Lifelessons - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


Never let success go to your head, and never let failure go to your heart.

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5 months ago

You're going to have good days, bad days, and the worst days. But by enduring the worst, you'll find a new appreciation for the bad days, knowing they're not as tough as they seem.

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5 months ago

Nothing worth having comes easy.

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2 years ago

Leaving my parents on a whim after 19 years of abuse was the best decision I could have ever made. I 100% planned on living out of my car because being homeless was the better option than staying. I'd still be homeless if it weren't for the fact that family friends took me in. The man I'm living with has been more like a dad to me than my own father for years. I did everything to cut my parents off in one day. I packed my important stuff up, I packed up clothes, food, water, and hygiene stuff, I went to the bank and closed/reopened accounts to remove my dad as a signator, I changed my direct deposit information at work, I went to the dollar store to find sustainable food, and I still had time left in my day to relax. Best. Decision. Ever.

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4 years ago

“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”

― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

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2 years ago

“Life is an experience, not a performance.”

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2 years ago

I've been told that everything in life comes with a price. You can't have anything without sacrificing something. But what if the end result is just not worth it?

Life is so freaking sad.

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2 years ago

We humans are just stupid. STUPID. We cry about things that are happen around us. Then we cry when things get over. We realise the value of shit once we're done with it. By then, it is JUST TOO LATE.

I wish life had a rewind button!

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3 years ago

What they said cause I’m tired of children being the only Goal for most of these people like there’s other things to relationships and life.

lavenderpeaches11 - 👾I N D I A👾

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11 years ago
Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper

Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper

Submitted by w-ritings.

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4 years ago

You are at your best when you are saving the world.

Something you may not even realise you do.

If only you knew how extraordinary you are; how important you are!


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4 years ago

Change your thoughts, change your life.


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3 years ago
Someone Once Told Me This Lifetime Would Be My Last Incarnation. I Believe Them Because They Were More

Someone once told me this lifetime would be my last incarnation. I believe them because they were more than a 'someone', they were Spirit and also its probably no coincidence that my life has been jammed packed with everything including the kitchen sink! I had to get through everything to make sure I wouldn't be returning.

I actually felt relief when that was revealed. Relieved that I wouldn't be back ever again to experience these feelings and emotions, sometimes they were so hard and complex and at times beyond painful and heartbreaking. Of course with all lows, there were highs too and I had some wonderful times, the best of times. As I'm now getting older, something happened to that sentiment, I grew to appreciate all of my experiences, became grateful for them and I can honestly say, I wouldn't change any of it.

I'm a little older and a little wiser and I try find joy in every moment of perfection. These days I live in trust and happiness and my world is filled with love, compassion and light. I'm excited for many more moments and lots of new experiences as I turn the pages to another new chapter.



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3 years ago

I felt a significant shift of energy today. I've been waiting for this to happen for some time, a really long time.

Recently I've been given many signs from Spirit that something would be happening. These 'signs' always showed him so it wasn't hard to guess whose energy would be involved when this 'something' would be happening.

I'm still feeling the new moon energies because today brought up thoughts of the past, him in particular. I thought about the time he said he used to love me, but not anymore. I remembered when I waited for him in the rain and he wouldn't meet me. I remembered those tears. I remembered how easily he used to lie to me. I remembered he never chose me. I remembered disappointment and sadness, and I remembered rejection.

I felt a major energetic shift earlier tonight. Layers disintegrating and seemingly disappeared. It made me feel connected to all aspects of myself again, united. This shift has finally severed any and all residue energies of him. This is significant because he and I share the same over soul, as twin flames we are two in the physical but at the soul level, we are one. So this is massive.

I cannot recall him anymore, sure I have an idea of him like there's a silhouette behind foggy glass type of thing but I cannot remember him beyond that. Isn't this interesting? It's incredible to me. Perhaps an energetic shift occurred at the collective level too?

I am so grateful to the Universe for its guidance and keeping me on my highest path.

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3 years ago

I've had many memorable experiences on my life journey thus far. One of the most profound has been the realisation that everything starts with me.


Within as without.

As above, so below.

This perspective truly has changed my life forever. I'm living in flow with the universe, with spirit, with love, with unity.

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3 years ago

You're hurting yourself. Doing things you don't want to do. Feeling things you don't want to feel.

Sacrifices made for career and persona.

It's self rejection. It's self abandonment. It's the false masculine. It's self sabotage.

What are you sacrificing? Are you sacrificing your passion and your heart for others? For duty? For obligation? For family?

Find your inner worth because You are worthy of self love. You are worthy of Love. You are worthy.

Look for Love. Within yourself. For yourself.

There you will find Love and there you will find your authentic Self. And from there, you will know that you are deserving and that you are worthy and beautiful and that you are perfect.

You are deserving.

You are worthy.

You are beautiful.

You are perfect.

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Hey me

Crying me

Still hurted me

Life goes on

Weel turns on

When will you ON ?






Hey Me

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