Two Faced - Tumblr Posts

14 years ago

A long winded, slightly confusing personal rant.

This isn't something addressed to one specific person. It's something that applies to a large populace.

Ok, I understand. You're honest, blunt, just being yourself. But how about you fucking make sure you know who it is you are before you claim you're just being real, yeah? (Oh yeah, because nobody has ever used that goddamn term before.)

There are two types of people who claim to be real: the genuine and the wannabe. The former consists of a group of people whom I respect and admire simply because they make sure they are consistent with those around them which is a great attribute. Neither friend nor foe is protected from their harshly blunt words but nonetheless they are just being honest. Although they should at times just keep their opinions to themselves at least they do not choose to protect certain people from the truth or are maliciously brutal to certain people; they are honest with everyone whether it be a best friend or someone whom they've just met. What also makes this group great is their ability to accept other people's opinions of them and move on with their life. They don't ruminate, they don't complain. They don't bitch about how hard this experience was for them. They see the truth in what they've gone through and because of that they have the ability to move on and in the process tell someone the truth when it needs to be told because they've gone through the same thing.

Now the latter group however consists of people who constantly bitch and moan about every break up, every bad experience and cry about how awfully hurt they've been because of what someone has done to them. But then what happens? They feel they have every right to turn the fuck around and be "honest" with somebody else who's going through a hard time and claim they are just being real. Do you not understand this person just went through the exact same thing you did and yet you feel you could just lecture them about moving on so they can get over it? Are you fucking kidding me? Who the fuck do you think you are? Oh of course you have every goddamn right to bitch and moan about how this person cheated on you or this person's talking shit but when a friend, a fucking friend, is actually coming to you as someone to confide in you look at them with nothing but cold death in your eyes and tell them to get over it. Oh you're just being real? You're just being honest? You're just being yourself? No, you're taking out your anger on someone who's vulnerable because the real person you want to verbally attack is someone you only bitch about to friends, family or the wide, wide world Tumblr. You scoff at this person's problem without regard for their feeling while if somebody did that to you in your time of need you would've spiraled into the deepest and darkest of depressions as you lay there thinking about how awful your life is. Sure you're entitled to your time of sadness and your ability to rant about how horrible it's been for you because of how you've been hurt. But if you take that away from somebody else by refusing to listen to them and telling them to get over it you're not being real. You're being a dick who doesn't deserve this person, the person who looked to you for comfort rather than a reality check, as a friend. I'm sure this person knows people who can tell them the honest truth. They needed someone and you decided to be a bitch. Congratulations, asshole.

So the next time you wanna be real with someone you think about how it is you would've wanted to be treated in that situation and how you would've reacted. Otherwise you could just go ahead and SIT THE FUCK DOWN. 

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8 years ago

Hear my voice, you’ve got no choice // But to listen to the words I say // We love to watch how you decay

Love this song from Shannon Taylor! She sounds super great in this song, and this song has such a cool vibe to it!  I’ve loved her as a YouTuber and I love the direction her music is taking with this!

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8 years ago

I’m too sick for Heaven, far too sweet to go to Hell // These broken pieces just don’t fit together well

This is such a cool song from Shannon Taylor!  I love the vibe, and it’s super catchy as well.  This song manages to be dark and light at the same time, which is very fitting, since she is fighting her inner demons in this song.  I like that the sound is a lot lighter than the video would make you believe as well. 

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5 months ago

There is no difference

I wonder what would happen if I, a non-Jew, waved an Israeli flag and carried a poster saying Push Them Into the Sea, shouting that saying as loudly as I could. Would I be accused of a hate crime? Would I be arrested? Should I be accused and arrested when those who wave so-called Palestinian flags* and wear Hamas get-up, and shout From the River to the Sea, are left to do so in peace? Is not calling for the elimination of the Jewish people (at worst) or of the Jewish state (at best) not considered a hate crime? Shouldn't it be? *(NOTE: There is no such country or state as Palestine. In fact the country of Jordan is probably over 80% culturally Arab-Palestinian and they want nothing to do with the cause of Gaza which should give us pause for thought).

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8 months ago

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4 years ago

Astrology Observations: Gemini Moons

Gemini moon people, just know that I love y’all and I hope you’re not slowly being driven into insanity from the lack of mental stimulation due to quarantine. ANYWAY. ENJOY LMAO.

☁️ Lighthearted

No matter how heavy the rest of their chart is, these people are lighthearted. While they definitely do have traumatic or painful experiences just like everyone else does, they don’t like to take anything too seriously, and aren’t likely to dwell on darkness or negativity. This can make them seem naive or childish, but they’re really far from it. They aren’t ignorant to the harsh realities of the world; they just choose to rise above it.

☁️ Sociable and witty

These are the people in your social circle that always have some wisecrack remark to make, or can easily lighten an otherwise dark and heavy mood.  They often make others laugh by making jokes about observations they’ve made about the environment that no one else probably noticed.

☁️ Street smart

Their playful and childlike nature may lead you to think otherwise, but Gemini moons are actually very aware of the world around them and deeply perceptive, making them adept at reading situations and acting accordingly.

☁️ Curious by nature

Gemini moon people can be labelled “superficial” by others because nothing seems to hold their interest. 

☁️ Easygoing

Gemini moons don’t tend to argue about anything. They’re similar to their sister sign, Sagittarius, in the sense that they’re both open-minded and nonjudgmental when listening to other people’s side of an argument. This makes other people feel at ease around them in social settings.

☁️ Can be two-faced

This is a commonality with all Gemini placements, but Gemini moon people are the most deeply two-faced out of all the others (sorry, lunar Geminis, lmao). This is due to their inclination toward intellectualism and attraction toward novelty, even in the realm of feelings. This combined with their naturally changeable nature, thanks to the mutable quality of Gemini, can cause outside parties to see them as inconsistent or “flaky” if they don’t understand the Gemini moon person’s line of reasoning.

☁️ Love feeling validated through words

A Gemini moon’s love language is probably words of affirmation (more likely to give than receive, though, which is fine by them). The blend of the air qualities of Gemini being in the emotional realm of the moon creates a person who is strongly affected by uplifting words and feel nourished by comforting words.

☁️ Nervous/anxious

Gemini moon people crave mental stimulation, and if whatever’s going on around them isn’t able to provide that for them, they can be visibly uncomfortable. From the outside looking in, they can appear anxious. But these people truly are just looking around, simply waiting for something to pique their interest.

Aaaand that’s a wrap on Gemini moons! As a Sag moon, you guys really have a special place in my heart and I don’t think you guys are appreciated enough. Stay tuned for the Cancer Moon post!

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I Wanna Bust That Body Right!
I Wanna Bust That Body Right!
I Wanna Bust That Body Right!
I Wanna Bust That Body Right!

I wanna bust that body right!

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