logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately

Table Mountain is located in South Africa, in the northern part of a mountain range on the approximately 52 km long and up to 16 km wide Cape Peninsula, at the southern end of which is the Cape of Good Hope. It shapes the silhouette of Cape Town, on whose territory it extends. The 1,224 m long ascent takes about 7 minutes, and during this time the gondola rotates 360 °, height 1.086 m. 


Der Tafelberg liegt in Südafrika, im nördlichen Teil einer Bergkette auf der circa 52 km langen und bis zu 16 km breiten Kap-Halbinsel, an deren Südende sich das Kap der Guten Hoffnung befindet. Er prägt die Silhouette Kapstadts, auf dessen Territorium er sich erstreckt und hat eine Höhe von 1.086 m. Die 1.224 m lange Auffahrt dauert ca. 7 Minuten, und während dieser Zeit rotiert die Gondel um 360°.

Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
Table Mountain Is Located In South Africa, In The Northern Part Of A Mountain Range On The Approximately
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More Posts from Logi1974

2 years ago

Woermann House was completed in 1905. The tower was named “Damara Tower” from where observers used to look for ships in the ocean and ox wagons in the desert. In April 1909 the Damara and Namaqua Trading Company sold all its shares to the company C. Woermann and to their shareholders and was renamed to “Woermann Brock & Co. which is the present day name.

On the 18th of June 1924 Woermann Brock Co. sold the Woermann House to the Administrator of South West Africa and on the 10th of December the building was declared a historic monument.


Das Woermann-Haus wurde 1905 fertiggestellt. Der Turm wurde „Damara-Turm“ genannt, von wo aus Beobachter im Meer nach Schiffen und in der Wüste nach Ochsenwagen Ausschau hielten. Im April 1909 verkaufte die Damara und Namaqua Trading Company alle ihre Anteile an die Firma C. Woermann und deren Aktionäre und wurde in „Woermann Brock & Co.“ umbenannt, was auch heute noch der Name ist. Am 18. Juni 1924 verkaufte die Woermann Brock Co. das Woermann-Haus an den Administrator von Südwestafrika und am 10. Dezember wurde das Gebäude unter Denkmalschutz gestellt.

Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look
Woermann House Was Completed In 1905. The Tower Was Named Damara Tower From Where Observers Used To Look

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2 years ago

Shingwedzi lies in the northern part of the Kruger National Park in the heart of mopane country. A scenic game drive along the Shingwedzi River in a south-easterly direction towards the Kanniedood Dam is one of the most rewarding drives in the Park. Waterbuck, nyala, kudu and elephant are often seen here and the bird life is prolific. Staying overnight at Shingwedzi is an experience that will last a lifetime.  It is a rustic camp that still carries the essence of the bush and is untouched by modern technology.


Shingwedzi liegt im nördlichen Teil des Krüger-Nationalparks im Herzen des Mopane-Busches. Eine landschaftlich reizvolle Pirschfahrt entlang des Shingwedzi-Flusses in südöstlicher Richtung zum Kanniedood-Staudamm ist eine der lohnendsten Fahrten im Park. Wasserböcke, Nyala, Kudus und Elefanten werden hier oft gesehen und die Vogelwelt ist reich. Eine Übernachtung in Shingwedzi ist ein Erlebnis, das ein Leben lang anhält. Es handelt sich um ein rustikales Camp, das noch immer die Essenz des Busches hat und von moderner Technologie fast unberührt ist.


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2 years ago

Wolwedans is more than a mere collection of camps – it’s ethos lies in setting an example in sustainability and continually fulfilling its commitment to the conservation of the NamibRand Nature Reserve. All camps at Wolwedans are designed to minimize environmental impact, exploring innovative building techniques and utilizing sustainable technologies.  

Camps nestles into the dunes and is set against a backdrop of diverse and breathtaking desert scenery. Located in the heart of NamibRand Nature Reserve in southern Namibia, portfolio of timeless and elegant safari camps provides the perfect base from which to embark on exciting safari activities or simply relax and enjoy the grandeur of the Namib landscape.


Wolwedans ist mehr als nur eine Ansammlung von Camps – das Ethos liegt darin, ein Beispiel für Nachhaltigkeit zu geben und sein Engagement für die Erhaltung des NamibRand-Naturreservats kontinuierlich zu erfüllen. Alle Camps bei Wolwedans sind darauf ausgelegt, die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren, innovative Bautechniken zu erforschen und nachhaltige Technologien einzusetzen.

Die Camps schmiegt sich in die Dünen und liegen vor einer abwechslungsreichen und atemberaubenden Wüstenlandschaft. Im Herzen des NamibRand-Naturreservats im Süden Namibias gelegen, bietet das Portfolio zeitloser und eleganter Safari-Camps den perfekten Ausgangspunkt, um aufregende Safari-Aktivitäten zu unternehmen oder einfach nur zu entspannen und die Pracht der Namib-Landschaft zu genießen.

Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability
Wolwedans Is More Than A Mere Collection Of Camps Its Ethos Lies In Setting An Example In Sustainability

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2 years ago

Etosha Village uniquely combines affordability with comfort and delivers the perfect safari style experience in a private and protected reserve directly adjacent to the Etosha National Park, near Okaukuejo. Activities that can be enjoyed during your stay include Game Drives to Etosha. Join us for a Game Drive in one of our special open game viewer vehicles. Our knowledgeable guides, who specialise in the area, will take excellent care of you and will provide wonderful information on the region, the abundance of wildlife, plants and history of Etosha National Park. Guests can choose to go on a morning half day excursion or a full day excursion to Etosha National Park.


Das Etosha Village bietet erschwinglichen Komfort und das perfekte Safari-Erlebnis in einem privaten und geschützten Reservat direkt neben dem Etosha-Nationalpark, in der Nähe von Okaukuejo. Zu den Aktivitäten, die Gäste während ihres Aufenthalts genießen können, gehören Pirschfahrten in den Etosha. Machen Sie mit uns eine Pirschfahrt in einem unserer speziellen offenen Gamedrive Fahrzeugen. Unsere sachkundigen Guides, die sich auf die Gegend spezialisiert haben, werden sich hervorragend um Sie kümmern und Ihnen viele Informationen über die Region, den Reichtum an Wildtieren, Pflanzen und die Geschichte des Etosha-Nationalparks geben. Die Gäste können zwischen einem morgendlichen halbtägigen Ausflug oder einem ganztägigen Ausflug zum Etosha-Nationalpark wählen.

Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience
Etosha Village Uniquely Combines Affordability With Comfort And Delivers The Perfect Safari Style Experience

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2 years ago

Situated adjacent to the oldest Desert in the world, Sossusvlei Lodge is a luxurious retreat in this premier tourist attraction area in Namibia. Found at the entrance gate to the Namib Naukluft Park, the Lodge offers direct access to the towering red sand dunes, the famous pan of Sossusvlei, the scorched black trees of Dead Vlei and the remarkable depths of the Sesriem Canyon. Activities that can be enjoyed during your stay include a (guided) Elim Dune Walk The guided nature walk starts at sunrise, departing from the Lodge and takes place on and around the spectacular Elim Dune Belt.


Die Sossusvlei Lodge liegt in der ältesten Wüste der Welt und ist ein luxuriöser Rückzugsort in dieser erstklassigen Touristenattraktion in Namibia. Die Lodge befindet sich am Eingangstor zum Namib Naukluft Park und bietet direkten Zugang zu den hoch aufragenden roten Sanddünen, der berühmten Pfanne des Sossusvlei, den verbrannten schwarzen Bäumen des Dead Vlei und den bemerkenswerten Tiefen des Sesriem Canyon. Zu den Aktivitäten, die Gäste während ihres Aufenthalts genießen können, gehört eine (geführte) Elim-Dünenwanderung. Die geführte Naturwanderung beginnt bei Sonnenaufgang an der Lodge und findet auf und um den spektakulären Elim-Dünengürtel herum statt.

Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This
Situated Adjacent To The Oldest Desert In The World, Sossusvlei Lodge Is A Luxurious Retreat In This

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