Time Running Out - Tumblr Posts
Concept #72
Villain takes people hostage and tells Hero to meet their demands or else they’ll kill one every hour. The problem? Hero is asleep and has no idea this is happening.
Bonus points if they’re sleeping due to illness or injury or just plain exhaustion

more time
more time
more time
greedily grabbing it
just to throw it away
i need more time
i don't have time
things are piling up
i look the other way
just runnin' away
runnin' again
what's your address
i'm just up in my head
my eyes follow the blaring screens
noise drowning my thoughts
before they can breathe
the music's loud
i don't even understand it
avoiding my language
so the lyrics don't get to me
i don't wanna feel
anything; it's too much
my eyes are glazing over
my mind's gonna explode
it's all too much
so I shut it off
shut it off
just get stuff done
but off I go
cause I've found another one
another distraction
it's pulling me in
everything's great in my head
the real world briefly flashes
before my eyes
until I face another screen
and pay it no mind
complaining about time
till I have none of it left
now the consequences
of my actions
they're chasing me
but I'm runnin' again
runnin' away.

i want to know the answers.
the correct ones,
the perfect ones,
the ones that will stop me
from gazing up at my bedroom ceiling
as the night passes by.
i’m afraid, though.
fear crawls up my spine
soaking my skin.
i'm afraid the answer
simply doesn’t exist.
am i in the wrong place?
or an old puzzle piece
unable to fit in the right place
due to edges frayed by time.
in her cruel nature,
she snatches everything away.
like a forest fire,
unrelenting as it turns
lush green to ash grey,
nothing but mournful black land in its wake.
but we can’t blame time,
for cruelty is in her nature.
so we blame ourselves;
i blame myself
for not fitting in,
for not catching up,
for not growing and
shaping myself into the mould
of other’s expectations.
and all I can do is wait
and hope time will do it for me:
hope time will smoothen
my frayed ends
or tear them off entirely—
whatever it takes
to make this the right place;
whatever it takes
to find the perfect answer.