The Hargreeves - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Okay.. I'm Gonna Go Back And Watch Season 1 Again.
Okay.. I'm Gonna Go Back And Watch Season 1 Again.

Okay.. I'm gonna go back and watch season 1 again.

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4 years ago

So... I really want to write a bunch of headcanons about The Umbrella Academy. Does anyone have a theme or a frame to request?

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4 years ago

What happened is that I was kinda expecting a celebrity crush watching The Umbrella Academy.

I wasn't expecting seven of them, that's it.

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2 years ago

My comfort characters as John Mulaney quotes

Foggy Nelson

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Sam Winchester

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Matt Murdock

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Spencer Reid

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Klaus hargreeves about Reginald

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Spencer Reid

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Rpatz Bruce Wayne

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Viktor hargreeves

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Adrian Chase

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

Dean Winchester

My Comfort Characters As John Mulaney Quotes

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2 years ago

If tua was born in certain places would that be on their licenses plates? Or do none of them own cars? 😭

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2 years ago

In tua3 I wish five acc had mr pennycrumb like it was his actual dog instead of there just being a dog named mr pennycrumb 😭

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2 years ago

As a thank you for 60 followers!! I present to you incorrect quotes by an incorrect quotes generator that I find the funniest


Viktor : Are we really going to let Klaus keep Allison?

Five : We kept Diego.


Viktor : We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.

Klaus: ... Your what?

Viktor : My friends.

Allison: Are they saying “friends”?

Five : I think they're being sarcastic.

Diego: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Viktor ! All of your friends are in this room.

Viktor : I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.


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2 years ago

Do u guys think he also came out like a size of ice cube or—

i can’t help but imagine that christopher was one of the kids that was born on october 1st 1989, and his poor mother had to birth a small cube with no warning

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5 months ago

it's interesting that despite all being the same age you can see a clear division of younger and older siblings within the Hargreeves siblings.

With five it's more obvious despite being mentally far older than all of them he looks like a child he looks like their much younger brother did when they lost him and so they treated him as such. But you can see that level out now to they still treat him like a younger brother but give him space to be an adult.

But for the other siblings that all remain the same age it's a nice little look into how parentification of the higher numbers and the wombification of the lowers ones by Hargreeves insane parenting methods created an artificial sibling age hierarchy amongst children of the same age.

Which is also why ben doesn't fit. He was number 6 to them but he was number 2 in his own family. They want to baby him but he is used to being looked to as an elder. it's also why him and Diego seem to clash the most can't be two number twos with complexes about being number two in the family it fucks the whole shit up

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5 months ago

The character assasination of Lila being more happy to see the family than five. FIVE survived an apocalypse and a deranged bureau for 46 years so he could fight his way back to save his family FIVE. isn't happy to see them after getting lost against his will for 7 years.

Like he thinks the cleanse is over and done with he thinks he's coming back to peace and his family happy and together and Lila is more excited to see them than him? Five who has traversed space and time for his siblings, who has outrun apocalypse after apocalypse after apocalypse for them. and 7 years is enough to destroy all that make him wish for a time without them? I call bullshit.

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2 years ago

Alright I love that five doesn’t have a “normal” name because I also see five as a name and not ranking but if he were to have a name I feel like one of thes would fit him so let’s VOTE

Weston, Royce, Spencer, Finn, Ronan,

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In light of the way people have reacted I have decided to not watch TUA s4 and instead watch the first three seasons and binge read the comics.

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This post caused me to look this song up, and it’s very catchy! It has such a swift, unceasing pace to it and an epic buildup, and it captures the feeling of running. Also, of course, very fitting for the Hargreeves, and very nicely paired with these gifs. 

Side note, the rhythm of this song makes me think of Loki’s Song by Lucinda Holdsworth. It’s not an exact match, but enough that it brought it to mind and I thought I might as well recommend it :)

Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From
Dont Blame Me Because I Cant Help Where I Come From

don’t blame me because I can’t help where I come from ♫

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

more ao3 because it’s like free therapy. 

Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Five Hargreeves/Delores, The Hargreeves Siblings Characters: Delores, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Klaus Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Number Six | Ben Hargreeves Additional Tags: nobetawedielikelila'sparents, OCs, original plot line, Fluff, Angst, Teenager stuff, Slightly Aged up, Teenage Drama, Teenage bliss


Delores was a real that Five and the other Umbrella kids had known as kids, but Five knew her more personally than the others.

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7 months ago

What we know about everyone’s powers so far in season 4:

Luther - eventually becomes big again (may or may not be monke)

Diego - still out here throwing knives, how it relates to his power remains uncertain

Allison - voice-modulated telekinesis or force generation, maybe? she can at least throw people by screaming

Klaus - might have to do with seances and the dead? also a decent chance that he can levitate based on the teaser

Five - spatial jumps seem to work normally, but are purple. I doubt he can time travel with the timeline all wonky (that’s where the subway comes in, I presume)

Ben - tentacles come out of his back instead of his front. also worth noting that he’s going to cause the apocalypse, and there’s orange stuff under his skin

Viktor - orange powers that look firey (might be his regular powers turned orange and firey, or may just be fire powers - my assumption is a combination of both)

Lila - laser eyeballs????

Sloane - we know nothing

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2 years ago

*All the siblings are on the battlefield w/ The Handler & Lila*

The Handler: Ha, barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead.

Five:*Looks over at Lila then the Handler a glare still evident on his face

Handler: You’re getting all worked up over nothing

Diego: *About to attempt to punch the Handler*

Klaus&Allison:*Pulls him back*

Handler:*Smiles wider at Five*

Handler: You’ve changed *Glances at past him at his family then back at him*

Handler: You’re getting weak

*All The Siblings Are On The Battlefield W/ The Handler & Lila*

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