Ttte Incorrect Quote - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


My Gordon, talking to my Edward: Gee. And I thought that you were a gremlin compared to your canon self.....

My Diesel: So, am I just Bruno or what?

Hey, I love your TTTE incorrect quotes, I often saw them reblogged and I kept forgetting to follow, but I came up with one the other day but didn’t want to step on toes. Would it be OK if I made one?

Sure! You're always welcome to make incorrect quotes about my AU! Always want to see about what others make! 😁

Edit: Holy shit are you that fanfic writer who asktrio516 made fanart of you? 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯

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10 months ago

@glitterking599's Henry: I HATE YOU!!!!!

@glitterking599's Gordon: I HATE YOU EVEN MORE!!!!!!

MC Gordon: ....I'm no alternate universe expert but is that alternative universe of Henry and me fighting?

MC Edward: Yeah of course! What, are you blind?!

MC Gordon: No of course not! I'm glad that our issues were resolved early on rather than having it drag on.

MC Edward: Yeah same.


My Henry: Why are you blaming me?! I said turn left back there and you went right?!

My Gordon: You were pointing right and confusing your left with right again!



My Henry: GO TO H*LL!


@unpopularvivian Edward: What the fuck? Ah sh*t here we go again.

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8 months ago

MC Gordon: Mmmmmm..... That sounds suspiciously similar to me and Edward's relationship.....

@glitterking599's James: W-Wait, s-so you guys a-are r-rivals o-r something?....

MC Gordon: Well no. In my words. We're more like dysfunctional siblings, if you even want to call it that. It started when he was red and I was green. Basically, it became very heated until we got slapped in the face by Lady to start respecting each other.

@glitterking599's James: L-Lady sla-pped y-you t-two in the f-ace?

MC Gordon: What?!? No, not literally! What I meant is that we went through a series of events to get our friendship on the right track. I gained respect for Edward when he had his exploit and Edward started to respect me when I saved him from crashing after the both of us switched jobs.

@glitterking599's James: O-Oh! I-I see.... A-Also, w-why are y-your t-teeth r-really sharp?...

MC Gordon: It's supposed to be like that. Hey..... Why are you more anxious than usual?.... You're just basically Toby trapped in James' body!

@glitterking599's James: U-Uhhhh.... Well, I-I don't wa-nt to t-talk a-about it....

MC Gordon: Hmmm... A series of traumatic events... I see... Here, I'm going to show you the others. Just beware, you might be scared of some of my friends.

@glitterking599's James: O-Okay....

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago

MC Gordon: Alright then. Let me introduce you to our version of Toby and Percy. I'm certain that they won't make you panic.

@glitterking599's James: O-Okay....

*Gordon and @glitterking599's James start walking as @glitterking599's James looks at the universe that he's in currently in. It looked extremely different yet it give him a feeling of nostalgia. The two had finally arrived at Knapford Station, where Toby and Percy were talking to each other*

MC Percy: Dad, didn't you see that smoke over there!?? I'm pretty sure Thomas burnt something....

MC Toby: *Sighs* I already told him that he's banned from going to the kitchen...

MC Percy: What could it be this time? Toasted bread? Jolly Ranchers?

*Just then, MC Gordon and @glitterking599's James approaches the pair*

MC Gordon: Hello you two.

MC Toby: Oh Gordon! How nice to see you!

MC Percy: Hey Gordon. Me and dad were talking about the smoke that happened about 20 miles away. Did Thomas mess around again? What did he burn?

MC Gordon: It was cereal....

MC Toby: Cereal?!?! How can you even burn that?!?

MC Gordon: I don't know old lad. I don't know.

@glitterking599's James, to himself: W-Who are t-these two?... I-I ne-ver s-seen t-them i-n m-y life... W-Whatever, I-I'm pretty s-sure they're nice....

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago

MC Toby: Well yes! Percy does call me "dad" since I'm his adopted father.

@glitterking599's James: Wa-it, w-what?....

@glitterking599's James, internally: W-what i-s t-this p-place a-anyways???? T-this is s-o c-confusing..... W-Whatever, I-I'm s-sure I'll g-get out of this p-place s-soon....

*@glitterking599's James then notices something about MC Percy*

@glitterking599's James: W-Why d-does it l-ook li-ke y-you h-have pro-thesic-

MC Percy: Limbs? Yeah. I have them after some disastrous events. Also I have a blind eye. Pretty hard to see with that thing but it's bearable.

@glitterking599's James: .......

MC Toby: Oh, it's a long story to understand. Anyways, how did you even end up here?

@glitterking599's James: I-I do-n't e-even kno-w my-self....

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago

MC Percy: What the?

MC Gordon: Hey! Hey! Calm down! You're safe here! I'm sure you'll be back in your own universe again!

MC Toby: Besides, we won't hurt you! Panicking won't do anything in this situation!

*As MC Gordon and Toby try to calm down @glitterking599's James, MC Thomas and Edward saw all of the commotion in the distance*

MC Thomas: What the heck is going on?

MC Edward: I don't know. We should probably check.

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago

MC Thomas: Okay, not to be rude.... But who is this suppose to be????

MC Gordon: James.

MC Thomas and Edward: WHAT!??!?!

MC Gordon: Yeah, I know. Pretty confusing considering that our James has an ego larger than the sun. Anyways, you two better not give them a heart attack or else you're going to make this situation worse.

MC Edward: What? So you're saying that we can't interact with this version of James???

MC Gordon: W-What-I-I already told them that you guys are chaotic as hell!!!!

MC Toby: Ok, no more fighting! We need to figure out how to solve this problem!

MC Percy: Dad, it's easier said than done.... *Points at @glitterking599's James*

@glitterking599's James: *Staring at something*

MC Edward: What are they?- *Realizes that @glitterking599's James is staring at MC James in the distance* Oh for fucks sake.....

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago

MC Thomas: I know, right? Like, I would probably be dead if I was constantly working.

MC Percy: That's literally saying something about you being a lazy bitch-

MC Toby: Percy no.

MC Percy: Right, sorry.

MC Edward: *Looks at @glitterking599's James* Are you going to stop staring at our James or what?

@glitterking599's James: .....

MC Gordon: I'm going to wake him up-

MC Edward: Oh no, no, no, no. Gordon bud, I can do it all by myself. :)

MC Gordon: What do you mean by that? ಠ_ಠ

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago


MC Edward: Sorry babe, but the other version of James just wouldn't snap out of his trance.

*A bird then falls out of the sky and lands on the ground*

MC Thomas: Or an animal....

@glitterking599's James: *Hyperventilating* W-WHY WO-ULD YOU D-O THAT!??!?!? N-NOW I'M ACTUALLY S-SCARED O-F Y-YOU!!!!

MC Gordon: Okay James. We're going to take you to our version of Lady. She'll know what to do with you.

@glitterking599's James: A-Are y-you sure?.....

MC Percy: Hey, at least she won't be firing gunshots into the air.

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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8 months ago

MC Toby: Oh! To put it simply, she's our god. She resides in the Magic Railroad.

@glitterking599's James: Ummmm.... Y-Yeah, h-how do we g-get there?

MC Toby: We go to a secret buffers that leads us to it. Although, we have to be in our engine forms to do that.

@glitterking599's James: Y-You guys h-have e-engine f-forms?...

MC Thomas: Yep! Just stand back. In case you get a heart attack again.

@glitterking599's James: O-Okay...

*All of the MC Ttte characters then transform into their engine forms as @glitterking599's James watches*

@glitterking599's James: Wow.... T-That is amazing....

MC Thomas: Come on! What are you waiting for? Hop in!

*@glitterking599's James then goes into MC Thomas' cab as the engines puff off to search for the secret buffers*

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

Tags :
7 months ago

MC Thomas: No, I'm being serious that's literally her name.

@gold-dust599's James: ......What?.....

MC Toby: And we're here at the magic buffers!

*The engines arrive at the magic buffers, checking to make sure nobody damages it*

MC Percy: Oh good, nobody destroyed it. Or else that would have been a disaster.

@gold-dust599's James: W-Why?....

MC Gordon: Well because-

???: HEY!!!!!

MC Edward: Wait a minute..... Oh my God this is worse than I expected....

*Everybody turn around to see MC James in his engine form, looking at the group with an annoyed look*

MC Edward: Ah shit, here we go again.

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

Tags :
7 months ago

MC James: Why in the rotating world are you fucking wearing blue?!?! Do you know how DISGUSTING that color is?!?

MC Gordon, Thomas and Edward: JAMES!!!!!

@gold-dust599's James: W-What, me?!?!

MC Gordon: No, not you! Our James!!!

MC Thomas: James can you please not act like a brat?!? I mean seriously, we're doing something important here!

MC James: And what's that?

MC Percy: Sending an alternative version of you back to his universe.

MC James: W-What?.... H-How did he get here then?....

MC Toby: It's a mystery but it would be a huge relief if you helped us.

MC James: ......Okay, but I'm only doing this because I'm feeling nice!

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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7 months ago

MC Toby: Okay! Enough of the nonsense, let's go into the magic buffers and find Lady.

*All the engines move forward into the buffers and disappear as they're transported to the Magic Railroad. There, they end up in Shining Time Station where a small engine was waiting in front of them*

???: Peep, peep! Hello! Are you trying to find Lady?

MC Toby: Oh yeah! Where is she?

???: Well: She's already in front of you.

*The small engine then transforms into the Engine Goddess, Lady*

@gold-dust599's James: Wow, that is surprising..... So, do you know how I can go back?

Lady: Oh! A lost traveler who ended up in my world! Don't worry, I'll teleport you back to your universe. Just tell me which one it is.

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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7 months ago

*@gold-dust599's James looks at the MC Ttte characters as they blow their whistles in union*

MC Thomas: Goodbye Jay! We'll miss you!

MC Percy: It'll be fun to bring your friends with you and not have them panic about where you are!

MC Toby: Wishing you good luck on your journey back home!

MC Gordon: It was a pleasure to help you Jay.

MC Edward: I promise I won't give you panic attacks! And that I won't shoot a bird anymore!

MC James: Well, I hardly knew you but bye-bye I guess.

@gold-dust599's James: W-Well, goodbye everybody!

*Gold dust circles around @gold-dust599's James and it soon swallows him as he's finally transported back to his universe*

Incorrect quotes

My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?

@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?

My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!

Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?

My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?

Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.

My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.

Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?

My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?

My James: Uh, um suuuure???

Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?

My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.

Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.

My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.

My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.

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6 months ago

Poor Ollie, man. Douglas better save him again 😭😭😭

Look! A branchline!

Thomas: Where?!

an engine in need of some grandfatherly advice!

Edward: Where!?

a few drops of rain!

Henry: Where?!

an engine that’s faster than you!

Gordon: Where!?

another red engine


A few mean engines bullying a shunter!

Percy: Where!?

A young engine that’s about to get into some serious trouble!

Toby: Where!? :D

An engine from the Great Western Railway!

Duck: Where!?


Donald: Where!?

Thomas’s special Coach!

Douglas: Where!?

A Deisel engine who wants to scrap you!

Oliver: *screams in PTSD*

A very angry Thomas about to beat you up because you took his coaches!

Emily: oh come on Thomas! They’re just coaches!!

A steam engine to bully!

Diesel: Where!?

Two twins about to cause confusion and delay!


A new engine to tease!

Bill and Ben: Where!?

A mermaid!

Skiff: where!?

Engines causing Confusion and Delay!

The Fat controller: >:O Where!?

A plant pot that is slightly out of place!

Millie: Where!?

An engine that needs therapy!

Victor: Where!?

A train to derail!


The lost engine!

Splodge: Where!?

A Chupacabra!

Casey: Where!?

A duck Thirst Trap!

@asktrio516 : 😍 Where!?

A bunny!

Lord Bunny: WHERE!?

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