - honestly, do you want him to speak for his family's cell or even be able to vote?
He just doesn't go far enough because he's a liberal soft-spoken Christian! In our opinion only a true leader must lead a nation.
We suggest a man like Adolf Hitler * * nonsense some Christian radical fundalmist who revives the burning of witches.
It wasn't all bad about the Spanish Inquisition!
Yes it was!
*Really, please don't be such a self-congratulatory soft fundalmist brimming with Christian vanity.
**Well, that's a complete historical failure. But it was a belief as a state religion that ultimately led to the total blindness of an entire people.
***(a man who goes to vote for his family because all the other family members have somehow lost equality can no longer be a victim)
What always makes us so sad is that we meet him in the dark room at some point and he switches off the light. Sorry of course the man is not gay is a mortal sin according to some old books (who reads old books).
Then there's a big cry from the poor victim*** who has been seduced by Satan.
Well, we've had our fun now, seriously, let's summarise what he's saying.
Women don't have to vote because the head of the family, the man who of course loves his family, always makes the right decisions for them and therefore makes the right choice because he loves them.
There is only one problem here, only God is infallible, so if he believes he is infallible, that is blasphemy and we would be back to the Spanish Inquisition.
What if the man doesn't love the family? Then the family is beaten until the family loves the man?
And then there's the inelegant argument that drag queens shouldn't read books, and the gay jihad, what's that supposed to be? Didn't he know what kind of mistake he was making here? By associating the word jihad with gay, gay becomes a religion. And yet another own goal and that is blasphemy off to the Spanish Inquisition you brain acrobat.
Who believes in everything that has to do with humanity.
Just buy a second book we recommend rhetoric for Dummies.
Project 25 off to the Middle Ages and then off to the new crusades was already cool dressed in iron in the desert.
Project 25 is the plan of Christian Nationalists.
This is no joke.
Republican women better wake up.
Vote the GOP out. Keep Trump away from The White House permanently.

Look, I made a gif of this most awesome wizard at the Leaky Cauldron!

What is the nature of time? Will it ever come to an end? Can we go back in time? Some day these answers may seem as obvious to us as the Earth orbiting the sun. The Theory of Everything (2014)
Według Stephena Hawkinga, cisi ludzie mają najgłośniejsze myśli. To prawda, ale ludzie głośni również mają głośne myśli. Tylko oni próbują je zagłuszyć swoim głosem
Według Stephena Hawkinga, cisi ludzie mają najgłośniejsze myśli. To prawda, ale ludzie głośni również mają głośne myśli. Tylko oni próbują je zagłuszyć swoim głosem
Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.
Stephen Hawking
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” - Stephen Hawking
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.”
— Stephen Hawking (1942 - 2018)
With Stephen Hawking’s passing, today is a sad day for science. But amongst all his praise and achievements in the fields of physics, for me personally his biggest achievement was making a grand, full life despite the terrible misfortune of being diagnosed with ALS. It would have been easy to become a recluse, embittered with the hand he’d been dealt, a brilliant misanthrope. But this was a man who maintained his sense of humor and refused to be mentally beaten. Three years ago, he told One Direction fans that the theory of alternate universes could provide a reality where Zayn Malik was still in the band. He conducted an interview with John Oliver where his factual, deadpan delivery was funnier than his interviewer, managing the cheekiest grins as he did so. And let us not forget that Stephen Hawking is the only person to have ever portrayed themselves in a Star Trek episode (Next Generation, “Descent, Part 1″), where he appeared alongside actors portraying Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, whom he proceeded to defeat in poker.

Hawking’s observations on black hole radiation, string theory, alternate universes and artificial intelligence are things that will probably forever remain beyond most of us. But we could all learn a thing or two from his humanity.

Benedict cumberbatch 44th birthday edit 🎂
“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”
— Stephen Hawking

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away.” -- Stephen Hawking

There could be shadow galaxies, shadow stars, and even shadow people. - Stephen Hawking