Pangender - Tumblr Posts

Gender is a spectrum, which means that between and outside of the constructs of male and female, there exists an entire range of gender identities. We often speak of “transgender” and “cisgender” identities: “cisgender” indicating that one’s gender matches the gender they were assigned at birth, and “transgender” indicating that one’s gender does not. However, we still often only recognize trans women and trans men, failing to acknowledge that this too incorrectly perpetuates the “binary”.

Too often, even conversations about trans identities fall into “gender essentialism” – that is, the misconception that there are only men and women, and that they are two distinct and fixed identities: for trans or cis women to exist validly as “women,” they must perform “womanhood”  (wearing pink, loving babies, caring about their appearance, etc.), and for trans or cis men to exist validly as “men,” they must perform “manhood” (loving sports, shunning femininity, etc.). As you might have noticed, gender essentialism is terribly sexist and does not reflect the many realities of the human experience, even for cisgender people.

Some people do exist whose identities match these gender essentials, but it’s reductive and destructive to imagine that these delineations should define gender or identity. There are trans and cis women who do not conform to constructs of the “female” or the “feminine,” and trans and cis men who do not conform to constructs of the “male” or “masculine.” They are entirely valid.

There are also those who do not identify as male or female at all. There are those of us who exist somewhere along the spectrum, not identifying with our birth gender but not necessarily identifying very strongly with any other gender, either.

To be nonbinary is to identify as other than male or female: as multiple genders at once (pangender or bigender), as neither (agender), as androgynous (androgyne), etc. To be nonbinary can mean your gender identity can vary (genderfluid/genderfucked/genderqueer), that yours is a gender specific to your culture (Two-Spirit or third gender, etc), or that you identify with a binary gender like man or woman but not exclusively or all the time (demigirl/demiboy).

Binary gender is actually largely a Western (mis)construction, and it’s it certainly doesn’t speak for all of us. You can read more about nonbinary identities here and debunk some misconceptions here, but let’s get down to it –

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1 year ago

Happy pride month!!

- Ivy (not real name bc I'm not comfortable sharing my real one)

- She/They/He

- I think I'm pangender but honestly I'm not gonna label it but I was born female

- I'm pansexual (everyone is so fucking hot I can't choose)


for all the girlies and gays and theys, have a happy pride month <3

if y’all want, feel free to repost w/ ur name, prns, and if ur comfy, you can put ur gender and sexuality too :) (if ur unlabeled that’s ok too!!)

here I’ll go first

- alice

- they/she

- I don’t rlly have a defined gender identity, but I’m ok with gn and fem terms :)

- bisexual (as y’all know cuz I made that my whole schtick on here for like two weeks)

feel free to reblog , and happy pride! also, SKZ ALBUM RELEASES TMRW!! :D

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10 months ago

It is inherently fun and sexy to say statements that swap the traditional genders of pronouns and terms mid-statement, such as: "I'm going to make him my wife" "She's my boyfriend" "Who says a guy can't be a pretty princess?" "That girl's the coolest dude I've ever met" "She's a madman who has to be stopped" "It's not his fault he's a material girl" Gender is a set of watercolors and the prettiest shades come from mixing the paints together.

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2 years ago

I may not be out to all of my biological family, but my chosen family have known everything about my queer identity as soon as I did and have consistently helped me and loved me. Bio family may suck. Chosen family is out there for everyone and I hope you can find them. They may just save you like mine have unknowingly saved me!

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1 year ago

oh hey lmao since we're at the starting stages of a trans genocide in the US, I wanna remind everyone that they will try to erase this. They will try to rewrite history so that this never happened, or everyone was on our side in the beginning, or whatever makes them look better. They're already trying to re-write history and erase us from the start, with bills that make it illegal to teach queerness in classrooms. We cannot let this happen. We cannot let them erase our history.

We're lucky we live in the age of the Internet where nothing is truly erased. We gotta use this to our advantage.

Be loud. Be angry. Do not let them erase us.

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2 years ago

i love pan people, i love pansexuality, i love panromanticism, i love pangender people, i love pan people who are pangender as well as pansexual or panromantic or all of the above. being pan and loving fellow pan people feels great and makes me feel connected to my community

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1 year ago

God, this is so relatable, especially the part about transitioning to be accepted. When I was openly non-binary, not many people took me seriously. People just saw me as my AGAB and that's it, no pushing of they/them pronouns and outward insistence that I wasn't my AGAB changed that. Eventually, I snapped: I have the resources available to me and I DO want the changes, so why not transition and try to pass as a binary person?

It was fine at first. People stopped forcing me into the box of my AGAB, and instead started forcing me into another box... one that was less cramped. I lost sight of my true identity, hiding behind this mask that I so meticulously created to blend in. But... that started getting suffocating, too.

It's comforting to know I'm not the only one.

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... the second part of a personal essay i wrote about being bigender. this time, about being bigender and transitioning. thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed part one!

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7 months ago

being read as a guy is great, I guess. I never get misgendered unless the person hears my voice first, in which case I'll get the 'ma'am- I mean sir!' thing. Nothing makes me happier than when I confuse people, when my gender is up in the air... an uncertainty. I find myself feeling true euphoria when someone doesn't know what the fuck I am, rather than just assuming immediately. Because my gender is so much more complicated than just 'man', it's nothing. It's everything. It's a nice cut of red meat on a hook at the butchers'. It's the uncanny. It's tied to my doghood. It's a paradox, constantly shifting yet staying the same. The endlessness of the universe is still too small of a place to contain it.

Whenever somebody shows any sign of confusion, I bask in it. Because those few times are all the acknowledgement I get of the bigger picture when it comes to my gender. I'm not just a 'man' or a 'sir', but all I seem to get is 'he/him' and 'sir' these days. I think to myself, 'isn't this what I wanted? is this not better than being seen as a woman?' and... I suppose so. My body certainly feels more like my body now. However, I find rigid masculinity to be just as suffocating as rigid femininity. I was meant to break these boxes, not adhere to them. But whenever I bother, I feel the accusations of womanhood being placed onto me, and I know that, once I am read as a woman, my manhood is cancelled out.

I am only a woman when I am a man, and I am only both when I am neither. But wider society doesn't understand that, so I force myself to perform manhood and manhood only as the more comfortable option. I'm considering picking up drag as an outlet to explore my womanhood as well, no matter how miniscule that piece is, because I am not taken seriously if I were to wear a skirt like I want to, or makeup as I want to. Because I am a 'man' and 'men don't do that'. It is miserable. Gendered society is miserable.

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7 months ago

'a man can't be a woman' watch me

All Trans men are men, but not all Trans men aren’t women.

All Trans women are women, but not all Trans women aren’t men.

Gender can be far more complex and less binary for many folks 💗

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7 months ago

transphobes calling trans people confused for their gender is just a cover up for the fact that the transphobe is confused. I know you cannot fathom the complexities of my gender, but that's not my issue lmfao.

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6 months ago

Shoutout to people who are pangender and agender for whatever reason, because same.

And while I'm at it, shoutout to agender people who are also trigender, bigender, etc too.

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9 months ago
Finally Posting Stuff! Here's Some Pride Art From This Year So Far!
Finally Posting Stuff! Here's Some Pride Art From This Year So Far!
Finally Posting Stuff! Here's Some Pride Art From This Year So Far!

Finally posting stuff! Here's some pride art from this year so far!

lil ramble from my sona too- would you listen to fox?

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9 months ago

Happy pride month to all of my religious queer/trans people out there. We’re just as important, just as special, and have many important experiences that the world needs to hear. Don’t let anybody tell you not to shine too <3

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8 months ago

so guys I got this idea, and I know its not pride month anymore, but during june i didnt have any time because of tests and shit, so Im asking now if you would want this: i would write a short story about one sexuality or gender. i dont know if every day, but ill try. you guys can comment what gender/sexuality you want next. would you like that?

this is also a way for me and other people to get to know the lgbtqia+ comunity better, sooo let me know :)

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8 months ago

This one is a bit longer, but I hope youll like it!! :))

What is wrong with me?

How did I get here?

Alex is standing across from me in a school hallway. It's almost midnight. And the end of the school year.

He looks surprised when he sees me. “What the hell are you doing here?” he hisses and comes closer, his eyes full of anger.

I start walking towards him too. “I can't let you do this,” I whisper back. “Not alone. What if someone catches you?”

“Well now they can catch both of us.” He rubs his eyes tiredly. “Jesus, Dom. Now you're going to get in the way.”

I snort. “Well, sorry that I don't want you to get into trouble! A lot of trouble. I don't know if this isn't illegal.”

Alex shrugs, which makes me even more mad. I really hate him right now. “It isn't when they dont catch you. Okay, listen. You're going to fucking hide and—”

Suddenly, we hear muffled steps. “Oh no,” I squeak as quietly as I can.

Alex puts his hand on my mouth. “Shut up,” he whispers in my ear and drags us both into a classroom.

He pushes me into the room so hard I fall down. Alex turns around to make sure I'm okay and then peeks out of the door's keyhole. “I think it's the guard.”

I stand up. “Yeah, no shit.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Dominic Sanderson. You can swear. Well I'll be damned.”

I walk up to him. “Do you see them?”

“No, but I can hear their footsteps. And— Oh fuck, theyre getting closer.”

He takes me by my hand and hides us under the teacher's desk. The tablecloth hides us.

He doesn't let go. 

“Did you see what classroom were in?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah. And you are fucking lucky we are in ours.”

He lets go of my hand and starts to move his fingers across the table. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Trying to find the secret drawer where teach keeps his assignments.”

I moan. “You're really doing this, aren't you?”

“Well if you want me to go to the same class as you, you should really shut up.”

I don't say anything.

After a minute, I hear Alexs: “Aha!”

I nudge into his shoulder. “Shit, I think the guard is getting closer.”

He keeps making noise, and I can hear the steps getting louder and louder. “Stop,” I try to take him by his hands, but he pushes me away. While I fall to the ground, I drag him with me. 

My head bangs into the wooded floor, and his head bangs against mine. We both moan loudly. “Fuck,” I whisper into his ear.

But then, the door open. We both freeze. Which is hard, since we are literally laying on each other. I hate you, I think.

The guard walks into the classroom and walks around for a few minutes. We can see his flashlight sliding on the floor, getting closer and closer. Right before the tablecloth ends, the guard stops and turns around.

After he leaves, we get off of each other. My ribs make a cracking noise. “Fuck,” I swear again.

Alex lies on the floor beside me and starts to laugh. “I think you cursed more in this hour than in your whole fucking life.”

I have to laugh too. “I think so too.”

He starts to laugh hysterically, so I have to put my hand over his mouth. “Shut up! The guard can still be around.”

But even I have to giggle. This whole situation is so absurd. 

He nudges my hip. “I got the assignment. Hand me the flashlight.”

I search for his flashlight for a moment and when I find it, I hand it to him. “You really doing this?”

“I said my reasons.”

I nod a few times. “Okay:”

While he scribbles on the paper, he gives me a smirk. “So you want me to stay with you in class?”

And besides me thinking my whole life I'm an aromantic, my heart skips a beat, right then and there. “Uh, no, I just–er–dont want you to fail!”

He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, sure.”

He writes one last word and puts the paper back where it was. “You know,” he whispers, “I would miss you too.”

He climbs up from under the desk and leaves me speechless. I blink and get up too. What the hell?

Alex is in the middle of the classroom, sitting on a desk. 

I sit next to him. The desk has a lot of holes in it, is painted on and written many slurs on too. I try to wipe them away, but it only smudges it.

“You know,” Alex starts, with a little smile. “This was fucking fun.”

I have to snort. “Yeah, but I'm sure you wouldn't say that if we got caught.”

He lies down and rests his head on the desk behind the one we're sitting on. “I'm sure I would.”

I purse my lips. “Nu-uh.”

He laughs. “Yu-uh.”

As I watch him there, lying, I want to move my fingers across his cheek, run my hand through his hair, hug him softly—

What the fuck, Dominic?

I shake my head. “We should go.”

Alex sighs. “Yeah, that's true.”

We get down, sneak out of the school and stop in the middle of the sidewalk. “You know, I guess I enjoyed this, because you were here with me.”

I pause. I can't tell what I'm feeling. I thought I was unable to feel romantic attraction, but now… “I…surprisingly did too.”

Alex tilts his head back and laughs. “You're full of surprises, Dom.”

We start walking towards our houses. “I didn't think I had this in me.”

When we get to the street where we have to split up, Alex does something that leaves me breathless. He kisses me. Even more shockingly, I kiss him back.

After that he hugs me and runs away.What the fuck is wrong with you, Dom?

I just want to say that youre valid, and even if youre confused about your identity, it doesnt mean there is something wrong with you. This story is also a bit of questioning, but if youd like, I can write a full story about questioning your idenity. hope you liked this :))

comment what sexuality/gender youd like to see next

so guys I got this idea, and I know its not pride month anymore, but during june i didnt have any time because of tests and shit, so Im asking now if you would want this: i would write a short story about one sexuality or gender. i dont know if every day, but ill try. you guys can comment what gender/sexuality you want next. would you like that?

this is also a way for me and other people to get to know the lgbtqia+ comunity better, sooo let me know :)

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