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What Are Your Fav To Least Fav Chainsaw Man Endings?
What Are Your Fav to Least Fav Chainsaw Man Endings?
Disclaimer: I think every ending ranges from good to masterpiece. I’m basing my ranks on how much I like the song and visuals.
12. Ending 7; “All Kinds of Kisses” by ano
This song is not for me. When it comes to songs with high-pitched singing, I mostly don’t like it. It’s a bit too cutesy and usually stay the same throughout the whole thing. I think the singer is talented but I don’t think her music is for me. There are moments when I like the song such as near the end. The song’s beat is good and I can jam to it.
The old video game concept was a nice idea and it was fun seeing Chainsaw Denji walking around like an NPC and interacting with other characters. The visuals afterwards are okay. I don’t have strong feelings seeing the female characters is provocative positions so I can take it or leave it. The vomiting scene on the other hand made me uncomfortable. It’s not as bad as in the show but vomiting makes me really uncomfortable even when it’s censored.
11. Ending 12; “Fight Song” by Eve
I think my expectations with Eve kind of messed with my enjoyment of the song. With Eve doing the 1st opening for Jujutsu Kaisen, I expected a lot from Eve and, unfortunately, I was underwhelmed. The song is good and I would listen to it once in a while, yet “Fight Song” sounds more generic compared to the uniqueness of most endings. The vocals and instruments are still good.
Visuals are sweet since we needed a chill ending with the main cast hanging out. Although the visuals are kind of like every anime ending, I appreciate the concept of a fun time. I would say my favorite part is seeing how the main three grew into a family after a rocky start in the beginning of the show.
10. Ending 4; “Tablet” by Tooboe
The song fits Power’s chaotic energy very well, but it’s not a song I really like without the show connection. The screaming sections are really unique and cool to listen to. However, in my opinion, the song isn’t as successful with not having an interesting bridge as “Rendevous” by Kanaria. It’s still a fun song and I do have urges to listen to it once in a while.
Seeing Power in different outfits was cute, and the costumes are pretty stylish, but that’s the only thing I really enjoy about the visuals. I don’t care for anime dances so Power dancing didn’t do much for me, and the simplicity of what’s occurring is kind of boring. Though, I really like the sketching style was a cool idea.
9. Ending 11; “Violence” by Queen Bee
This song is a fun listen! Queen Bee have a unique vocalist who makes the song for me. The guitar is really good but it’s not particularly unique like most Chainsaw Man endings. It’s a bit poppy but I think it fits since it has some rock elements in the vocals and guitar.
The visuals are cool. I really like the characters dissolving to add an interesting transition for the next scene. The glass fragments are nice to look at and adds something interesting to the skyline. Though, I don’t like the Power dancing part since the 3D looked a bit off but I think my bias on 2D animation is getting in the way.
8. Ending 5; “In the Backroom” by Syudou
It took me a while for me to like this song, probably because the beat felt a bit random at some points and I have trouble liking songs that don’t have a recognizable beat. Though, the vocals were great, especially when he did that half scream and started showing more of their vocal talent. I grew to really like the beat and interesting additions like the similar snapping and bell noises.
Visuals were a bit too random and it’s hard to feel attachment to them since I didn’t understand the concept idea for it. They are still great though. My favorite moments were the agents walking continuous stairs, the two Makimas looking like a god, and the ending where every characters appears but ends with Denji.
7. Ending 10; “Dogland” by People 1
This song is nice but I don’t get excited about it until the bridge when the vocalist is letting loose. The ending cares “Dogland” for me. I do like the part when Denji says “Bow Wow” because of his comparison to a dog.
The visuals and meaning behind the ending carries its ranking. Throughout the show, Denji is constantly compared to a dog and having an opening dedicated to that was a smart idea. Animating Denji with real objects filmed through rotoscope was super cool and looked natural. MAPPA did a great job as always! I also have a bias towards dogs.
6. Ending 6; “Rendevous” by Kanaria
The song is really good though it’s not as high since the song stays at the same level throughout the whole ending. The vocalist has a recognizable voice and the music composition is so well done that you can’t help but tap your feet to the beat.
Labyrinths always interested me so I really enjoyed the visuals and constant looping through it. When it comes to visuals, I like feeling like I’m traveling through the setting and this opening did a great job doing it. The close up to Denji’s chainsaw form was so cool and the touch of red made it pop.
5. Ending 2; “Time Left” by Zutomayo
The bass at the beginning is a nice touch to the softer vocals so the song doesn’t deviate too far from Chainsaw Man’s edgy theme. My favorite parts is the bridge since the vocals and instruments ramp up and the ending when the vocalists heightens her voice in some parts(Sorry don’t know singing terms).
I really like the sketching style of the visuals. It feels like I’m watching a manga come to life. Seeing the main cast in individual moments was nice since we get to see how different their lives are from each other. My favorite visual is Denji falling from the sky. It’s so smooth and seeing his pov made me feel like I was falling.
4. Ending 1; “Chainsaw Blood” by Vaundy
This is a great start to the ending fest!
I don’t have a lot to say about this song other than I enjoy the bada** feeling it gives when I listen to it and the slow “oooh, oooh” moments are a good ramp up to the song. Great song for people who like softer rock, which I usually prefer.
Visuals are really good. My favorite parts are seeing Denji rip apart the zombies during the bridge and the Denji/Pochita moments since they remind me of me and my dog.
3. Ending 3; “Hawatari Nioku Centi” by Maximum the Hormone
I’m not a big rock fan yet I really enjoy this opening. I feel like such a bada** whenever I hear the beginning- my favorite part- and the switch up with the slow moment was so well-done. The ending with the guy revving up his voice like a chainsaw was a great touch. It’s not higher-up because I don’t love the middle section of the ending compared to the beginning and ending. Super chaotic moments aren’t my cup of tea.
Love the red lighting and neon coloring! It makes everything pop; I would have them as a poster for my room. I also really like the choice of having Makima looking like a benevolent goddess since that’s how Denji views her.
2. Ending 9; “Deep Down” by Aimer
This song is so different from all the others, but it works so well. Aimer has such a hauntingly beautiful voice and the softness of the instruments are welcoming after almost every ending are loud and pack a punch.
The visuals are also simplistic with a black background with blood and organs morphing into different images. This ending made me appreciate the animation more since I see the imagery slowing changing. It’s so satisfying.
1. Ending 8; “First Death” by T.K. from Ling tosite sigure
I love this song! T.K is one of my favorite artists! He has such a unique voice and hearing his voice mix well with more rock influenced music. I’m used to listening to his more slower music so I was pleasantly surprised that “First Death wasn’t like this.
The visuals aren’t super unique like most other endings but the lighting is breathtaking and the more action packed moments near the end make it up for me. I’m also more partial towards Aki and Himeno since I really like their characters.
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More Posts from Criminalmutantsins
MK1 Character Writing Review
I'm curious about other fans' opinions on MK1's character writing. Personally, I think it's improved most characters but there are some issues.
Ashrah: I'm happy she's back because Ashrah was the 3D-era character I wanted to return. I really like that they kept her story from the 3D era but improved it. I'm curious to see if she'll get corrupted by the Kriss in the next game.
Baraka: His story improved immensely. I never cared for Baraka in the previous games since he wasn't developed enough and was just one of Shao Kahn's henchmen. Baraka being a victim of Tarkat makes him more sympathetic and interesting. I hope he gets a happy ending but I think he'll die in the later games.
General Shao: I'm a bit disappointed in how he was written. I was hoping we'd learn about his past and how it affected his personality. Shao was born with a weak body, so I expected his father to be abusive by forcing Shao to go beyond his limits. This would cause Shao to believe being strong is the only thing that matters. Hopefully, the next story portrays Shao as more than a stock villain.
Geras: I really liked this version of Geras compared to MK11's since he's more than Kronika's minion. He's loyal to Liu Kang but they are friends/partners, and Geras wants to protect Liu Kang's timeline because he believes in its potential.
Havik: I was really interested in learning about Havik, his powers, and the Chaos realm. I was disappointed that Havik was a minor character and his powers weren't explained. I heard that there will be a story taking place in Seido/Order Realm so I'm crossing my fingers that we'll have a great story for Havik and other Order/Chaos realm characters.
Johnny Cage: His backstory and personality didn't change that much which I'm glad for because MK9-11 Johnny had one of the best character arcs in that era. I really enjoyed his bromance with Kenshi and his comedic moments were really fun (my favorite was the Alien reference).
Kenshi: Kenshi's story was already good but it was improved upon and explored further. Kenshi wanting Sento to protect his family from the Yakuza and bring back the Taira clan made me sympathize with him, and actually seeing how he loses his sight was horrifying and broke my heart. His bromance was Johnny was one of my favorite parts and I hope they are in future games together.
Kitana: I found Kitana kind of bland. Unfortunately, with her old goal of wanting to be an Empress going to Mileena, she lost what made her interesting. She felt more like Mileena's sidekick rather than her own character. Maybe that'll change in future games since she's a part of Mileena's council.
Kung Lao: Kung Lao was likable and enjoyable. I don't have much to say other than that. I want the next story to explore his ego/arrogance and why he has that attitude. Although I really like Raiden as Earthrealm's champion, I sort of wish Kung Lao was the champion since he's wished for that opportunity for so long.
Li Mei: Li Mei is an okay character. She's kind of boring since she's a "follow the rules" character. Her and Sindel's friendship was the most interesting aspect of her. Li Mei's powers are really cool though, and I'm a big fan of Kelly Hu (her va).
Liu Kang: Having Liu Kang as Earth's protector and Time Keeper made his character more interesting compared to him being the "Chosen One." I am slightly disappointed in the way he was written. I expected/wanted Liu Kang to be a neutral good character where he's willing to do bad things to keep the peace. They kind of did that with Liu Kang creating meaningless lives for Shang Tsung and Quan-Chi, but he was never called out for those decisions. I also wanted the other characters to start questioning Liu Kang about why there are still tragedies occurring and why doesn't he intervene. Though we get it in the battle intros, I wanted it explored in the story. The writing for how Liu Kang's time powers was also pretty unclear. The power's restrictions were never specified so it's not obvious which events in the timeline are Liu Kang's mistakes or not.
Mileena: Adored her in this game! I love seeing Mileena happy for once with a loving family and a good life. I expected her to be overtaken by Tarkat the whole but was happy to see her with a regular mouth for most of the game. Having her as Empress is really interesting and can't wait to see more of that.
Nitara: I really wanted to like Nitara, yet she's so bland. I thought we would learn about Vaternius, and see Nitara being a truly neutral character. Compared to the other 3D characters in the game, she was the most disappointing.
Raiden: This version of Raiden is way more likable than previous iterations. He's nice, humble, handsome, and strong. He's literally the perfect man! I'd like his anger issues from the previous iterations to be developed in the next story. His anger would get out of control after a tragedy and he feels like being more ruthless is more beneficial to protecting everyone.
Rain: I don't have much to say about Rain. He's kind of boring and was sidelined in the game. Maybe he'll have some kind of connection to Delia and Argus, which will introduce them to the new timeline.
Reiko: Reiko's okay. The only thing I'm really interested in is his relationship with General Shao and it's mostly me wondering whether Shao is capable of caring/loving someone.
Reptile: Love this rendition of Reptile! Like Baraka, Syzoth is more complex and isn't only Shao Kahn's minion. He has one of my favorite designs in the game and his backstory shows the issue of internal racism. The only thing I'm iffy about is his family that was murdered was his wife and son since that is very similar to Baraka's backstory to losing his wife and children to Tarkat. Plus, it's kind of weird that he moved on with Ashrah relatively quickly. I would've preferred if his family were his parents or siblings.
Scorpion: At first, I was a bit iffy about Kuai Liang being Scorpion but think it was a good choice since it makes the rivalry between the Lin Kuei and the Shirai-Ryu more personal. I'm excited to see how his and Sub-Zero's story moves forward.
Sindel: Good queen and mom Sindel is best Sindel! She was very likable! I had a feeling she would die in the story though her soul being absorbed into Ermac was unexpected. I'm interested in where this story will go.
Shang Tsung: I really enjoyed how sassy Shang Tsung was, and was glad he was the main villain after so long. The only thing I'm disappointed in is we didn't see more of his backstory. Also, the idea of Shang Tsung being evil all along NRS was going with was pretty lame. I wanted to see whether Shang Tsung was truly born evil or if was he made that way because of his hardships. It being the latter would've been intriguing because it means Liu Kang technically created Shang Tsung.
Smoke: Smoke is a sweetie, but didn't have much going for him. I was really interested in Smoke when he was in MK9 so I expected him to have his own chapter and develop. Maybe the Lin Kuei/Shirai Ryu war will give me that.
Sub-Zero: I hoped Bi-Han would be an interesting antihero instead of a generic villain. His betrayal is fine, but I wish he was more indecisive or slightly regretful of his choice since he lost his brothers. For example, when he slashed Kuai Liang's eye, I wanted to see him be regretful and sorry for hurting his brother. We didn't get that, which is one of the biggest disappointments of the story.
Tanya: I'm neutral with Tanya. Personally, her role and personality are too similar to Jade's. She felt like a totally different character who happened to have the same name as the original Tanya. Changing a character's story is okay, yet there should be some part of the original iteration that stays. I do find her and Mileena super sweet and I hope they live a happy life.
Why Do You Think Liu Kang Couldn’t Fully Remove Tarkatan’s Existence?
(If the answer is in Liu Kang's intros, I didn't know because I haven't seen all the character intros.)
I always wondered why Liu Kang had to convert Tarkatans from being a race to a colony of diseased people. It could be that a rule on making a timeline is you can't remove a significant aspect that's involved in every timeline.
I have a theory that Liu Kang tried to remove the Tarkatan race but couldn't because of the Hourglass' interference, so he believed that making it a disease that's hard to spread was the only solution.
I kind of wished that MK1(story or intros) hinted at the limits a Time Keeper has when making a timeline and being involved in it. Maybe I've missed that in the intros since I haven't finished watching them.
My Owl House LGBTQ+ Headcanons
If I misused any romantic, sexual, and gender identities, let me know.
Luz Noceda: Bisexual(confirmed), Cisgender
Amity Blight: Lesbian(confirmed), Cisgender
Willow Park: Biromantic, Demisexual, Cisgender
Gus Porter: Panromantic, Pansexual, Non-binary(he/they)
Hunter: Straight, Cisgender(ally)
Eda Clawthorne: Bisexual(confirmed), Genderqueer(she/they)
King Clawthorne: Panromantic, Polysexual, Genderqueer(he/she/they)
Hooty: Aroace, Agender(he/they)
Lilith Clawthorne: Aroace(confirmed), Cisgender
Raine Whispers: Demiromantic, Demisexual, Non-binary(confirmed), Transmasc(considered by Avi Roque, Raine’s VA)
Camila Noceda: Straight, Cisgender(ally)
Vee Noceda: Neptunic, Gender non-conforming(she/they)
Alador Blight: Biromantic, Bisexual, Omnigender
Darius Deamonne: Homoromantic, Gay, Cisgender
Emira Blight: Lesbian, Cisgender
Edric Blight: Panromantic, Pansexual, Cisgender
The Collector: Aroflux, Graysexual, Non-binary(confirmed)
Boscha: Lesbian, Cisgender
Mattholomule: Homoromantic, Gay, Cisgender
Masha: Omnisexual, Non-binary(confirmed)
Professor Bump: Gay, Cisgender
Odalia Blight: Autoromantic, Autosexual, Cisgender
Belos: Straight, Asexual, Cisgender

If the Pines family ever did a lip sync or karaoke battle, I’d like to think Mabel- to break people’s expectations of her singing a cutesy song- would pick “All I Do Is Win” by DJ Khaled and crush it(the version would be clean and Mabel would be older like 15). I also headcanon Stan lip syncing to “All Stars” to playfully mess with Ford(that’s the only way you can get to do it).
What songs do you think the Pines would lip sync to, especially Dipper and Ford?
Do You Think (Future) Casey Jones is Cassandra’s Kid?

It’s been revealed that the mysterious stranger from the future will be a male Casey Jones, and ever since I’ve been wondering how this will be incorporated into the story when Rise already has Cassandra/FR. There has been talk that the creators were retconning the reveal, but there was a recent that said otherwise. So, I’m wondering if future Casey is Cassandra’s son (hopefully with April; I’ve shipped them for a while) but she passed away and Leo named him after her. I can’t really think of another reason why he is named Casey other than that. If any of you have other theories, lmk. I like discussing with other fans.