Timelines - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Why Marvel


I hate the finale of Loki.

I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ugh, I should get used to his… misfortune, but it’s sad.

I mean, the episode was great in general but… 😭😭😭 I cried.

Never, ever am I watching this series again 😂

Do you guys think that… maybe, just maybe, we’ll see more of loki? Somewhere? Anywhere?

I wish we didn’t have to leave him like that. Although in a way this was the goal here. His destiny or sth. Even though he didn’t know that back when we saw him in Avengers for the first time.

To become a god who holds the multiverse together.

Now that is a Glorious Purpose indeed.

(And he’s better at this than dr Strange and others, that’s for sure.)

But I’m still gonna cryyyyyyyy


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5 months ago

Timeline 1 - Spyro > Ripto’s Rage > Year of the Dragon > Enter the Dragon > GBA Games > A Hero’s Tail > Shadow Legacy

Timeline 2 - A New Beginning > The Eternal Night > Dawn of the Dragon

Timeline 3 - Spyro > Skylanders Academy S1 > Skylanders Academy S2 > Skylanders Academy S3 > Skylanders Academy S4 > Adventures of Spyro

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3 years ago

I felt a significant shift of energy today. I've been waiting for this to happen for some time, a really long time.

Recently I've been given many signs from Spirit that something would be happening. These 'signs' always showed him so it wasn't hard to guess whose energy would be involved when this 'something' would be happening.

I'm still feeling the new moon energies because today brought up thoughts of the past, him in particular. I thought about the time he said he used to love me, but not anymore. I remembered when I waited for him in the rain and he wouldn't meet me. I remembered those tears. I remembered how easily he used to lie to me. I remembered he never chose me. I remembered disappointment and sadness, and I remembered rejection.

I felt a major energetic shift earlier tonight. Layers disintegrating and seemingly disappeared. It made me feel connected to all aspects of myself again, united. This shift has finally severed any and all residue energies of him. This is significant because he and I share the same over soul, as twin flames we are two in the physical but at the soul level, we are one. So this is massive.

I cannot recall him anymore, sure I have an idea of him like there's a silhouette behind foggy glass type of thing but I cannot remember him beyond that. Isn't this interesting? It's incredible to me. Perhaps an energetic shift occurred at the collective level too?

I am so grateful to the Universe for its guidance and keeping me on my highest path.

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1 year ago


We Are One: A little sneak, Peeks!

what I'm working for the next episode!

0sleepforme - 0Sleepforme

0sleepforme - 0Sleepforme
0sleepforme - 0Sleepforme
0sleepforme - 0Sleepforme


Here's a little something that I've been working on for a while, and decided to turn it into a comic. I hope it's okay 👍

Title: Hope

0sleepforme - 0Sleepforme

It's the very first thing that I started before the " We Are One " series.

It started out as just some cringe first fanfiction.

Then soon, I got too deep into it, and now here it is, as I am now, just Re-writing and now turning it into a comic.

Going down the rabbit hole.


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7 months ago
DxP REWRITE - Scarlet Or Violet
DxP REWRITE - Scarlet Or Violet
DxP REWRITE - Scarlet Or Violet
DxP REWRITE - Scarlet Or Violet

DxP REWRITE - Scarlet or Violet

Don’t worry, Professor - your confusion over the books has much less to do with your memory, & much more to do with two timelines converging (see Scarlet x Violet).

I’d thought Heath’s expedition happened more recently, more around the time Legends Arceus happens. However, going by Hokkaido’s colonization in our history that runs parallel to Legends Arceus, it happened about 50 years before Legends, as it was 200 years ago vs 150.

(I can’t wait for the Moon Festival to have mitarashi dango again 🎑)

🔼 Diamond x Pearl: REWRITE 🔽

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9 years ago

Holy heck this is incredible! I’m literally on the edge of my seat with this.

I Have. A Bad Idea For A Comic.. >_>
I Have. A Bad Idea For A Comic.. >_>
I Have. A Bad Idea For A Comic.. >_>

i have…. a bad idea for a comic….. >_>


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