Woke Agenda - Tumblr Posts

Transes peoples genders and makes homophobes homosexual
Also referred to as the Wokezard (They/Them) and the Wokeler (They/Them)
Yes (They/Them) is part of their name and yes you have to say it every time

Their lover the Autism Warlock (He/She) by @glove-head
WOKE liberals when they tell me I can't drink half a bottle of Jack Daniel's as I'm doing 80 MPH on a major highway...
Can't do anything these days without getting CANCELLED!!!!1!!!!1!!
Something that altered my brain chemistry.
I live in a neighbourhood that is clearly being gentrified. It’s the only area I could afford in my city as living costs rise. I try hard to keep to myself and not bother anyone but there is a lot of crime happening in the house next door with a lot of “less than savoury” people coming and going.
It’s to the point where I’ve had things stolen, my driveway is constantly used for “deals”, my house has been attempted to be broken into, I’ve had to put up taller fences, more barriers, get creative with motion sensors, invest in quality locks that can’t be cut, etc.
And EVERY time I mention this to a more liberal one of my friends I’m met with ZERO empathy. These people consistently have more empathy for the homeless drug addicts saying that it’s so sad they have no where to go…
I’m losing sleep, (up at 2:43am writing this cause they set off fireworks 3 meters from my house 15 min ago) I’m starting to become paranoid and I feel like I have literally no one to turn to.
I’m at a breaking point and these people literally do not care about me cause “well at least you can afford to have a home”
And the biggest kicker??? These people are NEVER the ones impacted by this type of crime. They can afford to live in a quality place which is far safer. It’s infuriating.
I love that Patrick Bateman’s name is just the same as before except slightly woker. Literally me fr.
the year is 2050. and American psycho has gone WOKE!!
Pierce & Pierce is now Fierce & Fierce.
David van Patten is now GAYvid van Patten
Mcdermott is now McDEMIBOY
Patrick Bateman is now PATRICK BATEMAN.
Luis carruthers
Paul Owen is now PRIDE Owen
Jean is now QUEEN 😨😨
Timothy Price is no longer priceless... hes PRIDEFUL