I Got Bored - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Tmnt Splinter On My Board Says Your Feelings Are Valid

Tmnt Splinter on my board says your feelings are valid

(why'd I make this? Idk)

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8 months ago

made a few changes and then realised now I have to change everything… damn

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3 years ago


The “last normal day” was March 13, 2020. It was a Friday. Last day was on Friday the 13th. Tomorrow is August 13, 2021 which is also a Friday the 13th.

This is a fucking joke but yeah do what you want with this information. I’m not good at actually making a joke but basically in my mind I thought to myself “last normal day was a Friday 13th, tomorrow’s also a Friday 13th *insert funny joke about it being a cycle and things might go back to normal because cycle and shit*”

I’m too much of a technical person to make a joke about this and make it seem like an accident or that I’m typing lazily and sleepily at 4:52 am while it rains like fucking hell if it were a forest instead of an eternal inferno of punishment to those who have done wrong in the mortal world.

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5 years ago

Kombatants In The Disneyworld Tea Cup Ride

Spins calmly and ejoys their ride in peace: Raiden, Fujin, Kotal Kahn, Erron Black, Kitana, Liu Kang, Cetrion, Hanzo, Kuai Liang, Noob Sai Bot, Sonya, Jade, Skarlet, Sindel

Spins cup as fast as they can screaming: Kano, Kabal, Johnny Cage, Cassie Cage, Jaqui Briggs, Takeda, Kung Jin, Kung Lao, Mileena, Tanya, Rain, Ferra & Tor, Frost, Sareena, Kenshi

Breaks the cup via spinning too fast: Shao Kahn, Jax, Goro, Cyrax, Sketor, Geras, Reptile, probably Baraka

Throws up after the ride: Ermac, D’Vorah

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2 years ago


An unwelcome guest

That refuses to leave

The one that will walk in

As if they own the home

You call the mind.

They can be safe

They can cause joy.

For me

It’s the pain.

The pain of thinking

The pain of knowing

That if I listened

I wouldn’t be here.

Knowing that if I listened,

Everything would be different.

Thoughts are different,

But they carry the same message.

When I was younger,

They were a safe zone.

Now that I’m older

They are a death sentence.

Thoughts that yell

Despite how silent they truly are.

A silent knife

To a heart unshielded.

If I listened

Would they finally leave?

If I took the plunge

Would they finally become mute?

We shall never know

Because the thoughts keep me silent.

From the observations

That I never asked for.

The thoughts will announce things,

How skinny that girl

That girl in my biology class,

Who has a family perfected

Who has friends and is popular,

How that girl in my biology class

Should’ve been me

If I had only listened.

The thoughts will point out that kid

With a present father

And a picture perfect home

And say that could’ve been me

If only I had listened.

If I had listened

I would’ve been happy

I would be happy

If I listened to the thoughts

That were once a safe haven

That have turned into my own personal prison.

Shrouded in the lies people would say.

Once a gift

Now becoming a curse.

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2 years ago

01010100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100


A thing covered

In the thing called society.

We have created this

This vile

This villain

This deep seated feeling

We have created it

And then we gave it power.

We give it power over our lives

Afraid of everything.

Afraid that if we aren’t a certain way

We will get killed.

Afraid of what others think

Because that is what we are taught.

We are afraid of getting left

Because we are taught

That being left can only equal

Being worthless.

That being left

Is because you weren’t good enough.

You weren’t good enough for them.

You weren’t able to keep up.

You were too different.

You were too unique.

You were too much You.

So they left.

And with them left your worth.

Society tells us,

That without worth,

We are without being.

Without being able to put a price

There is nothing

And then it was all pointless.

Because even the most priceless of things

Is still marked with a price tag.

The world taught us to be open

And to be afraid of the closed off.

That they had to have done something

Something bad

Something terrible

If they had nothing to say.

That if you weren’t open

Then you weren’t worthy of trust.

We say things we don’t want to,

Because silence has become a crime,

Because our safety and comfort

Is at the bottom of the barrel.

When we speak up

Nobody listens

They say we are crazy,

Because that is what history says.

Because that society taught it.

We are taught

That without a partner

Are we really human?

Without love

Without attraction

Without sexual activity

Wouldn’t we be robots?

Wouldn’t you have to be an alien?

And then when we express the attraction we have,

We are told that it is wrong,

And are instilled a fear

Of speaking about who we love

Just in case the person we talk to

Has a fear

And has a weapon

Even if that weapon

Is a word.

We are taught

That fear isn’t real

And that if we have one

We are weak.

When in reality

We are the strong ones

Because we live every single day

Having to know

That the fear is there

And the object could be around at any time.

For me, it is the dark

Because something could be there

And I am most vulnerable

When I cannot see.

For a friend, it is heights

Because you cannot catch yourself

When pushed off of a building.

For another, it is people

Because of what they might say

Or what they might do

And they have to have hope

That someone doesn’t snap

And decide that it was their time.

Fear is not a weakness

It is a strength

That we have been taught

As a necessity.

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3 years ago
Enjoy This Little Doodle Of Flippy I Just Made

Enjoy this little doodle of Flippy I just made

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9 months ago

I have a 3DS and I'm playing tomodachi life and I decided to add AM to it and used a Tumblr artist's art for reference cause making AM the same as the author really doesn't rub me the right way for various reasons

I Have A 3DS And I'm Playing Tomodachi Life And I Decided To Add AM To It And Used A Tumblr Artist's

Btw idfk how my mii pulled him but they fucking did and made him say "I don't have the heart to insult them" so im confused of how the fuck did my mii do that where he's praising a fucking human and wanting to marry them instead of torturing and humiliating them

AM Design by @fuzedatti go praise their AM Design cause it's not mine, I just got inspired to play this game again cause of YouTube and thought AM in Tomodachi Life would be funny as fuck

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10 months ago

I made another one

So he's an old construction robot, but after years and years of use long after he would normally have been shut down, his joints have worn down, this causes them to disconnect quite often and they have to be carefully put back in place or they will simply hang from the wires loosely

He also likes animals, but is scared to hurt them so will often just watch them, but if he sees one that is cold or scared he will pull off some of his paneling to make little homes for them, which is why so much of it is missing

Not pictured, a small rabbit he befriended (I can't draw rabbits) it will often sit on his shoulder or inside his casing if it's cold

I Made Another One




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2 years ago

Sometimes boredom can bring the most amazing things.... and other times its just dumb shit like this

Wonder of Wonder Art

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3 years ago
Crow The Witch

Crow the witch

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4 years ago
Arbynella The Wild Forest Child

Arbynella the wild forest child

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4 years ago
I Couldnt Pick Between What Type Of Siren I Was Gonna Make So I Improvise

i couldn’t pick between what type of siren i was gonna make so i improvise

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