Smash Intros: Captain Falcon VS Ness
Smash Intros: Captain Falcon VS Ness
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Captain Falcon:”Bet you’ve seen your share of scary monsters and super creeps.”
Ness:”Starmen, diamond dogs, and all kinds of space oddities.”
Captain Falcon:”Sounds like you’re really under pressure, kiddo.”
[Earthbound has enemies called Starmen and a boss called the Diamond Dog, both of which get their names from David Bowie songs. I crammed in a few more Bowie references while I was at it.]
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Smash Intros: ROB VS Robin
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
ROB:”QUERY: The I and N in your name, what do they stand for?”
Robin:”They don’t stand for anything, they’re...”
ROB:”RESPONSE: They stand for ‘Is a’ and ‘Nerd’!”
Smash Intros: Pikachu VS Charizard
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Pikachu:"Any suggestions for our next movie?"
Charizard:"How about Doctor Pikachu? No wait, Pirate Pikachu!"
Pikachu:"*gasp!* PIRATE-DOCTOR Pikachu!"
[One Piece reference. Pikachu's VA, Ikue Otani, also voices the Straw Hat Pirates’ doctor Tony Tony Chopper.]
Smash Intros: The Hero VS Villager
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Hero:"I'm not sure I trust you. You haven't even told us your name."
Villager:"Neither have you."
Smash Intros: Palutena VS Meta Knight
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Palutena:”In some languages, the word meta means ‘goal’ or ‘ambition’.”
Meta Knight:”Mine is to be a knight worthy of my title.”
Palutena:”And mine is to knock you into next week.”
Smash Intros: Bowser VS Ganondorf
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Bowser:”You replaced me...with a potted plant!?”
Ganondorf:”A potted plant that’s burned and chomped Mario into submission more than you ever could.”
Bowser:”I’ll burn and chomp you, you lousy traitor!”
[A reference to Pirahna Plant’s unexpected addition as a playable character, how Bowser winding up fighting for the good guys as much as the mad guys in a lot of Mario games, and how Pirahna Plant enemies can be more difficult to deal with than Bowser boss fights.]