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100 posts

Smash Intros: Captain Falcon VS Ness

Smash Intros: Captain Falcon VS Ness

Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack 

Captain Falcon:”Bet you’ve seen your share of scary monsters and super creeps.”

Ness:”Starmen, diamond dogs, and all kinds of space oddities.”

Captain Falcon:”Sounds like you’re really under pressure, kiddo.”

[Earthbound has enemies called Starmen and a boss called the Diamond Dog, both of which get their names from David Bowie songs. I crammed in a few more Bowie references while I was at it.]

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4 years ago

Smash Intros: Greninja VS Incineroar

Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack

Greninja:”Chesnaught would’ve loved you.”

Incineroar:”And you and Decidueye would get along like a house on fire.”

Greninja:”But what would Delphox and Primarina think of eachother?”

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4 years ago

Smash Intros: Daisy VS Dark Pit

Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack

Daisy:”Hi, I’m Daisy!”

Dark Pit:”I don’t care.”

Daisy:”Wow, you’re pleasant.”

[A jab at the Daisy meme. ‘Nuff said.]

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4 years ago

Smash Intros: Zelda VS Toon Link

Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack

Zelda:”Fighting Galeem will be nothing like fighting Ganondorf.”

Toon Link:”How about a kiss, for luck?”

Zelda:”You’ve got to be kidding me.”

[CD-i reference.]

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4 years ago

Smash Intros: Lucas VS Donkey Kong

Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack

Lucas:"You lost your mother too?"

DK:"She was...old, Lucas. It was gonna happen sooner or later."

Lucas:"That doesn't mean it hurts any less."

[Wrinkly Kong was Cranky Kong's wife, who appeared as a ghost in DK64. The two are often believed to be DK's parents.]

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4 years ago

Smash Intros: Little Mac VS Mario

Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack

Little Mac:"Pizzaaa Pastaaa!"

Mario:"Are you-a making fun of-a my weight, Mac?"

Little Mac:"Just feelin' a lil'...nostalgic."

[Pizza Pasta was an Italian stereotype boxer from the old arcade Punch-Out that hasn't been seen since. Double reference if Mac is in one of his Wire Frame costumes.]

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