Transmascfem - Tumblr Posts

[id: a rectangle with 7 stripes, in the order of pink, light blue, sky blue, blue, pink, bubblegum pink, light pink, and blue. end id]
an alternate flag for transfemmasc because i really love the label
'Oh transfemmasc and its variants are intersex exclusive!' No they are absolutely not. An experience such as that is not exclusive to intersex people. There are labels made to be intersex exclusive if you really care about not using a label used by 'icky' dyadics (not against those labels at all, I think it's very cool that we're moving away from transfemmasc being 'exclusive' to us and are instead making terms that are like it, just tailored to intersex people). Everyone acts so progressive until someone has a queer experience they don't like.
"I support trans people!" quick, are you normal about the concept of transandrophobia? Do you think it's just 'white men trying to be oppressed'? Do you brush it off as merely misdirected transmisogyny? Do you scoff at the struggles of trans men and go 'but trans women have it worse! talk to a trans woman and see how bad THEY have it!'?
Do you use a trans man's chest size as an excuse for constant misgendering? Do you hold transmasculine people to a standard of needing to be feminine so to not scare the women, but proceed to not take their gender seriously if they do perform femininity? Do you use your horribly veiled misandry as an excuse to make trans men feel unsafe in queer spaces?
Are you normal about AFAB transfems and AMAB transmascs? Intersex trans people? GNC trans people? Trans people who use xenogenders? Trans people who use it/its or other neopronouns? She/her transmascs and he/him transfems? Can you acknowledge that, sometimes, people are simultaneously transmasc and transfem? Do you accept transmasc women, transfem men, etc?
Do you invalidate the identities of trans women who have beards, or present 'masculinely'? Do you see them as predatory posers? Do you go out of your way to misgender trans women who happen to actually be predators, because 'clearly they were just men'? Do you shame trans women for exploring their sexuality?
Are autistic trans people not able to make decisions on their own transition, as far as you're concerned? Are our ways of expressing and seeing gender 'stupid' to you? Is the concept of autigender too 'insane' to you? Do you see our gender identities as simply jokes?
Can you survive being around a trans man lesbian or a veldian (link) trans woman? Can you support a multigender person who is both gay AND lesbian? Can you include transmasculine nonbinary people in your 'support' of nonbinary lesbians?
I've used the term 'conditional support' a few times, but it is very much conditional support if you explode over one trans person's identity, and then turn around and act all supportive of another's. If all it takes for you not to support a trans person is how they label their gender or sexuality, how they present, what their body looks like, etc, you are not supportive of trans people! Your 'support' is very limited and strict. You have one rigid idea of what trans people are 'supposed' to be, and anyone who deviates isn't valid or worthy, and that is NOT the kind of behavior an ally should exhibit. It is not the way you treat other trans people, and it is far from supportive.
transphobes calling trans people confused for their gender is just a cover up for the fact that the transphobe is confused. I know you cannot fathom the complexities of my gender, but that's not my issue lmfao.

Goob from Dandy’s World is transmascfem and bigender

Loona from Helluva Boss is a transmascfem genderfag

Stanley Pines from Gravity falls is transfemmasc