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9 months ago

Make Believe

Let’s pretend that you’re never like this.

That self loathing and pity

Aren’t the only things riddling your mind

Come morning time.

That by nightfall you’re not a

Boiling pot of hatred and disgust for the day.

Let’s pretend that you don’t exist

Just for the negativity to eat away at you.

That somewhere along the way you don’t

Expect everything to go up in flames

And for people to leave you as fast as

The ash in the wind does.

I know it’s hard to pretend to such extremes,

To act like the world isn’t against you

And every action isn’t meant to break you.

But for one moment let’s just pretend,

That some day you can be whole again…

That some day you’ll find yourself again.

-S.Lilobell (We’re all just playing make believe anyway.)

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9 months ago

To The Marrow

Despite this scorching water

There’s a chill that cuts straight to my bones.

Maybe I’m hollowed out

And that’s what brings this lucid coldness.

Just a ghost living in a lifeless corpse.

The only skeletons left are the ones in your closet

And I wonder if you think of me

When you dance with them.

-S.Lilobell (Or have you moved on to warmer bodies?)

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8 months ago

I clung to you as though your love was the only thing my lungs wanted to breathe in.

But you got claustrophobic within my arms and took a step back,

Fearful that my fire would engulf your soul if given the chance...

...And you weren't ready for that.

-S.Lilobell (This is what a dying flame feels like.)

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8 months ago

Faulty Lips

I’ll never say it

Because to say

“I care”

Is not enough and yet

Too much all at once.

Words with weight have been

Flung around too often and

“I love you”

Can mean only for one night.

It holds no merit,

Whispered from

Faulty lips.

I don’t want artificial emotions

Hand crafted as pick up lines,

There’s no depth in it.

No I need real,







The kind people kill for..

-S.Lilobell (Excerpts from a dream I once had.)

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7 months ago

Renouncing A Title.

When the Knights came,

In shiny silver armor,

She would frown

And turn them away.

And when the Prince’s came,

On their valiant white steads,

She left the window

With nothing more to say.

The Suitors came next,

With their well written verses.

But she knew too well

Of loves evil curses…

…Oh but when the Dragons came,

The princess finally left her tower.

Leaving behind the fairytale rose,

To become a WILDFLOWER.

-S.Lilobell (Heavy is the head that wears the crown.)

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7 months ago

We were never cut from the same minerals.

You came from a world of sharp jewels that cut to the bone.

And I grew from soft soil,

With only beautiful petals to show for it.

-S.Lilobell (Turns out you can’t turn a Rose into a Ruby.)

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6 months ago

Cyclical Human Beings

There’s not much you can say to seasonal people.

Temporary words stay longer than they do and

The December air is too crisp for their never ending need for change.

Their blankets of fall get tucked away before winter is even over

And no amount of warmth will keep them near for summer.

So what can really be said to someone who leaves a mountain of avalanches in their wake?

“Stay close for the seasons have more to offer than the rivers you’re used to…”

Or maybe something with a little less substance?

“There’s a bonfire tonight and a s’more with your name on it…”

Maybe it’s useless to try and contain running water like them.

They’re made of iron slivers that will leave you with a mess of wounds to clean

And a fountain of new anxieties that will never let you sleep in peace again.

So instead, say goodbye before ever saying hello to a Cyclical Human Being…

-S.Lilobell (They won’t stay long enough to hear your farewell otherwise.)

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