artwarrioriii - ArtWarriorIII's Art Blog
ArtWarriorIII's Art Blog

Greetings, I plan on posting mainly my art, sketches, and photos here. I like drawing cat and Mlp versions of characters. I'm fan of Pokémon, My Little Pony, MegaMan, Fire Emblem, Warrior cats, Marvel, and DC.

121 posts

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

So I’ve wondered how magic could be combated/defended against in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There are guards, police and other forms of law enforcement, so they’re definitely needed to help keep the peace. So how do they apprehend unicorns or other magic wielding species that were criminals or threats of some sort? So I tried to recall and look up if there were any examples in the series. And I succeeded in finding a few examples.

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

The first example I recalled was from season 6, To Where and Back Again. Chrysalis’ throne that disabled all magic except changeling magic. Although this would hinder any soldiers or law enforcement that were non changeling magic wielders. It seems to be unlikely and rarely be used by non changeling.

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

The next example of magic suppression I could think of was the gate used in the Equestria Games to disable magic to prevent cheating. If there was or is a more portable or otherwise smaller scale version, I imagine it could be more easily used to disable magic wielders.

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

The next example I could think of were from season 3, where the Crystal Empire returns. Sombra uses his crystal magic to disable Shining Armor’s ability to use magic, and he uses his magic crystals to trap Twilight Sparkle when she was trying to get the Crystal Heart. The crystal cage she was trapped in prevented her from teleporting out.

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

The next example I could think of was from the My Little Pony Movie. The Storm King’s soldiers used shields, and possibly armor, that could resist and even to an extent, deflect magic. And when Twilight Sparkle was captured, she was put in a cage that prevented her magic from allowing her to escape. I forgot to draw the cage unfortunately. And we also see in the movie, captured ponies with muzzles. And at least one of the captured ponies, in addition to being muzzled, had a device on their horn that likely prevented them from using magic. However this device would probably only work on a strait horn that would fit in it, so it likely wouldn’t work on larger or smaller horns. And especially not curved or branched horns.

My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic
My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic

So I thought up and drew a cuffing device like a ring or bracelet that could be adjusted to account for horn size and would be unlikely to be hindered by the horn or antler shape. I imagine that the cuffs would be made out of a material the same or similar to what the Storm King’s army’s equipment and likely incorporated something similar to the magic disabling gates used in the Equestria Games. I drew up examples of how the cuffs would be used on different magic wielding species, straight horned unicorns, curved horned unicorns, goats/sheep, kirin, deer, and abada.

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