Transmasculinity - Tumblr Posts
Jack Black is cis but he has transmasc swag
its hard not to draw a line between the "heheh, of course i'm a safe person, I used to be a woman" type trans guy and the incresibly upset reaction certrain transmascs have to being told they have privilage over transfems and are a potential danger to them.
I think some people need to look at the term transmasculinity and really, really take in what it means. This post is primarily talking about trans men, but a lot of the logic here applies to non-men transmascs too.
When you say trans men are men, and then go on to basically equate us to cis men, you aren't validating us. You're invalidating us.
Trans masculinity exists. I separated the words there for you because it feels like so many of you don't take in that there are different types of masculinity.
Cis masculinity is different from trans masculinity. A Butch's masculinity is different from a Bear's masculinity.
When it comes to validating trans men's gender identity, expression, and experiences, it isn't at all helpful to put us on the same shelf as cis men.
We're trans. We're men. Our manhood is trans. Our masculinity is trans. It comes with a certain way of viewing the world and a certain way in which the world views you that cis men generally don't experience.
We are not Cis Men Lite. We do not navigate the world like cis men. People do not interact with us like they do cis men. Misogyny doesn't stop being directed at us because we identify as men, and a lot of the time it never does stop. Male privilege is not handed to us as soon as we realize we're men, and a lot of the time it never is given, at least not in full access.
Oppression aside, our expression of masculinity isn't the same as cis men. It can look similar, but most trans men know the distinctly trans feeling their masculinity gives them.
The joy in dressing masc (especially putting on a suit) for the first time, or the feeling of wholeness when you get gendered correctly by a stranger.
The way we flag ourselves as trans men using fashion, so that other trans men can find us.
The way feminine trans men feel freed when they finally put on a dress for the first time in years, assured in both their manhood and femininity.
The beautiful way trans men attracted to men see their gayness. The wonderful way a trans man loves his girlfriend. The amazing way trans men express their sexuality as trans men.
Transmasculinity is beautiful and wonderful and amazing and I am so tired of people chalking it up to just Cis Manhood Lite Edition.
Transandrophobes keep your hands off this post. 💙
Transmascs with boobs who are indifferent or happy about it. You agree, reblog
transphobes calling trans people confused for their gender is just a cover up for the fact that the transphobe is confused. I know you cannot fathom the complexities of my gender, but that's not my issue lmfao.