Will Turner - Tumblr Posts

Lil' snippit from a story I'm working on

Characters: (All Pirates of the Caribbean) Davy Jones, Will Turner, Uma Jones [oc]

Paring: Davy Jones x (daughter) oc [platonic]

Backstory: Davy Jones hooked up with a woman on his one day on land 19 years ago. He doesn't know he has a daughter. (May be ooc but, meh)


Tears flowed from her eyes, porly hidden by the mist bowing through the air. Blood trailed down her back as salty sea water stung the criss-crossed lashes just bestowed upon her by the captain of the Dutchman. She had been sailing with the crew for a little over a year now. This was the first time the captain gave her lashes, and the eleventh time she was ever given any.

With shaking legs, she started to turn around to continue her work, facing the back of her captain. Her knees fell from under her, landing her a harsh thud on the splintering deck. Tears flowed like raging rivers, carving canals in her cheeks and chin as her sobbs grew louder, crying over the whipping wind. The same wind that forced the fabric of her headdress into her face, a poor excuse at wiping her tears. Her arms wrapped around her chest and shoulders in a pethetc excuse for a comforting hug.

Captain Davy Jones scoffed as he heard her wails, eyes peircing her very soul as he glanced over his shoulder to spout a few simple, yet harsh words, "Get back ta' work!"

Her wails quickly simmered down to whimpers as he turned away from her once more.

"Mercy...please, mercy..." she begged so quietly even the captain was suprised he had heard it.

With a sisnister yet amused chuckle, he turned back to her, "What makes ya think you deserve my mercy?"

Her teeth ground together as her eyes squeezed shut, begging for the tears to stop. Rage slowly began to build. She knew he didn't know, but that didn't stop her from yelling through the wind and mist as she tore off her headdress, "Because I'm your daughter, damnit!"

Her headdress was fisted into her palm, pressed against the dark deckboards as straight, long black hair spilled over her shoulders, pooling at her knees like octopus ink, glistening in the mist of the sea. Along with inky hair, tenticales fell to the deckboards. They were the same color as Davy Jones, and when she raised her head to look him in the eye, he could only see a copy of his own.

The whip in his hand clattered to the ground, his face coated in a blanket of disbelief, guilt, and slight confusion. Even his crew were shocked. They didn't know he had a daughter, and they could tell from his recation, he didn't know either. After a moment, he snapped himself back to reality, a scowl growing on his face once more, "Turner!"

Will Turner stepped forward before his father could, "Yes, captain?"

Davy Jones didn't give him so much as a glance before speaking, "Patch her wounds."

The words were simple, but it shocked everyone. Their Captain had made it adamant that if you got injured while working, you kept working and delt with it later. He was allowing two people in his crew to skip work for 'insignificant reasons' as he had called it in the past. For the first time, his crew had seen him show mercy.


May take a while for the whole story to come out, (I'm thinking about 3 or 4 parts, maybe 5). Keep in mind I haven't fully finished watching Dead Man's Chest (I will today though!) so if Davy Jones or Will or anyone else seems a bit ooc, I apologize! If I feel the need to edit after I finish the movie, I might if I can find the time. I'm currently moving at the moment, so I'm kinda busy.

This is Az, signing off! <>

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6 years ago

Sora's first witness of like actual graphical death. Doesn't go well.

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5 months ago

Modern Will Turner fluffy & spicy head canon x blackfem! Reader

Modern Will Turner Fluffy & Spicy Head Canon X Blackfem! Reader
Modern Will Turner Fluffy & Spicy Head Canon X Blackfem! Reader
Modern Will Turner Fluffy & Spicy Head Canon X Blackfem! Reader
Modern Will Turner Fluffy & Spicy Head Canon X Blackfem! Reader

Warnings: Light smut, pregnancy kink, swearing, fluff, edging, mentions of your family members, tattoo's, spanking

(Not edited or proof-read)

Note: I write most of my characters in modern settings, so this won’t be any different. I may write about him in POTC in the future but that’s something I need to chop up. Also first time writing a headcannon, this was fun making, I'm looking forward to doing some more for Will/Legolas/Orlando.

— Will is very attentive and never misses a single thing. Anything you have interest in, he’ll use his own bare hands to recreate it for you. You like candles? Here’s 1kg worth of candles in all your favorite scents. You like plushies and stuffed animals? Build a bear has nothing on Will’s craftsmanship, he made a lifesize teddy for you to cuddle when he’s not around. He’ll even order parts for his creations from overseas, no matter the price tag, to give you the perfect gift.

—- Adding onto how crafty he is, you never have to worry about breaking anything because Will is always happy to fix it for you and he always does so, effortlessly. He’s tactile and amazing with his hands.

—- He knocked down a wall in his house between his office and guest bedroom, renovated the room, painted the walls your favorite colors and furnished it with all your favourite things including a wall hung TV, neon lights, a pink desktop and plants. Just so you can have your own space when you’re at his house. He wants you to feel like his home is yours too.

—- He loves going to IKEA with you, it’s like a playground for him to find things to build for you and your room. When you get Hotdogs in the food court with him later and get mustard on your face, he’ll grab you by the chin and lick the sauce off. Anytime you get food on your face, he does this. Why wipe it off when he can just clean it off you?

—- Will’s intelligence is unlike anyone you’ve met before, but when he’s not using his head, he’s a bit of a himbo, giving off strong Kenergy. He might know how to solve enigmatic riddles quickly and build houses from scratch but he’s clueless when it comes to most general things. He’ll always regard you as the smarter one in the relationship. In his mind you’re everything and he’s just Will. He adores you that much.

Modern Will Turner Fluffy & Spicy Head Canon X Blackfem! Reader

—- He has a tattoo of your name and a blue butterfly next to it on his hip bone. This man is whipped. Gone and lost in your love. He’s considering getting your initials tattooed behind his ear.

—-  Will’s independent by nature but gosh, he is one needy motherfucker, but in the most adorable way. He’s coming with you to run errands to the beauty store, late night Target trips or waiting in the corner of the salon while you get your nails done. And he’s always paying, he never lets your credit card touch the reader.

—- Will can listen to you talk for hours about your life and yourself. He finds everything about you whimsical, enchanting and seductive. Even if you’re babbling about delusions and made up scenarios, he’ll react with big emotions like it’s happening right in the moment just because he loves you that much.

—- Will collects records that you love listening to. He says, “The record is always better than streaming it.”

—- Will use to only listen to symphonies and classical music before you came into his life. Now, he listens to everything you listen to. He’s fallen in love with Neo-soul and R&B and refuses to listen to anything else.

—- His favorite song is “Stay Ready (What A Life) by Jhene Aiko and forever dedicates that tune to you. Whenever the song plays, he always sings to you, “They say the truth ain't pretty. But comin’ out that pretty mouth the truth is fitting. Cuz you ain't never talkin loud and you know plenty. Yea you know what I'm talkin bout, cuz you just get me, Yea you so pretty”, And he means every word of it. That song was written just for you, he believes.

—- Even though you and Will are just dating and don’t have kids, he always refers to you as “His wife” or “Mother of my children”

—- Will’s favorite part of being intimate with you is undressing you. There’s something about seeing you come undone only and all for him, that makes him want to be closer to you, underneath your skin even.

—- Will love’s quickies and to give you a quick orgasm in the middle of the day. But there’s nothing he loves more than giving you a sensual, candle lit, slow jam’s experience. After a long day at work, expect Will to be ready for you with a bottle of aromatherapy bottle oil, ready to iron out all your tight muscles and kinks. And of course, this massage always leads to him giving you and internal rub down too. 

—- Will edges you any chance he gets. Sometimes you just wanna snatch your vibrator off him and hit him with it because he won’t let you cum. But he always lets you finally get off if you ask him kindly. He likes manner’s in the bedroom.

—- He has a pregnancy kink. He always moans about putting a baby in you while having sex. So you can imagine he always wants to do it raw. He always begs for you to wrap your legs and arms around him while he cums.

— He gives you warnings in the bedroom if you’re rushing the pleasure too quickly. Will believes pleasure should be savored and reveled in. Greedily chasing your release and out of warnings? That’s a hard pop to your behind, leaving your cheeks red and sore. But he quickly runs his hand over your skin, soothing you. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. See what happens when you don’t listen? Hmmm?” he murmurs in your ear before sliding two fingers back in you.

—- Only with you, Will reveals how intimidating he is in the bedroom. But in front of others, he’s the most kind respectful gentleman anyone has ever met. All your friends and everyone in your family loves him. He quickly picks up on social dynamics and easily blends himself into the environment as if he was always a part of it. You can find Will at family barbecues, bonding with your uncles over different cuts of meat and taking over the grill, which your father never allows but Will’s charmingly convincing.

—- Will always plays house and dress up with your younger family members. He takes it seriously too. You best believe he’s rocking a blue lid and red lippie with confidence after playing makeovers. 

—- Will comes with you to all your social events, he just loves being around you and hyping you up in all settings. You can find him at clubs, bars and music festivals, right behind you, jamming out and spreading the good vibes. He’s even buying you and your girls rounds of bottomless cocktails at brunch.

—- Will’s a fencing prodigy, of course. He also practices MMA. His strength, determination and will is unmatched. You love sitting in the audience of his matches when he’s given trophies, standing the breathless, T-shirtless and sweaty, dressed in his little fitted shorts showing all his business, knowing that’s all yours.

—- After matches in the ring or on the mats, Will just wants to cozy himself up under your shirt, cuddling you and weakly lying against your skin. 

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8 months ago



When we think of Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow is the character who immediately comes to mind. Endearing, ridiculous, brazen, memorable - he is the character who captured the attention of many. He is the one that most people consider to be the main character of the PotC franchise.

But he's not the protagonist. As OP rightly says, he is a supporting character. And it bothers me to no end that both the fans and the franchise itself forgot this!

On the surface level, PotC (and i’m talking about the original trilogy) is a lively pirate action movie, thick with lore and mythology and awesome fight scenes. That is what it's remembered as, and Jack Sparrow embodies these elements of it. But peel back the layers, and what you really have is Elizabeth Swann’s coming-of-age story and her love story with one William Turner.

The films are Elizabeth’s journey from spirited young bourgeoise girl wishing for something more, to formidable Pirate King of the Brethren Court. They are an ode to learning how to mould and survive a world that insists on wants to take.

She and Will (and the lengths they are willing to go for each other) are the core of the movies. They allow PotC to be more than just a swashbuckling action, which is arguably what the last two instalments are without them.

Think about it. Who is the first character we meet? Elizabeth! Who is the character with the most defined arc? Elizabeth! The actions that she carries out (eg stealing Will’s medallion) and those that happen to her (eg being kidnapped by Barbossa) almost always directly impact the entire narrative essence of the storyline!

If we look at her kidnapping as an example, this becomes evident. Elizabeth is kidnapped by Barbossa's crew in movie 1, but because she isn't the archetypal damsel in distress (nothing wrong with that ofc), Elizabeth learns. She learns a form of piracy from Barbossa that is unforgiving and ruthless ( with this being paralleled by Will who is meanwhile learning Jack’s more spontaneous approach to piracy). Elizabeth becomes cutthroat and pragmatic and these are the qualities which eventually lead her to become a character well-rounded and strong enough for the Brethren Court to choose her as their leader.

What I'm trying to say here is that the events that happened to her in movie 1 were already setting up her are for movie 3. Why? BECAUSE SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER. THE STORY REVOLVES AROUND HER ACTIONS, HER DECISIONS, HER JOURNEY.

Sure, Jack is memorable. but it's Elizabeth who has the biggest arc, it's Elizabeth who by the end personifies the idea of piracy, it's Elizabeth who craved nothing more but sea and adventure and love and who got it in the end in the form of Will who is all those things in one person. Moreover, it's Will who discovers more about himself as the saga progresses, who makes constant sacrifices, who starts off as a nameless orphan and ends having uncovered the truth of his past and having arguably made the biggest sacrifice for the greater good (becoming the new Captain of the Flying Dutchman). Elizabeth and Will have obligations to the plot that Jack doesn't have. They are there to deepen the story, to bring forward questions of morality and humanity and love. Jack is there for comedy, and his personality doesn't really allow for him to be a romantic lead in the same way that Will is which is why the last two movies dont really work,

Arguably, On Stranger Tides and Dead Men Tell No Tales arent as iconic as the first three movies. Why? Because Will and Elizabeth aren't in them. The focal human element of the story and the romance plot that they brought is gone and replaced by Jack being ridiculous and failing to be a good romantic lead because he is chronically afraid of commitment. All the lore that was so well thought out is just never really mentioned again in favour of expanding Jack's backstory, and Will and Liz's characters are reduced to nothingness. There is no other mention of the fact that Elizabeth is literally the Pirate King, there is no further exploration into the Brethern Court. All we get is a small scene at the end of Dead Men Tell No Tales in which we see an Elizabeth who has ??? reverted back to wearing 18th century dresses and mooning after Will who she can only see every ten years. It is heavily implied that that Elizabeth is no longer pirate king by this point.

And this enrages me because Elizabeth Swann contains multitudes. She always has.

She is an unparalleled heroine. She is a King, a wife, a mother, a fighter, a negotiator, and so many aspects of her character are explored.The movies depict all of the sides of Elizabeth Swann without apologizing - giving us a rounded and nuanced character who becomes cutthroat and calculating by the end whilst still reserving her softer side (e.g when she says to Jack"I am so ready to be married" in Dead Man's Chest). They give us a main character and aren’t afraid to delve into multiple aspects of her life - her sexuality, her emotions, her motivations.

Throughout the course of PotC, Elizabeth learns more about herself and comes to terms with her flaws. She becomes a force to be reckoned with; someone who can inspire hundreds of pirates to fight alongside her, someone who successfully tricks people into thinking she is the literal goddess of the sea. Elizabeth Swann grows, matures, and develops in a way that Jack never really does.

AND PEOPLE JUST LIKE TO FORGET ABOUT HER! IN FAVOUR OF JACK SPARROW????? This might be controversial of me to say, but the original PotC trilogy doesn't exist without Elizabeth Swann. Its core messages and its themes cease to be if we forget the pivotal role that Elizabeth has.

Without Elizabeth and Will, you just have a scrappy action movie, spearheaded by a character whose personality doesn't allow for much emotional depth (not because I don't think Jack Sparrow has the potential for emotional depth, but because I don't think the writers will allow for it). Without Elizabeth and Will, PoTC could not be what it is. They are the center. Their pasts, their journeys, their love.

In conclusion, Elizabeth Swann is the MC of the PotC movies, and Jack Sparrow is a side character who became far too important because, spurred on by fan reactions, the writers decided to give him a bigger part than what was initially intended. This in turn lead to Elizabeth and Will being forgotten, despite the fact that they are the beating heart of the movies

Elizabeth Swann was the protagonist of the Pirates films Will was her love interest and Jack was a supporting character and I think it’s time everyone starts admitting it

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3 years ago

the funniest thing in the entire pirates of the caribbean series is definitely that one scene in At World’s End where they have parlay but davy jones is part of it, and rather than have him stand in the shallows or something they get a big bucket of water and have in stand on it on shore

who thought of that idea? who thought “put davy jones in a bucket of water” and had the guts to suggest it aloud? and then who went “hey that sounds like a great idea!”

at some point someone told davy jones their idea was for him to stand in a bucket of water and he agreed to it

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2 years ago
I Had A Dream About You Last Night. About Me? About The Day We Met. Do You Remember?
I Had A Dream About You Last Night. About Me? About The Day We Met. Do You Remember?
I Had A Dream About You Last Night. About Me? About The Day We Met. Do You Remember?

I had a dream about you last night. About me? About the day we met. Do you remember?

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) dir. Gore Verbinski

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12 years ago

Will Turner: You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you. Jack Sparrow: Then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair, now is it?

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

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6 years ago

That’s it. That’s all you need to see of the movie.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

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3 years ago

Vampire Orphan

Chapter 1

She sat there once again leaned on the large window looking how the kids were picked up by their parents from school. A single tear escaped Lilith's hazel eye but she quickly wiped it away. She was six when her mother was tortured to death from her own father right in front of her eyes as she hid under the table in their once cute little living room afraid of what he would do to her if he knew that Lilith was there too and everything because her mother didn't want to be on Voldemort's side. After he murdered Aurora, Lilith's mother, he ran away but that didn't had much use he was caught only a few days later. Her father was sent to Azkaban for lifetime. She didn't really miss him because he never really was nice to her and even used to hit her but Aurora and Lilith were very close in fact Aurora was the only person who got Lilith's full trust. The girl still got nightmares of her mother dying. Every night she saw her mother falling to the ground, her father on top of her, beating and torturing her and hearing her screams. Since Lilith didn't got any other relatives, she had to live in an orphanage and she was sick of it but she didn't want to someone adopting her either, she just wanted her old life back, where she was happy and weren't always alone but that was long ago five years to be exact. Now Lilith is eleven years old and got still no friends. But the reason wasn't that nobody wanted to be friends with her or hang out with her. The reason was that she couldn't trust anyone no matter what they tried Lilith just couldn't be nice. "Lilith!" a voice called out, which startled her out of her thoughts but she didn't respond. "Lilith, here you are! The family, that is interested in you is nearly here." ,'Interested in me, as if I' m some sort of pet ' Lilith thought, "Please be ready in 20 min. and come to my office." Mrs. Jones continued. Lilith rolled her eyes at her and head to her dorm but not without bumping in Mrs. Jones shoulder. When she arrived the girl changed her clothes, drew eyeliner, used red eye shadow and matching red lipstick. After that she brushed her dark blonde hair.

(Lilith’s Outfit)


(her eye make up)


Lastly she put her three piercings in. She got two at the top from her right ear and on at the middle of her left ear. She knew especially Mrs. Jones hates them. The girl took one last look in the mirror in her dorm and head to the office from Mrs. Jones. Lilith didn't bother to knock and just stormed in. Inside was a woman in a cute red dress and a man with blue jeans and a grey shirt. Both of them smiled warmly at her but Lilith didn't smile back. " you must be Lilith, its so great to finally meet you.", the woman said," I'm Nadia and this is my husband Marcus" The girl nodded one time to show she heard them. "Don't you want to introduce yourself?" Mrs. Jones asked hoping for a better conversation than all the last times when somebody was interested in her. " What should I tell them? They should already have known everything they need to know, haven't they?" Lilith said turning to Mrs. Jones. " Um, actually we don't know that much. We only got a picture from you and know what your name and age is." Nadia stated. "I would say that's enough to know." She said coldly. "Oh uh, well-", Marcus started. "why don't you tell them, which languages you can speak?" , Mrs. Jones asked, giving her hopes for a nice conversation up. "English, German, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Italian, french and sign language.", she answered uninterested. "Wow, that are a lot of languages." Marcus said impressed. "Lilith can speak by far the most languages from all of the children." Mrs. Jones said kinda proud. "When did you got all the time to learn so many?", Nadia asked interested. Lilith shrugged "Guess I was just bored. Its not the nicest place to be, you know.", she answered slightly annoyed. "Then you would like to have a new home?", Nadia asked with hope in her voice. "Actually no, I wouldn't like that!" Lilith replied with more anger than she originally planned to use as the faces of the couple fell. "Watch your tone!" Mrs. Jones warned Lilith. "Whatever" Lilith said rolled her eyes, now clearly annoyed. "Could you please go outside for a minute?" Mrs. Jones tried to sound as kind as possible, but Lilith knew, that she is really angry and disappointed in her, like every time when a family had wanted to adopt her. However Lilith walked past them and out of the room. She found herself sitting on a chair next to the door where she often sits after she talked with a family. The girl could hear that Nadia said "I don't know, but it seems like she doesn't like us much." "Don't take it personal she's always like that", Mrs. Jones said hopelessly and Lilith couldn't help but smile at her answer. After that she didn't hear anything for a while. The next thing she could hear was Mrs. Jones as she said "I'm afraid but I have to inform you that Lilith isn't the easiest child. She ran away multiple times and last time she was found like so many times before from the Royal Navy, but she had three piercings in her ears. Nobody knows where she was or what exactly happened, well except of course Lilith but she won't speak about it. Aside from that Lilith isn't good at following rules. She almost breaks everyday at least one and if you couldn't already tell she isn't the politest." Lilith isn't really annoyed that she brought that up but isn't really pleased with it either. "-but Lilith is a really smart girl and she learns fast. She gets in every test 100% and as you heard she can speak many languages.-" Lilith couldn't hear anymore of their conversation as suddenly the door flung open and Mrs. Jones stands in the doorway. "Would you come back in again?" "Do I even have a choice?" Lilith responded but got up anyways she didn't want to mess with her any further. Back in the office Nadia and Marcus were waiting for her once again they smiled again but Lilith saw that they were clearly more nervous, although the girl couldn't tell why exactly. "I'm going to let you talk alone for a bit I'll be in the last room on the right if you need anything." Mrs. Jones explained and walked out of the room letting the three alone.

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3 years ago

Vampire Orphan

Chapter 1

Now it's completely silent in the office, although it was awkward the girl didn't see the need to break it. She just stared on the wall behind the couple. "So, may I ask why you live here, in an orphanage?", Nadia asked not thinking how much pain the memory causes. However Lilith replied coldly not letting them see that she's hurt. " My father murdered my mother." The adults both went wide eyed at how unaffected she spoke about her loss. "Oh uh, I'm so sorry. I didn't kno-" "It's best if you never ask anyone why they are here. Nobody is here because it's so fvcking great. Remember that!" Lilith cut her of at the first sentence still fake friendly but after it, she wasn't able to hide her anger. Nadia swallowed and only nodded. "Um well, what are your hobbies?" Marcus tried to begin a nicer conversation with the eleventh year old girl. "Archery and sword fighting.", she said uninterested. "we heard that you ran away once or twice, may i ask why?", the woman asked shyly. "First I hate it here and secondly I just love the risk that it brings." Lilith smirked devilish. "Um okay, we will think about adopting you and letting you know how we decided, alrigh-" "you can tell me to my face, that you don't want me as a form of a child!" Lilith cuts him once again off, he gulps at her response. "O-okay, Sweetheart maybe we should go" Nadia said a bit scared to her husband. "mmh." he hummed with that they were gone and short after Mrs. Jones burst into the office. "Can't you be one time at least a bit friendly, what is wrong with you?! Other kids would kill for a family, that wants them and you scare family after family away!", she yelled. Lilith just stared numb in the woman's eyes. "To your dorm! Immediately! And you got yourself a whole month detention!", the girl just walks to her room.'to think I would stay here' she thought.

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2 years ago

Vampire Orphan

Chapter 2

'To think I would stay here' Lilith thought. Back in her dorm, Lilith only grabbed her knife and puts it in her right pocket. The eleven year opened her window and climbed out of it, from there she jumped on the roof across from her after that she slipped intentionally to the rain gutter and climbed down on it. She looked one more time back to see if anyone noticed her escape, luckily for her no one did. She walked along the road to an old house. The house was made of wood and not really big, but a good spot for hiding things, especially since someone made the rumor, that it was haunted. She walked in it and to the living room. Lilith kneeled in front of the couch and got her bow and arrows from under it. The girl puts both of them on her back and went to the city center where always a mart was. On her way she saw a poster, it was about, that today is going to be a hanging from a pirate. Lilith raised her eyebrows and sighed, she was never a fan from hanging, she just didn't saw the point of it. "Hey, you!", Lilith turned only a bit to see that it was on from the Royal Navy. "Fvck.", she muttered, as she started to sprint down the street. She climbed on a near roof and from there, she saw the gallows, which were good 37 meters away from her current spot, where the pirate already stood. A rope around his neck. He got brown dreads, a red bandana, a dirty white shirt with a brown vest over it, brown pants and brown boots on. Lilith could swear she saw him saying 'Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow' when the announcer said his name and his crimes. She couldn't help but smile at his priorities. The girl only knew him from books and stories, but she didn't want him to die. If only half of what she heard and read about him was true then he shouldn't die, maybe he could even help her to run away. Lilith knew she had to be fast if she really wanted to save him. At that time the soldiers were also on the roof and ran towards her. The calls from them made all the people look to her and her chasers, even the pirate looked at her. Unfortunately that didn't stop the executioner from grabbing the lever and pulling it. Lilith jumped from the roof, on which she used to ran on and in between the two roofs the eleven year old aimed with her bow and arrow to the rope and let go, hoping she didn't miss, because if she missed she was going to be hanged too and couldn't help the pirate. Everything seemed to stop and everyone only watched the arrow, until it successfully cut the rope. The girl landed on the ground swung her bow back to her back and made her way to the pirate, in hope he would knew what to do. On her way she stole two swords one for herself and one for the famous Captain Jack Sparrow. When she finally made it to him, he sat clearly confused on the floor. However as she offered him a sword he gladly took it. Not a second later Lilith turned around and blocked an attack from one of the soldiers, it was strange, it was like she knew someone was going to attack her. She had always good reflexes but never once was it like that, but Lilith hadn't more time to think about it, because the girl was in a full sword fight with a soldier trying to stay as close to Jack as possible, somehow she got the feeling, that she could trust him. After all Lilith saved his life and risked her own. In the corner of her eye she saw that Jack gave his best at fighting, but it didn't had much use. There were far to many soldiers. Soon Lilith and Jack were both in iron chains. "I did know that you don't quite like following the rules, but freeing a pirate? I really thought you knew better.", Norrington said. She knew him a bit, because he often brought her back to the orphanage, when she ran away. Lilith just lightly shrugged her shoulders and responded "didn't got much to lose, did I?". Before anyone said something else, Lilith and Jack were brought to the prison. On the way no one spoke, until they were harshly thrown into a dirty cell. "Well, what do I call my savior?" The pirate showed his golden teeth, as he smirked. "My name is Lilith." She answered looking for a way to get out, but she gave up. "Not that I'm complaining, but why did you save me. I can't recall that I met you before." "I don't really know.", Lilith spoke truthfully," I just thought it's not the right time for the famous Captain Jack Sparrow and I hate the concept of hanging or in general killing prisoners." Something about Jack made Lilith trust him and she felt somehow familiar with him, although she doesn't knew what it was, normally she can't trust anyone and no one felt like her family, especially a fearsome pirate that she only just met. "Thank you,luv." Their conversation goes a little further and they began to talk more about themselves. "Your little rescue operation was quite impressive, you know, where did you learn that?", he asked interested. "Well, you don't have that much fun to do in an orphanage. I always found sword fighting and archery fascinating, so I started training myself, when I turned seven. It was also a good distraction from my parents.", she replied. "You're an orphan?", Lilith sighed. "Yes, my mother was murdered by my father, when I was six, since then I had to live in an orphanage. I don't have any other relatives." The eleventh year old answered acting though but Jack saw the sadness in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, luv, do you want to talk about it?" "What?", Lilith asked confused. "Well, you don't seem like a girl that talks with everybody about everything." Both of them were silent for a bit. "I really miss her. She didn't deserve to die, especially not because of the man she loved and trusted.", Lilith choked out. "I know, I'm so sorry.", he comforted. "Why be sorry. You weren't the one who killed her.", she managed to form a small smile, which he returned. " Why were you chased by soldiers back on the roof?", he asked not just because he was curious about the girl across from her, but also to distract her, he saw the pain in her eyes, when she talked about them. Lilith smirked. "I ran away.", the pirate thought it's best if he left the question with the answer he got. "Are the stories true?", Lilith asked after a while. " Which stories,luv?", the Captain asked. "That your Captain of the Black Pearl.". Jack sighed. "I was.", was the only thing he said. "May I asked what happened?", he smiled at how careful and polite she asked. "My first mate caused a mutiny, long story short he marooned me on a lonely island and sailed away with my ship." I'm sorry, Captain Sparrow.", Lilith stopped for a moment," how did you get from the island?". "Sea turtles, luv." Lilith gave him a confused look but didn't asked any further. After a while of silence she spoke again "You'll get your ship back. I'm sure of it!" " What makes you so sure?", He asked. "Oh come on, you're Captain Jack Sparrow. You will find a way. I know it!", Lilith motivated him. Jack smirked and Lilith saw his golden teeth again. "Lilith?" Lilith looked a bit surprised, when he used her name but hummed in response anyway. "If we get out of here, will you do me the honor by joining my crew?" Jack asked hoping, that she would say yes. "I-I would really love to, but I never sailed before and don't want to be a burden for you or the crew." The girl replied looking at the floor. "You could never be a burden, luv." the pirate said as he put an arm around her shoulder. Instead of pulling away and slap the person, who was touching her, she snuggled closer to the pirate. "But of course, I can teach you what to do, if you want to work." He offered. "You would?", the eleventh year old questioned. "Aye luv, think about it. Being a pirate means not only robbing silver and gold or killing and threatening people. Being a pirate is mostly about freedom, when you're a pirate you're free from anything.", Jack explained with passion from which Lilith had to smile a bit. "In that case my answer is yes. But how on earth will you get out of here?" "I'm not sure yet, but somehow we will get out, don't you worry, luv.", the girl smirked again at how determined he was. "But to pass a little time we're not going to respond with yes, we're going to respond with aye, alright?" Jack stated "Aye, Captain!" Lilith answered"You're a fast learner, that's good!" The two talked a little more, until the girl grew more and more tired. She fell asleep in Jack's arms. "Goodnight, luv, I promise you we will get safe out of here!" Jack smiled. Even if he only just met her, he liked her (!NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY!) and he knew she would be a good crew member. After a while he fell asleep too and slept quite a while, until they suddenly both heard unnaturally loud footsteps coming the stairs to the prison down.

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