Hypocrite - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

the relatives who once used to say after seeing the little kid that "she'll become a great artist, her drawings are amazing"

those same relatives today ask " science nahi liya beta? number kam aye the kya?"

what a bloody hypocrite.

I mean, why the fuck do they make the kids dream about things which they won't be approved of later?

stupid ass relatives.

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8 years ago

I didn’t have a happy childhood.

I was always alone, sitting at the back corner of the class. My teacher, despite knowing I can’t see the board, put me there. When I asked to be moved, he denied my request, saying that I should just wear glasses. And i did. Little did he know, all my previous teachers gave me the exact same attitude, they were the reason my eyesight was ruined. I struggled to keep up with my studies.

Unlucky me, I was seated next to the meanest kid at school, also surrounded by his friends. They pulled my hair, took my glasses, hide my stuff, locked me in the storage room, ruined my notes, hit me with a ball, splashed water at me, stabbed me with a pen, and make fun of me. They made the whole school joined them make fun of me. They all think that’s funny. I became the target of bullying in my school. There was one time, somebody tripped me. I fell. In front of kids my age, older, and younger. My skirt sprayed open, thank god I always wear shorts underneath. I ran to the nurse office and stayed there until schools over.

After that day, the bullying was getting worse each second. I just can’t take it anymore. So when they started pulling my hair and spatting insults at me in the middle of class, my eyes got blurry from tears threatening to fall. I told them to stop or I’ll go tell the teacher. They didn’t. Of course. So I gathered all my courage and went to my teacher’s table. I couldn’t think straight at that time, all I think was how to end this all, I can’t take this anymore. It was all or nothing. But what my teacher did broke me completely. He snapped at me. He yelled at me for disturbing class. He said that they just wanted to be friends with me, that’s their way of getting to know me. According to him, it was my own fault, that I should take care of myself. His eyes were cold, he stared at me like I’m something disgusting. The tears that was in my eyes suddenly disappeared. He then told me to sit back or I could just get out of his class forever.

I got back to my seat and stayed silent. I didn’t even think about their laughter about my actions earlier. I was stunned. He didn’t care at all, did he. I was approximately 11, for fucks sake. How the hell am I supposed to understand that it was just teasing. All I understand was I was being bullied and harassed. His words really left a mark on me. I realized something really important. If your life feels like crap, it’s because of you yourself. If you feel like shit, then it’s all your fucking fault. It’s because you’re useless. You don’t have the right to be called human being. Nobody cares about what other people think, now how they feel.

My shitty life didn’t end there. Whenever I made mistakes, my dad would hit me, and said hurtful things about me, then he would blame himself for me being like that. He was never at home, yet he still blame himself because of me. Hearing all that, I felt bad. I pitied him for having a child like me. I hated myself even more I didn’t think it was possible, but it did. Nobody hates me more than myself now. My scars I got from my dad was a reminder how I bring misfortune to his life. And my mother would always had that eyes, staring at me. That was the worse. Her eyes that would screamed all of her disappointment at me, sees all of my faults and imperfection. She never said anything. But her eyes explained it all. But that’s okay, I know both of them love me so much, even though I know I will never make them proud of me. Who the hell would be proud of a daughter who hated herself.

My one and only source of happiness, is my siblings. We were always together. We understood each other. I never told them about my problems because they were too pure for this kind of world, my kind of world. They may not realize it but they were my saviors. I didn’t cut because I don’t want them to see. I stopped myself from suicide because I don’t want them to see how cruel the world is. They are my sun, my light. They’re always there for me, I fight with them until I forgot about my problems, I joked with them until I forgot about school, I argued with them until I forgot about my shitty life. I love them so much I couldn’t love myself anymore.

So if you’re reading this, I just want you to know that even when you feel like life is not meant for you, remember that God always sent us angels to help us get through all the hardships in life. Please stay strong and stay alive. You’re beautiful and there’s somebody out there looking out for you. Smile :)

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14 years ago

A long winded, slightly confusing personal rant.

This isn't something addressed to one specific person. It's something that applies to a large populace.

Ok, I understand. You're honest, blunt, just being yourself. But how about you fucking make sure you know who it is you are before you claim you're just being real, yeah? (Oh yeah, because nobody has ever used that goddamn term before.)

There are two types of people who claim to be real: the genuine and the wannabe. The former consists of a group of people whom I respect and admire simply because they make sure they are consistent with those around them which is a great attribute. Neither friend nor foe is protected from their harshly blunt words but nonetheless they are just being honest. Although they should at times just keep their opinions to themselves at least they do not choose to protect certain people from the truth or are maliciously brutal to certain people; they are honest with everyone whether it be a best friend or someone whom they've just met. What also makes this group great is their ability to accept other people's opinions of them and move on with their life. They don't ruminate, they don't complain. They don't bitch about how hard this experience was for them. They see the truth in what they've gone through and because of that they have the ability to move on and in the process tell someone the truth when it needs to be told because they've gone through the same thing.

Now the latter group however consists of people who constantly bitch and moan about every break up, every bad experience and cry about how awfully hurt they've been because of what someone has done to them. But then what happens? They feel they have every right to turn the fuck around and be "honest" with somebody else who's going through a hard time and claim they are just being real. Do you not understand this person just went through the exact same thing you did and yet you feel you could just lecture them about moving on so they can get over it? Are you fucking kidding me? Who the fuck do you think you are? Oh of course you have every goddamn right to bitch and moan about how this person cheated on you or this person's talking shit but when a friend, a fucking friend, is actually coming to you as someone to confide in you look at them with nothing but cold death in your eyes and tell them to get over it. Oh you're just being real? You're just being honest? You're just being yourself? No, you're taking out your anger on someone who's vulnerable because the real person you want to verbally attack is someone you only bitch about to friends, family or the wide, wide world Tumblr. You scoff at this person's problem without regard for their feeling while if somebody did that to you in your time of need you would've spiraled into the deepest and darkest of depressions as you lay there thinking about how awful your life is. Sure you're entitled to your time of sadness and your ability to rant about how horrible it's been for you because of how you've been hurt. But if you take that away from somebody else by refusing to listen to them and telling them to get over it you're not being real. You're being a dick who doesn't deserve this person, the person who looked to you for comfort rather than a reality check, as a friend. I'm sure this person knows people who can tell them the honest truth. They needed someone and you decided to be a bitch. Congratulations, asshole.

So the next time you wanna be real with someone you think about how it is you would've wanted to be treated in that situation and how you would've reacted. Otherwise you could just go ahead and SIT THE FUCK DOWN. 

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6 months ago

you know bi lesbians have been a part of queer history since the 1950s right? being anti-lesbian is homophobic and gross. and you know people with paraphilias can’t control their sexuality right? plenty of them are anti-contact and non-offending and their identities develop as a response to trauma. your stances on these groups are really harmful.

Are you all assess not anti-harassment? I hate lesbians because some of them are men trying to get into lesbian spaces. As a victim of paedophilia I couldn't give to shit I hope that man does in hell. I don't think you know how much truama people have and I am generally disgusted.

I couldn't care less if you can't get your mind under control. You can use having murderous thoughts and getting help privately to deal with those thoughts and desires to harm others.

I could use my hypersexuality as an example. I don't put other people in danger by talking about tricky shit with them.

You guys are such hypocrites. Get the fuck out of my blog and go support your local paedophile today!

Also, since when was I anti-lesbian....?

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1 year ago

Felix: messed with his cousin's friends and got them akumatized, tried to kiss Ladybug, stole the dog miraculous, bargained with his uncle for the peacock miraculous and practically doomed paris, kidnapped Kagami to London

Thomas Astruc: but he was abused! And he did good in the end [in a speedrun] so it's okay!

So I just remember the time ta called Chloe fans abuse apologist and wow he is a massive hypocrite given how he you know excuses an emotionally (and abusive given Chat blanc) father

(The post this anon is referring to)

Considering how the show doesn't want to even point out that Gabriel might be kind of a dick, I doubt any of the writers even consider him to be an abusive father.

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4 years ago
#republicans #republicansagainsttrump #republicanssuck #republicansforbiden #trump #trumpsupporters #trumplost

#republicans #republicansagainsttrump #republicanssuck #republicansforbiden #trump #trumpsupporters #trumplost #trumpfailed #trumppresidency #hypocrite #hypocrites #hypocritesbelike #hypocritesociety #hypocriteinchief #hypocritical https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZyH73pEkQ/?igshid=1aqumo886ovvn

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2 years ago
(from "Hypocrite") With The Scent Of Earth, A Hint Of Spring Rises Again, With Some Anxiety, My Mind

(from "Hypocrite") With the scent of earth, a hint of spring rises again, with some anxiety, my mind begins to be chased, with warm expectation, intolerant Christians begin again prancing around the streets, ringing the bell for the season of the party, with their selfish, indifferent ignorance, which disguised as something grievously ordinary.

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2 years ago
(from "The Faithful Heart") Couldn't Get Closer To Anything With Staying Still, So I Got Scared When

(from "The Faithful Heart") Couldn't get closer to anything with staying still, so I got scared when I saw a bad poetry. At the heads of fools, gonna gather bones of peaches and throw'em, and then giggle and laugh for you sons of bitches.

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6 months ago

Imma say this OwONekko going all "AI isn't bad" Warrior and defending A.I Art that threatens the whole of the art community and not just art CREATIVITY in general is just a slap in the face to all her artistic peers, fans and young artists who look up to to her

A.I has a recent history of stealing art from many artists without concent or permission and uses the stolen art to train their bots but now it's practically being shoved in our faces by all major social media platforms and ruining the creativity

And the fact shes bassiclly saying that "there's nothing you can do" if your art is stolen without concent is bassiclly invalidating the artists who have been stolen from and the fact that she using her self-h@rm to gain sympathy and guilt the audience into siding with her is even more disgusting like the fact that you have to guilt and make your viewers feel bad for being against ai Is such an ass move and she knew that no one would side with her so she disabled the comments the fact that she's defending ai "artists" to pay people for commissions that they never made is scummy as hell and it just goes to show that she doesn't care for the people that are being affected

A.I is not art and people who defend it are just as bad you are such a fucking ignorant bitch if you're telling young artists this BS I'm so tired of bitches like nondi trying to be all woke and shit ai is harmful and shes bassiclly saying thats a good thing....she says she doesn't like drama but she just put herself in drama she could've talked about how ai can also be harmful but NO shes so woke n shit....i hate AI defenders I used to be a fan of her too 😬

Do Better Nondi smh


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6 months ago

Follow up to the OwONekko Situation

Okay so there's now an update to the Situation

So after Nondi(OwONekko) uploaded her ai video a few youtubers made videos about the situation most notably a youtuber by the name of Jouusta and in Jo's video she respectfully criticizes and critiques Nondi's video about AI without being rude or mean even as going as far to say she RESPECTS Nondi as a fellow artist

Jo's Video:

Jo's video gained almost 300k views This prompted many youtubers to make their own videos about the situation and many people became aware of the situation however there were some people who took things too far and started straight up harassing nondi and to be fair the people who were harassing her for the sake of hating on her are such disgusting pricks however what im about to show next I can NOT stand by so as I said Jo's video gained a lot of attention and prompted many youtubers to make their own videos on the situation nondi obviously caught wind of this and moments later as a Response to Jo Nondi Goes Live Uploading This:

Nondi's Video:

Out of ALL the Responses Nondi Could make THIS is how she responds to criticism?? I'm sorry but this is just downright sickening and sinister!

first off the way she portrayed Jo in the thumbnail is straight up despicable like the crude picture of Jo?

Really Nondi?? How old are you?

And of that wasn't Nondi is now accusing Jo is being racist without ANY proof Jo never said ANYTHING about Nondi's skin color and that was something nondi pulled out fo her asscheeks what makes this worse is that nondi has 300k subscribers while Jo only has 50-80k subscribers there were die-hards trying to defend nondi but now there are some people straight up harassing Jo now!

Which is Funny Beacuse in Nondi's Video about AI she LITERALLY said that she "doesn't like bigger youtubers hurting or telling smaller artists what to do" which is EXACTLY what she's doing! Nondi is a massive hypocrite someone respectfully criticizes and critiques Nondi's video and THIS IS HOW SHE RESPONDS??? She is a GROWN ASS WOMAN who knew DAMN WELL what's she's doing especially when she went live with that

and recently it's been found out that she was being Allegedly transphobic to the artist that prompted her to make her ai video beacuse it was found out that the artist went by he/them pronouns but nondi referred to him as she/her nondi did state that she did not know that information HOWEVER she still continued to refer to the artist with the wrong pronouns instead of the right ones which is he/them which is transphobic and really fucked up to be fair she didn't know but again even after she said that she didn't know the gender of the artist she was misgendering she still continued to refuse his pronouns and started deleting comments correctly calling out and correcting nondi

At this point Nondi needs to bust out the ukulele and sing beacuse it's her only hope

Or better yet she needs to get her asscheeks off the internet and actually stay offline for a while beacuse she's acting very immature and childish and as of this moment she's lost over nearly 20,000+ subscribers and the sub count is getting lower and lower(deservingly) beacuse is not appropriate behavior beacuse the last time someone used their platform in this fashion her statement went down as the most worst statement on Youtube

Nondi should not be any different which is why it shocks me that there are a select few people defending this. Nondi is not a victim she was rightfully called out but instead of being an adult she pulls a colleen ballinger and spins the whole thing on her critics and blaming THEM for HER actions I do not stand behind this and I no longer support nondi

And( with the last tiny drop of respect i have for her beacuse respect left the door as soon as she did this) She respectfully needs to get off the internet for a while or just entirely beacuse nondi is digging her career's grave and may never bounce back from this

Nondi This Ain't It.

Do Better or get off the Internet

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No one deserves to go to jail over indulging in fiction. But people who harass others simply over fiction sure do deserve being locked up.

Let me tell you something, stupid, first, one of this disgusting people was a literal pedophile, second, people who say '1tS fIkT10n' is literally saying that anything horrible who exists in real life is fiction, Soon the idiots will say that racism art is also fiction and third you guys are just ignorants who complain about headcanons and adult cartoons but defends this shit.

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Sorry if i still annoying, but i think you guys shouldn't support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover and RhylieTheCaterfly, she is in reality a troll and a Vivziepoop fan/stan like CreathingShitmera who makes blueberry inflation fetish and has a Baraag Mastordon account who makes questionable 'arts' sexualizing Corey Riffin from Grojband there's a prof.

Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover
Sorry If I Still Annoying, But I Think You Guys Shouldn't Support Pamithebunterfly/It'sMeTord/CorreyGriffinLover

She made cp 'art' of Corey Riffin, a teenager.

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7 years ago

Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.

DaveWillis.org (via onlinecounsellingcollege)

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