Ttte Duke - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
In My Au Stanley (narrow Gauge) Has A Special Interest In Insects (I Hc Him As Being Into Animals, They
In My Au Stanley (narrow Gauge) Has A Special Interest In Insects (I Hc Him As Being Into Animals, They
In My Au Stanley (narrow Gauge) Has A Special Interest In Insects (I Hc Him As Being Into Animals, They

In my au Stanley (narrow gauge) has a special interest in insects (I hc him as being into animals, they don’t judge you for your “jinx” and he’s got a soft spot for critters that are seen as “bad luck”) and tends to blurt out the most detailed information, he often info-dumps with and to Nia who encourages it cause it makes him happy once he’s freed from his “jinx” and she know every single insect name alphabetically along with their scientific names and nicknames Here we have Duke immediately regretting asking them if they can name every single species and ends up sleeping when they’re engrossed in their conversation before leaving when they were in the mid section of the e category (Nia gave him “the disappointment older sister look” awhile back so the poor guy can trapped there and wondered how did he got ever himself into this situation)

Basically it’s just Stanley to Duke in alphabetical order: Alderflies Angel Insects Anoplura (Sucking lice) Ants Antlions Aphids Archeognatha (Bristletails) Barklice Bees Beetles Bird lice Biting lice Blattodea (Cockroaches) Booklice Bristletails Bugs Butterflies Caddisflies Chewing lice Cicadas Cockroaches Coleoptera (Beetles) Collembola (Springtails) Crickets Damselflies Diplura Diptera (Flies) Dobsonflies Dragonflies-

Nia joining in cause she was mad at Duke: ah yes the alderfly which are megalopteran insects of the family Sialidae. They are closely related to the dobsonflies and fishflies as well as to the prehistoric Euchauliodidae. All living alderflies – about 66 species all together are part of the subfamily Sialinae, which contains nine extant genera. Sialinae have a body length of less than 25 mm (1 inch), long filamentous antennae, and four large dark wings of which the anterior pair is slightly longer than the posterior. They lack ocelli and their fourth tarsal segment is dilated and deeply bilobed. Dead alderfly larvae are used as bait in fishing-

duke:shooketh (Nia’s is basically the train version of a encyclopedia also her design is based off of MrTerrier673 on Twitter)

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So the other night my brother and I started brainstorming a somewhat Choo Choo Charles inspired Thomas & Friends AU where almost everything is the same, except the trains have legs...

And I've done a bit of concept drawing

So The Other Night My Brother And I Started Brainstorming A Somewhat Choo Choo Charles Inspired Thomas
So The Other Night My Brother And I Started Brainstorming A Somewhat Choo Choo Charles Inspired Thomas
So The Other Night My Brother And I Started Brainstorming A Somewhat Choo Choo Charles Inspired Thomas
Transcription for legibility's sake:
"Tenders don't move on their own, only move with the engine they're coupled to"

The point of these sketches were basically just to flesh out the proportions/structure of a handful of the character's hypothetical legs

I've also decided to give each type of vehicle legs that match a general species group, such as: The mainline steam engines will have mammalian legs akin to big cats or dogs (e.g, lions, wolves, foxes, etc), diesel engines will have somewhat bug-like legs, narrow gauge engines will have hoofed goat-like legs since they generally traverse mountainous areas, flying vehicles will have avian (bird-like) legs, water traversing vehicles will have fins or flippers, and road vehicles' legs will likely fall into a more ambiguous species category

There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as Duck having avian legs (I couldn't resist taking his name literally) or Salty having reptilian legs with webbed feet, but for the most part the characters will follow this species category rule

As for the amount of legs the engines will have, that will differ depending on the engine's size. Tank engines and standard diesels would have 6 legs each, bigger mainline engines would have up to 8 legs (12 with a tender coupled), and narrow gauge engines would typically have 4 legs.

The biggest exception to this rule would be Mighty Mac. Since they're conjoined twins they have a set of legs each, making them the only narrow gauge engine to possess 8 legs. Plus all of their limbs are front legs with opposeable thumbs, another anomaly among engines in general.

Since this has been an unusually text heavy post for my blog, I shall leave you with two bonus (very rough) sketches:

So The Other Night My Brother And I Started Brainstorming A Somewhat Choo Choo Charles Inspired Thomas
So The Other Night My Brother And I Started Brainstorming A Somewhat Choo Choo Charles Inspired Thomas

Here we have James in a pinup-style pose (my brother's suggestion) as well as Thomas and Percy hanging out on a shed roof after somehow fining a way up there

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3 years ago

The legend himself people!! ☝️😄☝️

Heres Grandpuffs Doodle Design For Him.

Here’s Grandpuff’s doodle design for him.

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1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 14:

*The Skarloey Railway gang arriving at a McDonald's drive thru*

Luke, Peter Sam, Duncan and Sir Handel: McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!

Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty: We have food at home.

*Duke then goes to the drive thru*

Luke, Peter Sam, Duncan and Sir Handel: YAAAAAAY!!!!!

Duke: *Orders one black coffee and leaves*

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1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 31:

Duke: Wait guys, I can explain-

Murdoch: You managed to sleep even while you were buried alive?!?! I can't sleep when there's loud sounds!

Percy: You think you got it easy?!? I have to pull the mail at day and at night!!!!!

Edward: You guys are getting sleep?

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10 months ago

ooooh if it’s alright to ask, how about any narrow gauge quotes, theyre my fav (maybe on smudger or Nia, who’s narrow gauge in my au but it can be on whoever)

Sure! I just have to think of quotes about them since they don't have a lot of content. (Except Nia but that's because I can't stand her character. I might have to change her personality to make her more likable)

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10 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 185:

Peter Sam: Hey Falcon! Do you want to deep-fry our breathes together?

Sir Handel: Okay, what in the hell does that even mean Stuart!?!?

Peter Sam: *Points to a pot full of bubbling oil*

Sir Handel: No way, that's ridiculous! I'm not putting my mouth into that pot!

*While Peter Sam and Sir Handel were talking very loudly, Duke got woken up from his nap*

Duke: Oh, these two young whippersnappers are going to get it!

*Duke then picks up his cane and aims it at one of them*

Sir Handel: Please tell me you're not actually doing this....

Peter Sam: Okay, so we breathe and dip our mouths in the pot to deep fry our breathes.

Sir Handel: I'm not joining you!

Duke: *Is about to launch his cane at the two*

Peter Sam: *Inhales* One....

*Peter Sam dips his mouth into the pot with no hesitation as he screams in pain. Duke, absolutely shocked, drops his cane and watches in horror as Peter Sam keeps doing it*

Sir Handel: P-Peter just stop!!!


Sir Handel: Peter! Peter! No!!!!!!


Duke: *Decides to leave*


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10 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 209:

The Narrow Gauge Gang When They Mess Up:

Luke: Uh oh!

Rusty: Shoot!

Peter Sam: Oops!

Rheneas: Crap!

Skarloey: Oh my god!

Duke: Curse this!

Sir Handel: Goddamn.

Duncan: FUCK-

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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 235:

Duke: 🎵 And then there’s Smudger! 🎵

Duke: He’s dead.


Duke: 🎵 Oh! D-K! Smudger’s dead! D-K! Smudger's dead! 🎵

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9 months ago

Have you seen the audio clip from home where oh (the alien) gets locked up in the freezer by Gratuity (the girl) and oh says "can I come into the out now" and Gratuity says "no you can not come into the out now" and oh responds with "but I can you are just having to take away the piece of wood"

I feel like it would fit smudger and duke so well

No. But I'm going to check it right now.

Edit: Oh my goodness you're right. It does fit them quite well. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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2 years ago
Thomas The Tank Engine: Sodor Springtime Parade Designs
Thomas The Tank Engine: Sodor Springtime Parade Designs
Thomas The Tank Engine: Sodor Springtime Parade Designs
Thomas The Tank Engine: Sodor Springtime Parade Designs

Thomas the Tank Engine: Sodor Springtime Parade designs

Part 2

Here is the rest of the famous 8 in their decorations for the Sodor Springtime Parade.

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5 months ago

RWS Stanley: *runs up to Peter Sam who is next to Skarloey and Smudger * hey bitch guess what?

P.Sam: hm?

RWS Stanley: *proceeds to cause Peter Sam to cry*



RWS Stanley: ....I just said that his grandpuff is already dea-

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5 months ago

I was looking through my other blog and was scrolling when I came across this again, I forgot I drew Duke as a plush so cute! If I ever get the materials I might try to make an irl one. Idk, this pic is just so stinkin' cute.

Can I see a duke

Can I See A Duke

"We've currently got a new shipment of big green fauns to, I think the NWR guys got a new member aside from Thomas recently."

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