The Alchemist - Tumblr Posts
My touchstarved OCs
The Triplets




Thank you @miki-13 for drawing my girls, they turned out even better than what my initial outfit design

Um, just a catalan class project drawing inspired by "L'Alquimista/El Alquimista/The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.
(I swear if I get a 7 I'm sending my catalan teacher here)
I cried laughed imma be honest

On a scale from Alchamist to Stanford Pines, how much of a dumbass were you with your portal to Hell?
You bastard!!! I love it! Hahaha *sobs inside*

Happy Father’s Day! :)
I’m doing this because there’s little to none of these. So…Here you go! ********* CHIRO: -(Headcanon of mine:Chiro is The Alchemist’s son, so Chiro is technically Skeleton King’s son…don’t kill me)Because of his father’s traits, he’s dominant as hell.He likes to lightly tease his s/o. -Bites. Alot. But gently. -Good at giving head (I fucking laughed when I typed this XD)
OTTO: -Can’t keep a straight face, so he giggles. It’s cute though. -Gentle with his s/o -Foodplay
ANTAURI: -Loves to lick his s/o -Gentle at first, but after a few sexy times, he gets rough. -Daddy kink (I feel bad typing this…..but at the same time not)
SPRX: -Slightly rough, but not enough to hurt his s/o -Expert with his tounge ( *wink* ) -GREAT kisser
GIBSON: -Total opposite when having sex -Lots of foreplay -Cum denial if he’s in a bad mood…for a good 5 minutes
NOVA: -Frilly Underwear -Will sometimes roleplay -Will not hesitate to dominate her s/o
MANDARIN: -Medium BDSM won’t hurt his s/o -Scratch marks. EVERYWHERE. -Surprisingly gentle
"Biz kozmik bir yolculuktaki gezginleriz, yıldız tozuyuz, girdaplarda dönüyoruz ve dans ediyoruz ve sonsuz anaforlarız. Hayat ebedidir. Biz birbirimiz ile karşılaşmak, tanışmak, sevmek ve paylaşmak için bir anlığına durduk. Bu değerli bir an. Bu sonsuzluk içinde küçük bir parantez."
-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

"I'm learning the language of the World, and everything in the world is beginning to make sense to me...even the flight of the hawks."
The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho
(P.s I've read this book like a couple times and I discovered something new every time like there's so much between the lines. This is the one book that i mostly carry with myself around.)
The alchemist is a really good book
The boy and his heart had become friends, and neither was capable now of betraying the other.
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
May you be in peace with your heart, my darlings.

"Y cogiendo la bolsa del muchacho, entregó las monedas de oro al general"
English translation:
"And taking the boy's bag, he handed the gold coins to the general"
My translation:
"And fucking the boy's bag, he handed the gold coins to the general"
It's funny how Spanish changes from country to country and things don't turn out too well. This was one dirty book.
Had a weird dream where the Skeleton King and the Alchemist were two different people and were having a custody battle between Chiro and the monkeys by duking it out 💀