AU’s and other thing’s (but mostly au’s)
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Turtlefreddy - Maze Brain - Tumblr Blog

Katsuki can see connections. How people connect with people. How a thing is connected to another thing. How a person is connected to a place.
The more opaque the stream that connects them the more they’ve been in contact or rely on that person or thing.
If he concentrates hard enough when he touches that stream he can see glimpses of what that thing means to a person. Ex: if he touches a stream that connects a mother and her child then he’ll see glimpses of that mother caring for her child.
He uses this to track people and sometimes find out weaknesses about opponents.
People seem to always think he’s weak or some two bit fortune teller so he freaks out people when he brings up someone’s personal matters and just hints at it.
He doesn’t have a lot of friends because everyone always thinks he’s gonna find out everything about them and use it against them.
He has a habit of zoning out or becoming overwhelmed by all the colors around him.
The first time he zoned out in 1-A Aizawa asked a question and he didn’t answer, this proceeded into most of the class freaking out because he wasn’t reacting to anything and it was starting to look like he wasn’t breathing, deku fixed it tho by slowly covering katsuki’s eyes with his hands until he snapped out of it with a unnecessarily adorable sneeze.
The first time Aizawa erased katsuki’s quirk he got really quiet and just stared at his hands for a while.
Katsuki hates going home because when he does his parent make him take medication that “stabilizes” his emotions. After a weekend visit with his parents he comes back to the dorms acting weird. When he’s questioned by Aizawa he acts confused and quietly explains that his parents make him take “mood stabilizers” because he’s too emotional.
Katsuki answers a lot of questions even if they aren’t questions directed at him, it scares everyone with how honest and open he is while drugged.
The stabilizers take 24 hours to get out of his system, it’s the weirdest 24 hours for the rest of the class.
The stabilizers are illegal because they erase all emotions leaving the person dull and unable to protect themselves.
Shoto becomes super protective because he reminds him of a worse version of himself before he made friends.
Inspired by: The Inari by KatieCat7, MidnightMoonraider
Bakugou and Encanto crossover (kinda)
Katsuki and Izuku get into an argument and it starts to get heated very quickly. They’re screaming at each other and somethings get revealed about Katsuki’s parents.
Katsuki: Selfish!?
Katsuki: I’ve been stuck being perfect my whole entire life and the only thing you’ve ever done for me is MESS THINGS UP!!!
Izuku: Nothing is messed up you can still be the best at everything!!!
Izuku: …w-what?
Katsuki knows all the gossip. If you ask him for blackmail or just the latest on someone he will know every detail. Everyone knows not to push him to far or he’ll destroy your social life after they witnessed what happens when someone does.
Katsuki makes a surprising amount of money off of selling people just the slightest detail about someone.
When people ask him how he gets his info he looks at them like they’re dumb and answers with “it’s not that hard”.
People tend to spill their guts to him on accident when he scares them.
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi is surprised and just a little scared when katsuki hands him a folder on a criminal that he brought in with the only explanation being “I did my research”. He now visits katsuki to chat about petty criminals backgrounds and drink tea.
Bakugou is from America he ends up transferring to UA back in America he went to public school so when he transfers to UA he has no idea what to expect and UA has just received a demon
Katsuki asks questions that traumatizes everyone else
Katsuki just casually talks about school shootings and bomb threats and it both scares the students and teachers
The teachers find it extremely concerning that Katsuki knows everything that’s happening with everyone they end up asking him about it and his only response is a shrug and a comment about needing to be in the know
He and denki bond over being the only two kids in 1-A that are fluent in English and the power they have is beautiful
He uses all kinds of slang that doesn’t make sense to anyone but denki
After nedzu escapes experimentation he finds an abandoned Bakugou in an alley nedzu of course know the cruelty of man kind takes Bakugou to raise as his own after seeing how smart the baby is. Now it’s just nedzu and baby Bakugou living life as nedzu opens a school with his demon child thats maybe a little to smart right next to him to cause chaos for the rest of the teachers.
Not many of the teachers know who Katsuki is so they’re always trying to catch this feral child as he breaks into their classrooms during lessons to watch
Katsuki likes to hide under nedzu’s desk and boops peoples feet that stand to close this has resulted in more then one incident that usually ends in the maniacal laughing of father and son
God forbid someone makes Katsuki cry while izuku is around both children are scary smart but izuku holds a grudge and will continuously act on it until he is satisfied with the results
Katsuki will a lot of the times be found napping in a fluffy blanket or someone’s sweater if left unattended (he gets it from nedzu)
When Bakugou meets Shigaraki at usj he picks up on several signs of abuse/manipulation and begins to question who’s really behind the scenes. He does some searching and ends up hacking into some security cameras that show that shigaraki is being experimented on and manipulate into thinking it’s normal. Bakugou later pulls a rescue and ends up getting a reluctant shigaraki to follow him to UA for help.
✨bonus ✨
Shigaraki is only a year older then Bakugou in this au so they bond over video games and sarcasm
Bakugou recognized the signs of abuse from his own home from before UA got custody and he started living with aizawa
Bakugou and Shigaraki end up being surprisingly protective of each other and end up referring to each other as brothers
Kurogiri ends up collecting the rest of the league but they’re more vigilantes and sometimes pop up out of no where to visit their baby brothers Bakugou and Shigaraki
What if Bakugou and Eri were siblings and when their mom abandoned them Chisaki experimented on both of them. So when Eri escaped and ran into izuku the hero’s only thought it was one child until they find Eri and she’s being protected by an angry and terrified teenager.

“met some gays in the wild the other day and it was incredible” @chebbyart on twitter
I just realized that if Tom and Jerry was a superhero movie Jerry would be the villain! And Tom is just a really bad hero!
I want to do something but I don’t have the energy to do anything o(╥﹏╥)o
I love the mother bear concept.
Just a character that has unofficially adopted tiny children will absolutely destroy anyone and anything that comes between their babies all while keeping said babies calm.
Happy Pride Month!!!
It’s pride so have a rainbow peacock spider (Maratus robinsoni)❤️❤️❤️

Just screaming randomly because you don’t know what to do what the energy slowly building inside you to the point if you don’t do something you will create a baby supernova.
Specifically a supernova because pretty!

Sometimes my brother will point at what I’m doing and say “that’s illegal”, and I just yell back “YOUR ILLEGAL!”
What if when you head butt a wall you got the power to create walls...
¬o( ̄- ̄メ)
pew pew

Zombie spiders look like cotton balls...