The Horror And The Wild - Tumblr Posts
The Horror and the Wild - The Amazing Devil
"Remember me, I ask. Remember me, I sing. Give me back my heart you wingless thing. Think of all the horrors I have promised you I'd bring."
Totally off topic for my blog but I like to think the old man referenced in ‘the horror and the wild’ is the same old man from ‘the old witch sleep and the good man grace

Listen, we all know that Yennefer’s parents weren’t great, and according to almost all fanon things I’ve seen for Jaskier’s, they aren’t good either.
Thus, the vision of Jaskier and Yennefer singing The Horror and the Wild together.
I just want them to do a duet, okay?
I bought Love Run and TH&TW today! I now own all three TAD albums 😄😄😄 This might be the best day of my life
So I've gained a lot (in my opinion,at least hahahaha) of followers on here lately. I have no idea why,but...thank you? I'm not on tumblr with the goal of having lots of followers, I literally made the account to interact with the TAD fandom a bit more. Hahahhaah but,yeah,thanks.
Has anyone seen The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself? If you did, the decimation power in the show, how it's visually depicted... that's how listening to Farewell Wanderlust makes me feel. That and, the first time I heard the song,there was some other feeling/emotion as well, but there probably isn't a word for it,cause listening to TAD makes me feel undiscovered emotions.
(On a side note,I wanted to write today but I just didn't find the strength and inspiration to. There probably won't be any writings for two weeks at least. I am sorry, I really want to continue and eventually finish the list of prompts, I really do. But I am not in a good place mentally right now and just.... can't. I'm sorry.)
it bothers me that you often don't really hear about people having a "favorite album" the way they might have a favorite movie or favorite video game
Joey batey and madeleine hyland better pay for my fucking therapy
For me it was the Horror & the Wild and Shower Day.
hey tad fans i’m so curious…is there a single song of theirs that you listened to, first time around, and were like ‘oh, yeah, this is the band for me’ or something on those lines where it just hit you.
for me it was two minutes - i listened to it, cried, and then was absolutely whipped for them forever. but i feel like it could have been any of them, so…idk i think that the first song that you get drawn in by says something…
"without you i’m stronger, i’m no longer filled with wonder, how wrong you were" hidden behind the lines in welly boots and "why wont you fight for me?" hidden behind the lyrics in pray. something about them matches

drawing i did like a month ago while in storm :>
i love them so much