Kraken - Tumblr Posts

To be fair, she had warned them. When they had first managed to capture her she had told them very earnestly, “Capturing me won’t give you the glory you seek. Let me go or you will face a Fate worse than Death.” But, of course, none of them had listened. They’d laughed in her face and dragged her to the brig, all while their Captain mocked Alvid for her “pathetic attempt at gaining freedom.” The Captain was a sea hag going by the name Marie that Alvid had tangled with quite a bit over the years. Alvid had thought the woman had more sense, obviously she’d given her too much credit.

They kept her in the brig for a week, occasionally tossing food through the bars. Her only real visitor was Marie who quite happily discussed her plan to execute Alvid. Marie had decided to do so in front of Alvid’s crew, that it would send the perfect message. They just had to catch up with the ship. Marie mocked Alvid for telling her crew to flee. Called them cowards.

“I told them so you’d have a chance to change your mind.” Alvid replied, not bothering to get up from the floor or to even lift her eyes up to Marie’s. She knew even without looking that Marie wouldn’t listen anymore than she had last time. “There’s still time. You and your crew don’t have to die, Marie.

Marie had laughed and she was laughing now as she pushed Alvid further out onto the plank. Across from them, Alvid could see her ship. So close they could have swung from the mast onto Marie’s ship. All of Alvid’s crew stayed perfectly still though. Not a one even twitched. Waiting for Alvid’s orders.

“Any final words?” Marie asked in a sickly sweet voice.

“Last chance. Let me return to my ship and you’ll be spared.” Alvid spoke loud enough for both crews to hear. She held her head high, muscles tensed in anticipation. She purposely didn’t look below. She didn't want them to see the shapes beneath the water, so close to the surface that you could count every suction cup.

Marie shoved her off the plank. Alvid smiled.

She was barely beneath the surface when one of the tentacles gently closed around her. Like a mother handling her newborn, Alvid’s pet lifted her from the water and deposited her on the deck of her ship. Alvid’s crew swarmed her immediately as Marie and her crew looked on in horror. Alvid’s cuffs were undone and a blanket was thrown around her shoulders to battle the cold of the sea.

“I warned you!” Alvid shouted. Marie was very pale now and shaking like a leaf. “Now face your Fate with dignity!”

It took less than five minutes for the kraken to destroy Marie’s ship. Three of those minutes were spent grabbing and throwing random members of the crew. Finally, it wrapped its tentacles around the ship and pulled. The screaming collapse of the wood was something Alvid would never get used to but she cherished the sound all the same. As Marie’s ship broke into four pieces, as Marie herself disappeared beneath the water, Alvid smiled. She would have to remember to buy her pet some treats the next time they made port.

A pirate captain is captured and taken prisoner by an enemy ship. Just when things take a turn for the worst, that’s when it shows up.

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3 years ago
It's The Spooky Season!!

It's the spooky season!!

Here's some of my kids as monsters n junk

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3 years ago

This is so gorgeous. I want one, but do probably not want to pay for that one.

But to be fair I already have a few including this one (and the matching earrings), a wonderful gift from by finace.

This Is So Gorgeous. I Want One, But Do Probably Not Want To Pay For That One.

But this is more Euron Style.

Chainmail Octopus Headpiece By Vanessa Walilko, Made By Connecting Over 12,000 Rings By Hand
Chainmail Octopus Headpiece By Vanessa Walilko, Made By Connecting Over 12,000 Rings By Hand

Chainmail Octopus Headpiece by Vanessa Walilko, made by connecting over 12,000 rings by hand

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3 years ago
@owlsinathens Luca (Pixar 2021) I Want Those!

@owlsinathens​ Luca (Pixar 2021) I want those!

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3 years ago

@owlsinathens (not sure if you know them, but NSP is a ton of fun in general)

house Greyjoy entering the War of The Five Kings like:

-harms everyone

-manages to make a gigantic mess


-does pretty much nothing according to the rest of Westeros

.manages to do the most damage to it’s own kingdom

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3 years ago

@owlsinathens How Balon sees Theon in A Clash of Kings

A Large Strawberry Squid, One Of Three Caught On The Last Trawl Of The Deep-See Cruise. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
A Large Strawberry Squid, One Of Three Caught On The Last Trawl Of The Deep-See Cruise. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

A large strawberry squid, one of three caught on the last trawl of the Deep-See cruise. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

“The strawberry squid, gets its nickname from the berry-like appearance of its bright-red body speckled with numerous jewel like luminescent photophores ” via @octonation

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3 years ago

perfect addition!

@owlsinathens​ I found baby Theon

@owlsinathens I Found Baby Theon

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3 years ago

@owlsinathens Greyjoy family crib!

Hand-Carved Tentacle Crib By Artist Garrick Andrus
Hand-Carved Tentacle Crib By Artist Garrick Andrus
Hand-Carved Tentacle Crib By Artist Garrick Andrus
Hand-Carved Tentacle Crib By Artist Garrick Andrus

Hand-Carved Tentacle Crib by Artist Garrick Andrus

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3 years ago

@owlsinathens Next time we’re in a writing block, we’ll just have someone sent us this.

Write One Sentence. Let It Lead To Another. It Comes In Waves.
Write One Sentence. Let It Lead To Another. It Comes In Waves.
Write One Sentence. Let It Lead To Another. It Comes In Waves.
Write One Sentence. Let It Lead To Another. It Comes In Waves.

Write one sentence. Let it lead to another. It comes in waves. 

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4 years ago
Cryptid Aesthetics[6/?]: Giant Octopi
Cryptid Aesthetics[6/?]: Giant Octopi

Cryptid Aesthetics [6/?]: Giant Octopi

Tales of giant octopi appear in seafaring cultures worldwide, with similar accounts found in Māori, Caribbean, European, and Japanese folklore. 

The kraken is first described as a creature dwelling of the coasts of Norway and Greenland by Erik Pontoppidan around 1752, though an account of a beast similar to the kraken appear in Icelandic poetry as early as the 13th century.  Carl Linnaeus mentions the creature in his 1735 taxonomy. In 1802, Pierre Dénys de Montfort recognized the existence of the kraken in an encyclopedia of mollusks.

The Akkorokamui is a gigantic octopus which supposedly lurks in Funka Bay in Hokkaidō.  In 1901, John Batchelor describes the account given to him of Ainu fisherman attacked by the creature.  Described as being 120 meters long, emitting an ink-like substance, and having the ability to regenerate amputated limbs, the creature has become a revered part of Shinto tradition.

The St. Augustine Monster is the name given to a large carcass, thought to be the remains of a gigantic octopus, that washed ashore on the Florida coast in 1896.

Similarities may be drawn to Giant Squids and Colossal Squids, both of which are confirmed extant species.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

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1 year ago

LETS GO!!! The kraken have taken over tumblr as most popular nhl team (it’s a good day)

of these twelve teams, which is your favorite?





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10 years ago


This tentacular mask was designed for the MIT Mystery Hunt, which this year the theme was 20,000 Puzzles Under the Sea. (I was on the writing team because my team won the last year's hunt.) 

The entire weekend-long event was ocean-themed. The final bit, if a team solved all of the puzzles, was a series of activities and puzzles to be done in person on campus, and revolved around convincing the Kraken to allow you to take a piece of technological unobtanium from the Marianas Trench. 

I made the mask, while another member of the team made the rest of the super-spiky and awesome costume. 

I will be putting this design up for sale soon, but not immediately. This mask set the record for the most intricate leather piece I'd hand-cut, and I still need to take my paper template sketches for the pattern and transfer them to the computer so I can laser-cut future versions of this mask. 

But I wanted to share some photos of the costume in its final location.

For other tidbits from Hunt, check out drnautilus!

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2 years ago



Day 6: Bouquet


The Kraken is a cryptid first reported in 1700 off the coast of Norway. The legend of the kraken is very prominent in sailor’s lore, mythos, and pop culture as a whole.

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6 years ago

Halloween asks, tag 5 people

Reblog with your favorite candy, favorite monster, whether or not you expect to die a violent death

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