Taurus Moon - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Astro observations about Taurus ascendant/ 2nd house/ Taurus sun/moon/venus/mercury placements:

Astro Observations About Taurus Ascendant/ 2nd House/ Taurus Sun/moon/venus/mercury Placements:

Good life, comfort, indulgence, security, stability, traditionalist, low risk taking, Taurus can be a solid provider. Money is important to them. In my previous post, I mentioned how Aries stress on self importance, while Taurus stress on material security.

Taurus like the good things in life, the good as in materialistic things, sophisticated clothing, shiny jewelry, new accessories. The home decor is aesthetics and they actually pay a lot of attention to these beauty details.

Fond of giving nice gifts, fond of making rich connections, fond of walking on the middle ground. Taurus is neither too adventurous nor too outgoing. Can be a basic bitch, but who said that's bad? Life is not a competition for social likes.

Taurus men like feminine things in their women or notice femininity a lot. I once met a 2nd house Venus taurus placement man who noticed and praised my bangles which was really surprising coming from nowhere. Women with Taurus placements love to dress up, jewel up, make up. My momma is Venus in 2nd house and she always dresses up her best, even if her budget is not high. It is quality and class that she wears even with a modest budget.

A mature taurus is grounded, stable, secure. At best they can be really hard working. At worst they can be really lazy. They can be the husbands who come from work to sleep off their weekends until the next working day.

Since Taurus does not put themselves into innovative situations, their life can be monotonous and nothing really exciting. If there is air energy or fire energy, then you can expect some variation. But Taurus stellium or major Taurus energy is just middle aged couple upper middle class family with golden retriever vibes, even when they are teen or young adult.

Bring money minded, they can appear superficial to water signs who are more emotional and spiritual. Taurus likes money, Taurus wants money and Taurus earns money. Taurus is not entitled to your money, Taurus makes own money. That's what makes Taurus greedy but not selfish. They can get really greedy though and not know when to stop because money is money is money.

Relationship with a Taurus can give sense of peace as to bank balance. Taurus man will go out and do his job. My dad is Venus in Taurus in 10th house, and he sure does like to gauge his self worth according to his money making potential.

When I think of Taurus, I am reminded of pearls. It is the luxury and sophistication of pearls that Taurus imagination show:

Astro Observations About Taurus Ascendant/ 2nd House/ Taurus Sun/moon/venus/mercury Placements:

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6 months ago

Taurus Moon Vibes

Silent disagreement

Not so silent disagreement


Sharp tattoos

Green and blue outfits/aesthetics

Hyperfixations because most people I know that have Taurus moons also have ADHD which is lowkey funny asf to me

Soft eyes

Not being someone's favorite person but yet always one of my favorite people idk how else to explain things sorry

Fluffy cats

Dandelions only because they are classified as weeds and yet are far prettier than some flowers. Which I know doesn't say much but yeah lol


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3 years ago
Wondering What This Could Mean Spiritually? -anon

“wondering what this could mean spiritually?” -anon

I personally learned to read the placements through the houses they fall on, since that’s how I ground their messages. You would need an accurate birth time to get more specific interpretation.

But Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, Jupiter in Virgo, all stand out to me… I would suggest you to think about: your self-worth and really analyze your values. 

Taurus is a feminine sign receiving through the powers of a feminine element. A lot of people think it’s ruled by the planet of the heart’s desires but it’s more accurately ruled by Part of Fortune in the chart, which is calculated with a birth time.

Fortune is the point of our divine gifts! It is revealed to us through personal fulfillment of our deepest wishes... How you can connect to your deepest wishes depends on how you consciously realize them. Mercury is linked to the throat chakra, it’s splashing into your Venus and your Jupiter placements. 

Do you have an outlet to express your desires? 

There are some things that we just can’t go a single day without... For instance, people who love writing, could write pages and books without getting bored of it. Whatever we spend time doing should always energize us! 

The key to realizing our dreams comes in expressing our desires.

Now the planet of expansion will not let you create anything for yourself that you don’t really believe in... That means that until you connect with your conscious values and learn to express them in ways that liberate your feelings, then you won’t really understand what you want to do with your life.

The doodle I made appears to me like an elephant. It feels like you have a sacral chakra block, because maybe you have a vast imagination that you don’t know how to implement in your life. It’s important for you to remember what brings you joy, and start to share that joy with others who will bring you into new creative habits.

It will be challenging to see what you deeply desire, because the majority of the time we’ve been taught to suppress it. 

But you have to be brave and explore your impulses, so that you can grow in your understanding of how to fulfill yourself!

Again how this all manifests is more closely associated with the houses these planets are placed in.

Good luck~

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2 years ago

Astrology Observations #3

Note: Personal observations only✌️

Astrology Observations #3

Just the way the house where Saturn is present indicates restrictions and delays, the house in which Capricorn is present brings tons of wisdom and sound advice/knowledge. For example, a Capricorn in 3H may gain a lot of wisdom from short communication, siblings, neighbours, etc. A Capricorn in 7H from their partners, enemies or even someone from the legal department. 

Fire Mars and/or Fire Risings please make sure to do some sort of physical activity almost everyday. It does not even have to be extremely draining. These individuals have so much energy and it needs to be put to good use. They also feel much better doing this. Stagnancy is not for these individuals.

I honestly have not yet met a Pisces moon that is overtly emotional and put their emotions on display. They are either cheerful or stone cold but rarely with their heart on their sleeves. This is especially true if they are in their 20s or older. Also they are not as selfless as people make them to be. But you will see their emotional side, just maybe after 5 years. 

Virgo moons are pretty critical without even realizing it. They don’t even realize how harsh their words can be but they usually do not have negative intentions behind their words. Sadly this is mostly because they use a similar choice of words when communicating with themselves. Much harsher on themselves than on others.

Want to attract a Gemini Venus? Keep making them laugh. These people love people who can make them laugh and they WILL make you laugh in return. They also tend to have very short relationships or very on and off romantic relationships.

Cancer placements have the darkest or most mysterious family secrets. Some of them less severe than the other. Family is a very huge influence on their personality for the good or for the bad. 9/10 times the mother was an important reason for these secrets. 

Scorpio moon is such a fame indicator. So many famous celebrities have this placement and their large fan following usually calls for a lot of hate as well. Nevertheless, they are trendsetters and people just love to hate them. Even in normal jobs, these individuals have a relatively high position.

The house where your Mercury sign is located in indicates your expertise in a certain topic. Want movie recommendations? Ask a Mercury 5H. Want health advice? Ask a Mercury 6H. Look into the deeper themes of a house to know more.

Earth moons are seriously underrated in their ability to always ground themselves and avoid crossing or getting their boundaries crossed. They process emotions a little slower but this really helps them sort the unnecessary from the necessary. As a mutable moon, I have huge respect for that.

Venus in Capricorn isn’t really as much of a bad placement as people make it to be. These individuals have very strong and long-lasting relationships if they decide to have one. They can overwhelm people with their practical nature but if that’s what you dig, they are just so attractive. 

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2 years ago

Lets do an earth version of my last poll since so many of you had so many great answers!

Ok so imagine there is this HUGE beef between 3 colleagues at work. They want to DESTROY eachother. They trashtalk eachother to the boss and tries to get the others fired, and ofc when it comes to stuff like this the sneakiest person will succeed. They all have the exact same birth chart EXPECT from their Moons.

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2 years ago


Welcome everyone to my second Astro observations. Thank you for all the love on my first one : )


Here we go : )

✨🌙 Why aren’t inconjunctions talked about enough? They are seen as minor placements but in my opinion can be so intense. If your inconjunctions also known as quincunxes are around 2/3 degrees they really do play a visible part in your life.

✨🌙 Scorpio Mercury and being friends or socialising with shady people. I know someone with this placement and they can literally give me a list of people involved in shady business. How do y’all know these people? 😭

✨🌙 Sag placements and thighs 🥵 it’s a stereotype I know but boi it’s true. Doesn’t help that sag rules the thighs and the legs lol.

✨🌙 Why does every Capricorn dom man give such daddy vibes pls. Oh wait the Saturn influence lol.

✨🌙 A yod in a birth chart is very intense, Princess Diana had one. These individuals have and feel like they have a very specific purpose in life and are usually remembered and known for years and years after their death.

✨🌙 Chiron in cardinal signs especially Capricorn may have had to mature quicker than normal for their age to handle all the responsibilities that were forced on them.

✨🌙 Saturn in 2nd house, how’s your bank account doing? Or exactly how restricted are your finances?

✨🌙 Pluto in 8th house are very mysterious people, their life experiences have made them closed off and they never really reveal their true selves. These people also take an interest in the occult and even psychology from a pretty young age.

✨🌙 Neptune or Jupiter even Moon in the 12th house can give the native prophetic dreams.

✨🌙 Moon in the 1st house always look like they’re seemingly lost in a world beyond the physical. They also have prominent eyes majority of the time.

✨🌙 Neptune in angular (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) house individuals never truly feel understood by the type of people that house is ruling. For example Neptune in 10th house can be projected onto a lot by the people at work, this includes positive and negative projections. They are also likely to end up in careers involving healing and the arts since it involves the 10th house. Neptune in 1st can be projected onto a lot because of their looks and the persona they show to the public. Neptune in 7th can never truly feel understood by their romantic partners. Neptune in 4th can be projected onto by their relatives.

✨🌙 Saturn conjunct Mercury… How many times have you been made to feel like your opinion on things were invalid? Even by authoritative figures in public and/or family?

✨🌙 The aspects made by from Saturn and North Node really show what it is you need to learn in this lifetime. For example Saturn aspecting Venus, learning to appreciate the finer things in life and finding out what exactly makes you the happiest etc

✨🌙 Scorpio moon really do feel a lot, but if they have earth placements especially sun they learn to mask their emotions and bring out a cold exterior.

✨🌙 People tend to take advantage of the calm nature of a Taurus moon, it takes a lot to get these people triggered but once you do…. You must have really not treated them well. These people can be one of the most loyal individuals and it takes a lot to make them leave you.

✨🌙 Another note, there’s a stereotype surrounding Taurus moons that they have it easy and were provided with the material comfort etc…. It really depends on other placements and degrees and houses matter a whole lot. A lot of Taurus moons I know suffer from eating disorders because they were made to feel like they were bad for eating “a lot” or “not enough.”

✨🌙 Sun and mercury in 3rd house, how boastful are your sibling(s) especially your younger one(s)?

✨🌙 Neptune aspecting ascendent, literally every Neptune person I’ve met has such an ethereal and otherworldly aura surrounding them.

✨🌙 You can never really fully hide anything from a Scorpio. They’ll dig deep till they find what it is they’re looking for.

✨🌙 Virgo sun Cancer moon, these people are really intuitive lie at your own expense.

✨🌙 Why are all Aquarius mars men that I know shorter than the average height? Someone explain please. Like it’s not fair on them.

✨🌙 Water sign in the 3rd house can make for a great singer. Their voice can bring out a lot of emotions from people and strong emotions too.

✨🌙 Some people think Libras aren’t go getters and just use their charm all the time. From what I’ve seen y’all need to remember Libras too are a cardinal sign. Yes they are ruled by Venus and can be very charming individuals but they are also go getters, compared to the other cardinal signs though it’s more subtle. People don’t usually see it coming.

✨🌙 Saturn in 11th house could indicate being bullied and feeling alienated. Even Uranus, although Uranus is at home here it still is a planet that has the same connotations as the 11th house, so this can manifest as someone who feels like they’ve always been left out by society. Extra points if it’s in Aquarius.

✨🌙 Neptune aspecting Mercury, either the handwriting can be so sophisticated or all over the place depending on the type of aspect. These people can also be naturally great at art.

✨🌙 Mars in the 6th house… How obsessed are you guys with working out? I know people in Mars 6th that are totally obsessed with it.

✨🌙 Chiron in 9th house could indicate being bullied for expressing your culture. I know people with this placement and they were literally bullied for bringing home made food into school, and by their own people too. At one point they even stopped eating at lunch, they even hid it from their parents 😭. But they eventually learn that there is no shame in expressing your culture and heritage.

✨🌙 Chiron is the wounded healer, it is where we hurt the most but eventually we grow from it and we help ourselves and others.

This is it for now thank you for reading! I’m always open to feedback! See ya ✌️

Love Luna ✨🌙

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2 years ago


Hey y’all welcome to my 4th observations post : )


These are simply my observations and they don’t have to resonate with everyone.

Anyhoo here we gooo : )

✨🌙 I’ve seen Leo moon women show people their emotions through styling their hair. As y’all should. Show them how it’s done 😌

✨🌙 Taurus Mars can be extremely stubborn when they firmly believe in something. It’s sometimes really frustrating trying to get them to think otherwise. Or make them see from another perspective.

✨🌙 Mutable Mercury I’ve noticed adapt into new ideas very quick. Not a surprise tbh.

✨🌙 I know so many people say water placements can be prone to drug addiction but have y’all ever seen water placements addicted to maladaptive daydreaming? It gets worse than drug addiction.

✨🌙 A lot of the times from what I’ve seen Virgo placements and hygiene is really true even if they don’t care much for it, they are usually surrounded by someone significant that makes them care about it.

✨🌙 I’ve seen people with prominent planets in the 18th degree actually go through a lot of suffering in their lives.

✨🌙 Libra sign/degree midheaven can really fantasise about working in the arts or being seen as creative and boujee.

✨🌙 Cancer placements can show emotions but once they mature they can be great at hiding their emotions. If they want to you can never truly know what’s exactly going on in their lives.

✨🌙 Aquarius moon can actually have very high standards for themselves and when they don’t meet it, they can really get depressed.

✨🌙 Taurus moons, their moods can change depending on the music they listen too. One minute they’re dancing the next crying. I know that happens to everyone but I’ve seen it take a lot of effect on Taurus moons in specific.

✨🌙 Black moon Lilith in gemini can be into open relationships.

✨🌙 I’ve seen so many Capricorn placements that can actually “play the part” to attract potential suitors. Seen it happen way too many times.

✨🌙 Venus in Capricorn can’t deal with immature or overly emotional partners for too long even if it’s an arranged marriage there’s a time when they get fed up of the constant emotional outbursts. That’s why a lot of them look for emotionally stable partners in the first place.

✨🌙 This Pluto sextile Neptune cycle really bought a revolution in spirituality and bought hidden knowledge out for the world to see. Especially when Neptune hit Aquarius.

✨🌙 Moon in Capricorn have a lot of “links.” Like for example if they’re a student I’ve noticed that these people know someone at least from every course lmao. Somehow these people sometimes really manage to get work cut out for them. Can y’all get my work cut out for me too lol?

✨🌙 Aries placements can be fierce and whatnot but have y’all seen these people in love? Damn they can be cornier than a water sign. It’s true and cute lol.

✨🌙 Also Aries placements especially Venus have the ability to bounce back quick from a heartbreak or they like to act like it doesn’t bother them. It doesn’t have to be in love just any type of heartbreak.

✨🌙 Libra sun y’all are so stylish man teach me your ways. Even when you don’t put much effort you manage to pull it off.

✨🌙 Truth be told, once cardinal signs put their mind to something, it’s really game over for others.

✨🌙 Mars conjunct Jupiter, these people usually have a lot of energy when they’re young. These are the types of people you’d see doing multiple sports on sports day.

✨🌙 Moon in 1st house can be great actors/actresses. They’re able to truly immerse themselves in the role and their expressions can be really on point.

✨🌙 Venus in Pisces/ Pisces degree/12th house love with their whole heart. Usually people, lovers or friends don’t forget these types of people easily. Their love is pure and unconditional.

✨🌙 I am pretty much convinced that Gemini placements can be extremely open minded and they generally accept everyone, or at least like to show they do.

✨🌙 Libras can be really social people I honestly believe that’s where the people pleasing thing comes from tbh.

✨🌙 Aries moon, your passion when it comes to things is truly inspiring.

✨🌙 Scorpio Venus would give up everything when they’re in love. Not all but I’ve seen it play out a lot with this aspect.

✨🌙 8th house placements or scorpio placements can be very prone to sleep paralysis. Stay protected y’all.

✨🌙 Also 8th house placements and scorpio placements tend to get strong reactions out of people a lot of the times. I’d definitely say it’s the plutonic influence.

✨🌙 Sagittarius Mercury, a lot of the ones I’ve met have voices that can be recognised from a mile away. But these people are great at voice impersonation lmao it’s honestly funny how accurate they can be.

That’s the end of my astro observations part 4 hope y’all enjoyed!

Once again let me know what you guys think : )

Till next time!

Love, Luna ✨🌙

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6 years ago
Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Venus, ESFJ
Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Venus, ESFJ
Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Venus, ESFJ
Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Venus, ESFJ
Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Venus, ESFJ
Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Venus, ESFJ

Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Leo rising, Scorpio venus, ESFJ

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11 months ago



I am not a professional astrologer, just based on my personal experience.

🍏 TAURUS MOONS have difficulty accepting changes, they can become defensive and even criticize before changing.

🍏 SCORPIO MARS natives, when they are angry, they do not explode at the moment, they manage to keep their anger and it accumulates like a snowball.

🍏 THE 11TH HOUSE is what I like to call the house of ego. Your favorite artists and songs live in this house.

If you have LEO in this house, you probably enjoy expressive and extravagant artists. Beyoncé, Kylie Minogue, Gwen Stefani, Grace Jones and Lady Gaga.

This is also the house of social media, you most likely to follow influencers, models, musicians and makeup artists.

You also love to post mirror selfies 🪞

🍏 MARS IN THE 2ND HOUSE tends not to share their things. If they are eating and someone asks for a piece, they will probably say no, or maybe yes, depending on what sign they are in. But deep down they didn't want to share.

(It's not only strictly to food though, it could be clothes, money or objects. This does not mean that they are selfish, they are just more attached and careful with their things.)

🍏 3RD HOUSE VENUS natives loves writing, their minds can go to imaginable places. Words and inspirations sometimes arrive at less unexpected moments, they love to be inspired by relationships and personal traumas. I'm not surprised that Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks have this position.

that's all for today.

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