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375 posts
...Side Blogs List (Personal)

✎...Side blogs list (Personal)↫
This posts is to enlist almost all our side blogs that are personal like alters and grouping of alters so if you wanna go and check them out, or if you know one of this and want to interact more with the system behind them!
[For the non personal but more CDD community/system related sideblogs list look here]
We also gonna add some kind of description to the side blogs so you know about them before looking at them
This might be constantly updated because we love making side blogs, so keep this in mind to check it sometimes to see if there's an update

⋆ Alter Sideblogs ⋆

Principal host personal blog. He's a problematic and persecutor se be cautious when looking at their blog if you want to see it
Most of the content isn't going to be system related because of Namelnom's nature to forget the rest of the alters are there and deny the polyfrag DID that's pretty obvious we have. But when he does post system related he's probably gonna reblog them here too
100% recommend to read their pinned post before interacting and seeing the blog, they don't have a filter and might be triggering in some posts he mades
Says he's introvert but he's actually pretty extrovert so feel free to interact and send asks to him, just be cautious

Ex principal host, not sure if he's still host or just frequent fronter
Most of its content can be divided in:
CDD related
SP related
Our system related
Pokemon related
So it might be a kinda silly and chill blog to follow and see
Also he's very shy and introvert so if you're going to interact or try to start friendly conversation or something similar be respectful, he's trying its best

⋆ Alter Groups Sideblogs ⋆

Thermel alters is a blog runned by four octives of our system, this octives are a family and didn't want separate personal blogs so they decided to go on with just one shared blog
I highly recommend seeing their pinned post because it has clarifications and information you need to know before following/interacting
They're pretty chill and are ok with interaction and questions

Factive haters is a blog for our factives to be haters and yap about their sources
We found a pattern with our factives being disappointed and/or mad with their sources because 95% of the factives in our system are because their sources did shit to us, so they want to be little haters and yap about it
They founded funny that the name could be misinterpreted as a blog that hates the existence of factives as factives themselves running the blog
I recommend not seeing this blog if you don't like cursing, sarcastic and bad comments about people, have to clarify this alters do not condone harassment to their sources, they're also gonna censor and give nicknames to them for privacy reasons

Arachnid subsystem is our most active subsystem that tends to front most, they want a more prominent online presence to feel more separate from their sources (As a subsystem made purely of factives) so they made a blog for themselves
They don't feel comfortable in our general blog, so if you want to know them it has to be in their blog
Disclaimer, their blog is manly for them to vent, but not exclusive to that, and they're ok with interaction
(Do not ask them to activate asks, they're gonna activate it when they're ready to do it)

M.E.B hater trio is a blog runned by three prosecutors/persecutors and they're gonna be pretty aggressive in there
They don't mind interaction if isn't to change their views or tell them they're doing bad/hurt, they're aware of that, they just don't care and want to throw all their hate and pain in some random account
They don't condone harassment to the three targets of their blog, because yes, they're targeting three specific people, they will censor all the names to keep this three people anonymous
If you're triggered by very sensitive topics or dislikes hate blogs towards specific people I do not recommend looking at their blog, block them please
If you're willing to see be sure to see the pinned post to know what the blog's more about

That's basically all of the blogs now, they're fairly new so expect most of them to be empty, just wait and you'll find their pinned post right before hand
And remember, this are the ones done in the moment, we might be adding more as more alters feel free to have an online presence

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More Posts from Persmo
I'm so cool I have my own blog, you see guys??

«Blog Intro»
Hi there random on the internet, or maybe someone that I know that it's seeing my blog because for a strange fucking reason they like me??
Though I'm the one who post more in the main blog @persmo I feel like I needed and I wanted my own blog, mostly to not flood that blog with my shit lol
I love to curse and as I say in my blog description I'm considered a hypocrite semi-problematic questionable alter and this is my semi-problematic hypocrite questionable blog... You wanna know more about me and the blog? Sure, let's dive into it

About the blog
Probably gonna do a tags masterlist for you to not what to filter tag, the reason? Well let me give you a little list of what kind of content I might post here
Jokes about my trauma and problems
Mention or talking about serious and/or triggering topics
My opinions, might be problematic or seems as hypocrite
My thoughts, the same thing as above
Discourse posts but not being open to have a discourse chat about it (Only if I said so)
(If I do I'm gonna update this)
I don't filter myself most of the time when doing posts, but I do take accountability if I did wrong and hurt people
I'm 100% open minded so don't assume things about me and I'm conscious I can be wrong, just my actitud reads "I do not give a shit anymore" and that's right, I don't most of the time lol
I'm just a chaotic little persecutor who wants to have fun and has a very strange mind, deal with it or block me, I don't want fucking problems, and if you do tell me shit I'm gonna answer it laughing about it, no one can hate me more than I do LMAO
I fluent in spanish and english so expect some random posts to be in spanish (They're gonna be the minority, I don't like spanish at all but because it's my native language I have to stick with it ugh /neg)
Sometimes I'll post art that I did, drawings and narrative so beware
I might have some NSFW posts, but they're obviously gonna be tagged correspondingly, so please filter your tags when being in this blog, interact at your own responsibility, I do tag, I'm not responsible for you not filter tagging or ignoring the posts

About me
My name's Namelnom but you can call me Namel for short (NEVER EVER CALL ME NAME OK???) or you can give me a nickname. Some friends call me the fucking traumatized gay and tbh that's me fr, I do not mind that kind of names xD
Do not call me human, I'm aware the body's human but I'm not, I'm a non human alter who their identity also falls into the therian and otherkin ID, I'm so far away from being human that I'm a-ok with some dehumanizing jokes
Besides from host I'm also: Problematic alter, multolder, janusian, subsys-admin... And I won't be giving out more details lol
My basic list of pronouns from what I use/like most to the less used is: He/It/They/Xem/Persm/Coffeself/Purpleself/Robotself/Wolfself But you can use any pronouns that's not feminine, feminine aligned or feminine related... And pink, this includes she/her and neo/xeno pronouns that fall into that category
My queer labels are plenty so... Gender ID: Transmasc, GNC, Dya Man, Concefaun, Void Gender, Implagender Orientations: Oriented AroAce, AegoAroAce, Apothiosexual, Cupioromantic, Devoromantic, Fidesqueerplatonic, Panqueerplatonic, Demi-Sensual, Omniaesthetic Others: Polyqueerplatonic, Ambiamorous, Hyperased, T4T, ND4ND, AroAce4AroAce Probably gonna make a more in depth post about this, if I do I'm gonna link it here for you to see easily
Because they're here and probably gonna be the only ones to see my blog /hj I'm giving a honor mention to my son and my platonic husband!! I love them so much 💜 (Guys if you see this please tell me if it's ok for me to tag you out here)
Also some other misc info about me is:
As I previously said I'm otherkin, therian and otherlink, I have my suspicions about other things but, hey, I don't have the energy to read about them
I'm atheist satanist meaning I follow the satanist philosophy and commandments but I don't believe in satan nor worship him
I'm anti-genderist tho I might do some jokes about gender and that kind of shit lmao
Not in a religious way but I'm animistic (Hope I'm writing it correctly lol) meaning I have the strong and firm believe that everything is alive, have emotions and a soul, yes, objects and inanimate things too
Anarcho queer, deal with it or fuck it, I do not care anymore for activism nor I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community
I have A LOT of shipping and shipper labels, I'm not gonna say a lot about this in this blog but have that in mind
I have ginofobia, no, I'm not sexis or misoginist, I'm just a traumatized fucker who developed a phobia because of trauma, deal with it or block me
I'm pro-abortion, you don't like that? Cry about it

I'm 100% ok with answering asks of almost all kind, just nothing that's too explicit because I don't want that in my blog, tho I normally can stand that lol
Go ahead and interact all you want, juts have in mind that if you want to have a talk or a debate or something similar around some topic I mentioned in some post or you want me to give out an opinion of something sure you can, just respect that sometimes I won't be entering and having those talks because I simply don't want to
Do not assume we're friends if I haven't tell you we are, I tend to act like I'm friends with everyone when that's not true at all
OTI (Ok to interact)
A-normative people (Neurodivergent, queer, POC, etc.)
People with CDD (I know they're a-normative but still lol)
Open minded people
People who are "cringe" and just have fun
Likes dark humor
Artists and writers
Thin Ice
Neurotypicals (Like, don't having any disorder or neurodivergence)
Straight & cis people
Anime fans, otakus or any kind of people who it's like asian multimedia obsessed (Trauma goes brr)
Women (Trauma goes brr x2)
Darkshippers who don't put TW and censor to access the content
DNI (Do not interact)
Basic DNI (homophobics, transphobics, racist, classist, ableists, etc.)
Pro-life people
TERFS & radqueers (Yeah I'm putting them together because for me they're like equal shit)... Also, any kind of extremists
Fakes mental disorders for x or y reason
Stigmatize disorders
People with a savior complex and/or who feel morally superior
Closed mind people
Darkshippers who romanticize that shit
Fugoshis and fundashis (Any kind of people who fetichies/sexualizes gay/lesbian relationships)
People who think because they're part of a minority they can't discriminate ("I'm trans I can't be homophobic" " I'm POC I can't be racist", etc.)
Anti-shippers, like in general
Anti therian, otherkin and alterhuman
Anti any kind of content that's sen "cringe"
Doesn't take accountability and/or makes up excuses


When I finish the rest I'm gonna add the rest of my userboxes, at least the rest that are important to have here (I only like using my own made userboxes sorry not sorry ig?)
Probably I'm gonna make a post just to hoard all my userboxes lmao

Our experience as a polyfragmented system is very complex, sometimes too complex to even understand it ourselves
Curiously the alters topics is one of the least problems when talking about our polyfragmentation. As the host I tend to forget most of the time the alters part here, though I'm aware a lot of the things that I struggle with are because of alters in some kind of degree. Things like passive influence, semi front control, dissociation and amnesia are very attached to the alters, but most of the time I'm not aware of that or I don't care
It also enters the crowded front thing, we have multiple "fronting rooms" which are spaces that en't the inner world but some kind of in between there and front, imagine it like the console area from Inside out. It's almost impossible for us to tell all the alters who are fronting and conscious because of this and without direct interaction is very difficult to say "This alter is fronting with me" because I don't feel them most of the time
The low split tolerance is also pretty shitty as we tend to split fragments that have such ridiculous functions like "having panic attacks when I don't find my shoes immediately" and most of this time they don't front at all or very rarely, sometimes fragmentation isn't attached to a function and there are literal blank canvas roaming the inner world, we feel their presences sometimes and it's very scary, knowing we split a lot for "dumb" reasons and some of those fragments are just waiting the moment to gain an appearance and function that might not even be related to the reason they split off
We function in a very specific way that's scary, all is based on your rank and hierarchy, alters don't tend to care for each other and only do their job and try to stay the best they can, we're not only scare of ourselves like scare of other alters, but scare of what the brain can and will do
A lot of trauma and abuse is being repeated with ourselves, tha brian tries to make sure everyone behaves according to what was conditioned to us, basing it on the abuse and horrible things we experience, so it's not a surprise to see alters perpetrate the same abuse and make sure we follow what we learned
Being a polyfragmented system isn't only not being you and beings scare of that, is having there's a lot that's hiding and it's being censored to you because of your role and rank and you know is shit
This is a little kinda a ventish ig? Mostly because our experience is really horrible and hard to take. You can put our name or put us anon, we really don't care
Polyfrag systems!
We are writing a blog entry about our polyfragmentation, but we want to hear and include other presentations in our writing!
Please rb or comment your experiences along with if you want to remain anon

[TEXT ID: please tell this system when the thing theyre smelling isnt there, most of the time theyre not aware of olfactory hallucinations]
[IMG ID: a red rectangular box with a dark desaturated red outline with an icon of a person with multiple versions of themselves coming out from the back of them, each one becoming slightly more warped, with a question mark and exclamation point next to the top of their head to the left, and the text 'please tell this system when the thing theyre smelling isnt there, most of the time theyre not aware of olfactory hallucinations' to the right.]
Like & Reblog if you use!
(Reblogs can be private)
This is my last try to hope someone send me an ask on this, if not I quit 😭
(Probably gonna do it in another of my blogs if I don't get anything here because I really wanna do this)
Space themed System ask game based on common fakeclaim "criteria" because these things are valid and cool actually
🛰-Do you have a large headcount?
👾-Do any alters in your system have typing quirks?
🚀-Does your system have any Non-human alters?
☄️-Is your system neurodivergent?
🔭-Does your system use neo Pronouns?
🌠-Do any of the alters in your system have dyed hair?
🌙-Are there any nonverbal alters in your system?
🪐-Does your system have Angry or "dangerous" persecutors?
💫-Do your littles use 'little-speech?'
🌌-Does your system have little to no amnesia between switches?
🌟-Does your system have fairly clear communication?
🌘-Do you have a large or complex headspace?
🛸-Do any alters in your system have exo-memories?
👽Does your system have any tics?
☀️-is your system bad at masking?
✨️-Do any alters in your system have an accent?
🌎-Do any alters in your system speak in a different language?
☁️-Does your system use things like pluralkit and simply plural?
⭐️-are you out about being a system?
This will probably flop but!!! I had fun making it<3
Endos and their supporters dni :')