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4 years ago
Zodiac Series: Cancer

Zodiac Series: Cancer

Zodiac Series: Cancer

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4 years ago

So Sagittarius moon...

So I was gonna spend spring break sitting in my house doing absolutely nothing... Then March 15th high school said stay home, online school

And my brilliant self said, now I don't want to, so never did my online school work...

Since March 15th to now aka July 25th basically July 26th

I leave my house everyday

Because I'm a rebellious child *sunglasses appear*

astro notes rant pt.2: moon signs

leo moons are some of the calmest bitches out there. seriously, one usually thinks about virgo or capricorn moons when it comes to keeping it together and appearing collected and steady, but leo moons have the most calming effect on others in my opinion. capricorn/virgo/aquarius moons have this artificial coldness to their calm facade and lack the warmth and openness one needs in order to be emotionally contagious so even if they look as if they’re not panicking other people around them would still be worried and anxious. leo moon has this super chill attitude - their confidence doesn’t appear superhuman, on the contrary, they appear calm in a very casual and non-forced way that relaxes people and makes them feel at ease. i mean, they can be quite the drama queens sometimes but overall i’ve never seen someone so confident and good at calming others with their composure and the way they seem to remain dignified and humane under any circumstances.

aries moons have a great difficulty with putting themselves in the position of other people and understanding the situation from their point of view. even if it’s in a chart that overall indicates a great deal of empathy and an understanding nature, aries moon makes a person sort of really stuck on their own point of view when it comes to emotions and gives a feeling that’s not exactly righteousness but more like…an inability to comprehend anything beyond yourself. the emotional world of the aries moon is so dynamic it’s quite difficult and bothersome for them to try and understand the emotional worlds of others. they just want to invite someone in their own and have them share it.

the most difficult moon sign to connect to emotionally is gemini. capricorn moons may put barriers, aquarius moons may dissociate, virgo moons may be nit-picky, scorpio moons might be crazy but gemini moon is like….they move too fast in order for someone to actually know them emotionally, and if you don’t know someone emotionally how can you even connect to them?  it’s hard to keep up with gemini. pisces moons change emotionally a lot too but at least they’re open about it while gemini are kind of airy about their emotions and keep their true vulnerabilities hidden. so you see an ever-changing facade of moods that are expressed strongly and in an overwhelming manner but what’s truly happening will always be beneath the surface, just one step too far for you to grasp. gemini moon manages to be somehow both detached and overwhelming.

taurus moons are the most difficult ones to argue with. they’re a bit similar to aries in that aspect. but it’s like…they make you feel as if they truly listen to you and it appears as if they actually take into account what you’re saying. they might even say you have a point and they’ll keep your words in mind. as time passes by you realize they just have this weird ass mechanism that prevents them from admitting someone else might be right. even if rationally they see this is so, at an emotional level they really are like a brick wall that refuses to let in foreign agenda. it’s just not comfortable, you see.

capricorn moons are extremely emotionally turbulent, even more so than scorpio moons. with scorpio moons at least you know you can expect them to constantly be in some sort of turmoil and drama. cap moons fluctuate between unpredictable cycles of absolute apathy and horrifying emotional outbursts. this often creates a feeling in others that they can’t be trusted. even if cap moons do their best to hide their inner turbulence, somehow it can still be felt on a more unconscious level.

pisces is often considered a favorable position for the moon while in fact the moon is in peregrine in it. this makes it quite neutral - there is an abundance of emotions and heightened sensitivity due to pisces being a water sign but the nature of this placement is to keep the feelings in and turn them inwards rather than to express them. this may create either someone who produces very personal art constantly or someone with huge emotional blockages who has difficulty letting other people in even tho they appear to be soft and friendly on the outside. most often, it’s a weird mixture between both.

scorpio moons, despite their reputation, are often somewhere on the asexual scale. sometimes this is due to having extreme feelings or experiences connected to sex when they were little. sometimes it can be a result of being hypersexual for some time and then starting to connect all sexual experiences to this in an unpleasant way. but regardless of the reason, i’ve noticed they’re often quite withdrawn when it comes to sex and might even be repulsed of the violent feelings they associate with it. it can be often connected to the feeling of intrusion and of letting someone in that scorpio despises so much.

taurus moons like to do stuff that makes them feel comfortable for other people. f.e. if a taurus moon feels cozy when they eat pasta with melted cheese they would cook that dish for other people. but they’re extremely insensitive towards the individual needs of others and often fail to understand how something that’s not comforting to them might be comforting to another individual. they’re least likely to adjust their behavior so that it’s comfortable for you. like, whenever i’m stressed my taurus moon friend would come and hug me and I keep telling her this stresses me even further yet she keeps doing it and saying she forgot it hugging isn’t as stress-relieving for me as it is for her.

aquarius moons always feel like they’re speaking an alien language no one understands except for them when they’re expressing love and affection. it’s hard for them to get through to the ones they love. even when they’re being super open verbally, like saying plain and clear “i love you, i care about you” it comes out as if they don’t put their heart into it due to their usual state of emotional detachment.

sagittarius moons constantly put on a cheerful facade to cover their sadness. this often leads to internal bitterness and frustration which gets translated into violent urges and a certain amount of hostility towards others. they may often try to hide it and to keep being in-your-face happy but one can definitely feel an aura of suppressed anger around them. like a feeling of hair-triggered temperament lurking beneath the surface.

libra moons can be extremely manipulative. they’re the type to observe carefully patterns of behavior in people, especially in larger groups, and to create different sets of attitude towards the different types of people that would make people like them more and do as they ask. they’re extremely good at playing people until they get what they want and can utilize others’ skills which makes them good leaders…unless they decide to take advantage of you. enough with the stereotype of the soft uwu harmless libra moon that just wants y'all to feel good! wake up sheeple, they’re playing you!!!

the most sociable moon sign is sagittarius. they are very people oriented and even if they have many placements in, say, cancer or virgo or capricorn, they are still super spontaneous about their hang outs and love to meet new people. aries moons are kinda like this too, followed closely by pisces (surprise surprise) and gemini.

libra moons are the rulers of networking. these people often master the ability to connect people and show them clearly why they need others and how they can mutually use each other. they’re also great at balancing and mediating. after all, that’s all you need to have so you can maintain a good network of people.

cancer moons can be really really really selfish. they are so taken by their own emotions they have a hard time bothering with the feelings of others. it’s like…cancer moons appear on the outside like capricorn moons feel on the inside. but on the inside, cancer moons are often like capricorn moons are on the outside. virgo moons are the moms of the zodiac. always so collected but also caring, they notice every little detail and analyze everything cuz they need to be in control of the situation all the time. they feel as if they’re always one step ahead of everyone, that’s why they think they’re better at caring for others than anyone else. and honestly? they’re usually right.

i’ve often noticed cancer moons express their feelings so strongly they cause random shit to happen without wanting it - the walls may vibrate when they’re angry even if they’re not showing it verbally, people might start dropping stuff when they’re around a nervous or aggressive cancer moon. i remember when i had a cancer moon boss, every time he’d drop at work in a good mood everything seemed to work smoother - we didn’t have the tech problems we usually did, the internet connection was flawless, etc. it was some mad shit right there and i’ve seen it happen with other cancer moons too.

gemini moons have a hard time listening to others. they have so many memories and emotional reactions triggered by a single sentence and their train of thought gets completely carried away from your words. so they either interrupt you all the time and say shit that seems totally unrelated or just dissociate from your words and have to ask what the fuck were you saying all the damn time. it can be pretty frustrating.

aries moons needs to do something all the damn time. they literally can’t just sit their asses down and do nothing. they’re always picking on some shit and planning stuff. it can be a lot of fun sometimes but if you’re more on the low-energy side it can be pretty bothersome and can make you feel as if you can never catch up to them.

earth moons are always thinking about how they look in the eyes of the public. they actually quite enjoy when others envy them and like to show off with their possessions, in which they often include their partners. they love to see others staring a lot at their partner and to think shit like “yeah, i know you want them but they’re mine”. honestly, those lil bitches enjoy making others jealous of what they have.

fire moons are quite competitive when it comes to relationships and they enjoy it when they have to be compared with many other suitors by the person they have their eye on. they often go for the popular types that are liked by everyone and feel truly satisfied only when they’re picked among many others as they have proven to be the most worthy.

air moons don’t like answering questions and putting labels when it comes to relationships, quite often cuz they’re afraid they won’t be able to provide what the label expects of them. they like to live outside of expectations and schedules and to let things unfold naturally which can be quite unsettling for their partners. 

water moons are the most demanding in relationships. they are the type to push you to act as they need you to so you can fit their fantasy. scorpio moons won’t hesitate to squeeze out drama from every action of yours that they don’t approve of, pisces moons will act like a super wounded victim every time you fail to play by their rules and cancer moons play with the cold treatment like no other. BEWARE, FOLKS!!!

capricorn moons are often tired by their own calculating nature. every capricorn placement has a deeply cunning nature and always has to plan and think about what use do they have out of anything, but capricorn moons really struggle with this cuz the moon sign is responsible for our moments of relaxation and comfort and it’s quite difficult to relax when there’s this beast inside of you that never sleeps and always whispers in your ear …but what do i get out of this, what do i get out of this…. SOMETIMES YOU JUST WANNA DO SHIT CUZ IT FEELS GOOD, YOU KNOW, NOT FOR SOME LONG TERM SUPER IMPORTANT GAIN FFS!! back the fuck off scrooge!!!

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4 years ago

What Makes Your Sign Sweet


Your sense of humor. The way you are able to help others feel better by sharing a laugh. You have a way of making those around you feel at ease.


Your presence, you often feel easily soothing, like a warm cup of tea, the calming sound of the ocean.


Your welcomingness, you immediately make people feel apart of whatevers happening, you don't leave others out.


Your cooking. The minute someone comes over you offer food, you always offer to bake and you always have some form of food to give.


Your warmth. You carry a bounty of warm sunshine. You are an easy presence to be around.


Your reliability. You are consistent and when you tell someone your feelings you mean them. You stay as you are.


Your eagerness. You have the heart of a child and you easily bring joy with your ideas and your love that you have all around you.


Your sincerity. You are trustworthy, and mean every word you say. Your love is very real and very felt.


Your smile. You have the warmest smiles, you light up the room with it.


Your realness. Your ability to steadily remain who you are without question. You create a safe space for others.


Your quirks. You make it easy to be around you when you are so easily yourself and so kindly allowing everyone be exactly who they want and need to be.


Your gentleness. you have an ease with words and you share a soft feeling to you that iminates around the space you're in.

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2 years ago

Thank you for tagging me, @linnienin!!💕🌸

Thank You For Tagging Me, @linnienin!!

My tropical placements are -

Sun in Cancer

Moon in Leo

Sagittarius Rising

My sidereal placements are -

Sun in Gemini

Moon in Leo

Scorpio Rising

Thank You For Tagging Me, @linnienin!!

I relate more to my tropical placements because I resonate more with Jupiter's energy (Sagittarius and Cancer). I still do relate and resonate a lot with Pluto but I don't feel the full Scorpio/Pluto-Ascendant mix as much, I relate to Pluto 1st house with Jupitarian energy more than both Scorpio asc AND Pluto 1st house, I'm not FULL edge lord okay💀.

I feel more in tuned with my tropical fire signs because I'm a very passionate and expressive person around people I'm comfortable with! Plus I love Sags clown jokester energy🤡🤡. But also Pluto 1st cuz I'm also very secretive.

I have Leo Moon in both, which isn't suprising because I can be very dramatic emotionally and creative. I absolutely LOVE the spotlight when I'm ready for it 🦁 💕

Thank You For Tagging Me, @linnienin!!

Tagging @dvinetreep9 @brielledoesastrology @hotdogdynamitezzz @rtofbs @sassysaturnian @plutosmoonchild

Thank You For Tagging Me, @linnienin!!

What r yourrrr placements (big 3) in sidereal and tropical 😙??

I am aqua moon, Taurus sun, leo rising (tropical)

And in sidereal , i am cap moon, cancer rising , Aries sun

I resonate with both of my moon signs and rising but i esp relate with cancer one and also the same for taurus sun :D

Hola hola~

I'm Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Pisces Asc in Tropical and..

Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon and Aquarius Asc in Sidereal.☺

I act more like my tropical placements but tune into my sidereal Virgo Sun whenever I need structure in my life lol (my Tropical NN is Virgo so it helps me a lot)

Woahhhh yr placements! I get along so well with earth signs (They just are so cooool for me) and vibe too well with air signs~~😎💖💖💖

Leo rising and cancer rising combined!!! My gosh, you have ethereal looks with such a powerful presence!!

Nice to meet chu UwU

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2 years ago
When A Cancer Is Upset, They Feel That They Will Hold Onto The Pain Forever. What They Need To Remember

When a Cancer is upset, they feel that they will hold onto the pain forever. What they need to remember is that their ruling planet is the Moon, which ebbs and flows. Like their ruling planet, Cancer can heal from their pain and move onto a new emotional state. No feeling is forever.

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2 years ago
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun

Cancer sun

Nurturing silvery delights | translucent cosmic child of the cosmos | stardust of blue flames

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3 years ago
Muses Of Continuity: Capricorn Cancer
Muses Of Continuity: Capricorn Cancer

Muses of continuity: Capricorn — Cancer

Muses of contribution

Muses of condition

Muses of contact

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5 years ago

Forget your sun sign what’s your moon and Venus 🌙💫✨

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