Wearamask - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I spent time with my extended family over the weekend, and it just highlighted how much we've all changed, for better and worse, in lockdown.

After a few days, I'm now back up to full spoons. I can finally get back into my lockdown routine. I don't know if it's just me, is everyone

After a few days, I'm now back up to full spoons. I can finally get back into my lockdown routine. I don't know if it's just me, is everyone feeling this way to varying degrees?

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4 years ago
Now That's Definitely Scary Scary, 100,000 New Cases In One Day. So Many People Are Going Too Die During

Now that's definitely scary scary, 100,000 new cases in one day. So many people are going too die during this third wave, it's all trumps fault. This will be the darkest thanksgiving, and christmas in the USA history. So many will die in the coming weeks. Be happy if you live in California. Gov. Newsom is handling the pandemic like a pro, keeping California safe with his tough measures. Every other state should be taking real notes. I know everyone is getting tired of the lockdown. But please remain vigilant, this third wave will really force awareness on the ones' still choosing ignorance. So many people will die unnecessarily, Donald Trump is too blame. I know Americans hearts will break if we reach 2000 dead a day. It's entirely possible. Be safe, social distance, wear a mask, wash your hands, and stay home if you can. #cannabis #epilepsy #420 #710 #dab #music #rap #hiphop #indie #indiemusic #vice #wshh #worldstarhiphop #stoner #flex #wearamask https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_vhuuBy6C/?igshid=1vckhtdqawr5u

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4 years ago

Not mine but pls srsly wear a a fucking mask #wearafuckingmask #wearafuckingmask😷😷 #wearafuckingmask😷 #wearafuckingmaskyouignorantpieceofshit #wearamask #wearamask😷 #wearamaskplease #wearamasksavelives #wearamaskchallenge #wearingmask #wearingmasks #wearingmask😷 #wearingmasks😷 #wearingmaskssaveslives #mask #masks #corona #coronavirus #rona #rona2020 #covid #covid_19 #covıd #virus #virüs #vírus https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhtJTapBU3/?igshid=1valjprypo37j

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4 years ago
Cloth Masks Are Better Than Paper Guys. #mask #masks #maskon #wearamask #wearamask #wearamaskplease #wearamasksavelives

Cloth masks are better than paper guys. #mask #masks #maskon #wearamask #wearamask😷 #wearamaskplease #wearamasksavelives #wearamaskchallenge #wearingmask #wearingmasks #wearingmask😷 #wearingmasks😷 #wearingmaskssaveslives #wearingamask #wearingamaskisanactoflove #wearingamaskallday #wearingamaskisanactofkindness #wearingamasksaveslives😷😷😷☝️ #maskup #maskupamerica #maskupchallenge #putonamask #putonyourmask #putonyourmasks #putonyourmaskfirst #putonyourmaskatalltimes💋 #putonyourmaskandgo #stfuandputonamask #stfuandputonyourmask #shutthefuckupandputonamask https://www.instagram.com/p/CIif56Qp10O/?igshid=2y5ef3srsx5w

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4 years ago
Yall People Really Still Out Here Blaming Asian People For The Pandemic When Yall Cant Even Wear A Mask.

Y’all people really still out here blaming Asian people for the pandemic when y’all can’t even wear a mask. Smh. #wearamask https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ4zj9apHpw/?igshid=1abt09sd4sapg

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3 years ago
#pandemic #pandemiclife #pandemic2020 #corona #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirus #covid #covid_19 #covd

#pandemic #pandemiclife #pandemic2020 #corona #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirus #covid #covid_19 #covıd #wearamask #wearamask😷 #wearamaskplease #wearamasksavelives #wearamaskchallenge #maskup #maskupamerica #maskupchallenge #socialdistance #socialdistancing #socialdistancing2020 #socialdistancingsaveslives #practicesocialdistancing #practicesocialdistancing💁🏻‍♀️ #practicesocialdistancing✌😎👉6ft👈😎👍 #practicesocialdistancing😉💁🏻‍♀️ #practicesocialdistancingplease #washyourhands #washyourhandsyoufilthyanimal #washyourhandsplease #washyourhandsandmeditate https://www.instagram.com/p/CLA01DapSeo/?igshid=b5kqkpmg4kzf

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3 years ago
#wearamask #wearamask #wearamaskplease #wearamasksavelives #wearamaskchallenge #stopthespread #stopthespreadofcovid19

#wearamask #wearamask😷 #wearamaskplease #wearamasksavelives #wearamaskchallenge #stopthespread #stopthespreadofcovid19 #stopthespreadofcorona #stopthespreadofgerms #covid #covid_19 #covıd #corona #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirus #doublemask #doublemaskingwednesday #doublemasked #mask #maskup #masks https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIZAy6JV6Y/?igshid=1bj9pglqehcft

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4 years ago

This is the happiest day of my life.

I'm gonna color this baby later but am trying to think if he should be saying something. Maybe 'Stay Positive'?

Anyone have suggestions?

This Is The Happiest Day Of My Life.

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4 years ago


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4 years ago
Shelagh Is Back!! Ive Missed Your Iconic Hairdo!
Shelagh Is Back!! Ive Missed Your Iconic Hairdo!
Shelagh Is Back!! Ive Missed Your Iconic Hairdo!

Shelagh is back!! I’ve missed your iconic hairdo! 💖

Laura knows how rock a mask! 😷

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