unpopularvivian - Boi I love Ttte
Boi I love Ttte

You can call me V or Vivian. She/her. But you can use he/him for me as well I don't care lol. 14 yrs old. Aroace and genderqueer and I'm proud 😎 Self diagnosed ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Please don't be weird or else I'm blocking you. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc, NOT TOLERATED

903 posts

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 324:

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 324:

*Spencer is sleeping when Gordon walks up to him*

Gordon: Spencer?..... Spencer? SPENCER!!!!!!

Spencer: *Gets waken up* Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich! 😏

*Gordon then grabs Spencer by the neck*


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More Posts from Unpopularvivian

6 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 309:

The fandom: Why are you gay?

Edward: Who says I'm gay?

The fandom: ......You are gay.

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6 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 312:

Diesel: Duck, I don't like you.

Duck: I'm sorry, what did you say?

Diesel: You heard me.

Duck, narrating: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said.

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6 months ago

My Ttte Designs (Percy):

My Ttte Designs (Percy):


Friendly, chill, mature, smug and can be a snarker sometimes. His personality was based on the more grumpier Percy that appeared in the classic series.

Caterpillar? Nah, they're a green centipede. Still, don't call them "Dirty Percy".

Is a lot less emotionally intelligent than canon Percy. Good thing when you're trying not to be manipulated and you're trying to stand up for yourself and your friends. Bad thing when your friends need emotional support and you end up giving them shit advice.

Demiboy and questioning. Uses he/him and they/them pronouns. He's trying to figure out what kind of people he's interested in. Girls and boys are off the list but he has a slight attraction to other genders. That being said, if's they're ever in a relationship, it just might be queerplatonic.

Loves analog horror like the Mandela Catalog, the Boiled One Phenomenon, etc. Heck. he ever brought the Boiled One plush.

Also they love ugly/creepy plushies and giving one to somebody means that they care for that person deeply. So if he ever gives you a fucked up plush, don't throw away. It probably means that you're one of his loved ones.

Their human age is 21 while their actual age is unknown since their og engine basis isn't a real one. However, they did get rebuilt into an actual engine basis following their REDACTED. The engine basis that they were rebuilt into is unfortunately unknown as well.

Is a fan of weirdcore and rap music. His favorite artists are Jack Stauber, Eminem and Connor Price.

Is the second oldest sibling between Pluto, Phillip, them and Mavis. Toby and Henrietta are their adopted parents.

Real name is Percival but just likes to be called Percy.

His left eye is blind while his right eye is fine. So his vision ends up looking extremely weird.

They're taller than Toby but is shorter than Emily.


He used to be like his canon counterpart. Extremely naive, kind and gullible. He was Thomas' best friend, was confused about long words and was the sweetest engine in the Steam Team. At that time, Percy was 18, Thomas was 15.

Toby was extremely close to him as well, basically forming a father-son relationship with the saddletank engine.

That all changed when the tank engine suffered a series of accidents to ensure that he will never be the same....

First, in TOTB, Percy gets caught in a landside trying to save James like in the movie. The difference however was that Percy's left arm and right leg got DESTROYED and had to be amputated since they were damaged beyond repair. He was given wooden prosthetics to help him with his work but become extremely irritable and moody afterwards.

This then leads to him growing resentment towards Thomas, James and the others when Belle and Flynn were introduced in DOTD. All of the events from the movie are pretty much the same like Percy being manipulated by Diesel 10 except for two key differences: Diesel 10's plan involves more than taking over the Steamworks and actually wanting to BURN DOWN Sodor and there are some nice diesels like BoCo and Mavis who were roped into Diesel 10's plan, believing that Diesel 10 was advocating for equal treatment for diesels.

At the Steamworks where Diesel 10 was ready to burn it down, Percy gathers all of the steam engines, the nice diesels and Sir Topham Hatt to try and stop the maniacal diesel. This leads to a violent confrontation until Diesel 10 rips the left side of Percy's face OFF, leaving Percy with a half mutilated face. Furious by this, Thomas charges towards Diesel 10, angrily knocking him into the wall.

Above Thomas was the giant mechanical claw used to lift engines up when they were being repaired, came loose and was about to hit Thomas in the head. But in the last moment, Percy pushed Thomas out of the way and got a concussion. Toby, completely devasted, ran to the saddletank engine and started begging him to wake up. Enraged, Sir Topham Hatt banished Diesel 10 to the smelters' yard as punishment and Percy was sent to the Mainland for repairs.

In the Mainland, the workers were able to stich the left side of his face back together and were about to gave Percy new metal prosthetic limbs when they realized that they didn't enough supplies to make them. So in a desperate attempt, they went to the scrapyards of a random railway and used the remains of a gray diesel to make the prosthetics. Percy was stuck in the Mainland for 3 years.

When Percy finally came back to Sodor, everybody were overjoyed to see him okay but something was wrong with the tank engine. He didn't remember anything about Sodor.

It eventually took some time but Percy finally remembered about his old friends and his old home. But he also found a chilling discovery as well...

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6 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 315:

*Edward is casually doing his business when CM/Swap Edward walks up to him in a very ominous matter and whispers something into his ear*

CM/Swap Edward: July 25, 2030.

*CM/Swap Edward then suddenly disappears into thin air*

Edward: What the hell was that? Ah whatever, probably nothing important.

*July 25, 2030*

Edward, walking down the stairs: *Yawns* Jesus, what a boring day. Hope that something exciting hapPENS- *Falls down the stairs*

*Sounds of Edward cursing can be heard all throughout Sodor*

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6 months ago

MC Toby: Okay! Enough of the nonsense, let's go into the magic buffers and find Lady.

*All the engines move forward into the buffers and disappear as they're transported to the Magic Railroad. There, they end up in Shining Time Station where a small engine was waiting in front of them*

???: Peep, peep! Hello! Are you trying to find Lady?

MC Toby: Oh yeah! Where is she?

???: Well: She's already in front of you.

*The small engine then transforms into the Engine Goddess, Lady*

@gold-dust599's James: Wow, that is surprising..... So, do you know how I can go back?

Lady: Oh! A lost traveler who ended up in my world! Don't worry, I'll teleport you back to your universe. Just tell me which one it is.

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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