
johnny ~ t/t ~ 20masterlist

25 posts

Ceoofjohnnyjoestar - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago

Jotaro headcanons (?) that are pretty much canon I think

- he likes coffee....a lot (you see him drinking coffee in his cell at the beginning of sdc, in his hotel room in morioh, blahbalahblah)

- he forgets things quite often (he says this while writing down all the ways steely Dan wronged him in his memo)

- he’s most likely drawn to the shy “good girl” type, which is funny bc hes a bigass buff man and then u find out he likes cute shy girls lmaooaoo (I know in the English translated version of his character profile it says he likes traditional Japanese women but in the Japanese one it’s more like “he likes the so-called traditional Japanese-like woman”, and they usually have traits like politeness, obedience, kindness, gentle hospitality, etc. I would say kind of like Holly, but less chirpy and more calm)

-u guys probably already know this but in the high priestess episode he calls suzie q “suzie bāchan” which is like the equivalent of grandmama but then he calls Joseph “jijī” which is like the worst way to address your grandfather LOL

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4 years ago

Can I request a oneshot for Bruno doing facemasks and such with his s/o?

Self Care — Bruno Bucciarati

Author's Note: pls this request is just what i needed. it's so cute <3 hopefully this suffices bc i know that my break long and out of nowhere. luv y'all!

Can I Request A Oneshot For Bruno Doing Facemasks And Such With His S/o?

The cold glob of face mask in your hand made you shiver, the temperature contrasting the warmth of your room, or rather the warmth of the person beside you. After the countless nights of Bruno getting home late and leaving early for the sake of his job, you had managed to convince Don Giovanna to let the man rest for a day. Ever the hard worker, Bruno hadn't been made aware until he had shown up to his job only to be turned away by his superior.

Maybe it was Bruno's posture (which was admittedly getting horrible from not having as much to do in terms of field work) or his eye bags from countless restless nights that sealed the deal because Giorno was not going to let the capo come into work until he was rid of some of the strain on him. That's why the two of you wound up on your bed with tubes of face masks, oils, and lotions scattered about. The diffuser was on as well as an additive to the calming effect you tried to have on your boyfriend, though he was still rather hesitant to relax.

"Bruno, just let loose for a little. You're not going to be able to go back until you've calmed down."

"I know, amore. It's just that I feel like I'm missing on something big at work. I wouldn't want the group to get hurt because I wasn't there to offer any assistance."

You sighed and took his calloused hand into yours, "Look, there's no guarantee that something won't arise, but the best you can do is try to relax for now so you can be your best self when you go back."

"I suppose you're right," he replied, offering a small smile. He tilted his head, and you took that as your cue to put the gel on his face. His shuddering did not go unnoticed and you gave a slight chuckle. His bangs had been pushed back with a wraparound headband, so there was no trouble in getting the mask on.

Once you had evened out the mask to your liking, you sat back and wiped your hands off on a towel before throwing the tube you had used to him. He smiled and squirted some on his hand before returning the favor of putting your face mask on. You grabbed the kitchen timer and twisted it to the instructed wait time, fifteen minutes.

You looked at your boyfriend and rubbed your thumb on his knuckles.

"I love you, Bruno."

"I love you too, amore."

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4 years ago

Hey could you do a one shot of Polnareff and a trans male reader? Maybe of him making them feel validated?


Author's Note: I finally got around to writing a request lmao

Hey Could You Do A One Shot Of Polnareff And A Trans Male Reader? Maybe Of Him Making Them Feel Validated?

You sighed as you looked in the mirror. Your reflection could never truly satisfy you. The hormone therapy was doing its job, but you still felt that there was something missing. You didn’t feel like you were ever going to be a “real man”. All of the other men were way taller, so you always stuck out like a sore thumb.

You sighed and ran your fingers lightly over the scars that alluded to the top surgery you had received years ago.  Those certainly don’t give me away, you thought with a sigh.

“Mon lapin, what’s wrong?”

You turned and plastered on the best fake smile you could muster. “Oh, nothing much! Just here, y’know-”

Polnareff wrapped his large arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest. “Don’t lie to me, Y/N.”

Your smile faltered. It really wasn’t much of a shock that he was able to read you so well. Jean Pierre Polnareff was never one to not be observant.

“I don’t feel too good. Dysphoria's kicking my ass. I’m so short and all of the other men are so tall, like you. I just wish I could be a real man.”

"Nonsense, mon chou! You're just as much, if not more, of a man than I am. Height doesn't define you. In fact, Jotaro had been telling me about this 15 year-old boy that was only 5'2! He surely must've hit his growth spurt by now! You're just as much of a man as he is, or any other male in the world!"

You titled your head, "You think so, Jean?"

"I know so Y/N." The tall frenchman gave you a smile and booped the tip of your nose with his pinky.

With a snort, you leaned your head into his chest. Jean Pierre Polnareff was most definitely a keeper.

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4 years ago

You asked for scenarios, ill give you a cheesy one. I was just on a trip to the desert (not Egypt!), flying by myself for the first time and MAN I was scared haha. The desert was amazing. I truly felt like I was part of The Crusaders. No identical rocks, either!! We had some iffy weather flying in, and since no one was near me, I just pictured Kakyoin and Polnareff helping me through it with jokes and hand holding. 🥺🥰 I hate middle seats but I'd GLADLY squish between those two 😭😭😭


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4 years ago

May I request HCs on Bruno x f!reader? Them going on an amusement park date? ✨

Bruno X Reader on an Amusement Park Date

May I Request HCs On Bruno X F!reader? Them Going On An Amusement Park Date?

Bruno is a romantic babe, I <3 him.

He’d definitely start off with some of the heavily greasy food sold in the area.

After that, he’d walk around with you.

He’d buy roses off the wandering vendors and definitely take you to the games.

He’d win you the best prize possible.

That happens to be a very big teddy bear with a tiny head.

Y’know that one.

Anyway, he’d be the voice of reason if you want to win yourself a goldfish.

“Dolcezza, you know it’s probably gonna die the next day. We haven’t even properly prepared a tank!”

And of course, the ferris wheel was saved for last.

The two of you would go on it while the sky was dark and all of the park was illuminated.

He’d obviously go in for a kiss while your cart is stopped at the top.

I mean, is there a better moment to do so?

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4 years ago

I don't know if ur requests are close but can u do headcanons for Mista with a (male) stand user reader who's stand likes to give attention to one of Mista's stands, number 5, like smol kisses and nuzzles (also their stand is a really good boi) plz and thank u

Author’s Note: Hi! Requests weren’t closed when you got to me, dear anon ;) Happy to deliver <3

I Don't Know If Ur Requests Are Close But Can U Do Headcanons For Mista With A (male) Stand User Reader

Guido Mista X M!Reader with a Stand that Babies Number Five

Guido is SO grateful for his bf and his stand

Not because of the spoiling though

It’s actually because Number 5 has been crying less

Guido was never one to fret over Number 5′s tears

He had managed to kinda drone out the cries of his more emotional stand

Your stand is more of a plus for him because of two main reasons

1. He doesn’t gave to deal with Number 5 constantly complaining about the bullying between the Pistols

2. He can feel your stands affection!

He wouldn’t admit this out loud, but he loves when your stand dotes on Number 5 while feeding it.

He really is grateful that your stand helps out with his stand :]

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4 years ago

Hi! Just found your blog and I wanted to ask for a request: How about a oneshot involving Jotaro, Reader and Jolyne? Either Reader can be Jolyne’s step mom or bend reality and make her Jolyne’s actual mom. Have fun with it! Thanks!

Author’s Note: AHHHHH i love these kinds of fics :] Reader is Jolyne’s stepmom, and Jolyne is approximately 11 years old

Hi! Just Found Your Blog And I Wanted To Ask For A Request: How About A Oneshot Involving Jotaro, Reader

Hell’s Kitchen

With a gasp, you dodged the white powder that came flying towards your face. “Jolyne!” you chortled, “The cake batter is already in the oven; there’s no need for the flour anymore!”

The girl giggled and reached back into the bag of flour, scooping as much as possible in her minuscule hands, before tossing another load at you. This time, you had grabbed the nearest ingredient to retaliate.

An egg, straight from the carton.

You quickly strode towards her and cracked the egg in your hand before rubbing it all over Jolyne’s hair, making her gasp and laugh in glee. You picked her up before spinning her around.

The moment was interrupted by the ding of the oven. You set Jolyne down before grabbing the oven mitts that had been left on the counter. You pulled on the oven door and grabbed the pan, careful not to grip it too tightly in fear of the mitts’ insulation failing on you. You set the cake pan onto a mat and removed the gloves.

Jolyne had quickly followed, bringing the frosting and some icings to decorate and sign. You put the icing into separate piping bags, (F/C) for you and a neon green for Jolyne. By the time you had finished, the cake seemed to have cooled down.

Taking the tray-like piece of the cake container, you set the baked treat onto it before grabbing two spatulas and handing one to Jolyne. Her green eyes dazzled as she scooped up a glob of the cream cheese frosting and dumped it onto the cake’s top.

You grabbed your spatula and motioned for her to turn the cake stand as you spread the frosting along the sides, trying to even it out as much as possible. By the time the two of you had finished with the layer of frosting, Jolyne was literally bouncing in her chair.

You ruffled her hair as she pounced for the icing and started decorating the cake’s sides with sloppy hand-drawn butterflies. When she finished with her little doodles, you had her stand on the chair as she signed her name on the top. You did the same before adding a little message with a smile.

You sighed in relief as the tedious process, that had been turned into a bonding moment between you and your step-daughter, had finally been finished. Jolyne had grabbed the lid to the stand and secured the cake. She then waltzed into the living room, with you in tow, and began to watch cartoons as the two of you drifted off on the couch.


Jotaro entered the house with a sigh, placing his hat and coat on the rack before slipping off his shoes and entering the house. His eyes widened as he saw how much of a mess had been made in the kitchen.The attention drifted to the laughs of his daughter and you, joking about just how horrible Jolyne was at Uno.

Jolyne was the first to notice her father’s presence and ran towards him, ambushing Jotaro with a hug. You walked toward him and offered a kiss, to which Jolyne gagged at, before grasping his hand and leading him to the table.

On it was a cake that had messy butterflies and a message plastered on top: “(Y/N), Jolyne, and an upcoming Kujo.”

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4 years ago

Oneshot where Mista accidentally motorboats his crush's chest (can be fem ifvyou want)

Author’s Note: i’m- jfdksdk your wish is my command, anon. I’VE BEEN LAUGHING AT THE TITLE FOR A WHILE NOW FJDSLAJL

Warning: pretty suggestive, no minors pls.

Oneshot Where Mista Accidentally Motorboats His Crush's Chest (can Be Fem Ifvyou Want)

Crash Landing

“Guido, I’m gonna need you to keep an eye out for any suspicious cars that might be following. Fugo can’t be the only one keeping an eye out, and I need to touch up my makeup before we get there.”

Before he could get a word out in response, you put down your mascara and reached for your makeup bag. “Oh, and put on your seatbelt. We can’t have you flying out the car if there’s a crash.”

Mista rolled his eyes and fully turned toward you before mimicking as though he were a parrot, “Oh, and put your seatbelt o-”


The screeching of the brakes was heard before the car lurched, only for Mista to come crashing down on you. More specifically, he came crashing down on your tits. The dress that you had worn for the mission gave him full access to your chest, thus having him nose-deep in between your boobs.


You could admit, you did find the gunslinger attractive, but this was still very embarrassing. He jolted up and, with a red face, started spewing apologies.

With an equally reddened face, you stammered a classic “it’s fine” before turning to the window.

Laughter erupted from the white-haired boy up front, prompting you to kick the back of his seat and praying for this mission to go by quickly, Guido’s blushing face forever etched in your mind with the hope of him returning your feelings. 

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4 years ago

Could you write something based on the prompt, "I'm sneaking out to get ice cream, you wanna go?" With Whichever character you see fit. I loved that prompt and thought it could be fun to leave it up to you for whichever character you think needs a little love. 💕

Author’s Note: oh, but of course! this prompt actually reminds me of when i used to sneak out at 15 and smoke weed lmao. i mean uhhh, *looks at palm with smudged ink* drugs are a no-no kids (that happened to come across this from the tag page.)

Could You Write Something Based On The Prompt, "I'm Sneaking Out To Get Ice Cream, You Wanna Go?" With

Ice Cream - Josuke X Reader

As you finished rinsing out your mouth to rid of any left over toothpaste foam (and drool that fell onto your chin), you could’ve sworn that you heard a light tap. However, you were unable to pinpoint where the sound came from, so you shrugged and grabbed a used towel to pat your mouth dry.

Tap. Tap.

"What the hell is that noise?”

With a quirked eyebrow, you shuffled to the window. Peeking through the slits of your blinds, you were shocked to see your boyfriend.

Pulling the string to lift the blinds, you waved at him slowly. You lifted the window and thanked the universe for having a room on the first floor.

“Josuke? What are you doing here so late at night?”

“I'm sneaking out to get ice cream, you wanna go?" 

“Wait, I’ll be there right now.”

You turned away and ran on your tiptoes to retrieve your flip flops. Smiling, you slipped them on and ran back to your window, where Josuke had come closer now.

You smiled sheepishly as he helped you exit through your window. “Thank you, Josuke,” you teased, “you’re my knight in shining armor.” You gave him a short, sweet kiss on his nose, to which he blushed heavily at.

He grasped your hand, and the two of you set off. During times of stress such as these, it did you both good to just act like a couple of lovesick teenagers.

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4 years ago

Got any hcs for the Crusaders x reader who's always cold (me lmao) and uses it as and excuse to ask to huddle "for warmth" 😏😏

Author’s Note: it’s the opposite for me lmao

Got Any Hcs For The Crusaders X Reader Who's Always Cold (me Lmao) And Uses It As And Excuse To Ask To

Stardust Crusaders X Cold!Reader Cuddling HCs

Jotaro Kujo:

Queue his side eyes

“Yare yare daze”

He’d offer up his famous jacket

If you tried cuddling Jotaro in public, he’d roll his eyes and wrap an arm around you

In your shared hotel room, he’d actually embrace you though

Noriaki Kakyoin:

Kakyoin would playfully scoff

He'd lend his scarf!!!

He'd also give you a warm hug.

He'd probably buy you a scarf so he can use his own lmao

Jean Pierre Polnareff:

Polnareff would immediately give you a hug

and several kisses

pol would absolutely smother you

he'd do anything for you

especially since it gives him a reason to cuddle you more often

Muhammad Avdol:

Avdol would simply comply with the cuddling

He’d quirk an eyebrow if you’d ever try to cuddle him in public

He’s a man with a surprisingly big ego, Jotaro called him out on it

He’d indulge in some cuddles in public, both to keep you warm and flaunt his amazing girlfriend

Joseph Joestar:

Joseph would definitely buy you something

If you still tried cuddling him, he’d give a hearty chuckle

“You still want to cuddle with me? Well, alright then, c’mere.”

He’d definitely be an amazing heater

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4 years ago

Hhhh idk if you’re strictly 18+ but if you are I swear I won’t follow— but,,, spare SDC Joseph x reader hcs 🥺💦 I’m starving— if you can’t do him Avdol is definitely fine too 👀

Author’s Note: I feel like I have never clarified the status of my account until now, but I am gonna be strictly 18+. For my SFW works, I can’t say I mind minors interacting with them from the tag page, but I certainly won’t respond to them since I, a 20 year-old, don’t see interacting with minors as ideal. As for my NSFW works, (there are none as of now, but there certainly will be later on) there will be several warnings to drive the minors away, and I won’t hesitate to block a minor if I see them following or liking my 18+ stuff. This is a mouthful, but long story short, I’m going to do your request, but only because I hadn’t made the restriction clear before.

SDC Joseph Joestar X Reader HCs

Hhhh Idk If Youre Strictly 18+ But If You Are I Swear I Wont Follow But,,, Spare SDC Joseph X Reader

Dude’s your sugar daddy. Even if that’s not what the two of you would label your relationship as, that’s literally what’s going on.

You, a 20 something year-old college student, and him, a 67 year-old real estate mogul? Sounds very suspicious, especially since all of your classes were paid at once seemingly out of nowhere.

Of course, Holly and Suzi Q are not aware of the situation. In fact, Suzi believes you to be her husband’s well-trusted assistant, which makes your relationship a bit more exhilarating.

As for Joseph’s treatment throughout the relationship, he’d be very playful.

Expect tons of jokes and tickles from him, the man’s still playful after all this time.

He’s not as aggressive as his 18 year-old self, but can be assertive at times.

He’d spend SO MUCH money on you, he really wants you to stay, and you constantly have to reassure him that you aren’t some material girl that only chooses to stay for the items.

Joseph would definitely find this trip to Egypt relieving in a sense because now he can finally sleep with you in his arms rather than renting a hotel room and claiming he has a meeting.

Did I mention that he’d spend a ton of money on you? My man is a MILLIONAIRE, he has enough money to spend.

If he even catches you glancing at an item, consider it yours. He’d buy it for you in a heartbeat.

A bit of a bonus, but Jotaro would be annoyed with the two of you. His disrespect towards women and the fact that his (absent) grandfather is cheating on his grandmother just morphed into a bit of a grudge against you. The only reason he puts up with it is because he doesn’t want to cause trouble with his few allies.

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4 years ago

Can I get Mista and his s/o on a mission together and she sends in her own (tiny) stand to spy on some enemies only to end up horribly injured and so Mista rushes in to save her stand

Author’s Note: When I think of a tiny stand, I automatically think of the fairy emoji (🧚) The title is shit whoops, this is in 1st pov, trying it out ;) The stand name is based on Dilemma by Kelly Rowland and Nelly because that song has been stuck in my head for SO LONG.

Can I Get Mista And His S/o On A Mission Together And She Sends In Her Own (tiny) Stand To Spy On Some


As Guido and I hid against the brick wall of the restaurant (that the gang was waiting for us in), we could hear footsteps and hushed voices presumably making a drug deal. The two of us had been entrusted to take out the “rotten apples” in Passione and were currently tracking down the said dealer that had been causing the most trouble. He was one of the horrible ones that still dealt to children even though Giorno had forbade such transactions.

Putting a finger to my mouth, I gave a smile and a wink.

“I’ve got this.”

A strong aura, resembling a fire, encased me as I summoned my stand「DILEMMA」and sent it toward the two men that were heard around the corner. My stand’s power was to sense the amount of danger that the near future would hold, but it was also amazing for being a little spy of sorts due to its petiteness.

I began to look around through my stand’s eyes, trying to adapt to the sudden change in scenery, when I finally located our target. “There he is, Guido.”

Suddenly, my stand’s abilities alerted me of danger, and my heart began to speed up. The man had turned around and was looking directly at my stand. ‘Fuck. Of course this guy would have a stand, he was most likely recruited by Polpo like the rest of us.’

I gave out a gasp as his (obviously larger) stand came forth and gave a hearty punch to my stand. As my sight shifted back to my own surroundings, I saw my boyfriend’s look of despair as I fell.

His eyes widened, but he shook his head and charged. Guido was never really one for plans anyway. With two quick shots, the bastard had fallen and the mission had been completed. Of course, the two of us would’ve preferred to be little bloodshed on your side, but the damage had already been done to me.

The gunslinger rushed over and saw just how injured I was at the moment. He cringed at the gaping hole on the side of my torso, and the pistols began to surround me as well, each one crying and pleading for me to be safe.

I smiled and reached out to give head pats to Number 5 since he was crying the most, but groaned as the pain spread throughout your body from the small movement. I chuckled in an attempt to relieve any worries about me, but all that came out were wheezes.

Luckily, Giorno had just so happened to exit the building where we were located and began to run over while summoning his own stand. The golden humanoid was able to form a new chunk of my torso, though the pain was still there. I smiled and reached over to Guido, who had been trying his hardest to not shed tears, and gave my partner a warm hug to show that I would be fine.

He chuckled as some tears slipped and lightly hugged back, careful not to touch the newly formed part of my midsection as he patted my back and gave me a quick kiss as a reassurance to the both of us that we were alright.

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4 years ago

— Phantom Blood

Robert E.O. Speedwagon:

Falling For You [Oneshot/SFW]

— Battle Tendency

— Stardust Crusaders

Scar-faced!Reader X SDC gang [HC/SFW]

Cold!Reader — Cuddling [HC/SFW]

Noriaki Kakyoin:

Accidental [Oneshot/SFW]

Joseph Joestar:

Joseph in a Relationship [HC/SFW]

— Diamond is Unbreakable

Josuke Higashikata:

Ice Cream [Oneshot/SFW]

Yukako Yamagishi:

Sofia [Oneshot/SFW]

— Vento Aureo

Guido Mista:

Cake [Oneshot/SFW]

Mista X Stoic!S/O with loving stand [HC/SFW]

Frail [Oneshot/SFW]

Guido Mista with a boyfriend whose stand babies Number 5 [HC/SFW]

Crash Landing [Oneshot/Mature content]

Risotto Nero:

Late Night Love [Oneshot/SFW]

Risotto as a Dad [HC/SFW]

Bruno Bucciarati:

Bruno as a Dad [HC/SFW]

Bruno on an Amusement Park Date [HC/SFW]

Self Care [Oneshot/SFW]

Jean Pierre Polnareff:

Validation [Oneshot/SFW]

— Stone Ocean

Jolyne Cujoh:

Hell's Kitchen — Stepmom!Reader [Oneshot/SFW/platonic]

— Steel Ball Run

Gyro Zeppeli:

Gyro as a College Student [HC/SFW]

— Jojolion

4 years ago

Hi, I just red your blog and I think it's really good! I'm quite new on this and you can happily ignore this but can I request Part 1 Dio having a little sister who has a crush on Part 1 Speedwagon?

Ask: Hi, I just red your blog and I think it's really good! I'm quite new on this and you can happily ignore this but can I request Part 1 Dio having a little sister who has a crush on Part 1 Speedwagon?

Author’s Note: OML TY 🥺 I needed to reread part one to get a better grasp of both Speedwagon’s and part one Dio’s characters, but I hope this will suffice! <3

Falling For You

Hi, I Just Red Your Blog And I Think It's Really Good! I'm Quite New On This And You Can Happily Ignore

You had been aware from the get-go that your sibling had a rather odd fascination with ruining Jonathan’s life, and you would always try to discourage Dio from being so harsh with the poor boy. Unfortunately, the horrid antics kept occurring, and eventually, George Joestar became terminally ill.

Nothing had been thought of the cause of George’s sudden illness until after Jonathan ventured out to Ogre Street and brought a friend with him. The man introduced himself as Robert E.O. Speedwagon, and his slight drawl gave away where he came from.

One glance at him was enough for you to acknowledge the fact that this new acquaintance was most certainly handsome. Yet, this wasn’t the time to ogle at some man you had just met. It was a time for the shit to hit the fan, not literally.

Your older brother, Dio Brando, had been found guilty of poisoning your adoptive father. You knew how ambitious your sibling could be, but you had never expected this. You were quite aware this is what he had done to Dario, but George had been innocent! He’d only wanted the best for his three children.

After the ultimate confrontation, it all seemed like a blur. Your head couldn’t fully process the fact that your brother had done such a horrendous act to a good man. Not only had Dio poisoned him, but ended his life by stabbing the elder Joestar.

You shivered as you recalled the past events. Having your older brother become an immortal vampire for his own sake wasn’t a pleasant sight to behold. Alas, there wasn’t much you could do. The damage had been done. Dio Brando rejected his own humanity for his own sake, and you, his dear sister, had been left behind.

Shockingly, you hadn’t cared that you were left behind. Hell, if being left behind was the only way you could continue being human then you were most certainly glad that Dio hadn’t taken you with him.

With the mansion burnt down, there wasn’t much of a place to call home. Jonathan had been taken to the hospital where an old friend of the two of you had taken care of him, so he didn’t have to worry about a place to stay for the time being.

Speedwagon had noticed that you were left with nowhere to go and offered up his own place. Grateful to have somewhere to rest for the night, you heartily agreed. Naturally, you were a bit worried at first about bunking with some guy you just met, but you were at ease with the fact that Jonathan had trusted the man enough to let him in on this bizarre family drama.

Upon seeing the house, if you could even call it that, you could tell that it was rather shabby and definitely not much compared to your previous living space. “Ah,” Speedwagon mumbled, “Miss (Y/N), I’m sure this might not be suitable for you to-”

“Robert, this house is fine, thank you for being so generous.”

He gave you a sheepish smile and opened the door, allowing you to enter first. “My, my, what a gentleman,” you teased with a slight smile. He scoffed with a wider grin and stepped in, locking the door behind the two of you to prevent any unwanted visitors.

He lead you to his bedroom and allowed you a moment to change into a nightgown he had managed to buy for you earlier that day. After the tedious process getting undressed and redressed, you ventured out into the “living room” (if you could even call it that), where you found Robert on a lounging chair, already dozing off.

“Robert,” you giggled, “this is no place for you to sleep!”

He opened an eye and shrugged, “You deserve to sleep on a bed, and there really isn’t anywhere else ideal for sleeping besides these two places.”

You stared as an idea came to mind. A warmth spread across your face as such immoral thoughts came to mind. “Perhaps,” you started, “you don’t have to sleep on the chair? I’m sure we both fit on your bed.”

Speedwagon coughed a bit as his face gained a red hue, “Excuse me?”

“Hey, don’t get all dirty-minded! It was just a suggestion so you don’t have to sleep on a chair for the night.”

With a clearing of his throat, the man reluctantly agreed and got up, leading the way to his room. He let you in first, and you blushed at the gesture. Such kindness at this time was enough to make you blush. Robert’s movements, though awkward, were certainly cute to you.

A snap toward you was enough to stop your zoning out. Robert gave a small smile and patted the bed. You slowly made your way beside him and lifted the covers to get under the blanket.

As you snuggled into the warmth of the comforter, you realized just how drowsy you truly felt. Staring up at the ceiling, you heard your housemate’s soft snores as you realized you had been zoning out for quite some time. Deciding not to get hung up on the past events, you slowly drifted off.

As you slowly regained consciousness, you were startled to feel two large arms wrapped around you. You opened your eyes to see Speedwagon’s chest right in front of you. You looked up and saw his sleeping face. He looked so calm, so serene. You caught yourself staring and immediately looked away. No other boy had ever made you feel such strange emotions. “Fuck,” you thought, “there’s no way I like him.”

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4 years ago

Hello! I was wondering if I could get some modern college hcs for Gyro as a premed student (I’m assuming he would be if he were a doctor in today’s society). Just general stuff such as what his dorm would be like, study habits, etc. School has me drained 🤧 love your writing! 💖

Ask: Hello! I was wondering if I could get some modern college hcs for Gyro as a premed student (I'm assuming he would be if he were a doctor in today's society). Just general stuff suck as what his dorm would be like, study habita, etc. School has me drained 🤧 love your writing! 💖

Author's Note: thank you so much! <3 and same, my summer class just started for me, but after that, i'm gonna go to a university for my bachelors degree, so i've been a bit drained as well lmao

Hello! I Was Wondering If I Could Get Some Modern College Hcs For Gyro As A Premed Student (Im Assuming

Gyro Zeppeli as a College Student HCs:

Gyro's that one kid who is just naturally smart.

I honestly can't see him studying, unless it's like the day before a final.

He half-asses his work, but still gets amazing grades.

He'll probably make fun of someone if he hears them complaining about a class.

He'd might have those pre-made flashcards for the medical terminology, but I'd doubt he ever uses them.

His dorm is pretty neat. Maybe an unkempt bed at most, but other than that, he's pretty good at tidying up.

There's no trash on the ground, just his bed, some textbooks, and his teddy.

He'd be there to pass, not to exceed.

But either way, he's probably top of his class, and he's VERY smug about it. As he should be though lmao.

His studying habits in the rare occasion that he does study would probably be skimming through his notes and textbooks.

He might even have Johnny quiz him with some of the terminology flashcards too.

He's doing very well and he really doesn't have to try.

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4 years ago

Hey! Is it cool if I request Crusaders headcanons for a reader who was injured in battle and now has scars/wounds on their face and feels really self conscious about it/tries to hide their face?

Ask: Hey! Is it cool if I request Crusaders headcanons for a reader who was injured in battle and now has scars/wounds on their face and deels really self conscious about it/tries to hide their face?

Author's Note: aww ofc!

Stardust Crusaders with an s/o that has scars on their face:

Hey! Is It Cool If I Request Crusaders Headcanons For A Reader Who Was Injured In Battle And Now Has

Jotaro Kujo:

He truly doesn't care about scars on your face because he still thinks you're gorgeous even if he doesn't constantly tell you.

If anything, he's a bit offended that you'd want to hide yourself from him.

He wonders if you just think that he dated you based off looks alone.

The last straw was when you refused to look him in the eyes while he tried talking to you.

He turned you to him roughly pressed a kiss onto your lips while lightly tracing your scar(s).

Hey! Is It Cool If I Request Crusaders Headcanons For A Reader Who Was Injured In Battle And Now Has

Noriaki Kakyoin:

He'd just be like 😐


Of course, he'd never be explicitly harsh, but he wants you to know that you're not the only one who has to worry about scars.

He really wants you to know that he still loves you and always makes sure to caress your face.

He really does adore you, with or without scars.

Hey! Is It Cool If I Request Crusaders Headcanons For A Reader Who Was Injured In Battle And Now Has

Jean Pierre Polnareff:

Polnareff is the sweetest boy istg.

He'd ALWAYS talk about how beautiful you were, but now that you're self conscious because of some silly scars, he lays it down ten times more.

He litters kisses around your scars and talks about how tough they made you look.

He claims they enhance your beauty, which he's obviously right about ;)

He's just an overall amazing and loving boyfriend, so he would be able to handle situations like this well.

Hey! Is It Cool If I Request Crusaders Headcanons For A Reader Who Was Injured In Battle And Now Has

Joseph Joestar:

This old man's not the greatest when it comes to serious stuff like this.

He does try! Joseph's just used to being able to joke about every situation.

When he sees that you're actually embarrassed of your scars, he steps back.

He may be very a little awkward, but he'll offer you some shoulder pats while trying to reassure you.

"Nothing on your face will ever make you ugly! Look, I have some scars as well, and I'm not ugly to you, am I?"

Hey! Is It Cool If I Request Crusaders Headcanons For A Reader Who Was Injured In Battle And Now Has

Muhammad Avdol:

Avdol's probably the most helpful of all of them lmao.

He'd simply offer a hug and a listening ear.

Everyday, he'd be sure to remind you that your scars didn't make you any less beautiful.

If he'd notice you trying to hide your face with any makeup, the tube of product that you used would mysteriously be gone within the next hour ;)

He's husband material please. I'm still mad because of how dirty he was done.

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4 years ago

Hey! Could you do one for Kakyoin where the reader gets scared of something, so she clings to Kakyoin for comfort without even thinking about it, then gets embarrassed that she just kinda hugged him outta nowhere? Love me some awkward fluff 🥰


Ask: Hey! Could you do one for Kakyoin where the reader gets scared of something, so she clings to Kakyoin for comfort without even thinking about it, then she gets embarrassed that she just kinda hugged him outta nowhere? Love me some awkward fluff 🥰

Author's Note: Your wish is my command! Kakyoin really deserved more </3

Hey! Could You Do One For Kakyoin Where The Reader Gets Scared Of Something, So She Clings To Kakyoin

As you tried to climb over the car seat to get to your designated spot in the third row, you heard Iggy begin to growl.


You scrambled to the back as fast as you could. Stupid dog, taking the row of seats. Stupid Mr. Joestar, for allowing it. Stupid Jotaro and Polnareff for being absolutely huge and squishing you.

You grunted as your body felt squished between Kakyoin and the car. As you slowly began to get accustomed to the position you were going to be stuck in, you heard Iggy start barking rapidly.

Naturally, you were scared of the little gremlin, so you clung onto something in hopes of easing your racing heart. Except the thing you clung onto wasn't a thing, it was Kakyoin. You tried to let go, but you were too cramped to do so.

As if you couldn't get more embarrassed, Noriaki had decided that it would be the perfect time to wrap his arm around your shoulder to comfort you. The two of you stayed there, red-faced, as the car drove across the desert, with four other men and an annoying dog.

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4 years ago

Hcs for dad!Bruno and dad!Risotto(separately).Do they help fem!Reader with their child?How they like to spend time with them???Ily btw 🥺

Ask: Hcs for dad!Bruno and dad!Risotto(separately).Do they help fem!Reader with their child?How they like to spend time with them???Ily btw 🥺

Author's Note: ILYT 🥺💖 also i'm a sucker for my faves as dads 😔

Hcs For Dad!Bruno And Dad!Risotto(separately).Do They Help Fem!Reader With Their Child?How They Like

Dad!Bruno HCs

He reads so many parenting books.

I'd like to think that he'd also try to pick up some more books on psychology too (not only does it help out with his kid but with the mafia too)

Bruno helps out plenty with raising your kid.

He feeds them, plays with them, and even changes their diapers with no complaints!

The only reason he was able to help out this much was because he requested a leave of absence from Giorno.

Bruno would be the type of dad who'd let their kid be injured first and then tell them why they were harmed and how to prevent it later on.

He really doesn't want to keep his kids in a bubble, and tries to let them socialize with other children at the park.

Oh yeah, the gang is kind of like their uncles and aunt (Trish). Bruno doesn't allow them to spoil his kid though.

As hypocritical as this may be though, he tends to spoil his kid A LOT.

They get the best bottles, teething toys, stuffed animals, you name it.

He always hoped to have his own family, and he's super grateful to be experiencing this.

Hcs For Dad!Bruno And Dad!Risotto(separately).Do They Help Fem!Reader With Their Child?How They Like

Dad!Risotto HCs

Unfortunately, La Squadra's broke, so I don't believe that he'd be able to spend as much time with his kid.

Of course Risotto loves his kid! Don't get me wrong, he would spend more time if given the opportunity.

He's just broke </3

He would always spend any time off with his kid, but since he probably had no preparation or experience, he wouldn't know what to do if his kid started crying suddenly.

"Uh, (Y/N)! (Kid's name) is crying again!"

Please help him, he doesn't know about this.

He doesn't want anyone from La Squadra to interact with his kid, but eventually it happens.

"Oh my god! Big, bad Risotto had this adorable thing!"

"Shut up, Formaggio"

Like Bruno, he would spoil his kid, or try to at least.

I think he'd make Formaggio shrink some baby toys and just take them lmao

Risotto's a good dad. He's just broke, confused, and busy.

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4 years ago

Could i request headcanons of Mista with a male crush that comes off stoic and emotionless, but as a affectionate stand. The stand will sometimes give Mista flowers or hugs but the reader will deny it

Guido Mista with an emotionless male crush that had a loving stand

Ask: Could i request headcanons of Mista with a male crush that comes off stoic and emotionless, but as a affectionate stand. The stand will sometimes give Mista flowers or hugs but the reader will deny it

Author's Note: yes. This is the trope that always gets me, so yes.

Could I Request Headcanons Of Mista With A Male Crush That Comes Off Stoic And Emotionless, But As A


Like, some flowers from the emobident of his dream boy's soul? yes please!

After seeing how you deny it, he decides not to bring it up in hopes of you not getting too embarrassed.

However, he knows. He's definitely not stupid and was able to pick up that you reciprocated his feelings.

He would have a collection of little trinkets that your stand collected from him.


They're already spoiled by Guido, but another stand? Their owner's potential boyfriend's stand to be more specific? THEY'D BE ON CLOUD 9

Guido's just counting his days until you fess up to having a crush, but for now, your stand's love is enough for him.

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4 years ago

A one shot of Mista fretting about wanting cake but being left 4 slices until his s/o comes in and cuts 1 slice in 2 making him go 😃 (and also gush about how smart she is)

Author's Note: I fucking adore Mista so much. Also, I literally had to google if 'stupidest' was a real word because I know Fugo wouldn't use it if it wasn't.

A One Shot Of Mista Fretting About Wanting Cake But Being Left 4 Slices Until His S/o Comes In And Cuts


“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!”

“Shut up, Fugo! There’s absolutely no way I’m gonna choose a slice from this cake if there are four pieces, you already know about the-”

“Enough about the cat! I don’t give two shits about that story, it could’ve happened with any number and you know it!”

You walked into the area to find Guido and Pannacotta at each other’s necks. Leone had his headphones on as usual, and Bruno and Narancia were on a mission, so they were nowhere to be found.

With an eye roll, you grabbed the cake server and used the edge to cut out a fifth piece. You heard a relieved sigh from Fugo as you began to place two slices onto the small plates that were left behind for the desert.

You handed the first portion to Guido and sat down next to him, reaching for your own set of silverware in order for you to begin eating as well.

“Aw stellina,” your loving boyfriend gushed, “you’re too clever for me!” You turned to him and smiled, “Yeah, you’re just saying that to try and butter me up."

“I mean it! Sometimes I just can’t keep up with you.”

You felt Mista’s two beefy arms wrap around you and pull you onto his lap. Just as he was about to give you a kiss, Abbacchio cleared his throat and you jumped from your boyfriend’s lap. A blush was evident on your face, and you could hear Fugo chuckling at the two of you as you lowered yourself onto your own chair.

Guido reached for your hand that was on your lap and grasped it as the two of you ate your own slices of cake.

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4 years ago

If you're still alive can I get a one shot of risotto coming home from a day of work to cuddle with his s/o in bed (she/her pronouns please)

Late Night Love

If You're Still Alive Can I Get A One Shot Of Risotto Coming Home From A Day Of Work To Cuddle With His

Risotto Nero X Reader

Your eyes felt heavy as the droning of the TV helped you as a sort of lullaby. The rerun of Rosanne and the fan humming were enough to put you at ease, and you would’ve fallen asleep if your huge boyfriend hadn’t suddenly entered your room.

Instead of his usual greeting, Risotto simply walked to your shared closet and got undressed, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. He then proceeded to get under the covers and wrap his huge arms around you. It wasn’t rare for him to be exhausted after a mission, but it was also new for him to snuggle into you as he did now.

“Ris,” you looked up at him to see his eyes on you, “are you alright?” He scoffed with a slight smirk and decided to pull you in closer. “Of course I’m fine, just a little exhausted. Now shut up and go to bed.”

You smiled and laid your head on his chest, beginning to thread your fingers through his silver hair as the two of you began to doze off, both delighted with the fact that they were able to experience moments like this with their lover.

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4 years ago



Yukako Yamagishi X Fem! Reader

based on the song “Sofia” by Clairo

The neon lights from the local gas station seemed blinding when accompanied by the near-velvety night sky, but the cherry slush in your hands was your main focus as of now. A blush settled on your cheeks as you looked to the right to see your best friend, her figure looking almost angelic when highlighted by the intense light of the corner store. She gave a coy smile that, as usual, you returned in a heartbeat.

Yukako Yamagishi had never felt so conflicted. Her emotions weren’t natural according to society, but she couldn’t help herself from imagining how soft your lips must’ve felt, or how amazing your (e/c) eyes were. She was very sure that you had felt the same for her due to the bashful expression that always crossed your face whenever she smiled at you.

Staring at the sugary raspberry drink on her lap, she slowly inched her hand towards yours and grasped it. You jolted, but once you realized it was only Yukako, you blushed heavily and laced your fingers with hers. There the two of you sat in the car in a comfortable silence until Yukako broke it.

“(y/n),” the girl began, “we shouldn’t feel like something forbidden. We both love each other, and that is all the criteria needed for a proper relationship.”

You turned your head and caressed her cheek. You then moved her face towards you and pressed your lips against hers. The taste of the slush and strawberry lip gloss was intoxicating, and you just couldn’t seem to get enough. When you pulled away, she gave the brightest smile and leaned back into the car seat with a blissful sigh. Things would definitely be alright between the two of you.

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4 years ago

this is for that one anon from @risottoneroo 's page

This Is For That One Anon From @risottoneroo 's Page
4 years ago

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome To My Blog!

How to Request!

state what type of writing you want exactly! (ex. oneshot, hcs, etc.)

i'm going to assume that the reader is female, but if that's not the case, state so in your request!

if the character appears in multiple parts, state which part you want the writing to take place in! (ex. part 5 polnareff, part 6 jotaro, etc.)

a good example of a request: "i'd like to request headcanons of weather report and his s/o cuddling! (preferably male reader)"

Welcome To My Blog!


i only have three rules!

1. i will not do any rape/non-con

2. i won't do any yandere either; i just don't feel too comfy with that

3. i'm not doing nsfw works for minor characters, only if they've canonically aged up in the series

Welcome To My Blog!

About Admin

hi, you guys can call me johnny :)

i'm a 20 year-old college student who's studying to be a veterinarian!

my favorite part is steel ball run!

my favorite characters are johnny, diego, josuke (part 4), weather report, part 6 jotaro, and kira (both part 4 and 8)!

i love anime (obviously lmao), so if y'all have recommendations, don't be afraid to drop them in my ask box too!

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