poetic-little-soul - [Pᴏᴇᴛɪᴄ Տᴏᴜʟ]
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| Poet | Artist | Sagittarius | Insomniac | A place to write, vent, and share the words I wouldn't say out loud.

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8 months ago

Make Believe

Let’s pretend that you’re never like this.

That self loathing and pity

Aren’t the only things riddling your mind

Come morning time.

That by nightfall you’re not a

Boiling pot of hatred and disgust for the day.

Let’s pretend that you don’t exist

Just for the negativity to eat away at you.

That somewhere along the way you don’t

Expect everything to go up in flames

And for people to leave you as fast as

The ash in the wind does.

I know it’s hard to pretend to such extremes,

To act like the world isn’t against you

And every action isn’t meant to break you.

But for one moment let’s just pretend,

That some day you can be whole again…

That some day you’ll find yourself again.

-S.Lilobell (We’re all just playing make believe anyway.)

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8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago

Never mine.

You belong to the earth.

You will breath it in and out

And it will become part of you

For the rest of your existence.

And I will be there too

But you do not belong to me.

You belong to the scars

Deceptively scattered on your body.

The remnants of a war

You were forced into as a child.

I have those too,

But you do not belong to me.

You belong to your emotions.

The gut wrenching anger

Used to throw words like knives

Because you were taught hatred.

And I will be your target,

But you do not belong to me.

You belong to yourself.

Safe and sound behind walls

Built from your disassociation

Because control is easier than surrender.

And I will belong to you too,

….but you do not belong to me.

S.Lilobell (…And maybe you never will.)

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8 months ago

Your name has dripped from my pen more times than I can count.

In gorgeous, leather bound journals and on the back of used up receipts.

You are everywhere and yet no where at all…

This is what it means to be a memory.

-S.Lilobell (Things I would rather forget.)

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8 months ago

Maybe if I knew you needed me I wouldn’t question whether or not The sunrise was worth watching If it meant watching it alone.

-S.Lilobell (Who knew it could be beautiful and empty all at once?)

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9 months ago

We’re shifting

And the ground beneath us,

That was once so solid,

Has begun to give way. 

I can feel the vibrations 

From the earth go up my

Feet and shake my bones. 

I’m scared this is it for us,

But you’re smiling and telling me

Everything will be okay.

S.Lilobell (What kind of earthquake smiles like that?)

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9 months ago

La Fleur

“He loves me..

He loves me not..”

One by one the petals fall.

The flower becomes bare.

The answer’s apparent,

Though heartbreaking.

And the stem hits the ground

On the last

“He loves me not..”

-S.Lilobell (What does a flower know anyway?)

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9 months ago

Love isn’t supposed to attack with sharpened swords and pointed arrows… 

It’s supposed to soften the blows so you don’t feel like dying over it.

S.Lilobell (Why does your love feel like death?)

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9 months ago

Let’s pretend there are words between us

Instead of this deafening silence. 

I'd rather parade around in masks

Than deal with the strangers that we are. 

Even if it's false hope that leads me, 

Even if the love we feel is expired, 

Just let me believe it to be true...

That in some other world we could have made it.

S.Lilobell (I’m scared we are catastrophic in every universe.)

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9 months ago
10 months ago

Rain kills too. 

Maybe there is a tranquility in the rain,

That sings a soft lullaby to the lonely

And whispers sweet nothings to the confused. 

Maybe it rocks your soul to sleep

When all you can think of are misfortunes

And how love tastes better out of a bottle. 

Maybe each drop renews your sense of security. 

Or maybe there’s a blasé ring to it

That’s so deafening it puts the broken on edge.

Maybe the rain kills in such a beautiful way

People find it soothing,

While others suffer silently. 

S.Lilobell (I’m drowning in what you call “beautiful weather”)

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10 months ago

We are just ghosts living in a lifeless corpse. 

The only skeletons left are the ones in your closet

And I wonder if you think of me

When you dance with them. 

-S.Lilobell (Or have you moved on to warmer bodies?)

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10 months ago

The thing is…

She didn’t need you. 

She had a fire within her soul

That kept her warm when

Loneliness threatened to freeze her. 

She had the world in her smile 

And the moon on her tongue. 

She was everything she ever needed…

…but holy fuck

Did she want you. 

S.Lilobell (I’ve learned that sometimes love isn’t enough.)

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10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago

He was more comfortable buried under a stone 

Than he was bathing in the sun. 

And I was a dying flower in need of some kind of light. 

But he was sinking me,

Suffocating me with control instead of love. 

And I’m terrified of this grave he calls a life.

S.Lilobell (The story of my tombstone)

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10 months ago

It’s starting to feel the same again..

Like a tightness in my bones that threatens to snap them if I move just one more inch.

Like a pressure forcing me down into the bed, sinking me slowly, ready to suffocate me at another breath.

Like these words are lodged in my throat, choking what little life I had left out of me and my hands are too numb to pull them out.

Like the person down on one knee in front of me is offering far worse than a ring and the damage is irreversible.

What do I do when it starts to feel the same again?

S.Lilobell (Save me from this eternity.)

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2 years ago