Mlp Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Every MLP character is Pagan
my proof? Friendship is magic. they celebrate solstices and equinoxes. their queen is named Celestia and her sister is named luna. Twilight is teaching herself magic while idolizing a wizard from ancient times and working under the pony representation of THE SUN. And Everypony has a connection with nature; Watch winter wrap up and try to deny it. So here are my headcanons for the mane six coven squeee Twilight Sparkle – The most historically knowledgeable, she collects ancient texts and makes comprehensible lessons for her friends during the solstices and equinoxes. Very structured and routine practices. Wants to visit Stonehenge for midsummer but also wants to visit Kukulcan for the descent of the serpent. Hasn’t gone to either because every year when the holiday comes around she becomes indecisive and just stays home. Struggles with divination Pinkie pie – Strongest in the group at divination, takes care of her tarot card deck like it’s a baby crocodile, never misses a holiday or full moon for the chance at a party in celebration. Tried to keep a grimoire but failed when she forgot about it and baked it into a cake. Huge energy witch. Is on the lookout for signs from a deity but can’t seem to figure out who’s calling to her. Or even from what mythology. Talks to the deity out loud despite this. Fluttershy – A hex from her could be life destroying due to her connection with animals and nature, hasn’t used this power on anybody. She has wards at the boarders of her property and cleanses the space almost obsessively to keep herself and her pets safe. Knows how to tea read. Has some mind reading capabilities for close friends, it’s a side effect from being able to effortlessly read the minds of her animals. Uses healing spells when her familiar (angel) is sick Rarity – is the most aesthetically pleasing and meticulously perfect witch, best altars in town, either works with Aphrodite or really really wanted to before realizing a different deity was reaching out to her. Has both a grimoire that she keeps up to date and a manifestations journal that she holds with even higher regard. Doesn’t keep candles without jars due to the mess. Knows so much about crystal magic that even twilight asks her about the subject. Rainbowdash – Would describe herself as “non practicing” but is so superstitious it’s disruptive. Would participate in any celebration or ritual her friends asked her to, but doesn’t usually think about doing much else outside of just ~feeling~ pagan. Has had her most powerful religious experiences in the air. Claims it’s no big deal that she works with Nike but her altar is the only clean spot in rainbowdash’s house. When confronted she claims it’s for “luck” during races and that she doesn’t even do deity work. Applejack – Has family-specific practices that are closed off to others. Shockingly devout. Her and fluttershy share the same connection with nature. Doesn’t know the “official” terminology for what she does, butts heads with twilight when she tries to be analytical about apple’s practices. Is teaching pinkie how to be a kitchen witch, that’s going exactly how you’d expect. Little sister wanted to have an alter in the house, when she eventually didn’t like how it came out applejack told her that great apple Acres is their family’s altar.
My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic
So I’ve wondered how magic could be combated/defended against in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There are guards, police and other forms of law enforcement, so they’re definitely needed to help keep the peace. So how do they apprehend unicorns or other magic wielding species that were criminals or threats of some sort? So I tried to recall and look up if there were any examples in the series. And I succeeded in finding a few examples.

The first example I recalled was from season 6, To Where and Back Again. Chrysalis’ throne that disabled all magic except changeling magic. Although this would hinder any soldiers or law enforcement that were non changeling magic wielders. It seems to be unlikely and rarely be used by non changeling.

The next example of magic suppression I could think of was the gate used in the Equestria Games to disable magic to prevent cheating. If there was or is a more portable or otherwise smaller scale version, I imagine it could be more easily used to disable magic wielders.

The next example I could think of were from season 3, where the Crystal Empire returns. Sombra uses his crystal magic to disable Shining Armor’s ability to use magic, and he uses his magic crystals to trap Twilight Sparkle when she was trying to get the Crystal Heart. The crystal cage she was trapped in prevented her from teleporting out.

The next example I could think of was from the My Little Pony Movie. The Storm King’s soldiers used shields, and possibly armor, that could resist and even to an extent, deflect magic. And when Twilight Sparkle was captured, she was put in a cage that prevented her magic from allowing her to escape. I forgot to draw the cage unfortunately. And we also see in the movie, captured ponies with muzzles. And at least one of the captured ponies, in addition to being muzzled, had a device on their horn that likely prevented them from using magic. However this device would probably only work on a strait horn that would fit in it, so it likely wouldn’t work on larger or smaller horns. And especially not curved or branched horns.

So I thought up and drew a cuffing device like a ring or bracelet that could be adjusted to account for horn size and would be unlikely to be hindered by the horn or antler shape. I imagine that the cuffs would be made out of a material the same or similar to what the Storm King’s army’s equipment and likely incorporated something similar to the magic disabling gates used in the Equestria Games. I drew up examples of how the cuffs would be used on different magic wielding species, straight horned unicorns, curved horned unicorns, goats/sheep, kirin, deer, and abada.

Rainbow Dash Rarity Twighlight and Spike!! But as humans(kinda) ((spike has an ability that makes him able to blend in with everyone else, what he looks like now is just a disguise)) (((this is a head cannon for my mlp au)))

she is literally me as a horse i love her so much yes most of this is projecting dont come for me

•has a huge oddity collection, from animal skulls/bones to preserved organs to dried up bug necklaces. little creatures are like her friends and she needs to keep them forever
•also keeps dead flowers, all the dead things!!!!!!!!!
•hates loud noises but is soothed by aggressive metal music
•definitely a huge dethklok fan
•her mane is always a mess. she lets it grow out and rarely trims it and it usually has leaves and random flower petals in it
•her mane and tail are also dirty on the ends from dragging on the ground all the time
•constantly taking naps cuz she gets drained super easily
•hates asking for help so if she needs something she'll just stare at u blankly until u read her mind
•has a lot of stains in her fur from constantly being outside
•smokes a lotttttt of weed and occasionally partakes in other "natural" drugs, especially with treehugger
•she loves painting and finds it relaxing :) and shes really good at it its like her hidden talent
•her love language is gift giving since shes not good with her words. she likes picking flowers and making little friendship bracelets for people she cares about
•brings angel everywhere she goes cuz hes like a therapy pet to her
•the tallest of the mane 6 but is insecure of her height
•really good at sewing and crochet and makes almost all of her own clothes, and sweaters for all her animal friends too
•gets lost in her thoughts alot and is constantly zoning out
•shes a really good baker and her house always smells like warm chocolate chip cookies :3
•the first question she'll ask u if come over is what kind of tea you like. she makes tea for all of her guests and even memorized her best friend's favorites (she cant choose a favorite but she really likes earl grey :3)
•still has fangs from becoming flutterbat and uses them to her advantage cuz they're literally her one and only intimidating feature
•has stacks and stacks of old journals cuz she writes down her thoughts a lot when shes alone
•doesnt like artificial light, if it gets too dark she lights a bunch of candles (also why her and her house always smell amazing)
•cannot sleep unless shes surrounded by stuffed animals
•wears a lot of hoodies and beanies cuz shes always freezing her ass off
•hates having a messy room but is too tired to clean it
•cries at every minor inconvenience
•carries a little bag with first aid stuff everywhere she goes

Headcannon that pegasi have like a draw to mirrors and shinny stuff and like the knaw/play with it
Everyone will hate me for this but hear me out:
Ginger Pinkie Pie.
Hi hi hii!!
Got some drawings

Stygian and the pony of shadow having silly talks
Also a new remake of shadow being a horse 😄

I been loving flim and flam so much
And like
I now head canon babs seed and cheese sandwich has their Step siblings
(The dad cheated a lot 💀)
aye! first real post here besides reblogs!!
wanted to show off my mlp kinsona derpy hooves/muffins!!^^ i love him so much. loved them ever sense i was a kid<33 it’s the ‘tism. we r the same goobs:>

also sorry if the quality is blegh..:,)
interaction of all kind is appreciated!!^^ just don’t be a freak! (freak being used in a derogatory manner jsyk)