Superhusbands - Tumblr Posts
[Steve keeps trying to call Tony who refuses to answer]
Radio: The next one’s dedicated to Tony from Steve. Tony, he wants you to know he’s deeply sorry for what he did and he hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive him.
[With or Without You plays]
[Tony seems touched. He pauses for a moment, then picks up the phone and starts to dial. Cut to Steve in Wakanda.]
Radio: Uh, we’ve just gotten a call from Tony, and he told us what Steve did. It’s pretty appalling, and Steve, if you’re listening, I don’t wanna play your song anymore. Why don’t we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance? Charles, Erik’s sorry he hit you with his car and he hopes you two will work it out.

A gift for the lovely @atoria420 for her absolutely fantastic fic; Found Cat. Please, for the love of everything, if you haven’t read what there is so far, do so RIGHT NOW!! You won’t be disappointed!
Steve getting a good scratch in for Cat!Tony, while the cat baby make some biscuits~

The final page for a gift comic I did for the lovely @avengersnewb for the Stony Loves Steve (SLS) fandom event~ This and the first couple of pages of the comic are probably my very favorite images. You can see the rest by clicking here.

You're a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy
- Rhianna
SADLY, but not surprisingly, I cannot post this entire image here, though I'm pretty pleased with this crop as well. But, if you'd like to see the full thing in its full glory, please travel to my Ao3 here
cross-post of a fill for the @stevetonygames this prompt was Heart
tony: *does something bad*
tony: dont come for my tits, but-
steve, already dialling pepper: oh god
tony: hey stop assuming, thats rude
steve, pausing: *raises his eyebrows and gives tony the l o o k*
tony: ok you know what fuck you

The idea for this comic was born 7 years ago. It’s been haunting me for the last 7 years, but I couldn’t find it in me to draw it.
Here I am at last, finally free.
Okay! Send me a Marvel slash OTP in my ask box and I'll tell you who:
Does grand romantic gestures
Throws shade the best
Secretly loves to read fan fiction and look at fan art about themselves
Is likely to be sucked in a Wikipedia black hole for hours
Hates to eat vegetables
Is the most active on social media
Rides shotgun during group road trips
Belongs in which Hogwarts house
Belongs in which District of Panem
Insists on sleeping with the nightlight on
Gets the most phone numbers when they go out to a bar/club
Is likely to film a really hot sex tape of them fucking and upload it on Pornhub
Can quote the most lines of dialogue verbatim while watching Mean Girls
Loves to binge-watch trashy reality TV shows
Cries the hardest when they see Studio Ghibli movies, especially Grave Of The Fireflies
Always wins at Cards Against Humanity during group game night
Makes the worst faces when they take wacky selfies
Haggles for the lowest price and wins the best bargains when they shop at flea markets
Can successfully eat something so putrid like hakarl (dead fermented shark) and not throw up their guts afterwards
Makes the best party playlists during group house parties
Is likely to be apprehended by The Beygency because they don't like Beyonce that much
Gets the most notes whenever they post something like shirtless selfies or very NSFW photos of themselves on Tumblr
Can successfully tie a cherry stem with their tongue which proves they are the best kisser
Is likely to create an actual Fight Club a la Tyler Durden
Always wins the most awards show predictions and makes mad bank from the losers in the group
Insists on having a couples' orgy session with the World's Finest, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Superman and Batman
Sees what colors on The Dress when it pops up on their Tumblr dash
OTPs you can send me are: Thorki/Thunderfrost (Thor and Loki), Stucky/Starbucks (Steve and Bucky), Stony/Superhusbands (Steve and Tony), Thundershield/Hammershield (Thor and Steve), Grocket (Groot and Rocket)
oooh, do stony since the new avengers trailer just came out!
Does grand romantic gestures
Tony. Because he has the ridiculous resource to pull of epic romantic stunts to remind Steve he loves him every day. While Steve appreciates Tony’s efforts, it becomes a bit embarassing whenever BuzzFeed does an article on Tony’s latest romance stunt because we all know Tony has this “go big or go home” attitude.
Throws shade the best
Steve. Which is surprising to Tony since Steve’s such a good guy. Little does he know Steve has marathoned plenty of RuPaul’s Drag Race to bring him up to speed on the art of throwing shade.
Secretly loves to read fan fiction and look at fan art about themselves
Tony. Only he would get busted by Steve because he carelessly left his Starkpad in their bedroom at Avengers Tower. Needless to say, Steve hasn’t blushed this much since realizing what fondue actually meant.
Is likely to be sucked in a Wikipedia black hole for hours
Steve. Despite the site’s flaws and sometimes unreliable content, Steve loves to browse through hundreds of articles and absorb information about a wide variety of subjects. Tony would only roll his eyes and mutter that J.A.R.V.I.S. would make a much more reliable source of data information.
Hates to eat vegetables
Tony. Anything that doesn’t have inhuman amounts of caffeine or isn’t greasy and meaty by default is something he’s instantly averse to, but that doesn’t stop Steve from encouraging him to eat vegetables. Tony will only eat them begrudgingly because he’s afraid Steve might withhold sex from him if he doesn’t.
Is the most active on social media
Steve. Since Tony gave him a Starkphone, Steve’s been killing it all over Twitter and Instagram with his tweets and pictures that mostly show the Avengers goofing off in their headquarters, though his private Facebook profile is reserved strictly for his teammates and other people he explicitly trusts.
Rides shotgun during group road trips
Steve. Because Tony insists on being behind the wheel and Steve is next to him to make sure Tony doesn’t pull off crazy Fast and Furious moves on the road.
Belongs in which Hogwarts house
They both took the official sorting on Pottermore and discovered that Steve is a Hufflepuff and Tony is a Slytherin. Tony quips that Steve should probably redesign the color scheme of his Captain America suit in Hufflepuff colors only to be shot down by Steve’s cutting remark that Tony should discard the Gryffindor colors of his Iron Man suit in favor of the Slytherin house colors.
Belongs in which District of Panem
After being up to speed with the books and movies, Steve commented that Tony would really thrive in District 3 since they produce electronics. Tony smiled and says Steve would be perfect in District 2 owing to his military training and background.
Insists on sleeping with the nightlight on
Steve. Because now that Tony has removed the arc reactor from his chest, Steve convinces Tony to find a suitable substitute and Tony creates a replica of the arc reactor that only functions as a nightlight and installs it on the wall above their bed.
Gets the most phone numbers when they go out to a bar/club
While Tony is more well-versed in the art of flirtation, Steve manages to get more calling cards and paper napkins with numbers scrawled on them at the end of the night without even trying.
Is likely to film a really hot sex tape of them fucking and upload it on Pornhub
Tony. And of course, he instructs J.A.R.V.I.S. to get the best angles possible in order to showcase how good they both look fucking each other like jackrabbits.
Can quote the most lines of dialogue verbatim while watching Mean Girls
Steve. Normally, Tony would be pissed but he’s actually proud of his superhusband that he can perfectly quote one of the most iconic teen movies in film history.
Loves to binge-watch trashy reality TV shows
Steve. From all the Real Housewives to freaky shows like Hoarders, Steve is game for it all. Tony refuses to watch such bullshit and as such, the only people who are as enthusiastic like Steve about watching this kind of programming are Natasha, Sam, and Pepper.
Cries the hardest when they see Studio Ghibli movies, especially Grave Of The Fireflies
Tony. Further proof that he does indeed have a heart.
Always wins at Cards Against Humanity during group game night
Tony. Because Steve always seems to draw the lamest answers from the white card pile.
Makes the worst faces when they take wacky selfies
Steve. It baffles Tony how the big blond dork can still look fuckable even when making the most ridiculous facial expressions for selfies.
Haggles for the lowest price and wins the best bargains when they shop at flea markets
Steve. Old habits die hard when you’ve grown up during the Depression Era and fought a World War. It helps that market sellers are also charmed by the very presence of Captain America that they’d gladly offer their wares for free, but Steve insists on paying them like a decent customer.
Can successfully eat something so putrid like hakarl (dead fermented shark) and not throw up their guts afterwards
Steve. He’s eternally thankful for the super serum in his body that gives him superhuman metabolism because otherwise he would probably end up in the hospital for food poisoning.
Makes the best party playlists during group house parties
Tony. His Starkpod is chock-full of the best crowd-pleasing floor-fillers.
Is likely to be apprehended by The Beygency because they don’t like Beyonce that much
Steve. While he certainly appreciates the Queen Bey, he’s more a fan of Adele as she reminds him of the kind of pop music he liked before he was frozen under the ice.
Gets the most notes whenever they post something like shirtless selfies or very NSFW photos of themselves on Tumblr
Steve, though Tony refuses to wave the white flag as he’s determined to make Tumblr love him just as much as Steve.
Can successfully tie a cherry stem with their tongue which proves they are the best kisser
Tony. Simply because of the fact that he’s had plenty of practice every time he orders alcoholic drinks garnished with cherries.
Is likely to create an actual Fight Club a la Tyler Durden
Tony. But unlike the real Fight Club, he talks about his version of Fight Club because he’s Tony fucking Stark.
Always wins the most awards show predictions and makes mad bank from the losers in the group
Steve. Due to his extensive and ongoing movie and pop culture education, most of his predictions always comes true every time awards shows like the Grammys or the Oscars comes up. He uses his winnings to donate them to charities and non-profit organizations he supports.
Insists on having a couples’ orgy session with the World’s Finest, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Superman and Batman
Tony. Because he has a need to fulfill his fantasy of seeing Superman and Captain America flip-fucking each other. And as usual, Tony would only be comparing current net worths with Bruce apart from their dick sizes.
Sees what colors on The Dress when it pops up on their Tumblr dash
Steve sees white and gold. Tony sees blue and black. Their argument ended with a destroyed living room in the tower and incredibly intense hate sex for three hours in their bedroom.
Me: I don't ship real people


some doodles :3
ko-fi - etsy shop

i honestly never know how much to crop please don't flag me
this is a couples therapy session, yeah? tony's learning how to listen

Tony(groggy): Steve…? Steve: Shh, go back to sleep, Tony. Supposedly super quick color sketch to make watercoloring easier. Neither quick, nor finished, but it’s still 6/16 in some parts of the world. Happy 616 day! Also, how to hair? I have no idea. So, I wanted to draw something fluffy. But then it came to the point of deciding on their clothes. And since Civil War II was the first Marvel comic I’ve ever read (because David Marquez?!), I thought why not. Harmless, right? Well… I did a plot twist on myself? I should have drawn them naked instead. But I do love angst, too… 🤔 I’m obviously fairly new to Marvel comics and the timeline. Everything I know is from laireshi’s work. Seriously. Please read everything they’ve written (I’m not sure if there’s any 616 Tony fan who actually hasn’t…) They’re absolute masterpieces; I never knew you could fall so much in love with a fictional character, but laireshi’s Tony Stark is worship material. I’m still taking my sweet time. ~60% to go, maybe? Hopefully more? But probably less. Pardon me, it’s 5 am and I tend to ramble when I’m tired. I’d go on with the hymn of praise for laireshi. Because I just can’t be thankful enough for all their work. For sharing their love for Tony and I’ve discovered a whole new world with the comics. I’ll stop. For now. Back to the drawing and to MCU fans: In case you haven’t read what happens after Civil War II or somehow managed to stay away from all of that…congrats. Enjoy the fluff! Come join the dark side.

Here’s the actual watercolor piece!

Steve: I really like your underwear. Tony: Yeah, I can feel just how much, old man. Glad you approve. You know, it would look much bet—mhmm… Happy 100th birthday, Steve! Inspired by @sabrecmc’s post.
Angsty Wednesday
anything by laireshi
“Just trust me,” Tony said, the mechanical voice of Iron Man making it seem emotionless.
“Trust is not something you would know about, Stark,” Steve said, and walked away.
And then it all went to hell.
(Comment: You can take the title quite literally. Not every piece is angst but I do recommend everything by @laireshi. Also, this is the very first fanfiction I’ve read by them. And down the rabbit hole I went. I used to be an unsuspecting MCU stony fan and then this. I regret nothing.)
Secrets and Surprises by laireshi
Tony’s preparing for his and Steve’s anniversary. The only issue? Steve realises that Tony’s hiding something and, given their history, suspects it’s something sinister.
first and last and always by laireshi
It's not like waking up from the ice. Steve has seen how this year came to be, has seen every day of the few decades that passed.
None of them seemed real, because it was wrong, so wrong.
(”There are more spoilery warnings at the end.”)
All That You Love, All That You Hate by laireshi
Director Stark is happily married to Steve Rogers. They have no secrets from each other, and quite a lot from the world—mainly that Steve Rogers is really The Captain, an infamous villain.
Unfortunately, the truly important secrets rarely stay hidden, and when Steve’s identity gets revealed, Tony will do anything to keep them both safe.
He’s a hero, but it might mean crossing a line that a villain would never even approach.
as long as we remember by laireshi
“Good morning,” Tony said, his voice very steady. The way he would greet a stranger.
They weren’t strangers.
Or: the incursions are solved, but nothing is quite right.
Lost Chances by laireshi (TW: “Hydra Steve Rogers […], Suicidal Thoughts […], Rape Aftermath”)
“Did I hurt you?” Steve asks.
“No,” Tony says.
But Steve already knows what Tony lying to his face looks like.
Unmade by laireshi (TW: “Suicidal Thoughts […], Hydra Steve Rogers […], Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism”)
“He looked exactly like you,” Tony hears himself say. “I knew it wasn’t you, but he looked like you, so I believed he wouldn’t hurt me.”
Why is he telling Steve that?
“He told me you loved me,” Tony continues. Maybe he just wants it all to hurt. Maybe if it hurts enough, it’ll finally end once and for all.
Changes on our hands and on our faces by laireshi
In the wake of the incursions, Steve and Tony face the end of the world together. They wake up separate, each of them faced with a version of the other they haven’t met before.
It might be a recipe for disaster, or it might just help them solve their issues.
(”There are warnings at the end.”)
To The End Of Love by laireshi
Steve’s been married to Tony for years when the Stamford disaster happens and the Superhero Registration Act tears the superhero community apart. When Tony disagrees with Steve, Steve still expects Iron Man to follow him: he’s his best friend, for one, and he’s chosen to keep his identity a secret from everyone. But Iron Man also fights against him.
And then Steve smashes his faceplate open.
Stay With Me by laireshi
He didn’t expect to hear a loud shot, and he didn’t expect to feel Tony’s warm blood mix with rain on his hands.
Heart With No Companion by laireshi (TW: “Hydra Steve Rogers, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con”)
Hydra Cap captures MCU Tony and thinks it’s a great idea to charm him into waking 616 Tony from his coma.
Conditional loop by laireshi
There are some sacrifices Steve isn’t willing to make, but with the Time Gem, he doesn’t have to.
(”There are some very spoilery for the fic warnings at the end.)
for none of them would save him by laireshi
“I’m dead, in your timeline,” Tony said, not a question.
Steve shrugged, quiet and broken. “Everyone is.”
(“There are warnings at the end.”)
Security Measures by laireshi (TW: “Hydra Steve Rogers”)
Tony always trusted Steve with his override codes. This once, he shouldn’t have.
Amor Fati by citsiurtlanu
Tony Stark has always known what the words on his wrist are supposed to lead to. What he’s never known is who the words are for. 616 soulmate AU.
Enemy At The Gates by AvocadoLove
By the time Captain America was found and defrosted, the Chitauri had wiped out the entire state of New York, and Iron Man was the world’s most wanted villain.
(Written for the 2016 CapIron RBB)
Buy You A Mockingbird by jadedoll
Babyfic! When Tony unexpectedly becomes a parent, his world view drastically changes. And changes. Then it changes again. And then again.
Be No Stranger (All Your Saints and Soldiers Remix) by jibrailis
That's the twenty-first century love song, baby. Glitz and glamour and every one of us is a liar.
Fluffy Thursday
with you by laireshi
Sometimes Steve gets overwhelmed by how much he loves Tony.
The T-Shirt Means I Love You by laireshi
"You’re wearing my clothes.”
Steve wants to take the words back as soon as he said them, because obviously Tony isn’t wearing his clothes, Tony’s not wearing any clothes, Tony’s an artificial intelligence, but Steve wishes Tony were corporeal and wearing his clothes, preferably in his bed.
Cold Making Warmth by sheafrotherdon
Steve settles upon the few things he knows for sure: that the days are short, and it's cold, and he doesn't mind looking dumb for making the effort. So screw the protocol, whether it exists or not – he's giving gifts.
Have and Have Nots by kehinki
Apparently, Tony finds his lack of holiday cheer damn near offensive.
Get Some Now by Sineala
Avengers Mansion has a mysterious feline infestation. Meanwhile, Steve just can't figure out how to ask Tony out on a date. And the thirteen teleporting cats sure aren't helping matters any.
America's Golden -Boy- Retriever by Amuly
The Avengers wake up one morning to find they all have ears and tails. Some of the animals that are a part of them are obvious, but some of them are more... odd. Much to Tony's infinite amusement, of course. cap_ironman Christmas exchange fic.
The More Things Change by cookinguptales
Steve's not entirely sure how seduction works nowadays, but he's learned from the best.
Apple Bottom Jeans (And Other Love Songs) by gyzym
Or, how Steve Rogers--kind of--learns to dance.
Re(a)d All Over by brandnewfashion, MusicalLuna
Contrary to popular belief, Tony Stark can blush.
It just takes Steve getting drunk on some magical Asgardian mead for it to finally happen.
Indecent Proposal by gyzym, Siria
On the plus side, marriage is bound to be easier than proposing.
Standard Operating Procedures For One Anthony Edward Stark, Subsection: Accommodations & Voluntary Residence 2-B by RurouniHime
Tony, no.
Five Times Steve Fell in the Water by RurouniHime
Steve is awfully clumsy. by lupinus
The one where the Internet is stalking Steve’s day to day life, but that might be okay, because it just keeps bringing him closer to Tony. Or, in which Clint Barton uses the Internet to mock Steve.
Sixteen Dongs by uraneia
Tony begins to suspect Steve's autocorrect is trying to tell him something.
What does it say about Steve that he wants to talk to Tony about Clint’s penis?
... And a Mixed Tape by lupinus
The story of how auto correct brings Steve and Tony together.
Or Sixteen Dongs told from Steve's point of view.
That Has Such People In It by lupinus
Tony pines like a genius, and Steve is too busy being baffled by modern times to notice.
hooked on you by theappleppielifestyle
"I’m sorry," Steve says miserably, but Tony holds up a hand.
"Whoa, hey, no, not your fault, kid. Um." Tony drops the hand, because Steve had started looking at his wrist, the mapwork of veins. "So what, it’s like, you open your eyes first thing after getting vamped and, boom, Imprint?"
"What?" Steve frowns again. "Tony, no. I’m not a baby duck."
All Roads Lead To by theappleppielifestyle
After Obadiah's betrayal, Tony hides in the depths of the Midwest to become a mechanic.
The Avengers come into his life anyway.
Not just a river in Egypt (Tony is most certainly not in denial) by theoddoodisnude
"You are most definitely not in love with me, Cap, what you are experiencing is called cabin pressure," Tony explains, because he has a rational train of thought and he's met enough shrinks to have figured out their tactics by now. "And possibly, you know, sexual frustration, because it doesn't matter at all that you're, like, America's national icon, Fury still won't let you out. I know that, I see that, I acknowledge your pain, I feel with you, Cap, believe me, I do. And I get it, because I am a very good-looking fellow and we spend a lot of time together, stuck in this tower, and it's easy to--"
"I am," Steve cuts off, equal parts amused and frustrated and concerned. "In love. With you. Tony, I'm in love with you."
At The Join by entanglednow
Tony's gone down on one knee, fussing with one of the heavy-duty boots, and Steve's going to say something. But there are already knuckles smacking the side of his leg, and he's lifting it without thinking.
Stray Minutes by entanglednow
"Hey, you skipping out on my party?"
the best thing (is that it’s happening to you and me) by shieldmaidenofrohan
Or, five times the team saw Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in love.
Fix-It Friday
side by side by laireshi
When Tony learns of the incursions, he knows one thing. If there is any chance of stopping them, he has to work with Steve. Luckily, Steve agrees.
(Comment: This is per-fec-tion. Perfect balance between angst and beautiful, heartbreaking, sweet moments between these two halves of a whole.
Tony in a nutshell: "Steve hating him was better than Steve dead." (How sad and tragic is this quote?!)
The length he's willing to go, to suffer through for the sake of keeping Steve alive is something that defines (laireshi's) Tony. (You make him suffer so beautifully, @laireshi.) He'd destroy planets, hate himself for it and somehow live with Steve hating him just so his "better half" survives. Anything but Steve dying. He can't take that. Not again. He'll sacrifice himself gladly without a second thought. ^Just rambling about laireshi's Tony in general. Not specifically this story, since this is a fix-it. This fic was very soothing to my wounded soul, after reading the comics. I needed that so much. Thank you!)
Engineering Miracles by laireshi
The Infinity Gems reappearing is really the sort of thing a Sorcerer Supreme should investigate, and if it involves crossing universes, so much the better. Maybe Tony will finally find an alternate self who hasn't made a complete ruin of his life. And then Sorcerer Supreme Tony Stark finds himself on Earth-616.
(Comment: I love this one so much. @ purely MCU fans: It is Stevetony but there's also Sorcerer Supreme Tony Stark/Victor von Doom. Just give it a try if you're curious or read "Invincible Iron Man" by Bendis first/afterwards. (For the art, for Tony and Tony being low-key obsessed with Victor "suddenly [being] very handsome"?!)
Emergency Protocol by laireshi
Falling in love with Tony Stark has always been easy. That he's an artificial intelligence now changes nothing. Luckily, Tony will always catch him.
Transmission by laireshi
The incursions are stopped. Steve hopes for things to go back to normal. Instead, he finds himself stranded in an alternate universe with Tony. Getting home won't be easy. There are too many things they haven't told each other, too many arguments they've never solved. Now, with just each other for company, they might have to face them all—especially as they seem to be telepathically bonded, and can't keep anything unsaid anymore.
Make it right by laireshi
It was just a dream, Tony thinks, and ignores the gut feeling telling him otherwise. He really must have fallen asleep, and it was all just a dream, he didn't betray Steve like that …
On Due Reflection by captainshellhead, vibraniumstark
Fed up with secrets, with the Illuminati between them, Steve and Tony aren't on the best of terms. A chance encounter with an alternate reality's versions of themselves sets things back on the right path.
Wake Up (Can't Live Without You Remix) by laireshi (TW: “Hydra Steve Rogers” - but it’s a fix-it!)
Tony smiles weakly and says, “This is not a dream.”