I’m not actually a botanist I just love Andy Weir booksPJO — @sallyjacksonsson
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Surfthestardust - Luckily, Im A Botanist - Tumblr Blog
What we know about everyone’s powers so far in season 4:
Luther - eventually becomes big again (may or may not be monke)
Diego - still out here throwing knives, how it relates to his power remains uncertain
Allison - voice-modulated telekinesis or force generation, maybe? she can at least throw people by screaming
Klaus - might have to do with seances and the dead? also a decent chance that he can levitate based on the teaser
Five - spatial jumps seem to work normally, but are purple. I doubt he can time travel with the timeline all wonky (that’s where the subway comes in, I presume)
Ben - tentacles come out of his back instead of his front. also worth noting that he’s going to cause the apocalypse, and there’s orange stuff under his skin
Viktor - orange powers that look firey (might be his regular powers turned orange and firey, or may just be fire powers - my assumption is a combination of both)
Lila - laser eyeballs????
Sloane - we know nothing
The funniest plot twist of all time is them revealing that after three whole seasons, we still don’t know how Ben died just because THEY don’t remember how Ben died
cassandra by taylor swift is so five hargreeves coded. I will not take criticism
Umbrella Academy characters as “bury your gays” style tropes except they’re not tropes, I made them up
Luther: apeify your straights
Diego (and Lila): institutionalize your bisexuals
Allison: deprive your straights of their loved ones
Klaus: resurrect your gays
Five: torture your aces with yet another apocalypse
Ben: bury your straights
Viktor: give your trans people unfathomable power
happy ides of march, today I learned “et tu, brute?” is not french, but latin. i always just assumed caesar was speaking french for some reason
it has come to my attention that this was on the same day too… im feral
from annabeth’s “careful. I think you were about to call me a friend” to her crying about how percy is better than all the gods in ONE EPISODE I need to be sedated

Went to the gateway arch last summer and this was all I got
from annabeth’s “careful. I think you were about to call me a friend” to her crying about how percy is better than all the gods in ONE EPISODE I need to be sedated
this was the best episode of anything I’ve seen in my entire life. I cannot overstate my levels of askksjdjdjsksbb. I am destroyed. I am torn to the ground. I am rising from the ashes
the scream I scrumpt when I found out the percy jackson show was released a day early
Percy doing the floss dance and petting a salamander cus hes bored. Thats my son
I feel like if humans swallowed rocks like birds do to help grind up food we'd have so much fun with it.
Can just imagine all the girlies on tiktok going "I know this is a bit controversial but I honestly love using limestone as a gastrolith. Not only can you readily forage it but they are just so pretty when smoothed out after regurgitating them"
and then all the comments would be like " girl 😭 😭 calcite dissolves in stomach acid!! Just use quartz if you want a pretty gastrolith like 💀"
project hail mary fandom rise up there have to be SOME of us
“His liberty is full of threats to all,
To you, yourself, to us, to every one.

Alas, how shall this bloody deed be answered?
It will be laid to us, whose providence
Should have kept short, restrained and out of haunt,

This mad young man: but so much was our love,
We would not understand what was most fit,
But, like the owner of a foul disease,
To keep it from divulging, let it feed
Even on the pith of life. Where is he gone?”

“… he weeps for what is done.”
Revenge of the Sith x Hamlet

The Tragedy Of Anakin Skywalker
art by Uzuri Art @uzuriartonline via Twitter
"the jedi don't have therapists-"
jedi philosophy, and in particular the practices and teachings that jedi were expected to implement in their everyday lives, was therapy. dialectical behavior therapy (dbt), to be exact. anyone who's familiar with dbt knows where i'm already going with this, but like genuinely look up the basic tenets of dbt and it's identical with what the jedi were doing.
dbt, to put it simply, is a specific therapy technique that was designed for ptsd and past trauma. it's pretty different from traditional talk therapy. it combines a few different environments (individual, group, etc.), recognizing that no single format of treatment can stand alone.
the key focuses of dbt include:
emotional regulation- understanding, being more aware of, and having more control over your emotions
mindfulness- regulating attention and avoiding anxious fixation on the past or future
interpersonal effectiveness- navigating interpersonal situations
distress tolerance- tolerating distress and crises without spiraling and catastrophizing
i'm sure it's already clear from that list alone how much the jedi teachings correspond with the goals of dbt. the jedi value, teach, and practice the following:
identifying and understanding emotions
mindfulness and living in the present
compassion, diplomacy, and conflict resolution (on interpersonal scales, not just planetary or galactic)
accepting and tolerating certain levels of distress or discomfort (particularly mental, such as discomfort at the thought of losing a loved one to death)
idk man seems almost as if jedi mental health practices and dbt are two sides of a completely identical coin. (fun fact: both star wars and dbt are products of the 70s.)
and guess what? dbt was specifically designed as a treatment for borderline personality disorder. remember that one? or, if you don't, maybe you remember a specific character, the one who was literally used as an example by my professor in my undergrad psych class when she was teaching us about bpd?

tldr: simply existing within the jedi community, practicing jedi teachings, surrounded by a support network of other jedi of all life stages, was the therapy for anakin. even when viewed through a modern lens. it was even, more specifically, the precise type of therapy that has developed in modern times to treat the exact types of mental issues he was struggling with.

ok wait this shit turned out better than expected, considering i havent drawn real people in a looooong ass time. 💀

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker you will always be loved.

SITH! OBI-WAN & ANAKIN SKYWALKER | WHAT IF? STAR WARS BY ME. I always liked the idea of Obi-Wan corrupted by the dark side, so i made this. Star Wars really needs a what if show.