Not meddically recognized but talking to a therapist that knows about DID/OSDD and doing that type of work
314 posts
Source Memories | Introjects
Source Memories | Introjects đź–¤
This is what We try to think with Source Memories Canon or Non-Canon.
A little spoiler for My Virtual Escape but basically the whole thing was a Virtual Reality Simulation and Jesse the person who plays Isaac and is the Director talks about how yes all those things weren’t real they didn’t really happen but it still happened in his mind those emotions are still real so he has to live with them and talking about Us the viewer learning from the experience of the characters simulated life that We may learn from it, like source memories we can learn from them and for us those connection usually connects to this body’s experience and working through that. So no matter what type of Source you come from learn from it, accept it.
RiDGiD STUDiOS “My Virtual Escape” Season 4 (Behind-the-Scenes) PART 2
tanukiviruz liked this · 11 months ago
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“I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.” — Psalm 63:8