(Lbs) Sw:173 Cw:160 Lw:153 Ugw:83lbs bmi 28.3 Ana❤️ MINOR

95 posts

It's Been A Minute Damn It's Been Like 2 Months Jeez I Went Through Some Stuff And My Mom Seemed To Be

It's been a minute damn it's been like 2 months jeez I went through some stuff and my mom seemed to be getting worries and I started feeling worse when I starved than when I ate so I attempted recovery and it was going fine for like a month but the thoughts are creeping up on me especially since school has started back up so here is to relapsing ig because I can tell I gained weight and I would rather feel guilty because I'm probably getting closer to my sw than my lw so ya I'll try and post more and do those calender of calorie things starting next month because I haven't been tracking I think I'm gonna have my goal be 500 call again because 200 just lead to me binging no matter what hopefully I can get there eventually also I don't have a scale or anything but I can take measurements so instead of weight I'll do that for now and taking pictures daily I'm starting while on my period so it'll be a challenge for me cause I crave really bad but maybe I'll feel sick enough not to eat I also can't fast for days at a time but I can do omad because I live w/ my dad which I've talked about b4 but I can try and do it occasionally by saying I don't feel good or smth idk any way wish me luck 🫡 (I really hope It works this time😀) My goal is too be at my gw AT LEAST by the end of the year but hopefully by June or July for summer break and to look good in booty shorts bathing suits etc. ❤️

January 10th 2024 01:52

More Posts from D1et-cok3

11 months ago
The Difference In My Collar Bones From One Month Lowkey Maybe It Is Working!
The Difference In My Collar Bones From One Month Lowkey Maybe It Is Working!

The difference in my collar bones from one month😍 lowkey maybe it is working!

It's my first time posting myself on here kind of terrifying but like whatever❤️

March 21st 2024 19:53

(Ignore me spamming sorryyy)

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11 months ago
This User Has An ED But Supports And Encourages Recovery

This user has an ED but supports and encourages recovery🎀

1 year ago

OMG IM SO EXCITED RN!!! Yall I finally caved in and got passed my fears of getting caught and bought a scale! Yess I can finally weigh myself again🙌 so I bought it off shein because im broke sue me (pls don't I can't afford it😭😭) and so either way if I get caught which is unlikely since I also bought other stuff so it will probably come In a bag or smth and I can just say it came in a box or whatever and keep the scale hidden even if I get caught can say that shein must added it to my cart cause it does that sometimes and preselected it so when I went to buy my stuff yk I bought it by accident. Im like soooo happy I can get back to losing weight and tracking it and to find out what exercises work for me yesss I can't WAIT it gets here on the 19th or so I'll update you guys im gonna try and restrict a lot until then just on case so that I don't have to weigh myself and see I gained weight or smth because that like my biggest fear😭😭 ok love you byeee

February 9th 2024 01:02

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10 months ago

It's not even just me wanting people to be scared for me because of how skinny I am, I just don't want their first thought to be how fat I am.

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